Loneliness Statistics Worldwide 2024

Loneliness is an unwelcoming feeling caused by a lack of companionship. Nearly, 1 in 4 adults experience loneliness worldwide. Although many people do not recognize loneliness as a serious concern, it’s important to know its effects can be extreme and wide-ranging. Around 52% of people in the United States are lonely, with young adults aged 18 to 24 being the loneliest. In this article, we will look at loneliness statistics worldwide in 2024 and the latest trends to understand the behavior and risks associated with lonely people. Many people are turning to technology solutions like the AI Girlfriend app or Sexting AI Platforms to combat feelings of loneliness.

Top Loneliness Statistics & Facts

  • 52% of the people in the United States experience loneliness. 
  • One in four young people feels lonely globally. 
  • Brazil is the leading country with the highest number of people feeling lonely regularly. 
  • Young adults aged 18 to 24 are the loneliest age group. 
  • 65% of the parents and guardians are experiencing loneliness compared to non-parents 55%. 
  • Old adults aged 65 and above are the age group with the lowest number of lonely people. 
  • Social media usage is linked with increased feelings of loneliness. 
  • 77% of people who have poor physical health are lonely.

Distribution of feeling Loneliness among adults 2021 by Country

A global survey conducted in 2021 revealed that 33% of individuals worldwide feel lonely. Brazil is the leading country with 50% of people feeling lonely often regularly, while 28% of people hardly or never feel lonely. Turkey is ranked second in the list with 46% of people experiencing loneliness and India is in the third position with 43% of people experiencing loneliness. The survey also revealed that the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, and Russia were among the countries with the highest share of people who didn’t feel lonely. 

Here is a breakdown of the countries with the highest number of respondents feeling lonely among adults: 

Countries Often/Always feel lonely/ Some of the times Hardly/Never feel lonely 
Brazil 50%28%
Turkey 46%32%
India 43%27%
Saudi Arabia 43%37%
Italy 41%29%
South Africa 40%28%
Malaysia 39%21%
South Korea 38%28%
Chile 38%37%
Peru 37%35%
France 36%39%
Argentina 35%38%
Mexico 34%40%
Great Britain 34%39%
Global Average 33%37%
Canada 31%36%
United States 31%41%
Singapore 30%36%
Australia 30%42%
Hungary 29%49%
Belgium 28%38%
Spain 27%42%
Germany 26%50%
China 26%27%
Sweden 25%42%
Russia 25%49%
Poland 23%38%
Japan 16%48%
Netherlands 15%55%

Source: Statista 

Share of individuals worldwide reporting feelings of loneliness in 2022 

A survey was conducted in 2022 in 16 countries to understand the loneliness among people based on age group. It was revealed that young adults aged 18 to 24 were most likely to feel lonely by 59% and reported negative effects on wellbeing from feelings of loneliness. Age groups 25 to 34 were the second highest share of respondents that experienced loneliness. Surprisingly, older adults aged 65 and above had the lowest share of respondents experiencing loneliness, at 22%.  

Below, we have mentioned a table showcasing the negative effects of well-being by loneliness reported by people in 2022:

Age Group Share of respondents 
18 to 2459%
25 to 34 54%
35 to 44 47%
45 to 54 39%
55 to 64 32%
65 and older 22%

Source: Statista 

Distribution of People Feeling Lonely Worldwide by Gender 

The percentage reporting loneliness men and women face is pretty much the same. According to a survey, 24% of men and women have reported feeling extremely lonely globally. Although, there are countries where the rate of self-reported loneliness is much higher for women in comparison to men. 

Below, we have mentioned a table showcasing loneliness reported by people based on Gender: 

Gender Very/Fairly lonely A little lonely Not at all lonely 
Men 24%27%49%
Women 24%27%49%

Although the statistics between men and women are relatively equal regarding loneliness. It is stated that men are a little more likely to report feeling lonely compared to women. Meanwhile, some of the circumstances reported by women for feeling loneliness are as follows: 

  • Chronic Diseases
  • Widowhood 
  • Living alone away from family 
  • Some sort of Disability 

One in Four Young People in the World Feels Lonely

A survey conducted across 142 countries revealed that around 24% of people aged 15 and above reported feeling very lonely or fairly lonely upon asking, “How lonely do you feel?”

The share of respondents with the highest percentage of loneliness was surprisingly young adults between the ages of 19 and 29 (27%). Meanwhile, the older individuals were reportedly less lonely than the young audience. The lowest percentage of respondents experiencing loneliness was those between 65 and above. The survey conducted was an excellent reminder that loneliness is not an issue caused by aging and it can affect anyone regardless of a person’s age.

Here is a breakdown of the loneliness statistics based on Age group: 

Age Group Very/Fairly lonely A little lonely Not at all lonely 
15 to 18 25%30%45%
19 to 29 27%30%43%
30 to 4425%27%48%
45 to 6422%25%53%
65 and above 17%25%57%
Source: Statista 

The study, “The Global State of Social Connections,” was conducted by Gallup and Meta to understand the loneliness faced by people. The global results indicate that young adults aged 19 to 29 are the largest age group, experiencing loneliness by 27%, followed by teenagers aged 15 to 18 and adults 30 to 44 years old, who experience equal levels of loneliness by 25%. Apparently, older adults 65 and above have the lowest ratio in terms of loneliness (17%). 57% of old adults do not feel lonely at all. 

Loneliness Statistics in USA

  • 52% of Americans report feeling lonely
  • 47% of Americans report their relationships with others are not meaningful
  • 57% Single or not, 57% of Americans report eating all meals alone
  • 59% of Americans say they have a best friend, but 12% say they feel they don’t have any close friends.
  • Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., and Denver are the three loneliest cities in the U.S. Loneliness is 3 times higher than the national average in those cities.
  • Wyoming is the loneliest state of all per capita.
  • Wisconsin is the least lonely state in America per capita.
  • 58% of Americans sometimes or always feel like no one knows them well.
  • 61% of all U.S. adults reported feeling lonely, which is up 7% from last year

Percent of U.S. adults who are lonely, shown as demographics:

  • Gen Z: 79%
  • Millennials: 71%
  • Boomers: 50%
  • Men: 46%
  • Women: 45%

Loneliness Statistics By Race 

Race can also play a primary role in unique ways that can make a person feel lonely. Reports suggest that racial minorities can often lead to a person feeling lonely significantly. Here are some of the loneliness statistics by race:

  • A study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, suggests that Black Americans are more likely to feel lonely in comparison to white Americans. 44% of Black adults in the U.S. have reported feeling lonely while 37% of white adults have stated feeling lonely. 
  • According to a study by Cigna, it is reported that Hispanic or Latino people have a higher rate of feeling lonely in comparison to non-Hispanic individuals. Some of the common reasons behind Hispanic or Latino people feeling more lonely can be caused by discrimination, language barriers, and lack of social support.
  • Similar to Hispanic or Latino people, Asian Americans are also likely to feel more lonely due to various cultural aspects like collectivism. According to a study conducted by the National Asian American Survey, it was revealed that Asian Americans who are facing discrimination have a higher chance of reporting loneliness.

It’s highly important to address loneliness faced by people across all different aspects including racial groups to highlight essential needs and challenges faced by the people. By recognizing the differences and discrimination people face, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive space for all communities.

Loneliness Statistics by Income 

Income can play a significant role in a person’s life and influence loneliness at a large scale. Reports suggest that people who earn more are more likely to spend time alone and experience loneliness. However, many good-earning individuals don’t feel lonely daily despite spending most of their time working and less socializing with close ones.

Instead, individuals with lower incomes are reported to be lonely compared to people with higher incomes, regardless of socializing more. 10% of people earning less than $40,000 yearly are likely to feel lonely most days, while 5% report feeling lonely all the time.

People earning $80,000 or higher yearly are less likely to feel lonely as only 3% report feeling lonely.

Overall, income does play a crucial role in determining whether a person is feeling lonely or not. 

Parents and Guardians More Likely to Be Lonely than Non-Parents

A Poll was conducted during the pandemic by KFF Health Tracking to study the negative mental health impacts of adults and it was found that households with children are more likely to experience loneliness compared to non-parents in general. In addition, it was also revealed that mothers were more likely to experience mental health issues and loneliness compared to fathers. Below, we have mentioned statistics showcasing loneliness faced by parents and non-parents:

  • Reports show that 65% of the parents and guardians are experiencing loneliness, which is 10% higher compared to non-parents (55%). 
  • 42% of parents experiencing loneliness are more likely to feel a sense of being left out compared to 24% of non-parents experiencing loneliness. 
  • 69% of mothers experience loneliness which is 7% higher in terms of fathers who experience loneliness by 62%. 
  • 77% of single parents particularly struggle with loneliness. 

Family Connections Impact Feelings of Loneliness

There is no surprise that family relationships can have a major impact on people experiencing loneliness. People who deal with loneliness are less likely to share or discuss their emotions and feelings with others or go for support from their family members or close people.

  • 34% of adults have reported feeling “quite a bit” while talking to their family members or families regarding their feelings or emotions, which is half the rate of non-lonely people (68%). 
  • 65% of the parents or guardians experiencing loneliness might have stronger family support compared to non-parents who are lonely. Half of the lonely parents stated their family has supported them in life compared to 43% of non-parents experiencing loneliness. 
  • 45% of lonely adults stated their family has supported them in life compared to 78% of non-lonely adults. 

Physical and Mental Health Associated with Loneliness

According to research, people suffering from poor physical or mental health have shown more signs of experiencing loneliness in their lives. It doesn’t state that one issue is a reason for another but instead, it suggests that there are associations between physical and mental health with loneliness.

  • People suffering from any physical health problems are about 50% more likely to experience loneliness in comparison to people with stable or good physical health. 
  • 77% of people who have fair or poor physical health are lonely. Half of the people (50%) who have good or excellent physical health are encountering loneliness; this showcases a difference of 27% among people with different physical health. 
  • Adults who are classified as lonely are more likely to be diagnosed with a range of health issues such as weight problems, sleeping disorders, substance use, and more. 
  • Americans with mental health issues are twice as likely to encounter loneliness compared to those with good or strong mental health. 
  • 1 in 4 adults are classified as having poor mental health and among these 85% are experiencing loneliness compared to 42% of adults with good mental health. 
  • 1 in 3 lonely adults (33%) is diagnosed with medical treatment for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and more. 

Impact of loneliness in the workplace 

Loneliness can cause a considerable change in the employee’s behavior such as lower productivity, decline in performance, lack of engagement with others, and more. Data showed that lonely employees are twice as likely to issue sick leave compared at work to non-lonely adults. The report also suggests that lonely employees are 5 times more likely to miss work due to stress issues than non-lonely people. They are also three times more likely to admit they are less productive than other employees. 

  • Loneliness can become a hurdle in an employee’s productivity. 47% of the lonely employees reported they can work efficiently and best with the best abilities compared to two-thirds of the non-lonely employees who are 64% likely to work efficiently with excellent abilities. 
  • 42% of employees encountering loneliness say they feel they are “mentally somewhere else” while working compared to non-lonely workers (18%). 
  • People experiencing loneliness have a higher chance of feeling dissatisfied with their job. Lonely employees are 3 times more likely to stay unhappy with their job by 21% compared to non-lonely workers who are experiencing dissatisfaction with their job by 7%.
  • 3 in 10 employees suffering from loneliness stated they are not feeling well while working in the past 3 months compared to 14% of non-lonely workers. 
  • Lonely employees are more likely to report that their physical, emotional, and mental health barged into their working space and affected their performance. Nearly 1 in 5 lonely employees stated their mental health was causing major interference in their work within the last month alone.

Sexting as a coping mechanism for loneliness:

In the digital age, as loneliness prevails among various age groups, many turn to the internet for connection. One prevalent activity is sexting, which can be a double-edged sword. While it may provide a temporary feeling of connection and intimacy, it’s crucial to understand its implications fully.

AI Girlfriend as a solution to loneliness

With advancing technology, artificial intelligence offers new ways to combat loneliness. The concept of an AI girlfriend, which simulates emotional and conversational interactions, is gaining popularity. This technology aims to provide companionship without the complexities of human relationships.


The percentage of individuals experiencing loneliness is pretty high with nearly 1 in 4 young adults worldwide feeling lonely. Although anyone can experience loneliness regardless of their age group, various aspects such as demographics, physical health, mental health, financial status, and more can have a significant role in whether a person is feeling lonely or not. Above we have mentioned top statistics on loneliness to provide you with a better understanding of its impact and challenges. 

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34 million AI images created per day – AI Art Generator Stats 2024

AI Art Generators have revolutionized the Art industry by allowing users to create unique AI art pieces using detailed text prompts. Today, millions of individuals are accessing AI Art generators to create captivating AI Artworks by unleashing their creativity. In Fact, statistics show that over 15 billion AI images have been created to this point with more than 34 million AI images created per day. In this article, we are going to take an in-depth look at AI Art generator statistics for 2024 along with highlighting its market share, top AI art generators, and more. 

Top AI Art Generator Statistics 

  • The AI image-generating market is projected to be valued at $917.4 million by 2030, with a CAGR of 17.4%.
  • 1 billion AI-generated images were produced by Adobe Firefly as of July 2023. 
  • The Global AI image-generating market was valued at $257.1 million in 2022.
  • WOMBO Dream is the most popular AI art-generating mobile app with over 10 million downloads on the Play Store with over 1.5 billion images generated. 
  • 56% of Americans who witnessed AI art claimed to have enjoyed it, while 34% revealed they felt it was better than human-created artworks. 
  • 42% of Gen Z and 48% of Millennials in the United States believe that AI-generated artworks should be recognized as real art. 
  • 25% of U.S. Marketers access OpenAI’s DALL-E for AI image creation, making it the most popular AI Art generating platform for marketers in 2023.
  • 27% of Americans claim they have seen an AI-generated Art.
  • 56% of individuals who have seen AI-generated Artworks claim they have enjoyed it. 
  • Models based on Stable Diffusion have created the highest number of AI images (12.590 billion), making it the most popular AI Art generator globally. 
  • Adobe Firefly is the fastest-growing AI art creator with 1 billion images created in just the first three months of its launch. 
  • Midjourney has the highest user base with over 15 million users. 

How many AI images are generated per day?

On average, more than 34 million AI Images are generated per day. The AI Art generating platforms have experienced significant growth in the last few years. The statistics also show that over 15 billion AI images are generated using text-to-image algorithms. 

Some of the most well-known AI image-generating tools utilized by users are Midjourney, DALL-E, NightCafe, Stable Diffusion, and Starry AI. 

Market share of leading generative AI image tools worldwide in 2023 

When it comes to leading AI Art generators then midjourney tops the list with a 26.8 market share. Followed by DALL-E in the second position and NightCafe in the third position. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the Top AI Art Generators in the market in 2024:

Rank AI Art Generator Market Share 
1Midjourney 26.8 
2Dall-E 24.4
3Nightcafe 23.2
4Starry AI 12.75
5Stable Diffusion 12.5

Source: Statista


Midjourney is one of the most popular AI Art generators that was first launched in beta in July 2022. This AI art-generating platform is currently available through Discord, where users can enter their text prompts explaining their desired artwork or images for its generation. 

The Midjoureny Discord server recorded 17.5 million members in December 2023, making it the most popular server on the platform. In addition, Midjourney is also gaining massive recognition in its Google Search as well, it was revealed by Google Trends that it hit a peak of 100 in early February 2023. 


DALL-E was created by OpenAI, a popular company that created ChatGPT. OpenAI launched its AI art-generating platform in January 2021 through which users can generate unique and eye-catching images on the basis of NLP prompts. 

Around 3 million AI images were being created as of May 2022, and about 1,000 new users were being registered every week. The platform first became publicly available in September 2022, and since then it has produced about 2 million AI images on average every day.


This AI art generator was founded in November 2019 and it has created more than 35 million AI-generated images and artworks as of October 2022, making it one of the most-used AI Art generating platforms in the market. 

According to Similarweb, NightCafe had about 8.2 million visitors as of December 2023 on its website, and it showcased a growth of 3.3% in comparison to its previous month. 

Adobe’s Firefly

This AI Art generator is not as big as compared to other platforms. However, it’s still worth noticing. Firefly was launched in March 2023, and within a month of its release, more than 70 million AI-generated images were produced by users. The count came close to 1 billion by July 2023. 

Similar to Midjourney, Adobe’s Firefly also consists of a Discord server that currently has over 560,000 members.

Number of AI-generated Images by AI Art Generator 

Models based on Stable Diffusion are the leading AI Art generator that has produced the highest number of AI Images (12.590 billion). Followed by, Adobe Firefly in the second position which has created about 1 billion AI images, and Midjourney in the third position which generated 964 million AI Images.

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing top AI Art generators that have produced the highest number of AI images.

AI Art Generator AI Images Created 
Models based on Stable Diffusion 12.590 billion 
Adobe Firefly 1 billion 
Midjourney 964 million 
DALL-E 2 916 million 

How People in the United States perceive AI-generated Art 

In 2023, a survey was conducted to understand how Americans look at AI-generated artworks and images. Below we have mentioned statistics on how people in the United States perceive AI-generated art.

Have you seen AI-generated Art? 

During the survey, people were asked whether they had ever seen an AI-generated Art to which 27% of the respondents said Yes, while 56% claimed they have enjoyed it, and only 19% stated they did not enjoy it.

Yes 27%
Enjoyed 56%
Did not enjoy 19%

Is AI-generated Art better than Human created Art? 

Surprisingly, when people were asked whether they think AI-generated artworks are better than human-created art, 34% responded saying yes, while 29% said No, and 31% said they felt both are the same.

Yes 34%
No 29%
The Same 31%

9% of Americans believe that the user who has entered the text prompt should get credit 

Some people in the United States believe the AI tool makers and artists who trained the platform deserve to be credited for the AI artwork generated. About 9% of the people state that the person who entered the text prompt into the AI Art generator such as NightCafe deserves to be credited for the stunning visual generated by the tool. While 15% believe that the developers of the AI Art generating tool deserve credit for the art. 13% believe the artist on which the tool is trained deserves to be credited and 21% believe that all three deserve shared authorship. 

AI Art Popularity Statistics

In this section, we are going to take a look at the size and popularity of some of the top AI Art generators. 

In October 2022 Stable Diffusion surpassed a milestone of 10 million daily users.  

Popular open-source AI image-generating tool Stable Diffusion garnered 10 million daily users in October 2022, making it one of the most popular and used AI art platforms worldwide. Currently, the platform is worth over $1 billion U.S. Dollars.

“AI Art” Google searches witness a peak in December 2022

In the last couple of years, AI Art platforms and tools have generated massive recognition from people all across the world. But the Google searches witnessed a peak in December 2022 showcasing the willingness among people to learn about AI art platforms.

WOMBO Dream is named the most popular AI Art mobile app worldwide

Currently, there are a variety of different AI Art/Image-generating apps available on Google Play Store that can be downloaded by users for the creation of AI artworks. Dream by WOMBO is apparently the most popular AI Art mobile app available on Play Store with over 10 million downloads. When combining the number of downloads with iOS users, it was revealed by the company that the total number of users reached 60 million with over 1.5 billion artworks generated. 

MidJourney is the second most popular AI art generator.

After Stable Diffusion, the second most popular AI Art generating tool is Midjourney which currently has over 17.9 million registered users in its Discord Channel along with millions of active users accessing the platform and creating AI-generated artworks and images. 

OpenAI’s AI Art-generating tool DALL-E has more than 1.5 million users, regardless of being paywalled

DALL-E was created by the same team that is behind the widespread AI chatbot tool ChatGPT. Even though DALL-E is way less active compared to popular AI Art AI-generating platforms such as Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. One of the potential reasons behind DALL-E not being able to achieve the same success as Midjourney and Stable Diffusion might have to do with its pricing plans which require to pay a minimum of $15 for credit in order to access the platform. But regardless, DALL-E is still capable of acquiring 1.5 million users globally and over 2 million artworks are built on the platform every day. 

The highest-valued AI Art was sold in 2018 for $432,000 U.S. Dollars 

An AI portrait of Edmond Belamy generated by a Paris-based art collective Obvious. It created history by becoming the most-valued AI Art piece sold traditionally for $432,000 in 2018. Christie was the first auction house to offer an Art piece created through an algorithm that was trained on 15,000 portraits painted between the 14th and 20th Century. 

The most-valued AI created by NFT was sold for $1.1 million

An AI-generated non-fungible token (NFT) refers to the unique digital identifier that is utilized to certify the authenticity and ownership of digital assets that are generated using AI. This usually includes various types of content such as videos, digital assets, and music. In 2021, a robot artist named “Botto” generated and sold about four AI-generated NFTs for a combined price of $1.1 million. The AI-generated pieces were sold as NFTs for cryptocurrency. Botto was generated by Marios Klingemann and computer engineers in 2021 and it utilizes algorithms to produce unique ideas which would play a significant role in the art industry.  As of now, it has generated over 75 NFTs and raked in over $3 million in terms of revenue.

NSFW AI Art Statistics 

In this section, we are going to take a look at statistics related to NSFW AI Art. 

How many NSFW AI images are generated per day?

According to reports, over 500,000 NSFW AI images are being generated per day by Unstable Diffusion. Data on how the total number of NSFW images created every day is unclear. However, looking at the demand and popularity NSFW AI image generators have achieved in the last few years, it’s pretty clear the number is in the millions. 

Top Websites 

Nudify.online is the top NSFW AI Art generating website with the highest number of total visits of 9.9 million. Followed by Sexy.ai in the second position with 6.6 million and Undress.app in the third most popular site with 5.5 million visits. 

Top NSFW Art Generator Total visits 
nudify.online9.9 million 
Sexy.ai6.6 million 
Undress.app 5.5 million 
SoulGen AI 2.9 million 
Promptchan AI 2.8 million 
porngen.art1.9 million 
Seduced AI 846K

Source: SimilarWeb

“NSFW AI Art” Google search peak in August 2023

NSFW AI Art generators have gained excellent recognition in the past few years, with more and more people searching for “NSFW AI Art” on Google search.

According to Google Trends, “NSFW AI Art” witnessed a peak in search in August 2023. 


What is the top-rated AI art generator?

Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, DALL-E, NightCafe, and Adobe’s Firefly are some of the top-rated AI Art generators across the world. 

What percentage of people like AI Art? 

56% of people who have seen AI-generated Art have claimed to like it while 19% of the individuals who have seen AI Art stated they did not like it. 

Will AI replace artists in 2024?

No, the chances of AI replacing artists in 2024 are unlikely. AI Art generators can play a significant role for artists in exploring new creative directions and approaches; however, it’s still not fully capable of replacing human artists, although it might be a possible outcome in the future.

Wrapping Up 

AI Art Generators have clearly gained massive popularity among the masses for their excellent capability to create visually stunning AI Artworks through text prompts in just a few seconds. This has encouraged digital artists, painters, content creators, marketers, and even casual users to create unique AI art pieces without actually spending hours of hard work resulting in millions of people signing up for AI Art generators and over 34 million AI Images are generated per day. In Fact, by 2030 the global AI image-generating market is projected to be valued at $917.4 million. Therefore, the future of AI Art generators looks pretty bright with the capability of new features and attributes likely to be introduced.

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How Many People Use the Internet – Statistics 2024

The internet has become a part of our day-to-day life. In 2024, the vast majority of individuals worldwide own a smartphone and have access to the internet. Today, we utilize the internet for a number of things, such as accessing social media platforms, checking bank statements, sending money, online shopping, watching videos, etc. 

The latest data shows that currently, there are over 5.44 billion internet users globally, and the numbers are expected to reach 7.9 billion by 2029. 

In this article, we are going to explore internet usage statistics in 2024, to gain a deeper understanding of the digital world and the true impact the internet has among internet users globally. 

Key Internet Usage Statistics 

As of 2024, there are 5.44 billion using the Internet worldwide. 

  • The Average time spent by an internet user globally is 6 hours and 35 minutes daily.
  • The number of Internet users is projected to reach 7.9 billion in 2029. 
  • More than 60% of the internet traffic comes from mobile devices. 
  • The number of internet users in the United States has reached 323,56 million in 2024.
  • Eastern Asia is the leading region with the highest percentage of internet users worldwide. 
  • The global internet user penetration rate reached 67.1% in April 2024.
  • Users aged 25 to 34 years old have the highest percentage of internet usage 35.6%.
  • Out of 5.44 billion internet users, 5.07 billion users access social media. 
  • China is the leading country with the highest number of internet users 1.05 billion worldwide. 
  • Asia has recorded the highest percentage of internet users globally by region.  

Number of internet users worldwide (2014 to 2029)

The Global number of internet users is projected to witness a significant increase between 2024 to 2029 by a total of 1.1 billion users (+16.92 percent). The number of internet users is expected to reach a milestone of 7.3 billion in 2029. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing the number of internet users worldwide from 2014 to 2029:

Year Number of users (in millions)
2015 2,977

Source: Statista 

Internet Usage Statistics by Country 

China is the leading country with the highest number of internet users worldwide at 1.05 billion.

Followed by India in the second position with 692 million internet users, and the United States in the third position with 311.3 million internet users. 

Below we have mentioned a table highlighting the top internet users by country: 

Country Number of Internet Users
China1.05 billion
India692 million
US311.3 million
Indonesia212.9 million
Brazil181.8 million
Russia127.6 million
Nigeria122.5 million
Japan102.5 million
Mexico100.6 million
Pakistan87.35 million
Philippines85.16 million
Egypt80.75 million
Vietnam77.93 million
Germany77.53 million
Turkey71.38 million
Iran69.83 million
Bangladesh66.94 million
UK66.11 million
Thailand61.21 million
France59.94 million
Italy50.78 million
South Korea50.56 million
Spain45.12 million
Argentina39.79 million

Source: Statista

Internet user distribution worldwide in 2024, by region

As of January 2024, Asia recorded the highest percentage of internet users globally with 23.9%, almost a quarter of the global internet users belonging to Eastern Asia. Followed by Southern Asia ranked in second position with 19.6% of the global internet users. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the global internet users’ distribution based on Region: 

Region Share of internet users 
Eastern Asia 23.9%
Southern Asia 19.6%
South-Eastern Asia 9.2%
Northern America6.9%
Southern America6.8%
Eastern Europe 4.8%
Western Asia 4.3%
Western Africa3.5%
Western Europe 3.5%
Northern Africa 3.4%
Central America2.7%
Southern Europe 2.5%
Eastern Africa2.5%
Northern Europe 2%
Middle Africa1.2%
Central Asia 1.1%
Southern Africa1%
Oceania 0.7%
Caribbean 0.6%

Source: Statista 

Global internet user penetration (2014 to 2024)

As of April 2024, 67.1% of the global population was accessing the internet. Over the years, there has been significant growth in the number of users accessing the internet. Back in 2014, only 35% of the global population was accessing the internet. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the share of the global population using the Internet from 2014 to 2024:

YearShare of the global population 
July 202364.5%
October 202365.7%
January 202466.2%
April 202467.1%

Source: Statista

Average Daily Time spent using the Internet

As of the fourth quarter of 2023, the average daily time spent by users accessing the internet was 6 hours and 35 minutes. There has been a decrease of 1% compared to the previous quarter which has a daily average of 6 hours and forty minutes. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing the average daily time spent by users accessing the internet:

Year Average daily time spent (in hours and minutes) 
Q3 20156.19 
Q3 20166.29 
Q3 20176.46
Q3 20186.48
Q3 20196.38
Q3 20206.55
Q3 20216.57
Q3 20226.37
Q4 20226.35
Q1 20236.4
Q2 20236.41
Q3 20236.4
Q4 20236.35

Source: Statista 

Internet Penetration Rate by Gender 

According to reports by April 2023, the share of women accessing the internet globally is low in comparison to men. The latest data revealed that 64.4% of women worldwide were accessing the internet, while the share of men was 69.8%. 

Gender Share of users 
Male 69.8%
Female 64.4%

Source: Statista 

Internet Usage Statistics by Age

As of February 2024, 35.6% of total internet usage individuals globally were between 25 to 34 years old. Followed by individuals between the ages 35 to 44 as the second leading age group with 24% and young adults aged between 18 to 24 in the third position with 19% of the total internet usage. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the percentage of internet usage globally based on Age group:

Age Group Percentage of Internet usage 
18 to 2419%
25 to 3435.6%
35 to 4424%
45 to 5411.3%
55 to 646%
65 and above  4.2%

Source: Statista

Number of Internet and social media users worldwide as of April 2024

As of April 2024, the total number of Internet users was recorded to be 67.1% of the world population. About 5.44 billion users are Internet users and of this total, about 5.07 billion users access Social Media.

Internet & Social MediaNumber of users 
Internet Users 5.44 billion 
Social Media Users 5.07 billion 

Source: Statista 

Share of Daily Internet Time Globally by Device 

Over the years, there has been a significant increase in the percentage of users spending time on the internet on smartphones. Similarly, with the rise in users accessing mobile for internet usage, there has been a decrease in the usage of computers to access the internet on a daily basis. 

During the fourth quarter of 2023, about 58% of the total daily time spent by internet users was through their mobile devices which includes smartphones and feature phones. While 42.2% of the time spent was through computers. The picture was quite different in 2017, where 54.4% of users utilized computers to access the internet, while the percentage of users utilizing mobile was 45.6%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the share of daily internet time globally based on devices: 

Year Mobiles Computer 
Q3 201745.6%54.4%
Q3 201849.5%50.5%
Q3 2019 50.8%49.2%
Q3 202052.8%47.2%
Q4 202052.2%47.8%
Q3 202153.5%46.5%
Q4 202154.7%45.3%
Q3 202256.9%43.1%
Q4 202257%43%
Q1 202356.8%43.2%
Q2 202357.1%42.9%
Q3 202357.6%42.4%
Q4 202357.8%42.2%

Source: Statista 

Number of Emails Exchanged by Internet Users

As of 2023, there were 347.3 billion emails exchanged by internet users per day and these numbers are expected to keep growing over the years. In 2024, the number of emails exchanged is projected to reach 361.6 billion. The figures are also expected to reach a milestone of 392.5 billion by 2026. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the number of emails exchanged by Internet users over the years:

YearNumber of Emails Exchanged 
2026*392.5 billion
2025*376.4 billion
2024*361.6 billion
2023347.3 billion
2022333.2 billion
2021319.6 billion
2020306.4 billion
2019293.6 billion
2018281.1 billion
2017269 billion

Source: Statista

Internet Usage Statistics in the U.S.

In this section, we are going to take a look at the internet usage statistics in the United States. We are going to highlight the total number of internet users, penetration rate, gender, and more. 

Number of Internet Users in the US 

As of 2024, the number of internet users in the United States was 323,56 million, and based on the latest reports the numbers are expected to witness excellent growth in upcoming years. The number of internet users in the U.S. is projected to reach 343.48 million in 2029. 

Here is a breakdown of the number of internet users in the United States from 2020 to 2029: 

YearNumber of Internet Users In The US
2029*343.48 million
2028*340.46 million
2027*336.6 million
2026*332.51 million
2025*328.16 million
2024323.56 million
2023318.66 million
2022313.6 million
2021308.6 million
2020301.78 million

Internet users in the U.S. by gender

The percentage of internet users in the United States based on gender is pretty equal. In 2023, the share of male internet users was low in comparison to females. The latest data revealed 96% of females were accessing the internet in the United States, while the share for male users was 94%. 

Here is a breakdown of internet users in the U.S. by gender:


Mobile Internet User Statistics

In this section, we are going to take an in-depth look at the statistics related to Mobile internet users. 

Number of mobile internet users in the U.S.

As of 2023, the number of mobile internet users in the United States reached 295.46 million. With constant demand and need for the internet all across the world, the number of mobile internet users is expected to witness significant growth over the years. Number of mobile internet users is projected to reach a milestone of 333.18 million by 2029. 

Here is a breakdown of the Number of mobile internet users in the United States:

YearNumber of Mobile Internet Users
2029*333.18 million
2028*330.25 million
2027*326.5 million
2026*322.53 million
2025*318.32 million
2024*311.36 million
2023295.46 million
2022279.04 million
2021262.31 million
2020250.45 million

Penetration Rate of mobile internet users in the U.S.

The Penetration rate of mobile internet users in the United States was 85.39% in 2023 and the numbers are projected to witness a significant growth over the years. The Penetration rate of mobile internet users is expected to reach 86.26% in 2024 and by 2029 the percentage is expected to reach a milestone of 89.2% in the United States. 

Here is a breakdown of mobile internet users penetration rate in the United States:

YearPenetration Rate

The smallest population to have internet access in the U.S. is Rural America 

According to research by the Pew Research Centre, the rural areas of the United States have the smallest population to have access to the internet by 93%. The urban area in the U.S. has 95% of the internet access and the suburban area has 97% access to the internet across the U.S. 

Social Media Statistics

The total number of internet users in 2024 is 5.44 billion out of which 5.04 billion social media users worldwide as of 2024. In 2023, the number of social media users was 4.90 billion, and in 2022 it was 4.59 billion. 

Here is a breakdown of the number of social media users over the years:

YearNumber of Social Media Users
20245.04 billion
20234.90 billion
20224.59 billion
20214.26 billion
20203.9 billion
20193.51 billion
20183.1 billion
20172.73 billion

Active Internet users on different social media platforms

Out of 5.44 billion internet users worldwide, 5.07 billion internet users access Social media. Facebook is currently the most-used social media platform among internet users with 3.05 billion users. Followed by YouTube in the second position with 2.49 billion users and WhatsApp and Instagram in the third and fourth position with 2 billion users respectively. 

Below we have mentioned a table listing down most-used social media platforms among internet users worldwide:

Social Media PlatformNumber of Users
Facebook3.05 billion
Youtube2.49 billion
Whatsapp2 billion
Instagram2 billion
TikTok1.56 billion
WeChat1.34 billion
Facebook Messenger979 million
Telegram800 million
Snapchat750 million

How Internet Users Access Internet by Device 

Mobile phones are the most popular device utilized by users to access the internet with 92.3%. Followed by laptops and desktops in the second position by 65.6%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing how internet users access the internet based on devices:

DeviceShare of Users
Mobile phone (any)92.3%
Laptop or desktop (any)65.6%
Feature phone5.2%
Tablet device27.3%
Own laptop or desktop59.1%
Work laptop or desktop28.6%
Connected television31.9%
Smart home device15.4%
Games console12.7%

Most popular reasons for using the Internet worldwide

According to a report by Statista, finding information is the most popular reason (60.3%) behind users accessing the internet globally. Followed by connecting with family and friends as the second most popular reason behind users accessing the internet by 56.8%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top reasons behind users accessing the internet worldwide:

Popular Reasons Share of internet users 
Finding Information 60.3%
Staying in touch with friends and families 56.8%
Watching videos, tv shows or movies52.3%
Keeping up to date with news and events 50.8%
Researching how to do things48.5%
Finding new ideas and inspiration 45.6%
Accessing and listening to music 45.3%
Researching products and brands 43.5%
Filling up spare time and browsing 41.9%
Education and study-related purposes 38.3%
Researching places, vacation and travel 36.9%
Researching health issues and healthcare products 35.2%
Managing finance and savings33.7%
Business-related research 29.5%
Gaming 29.3%

Source: Statista 


How many people use the Internet in 2024?

5.44 billion people are using the internet in 2024 worldwide, which amounts to 67.1% of the world population.

Which country has the highest number of internet users?

China has the highest number of internet users worldwide with an estimated 1.05 billion internet users based on a report by Statista.

What is the internet used for most?

Finding information is the top characteristic by 60.3% for which the internet is used the most. Followed by staying in touch with friends and family as the second top reason at 56.8%, and watching online content as the third most popular reason behind users accessing the internet at 52.3%.

How many internet users are there in India in 2025?

The number of internet users in India is expected to reach 900 million by 2025 witnessing a rise of 141 million from the current 759 million users.

What happens in an internet minute in 2024?

Multiple things happen on the internet every minute in 2024. Millions of people check their emails, send out messages, perform online shopping, scroll through social media, watch videos, and much more. In addition, the time spent by users online on the internet is increasing every year with a 30% rise in online content consumption rate since the previous year. 

Who uses the internet the most age?

The age group 25 to 34 uses the internet the most, with 35.6%, followed by the Age group 35 to 44, which has an internet usage rate of 24%. 

Which country is no 1 in Internet speed?

Monaco is number one in internet speed with the leading broadband speed of 261.82 Mbps. Followed by Singapore in the second position with a broadband speed of 255.83 Mbps. 

Wrapping Up 

The above statistics clearly indicate that today, the internet has become a crucial part of our lives, with the number of people accessing the internet reaching 5.44 billion. Today, people across the world are accessing the internet for multiple purposes such as social media, education, e-commerce, and much more. With growing technology, internet usage is expected to keep evolving and growing along with the number of internet users reaching 7.9 billion in 2029.

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Character AI Statistics 2024 -Users, Valuation, Revenue

Character AI has taken the conversational AI industry by storm. Released in 2022, this AI chatbot has witnessed excellent user growth and engagement rate attracting users from across the globe with its unique AI interaction approach. 

Currently, 233.3 million people use Character AI worldwide in April 2024, along with an annual revenue estimated to be $16.7 million as of 2024. In this article, we are going to take an in-depth look at Character AI statistics including its demographics, user growth, traffic, engagement rate, and more.

Key Character AI Statistics 2024 

  • Character.AI has more than 20 million users accessing the platform in 2024. 
  • 50.42% of Character AI users accessing the chatbot are Male. 
  • Character AI is majorly popular among young adults with 57.07% of users aged between 18 to 24 accessing the platform.
  • The Average time spent by a user on Character AI is 2 hours. 
  • Character AI has been downloaded over 10 million times in Google Play Store. 
  • The United States is the leading country with the highest percentage of Character AI traffic 22.14%. 
  • 72.56% of the Character AI users prefer to access the platform through the Mobile web. 

Character AI Overview

Character AI is a popular startup that primarily focuses on chatbot technology and generative artificial intelligence. Since its launch in 2022, the platform has experienced excellent revenue growth and valuation globally.

Release Date September 16, 2022
Founders Noam Shazeer and Daniel De Freitas
Type of site Chatbot, artificial intelligence, deep learning
Country origin United States 
Headquarters 1152, 700 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, California 
Website character.ai 

Character.AI Revenue and Valuation Statistics

As of 2024, Character AI’s estimated annual revenue is $16.7 million. In addition, the revenue per employee of Character AI is estimated to be $139,000 as of 2024. 

Character AI Funding 

The total funding of Character AI is $150 million. As of November 2023, the valuation of the platform is about $5 billion. The company has about 120 employees and it witnessed a growth in employee count by 140% since the previous year. Some of the investors who funded character AI were Andreessen Horowitz, SV Angel, and three others. 

Character AI Users by Age Group 

There is no surprise that Character AI has a strong appeal among the young audience. The majority of Character AI’s audience falls under the age group of 18 to 24 years old by 57.07%. The second leading age group accessing Character AI is 25 to 34 year-olds by 22.49% and age group 35 to 44 year olds are the third leading age group with 11.24%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Character AI’s share of users by Age group:

Age GroupShare Of Users
18 to 24 years57.07%
25 to 34 years22.49%
35 to 44 years11.24%
45 to 54 years4.58%
55 to 64 years2.72%
65 years or more1.9%

Character AI Users by Gender 

The percentage of male and female users accessing Character AI has come quite close over the last few months. Currently, the male audience is the leading gender accessing character AI by 50.42%. The percentage of females accessing the platform is 49.58%. Overall, the number of males and females utilizing the platform is pretty equal.

Gender Share of Users 
Male 50.67%
Female 49.33%

Character AI Traffic By Country 

The United States has recorded the highest number of traffic on Character AI by 22.14%. Followed by, Indonesia in the second position with 13.04% and Mexico in the third position with 6.71%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Character AI Traffic based on countries: 

Country Share of Traffic 
United States 22.14%
Indonesia 13.04%
Mexico 6.71%
Brazil 5.39%
India 4.28%

Source: Similarweb

Character.AI Top Marketing Channels

A large section of Character AI traffic is recorded directly by 64.32%, followed by organic search as the second top marketing channel with 24.87% of the traffic recorded. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing the percentage of traffic directed toward Character AI based on marketing channels:

Marketing Channels Share of Traffic recorded 
Direct 64.32%
Organic search 24.87%
Social 8.13%
Email 0.10%
Display ads0.04%
Paid search 0.0%

Character AI Device Distribution 

72.56% of the Character AI users access the chatbot through the mobile web, while 27.44% of the users prefer to access the platform through the Desktop.

Device Type Percentage of users 
Desktop 27.44%
Mobile Web 72.56%

Character AI Top Organic Search Terms 

When talking about keywords, “Character AI” is the top organic search term by 56.37% which plays a significant role in the monthly search of the platform. Followed by c.ai in the second position by 4.80%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top organic search terms for Character AI:

Top Organic Search Terms Monthly Searches 
Character ai 56.37%
c.ai 4.80%
character.ai 1.69%
Beta character ai 1.40%
c ai 1.34%

Social Media Traffic on Character AI

YouTube is the leading social media platform with the highest percentage of Character AI traffic at 56.69%. Followed by Discord in the second position with 7.29% and Reddit in the third rank with 6.59%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing social media traffic on Character AI:

Social Media Platform Percentage of Traffic 
YouTube 59.69%
Reddit 6.59%
Others 15.38%

Average Time Spent by users on Character AI 

When compared with various other prominent AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, Poe AI, Google Bard, and other platforms, Character AI was able to stand out in the list in terms of engagement time. The Average time spent by users on the Character AI platform is 120 minutes, the highest among other chatbots. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the average time spent by users on chatbots:

Chatbot PlatformAverage Session Duration
Character.AI120 minutes
ChatGPT7 minutes
Google Bard5 minutes
Poe AI6 minutes
Jasper AI3.5 minutes
Writesonic AI4.2 minutes

Character AI Users Statistics 

In April 2024, Character AI monthly visits reached 208.2 million

Character AI received about 208.2 million visits per month in April 2024 according to data provided by SimilarWeb. The total number of visits to Character AI reached a milestone of 624.8 million.

Character AI was the second AI tool with the largest market share worldwide 

In 2023 a report by Statista revealed that Character AI is the second AI platform with the largest market share (15.8%) worldwide falling behind ChatGPT which is the leading AI tool with the highest market share (60.2%). 

Over 16 million chatbots have been created using Character AI

Character AI has gained extreme popularity among users with more and more people signing up on the platform on a daily basis. People are not only using the platform to have fun interactions but instead, they are accessing character AI to new unique chatbots for themselves. According to Bloomberg, over 16 million chatbots have been created by users on Character AI, which clearly indicates the impact the platform is having among users.

Character AI has been downloaded over 10 million times worldwide in Google Play Store

Character AI is one of the most popular chatbot apps available on the Google Play Store. Character AI has been downloaded over 10 million times and contains a 3.9 rating on the Play Store and a 4.8 rating on the App Store

On Average a user spends about 120 minutes on Character AI

Ever since its launch in 2022, Character AI has gained immersive popularity among the audience. In Fact, Character AI is also able to surpass other prominent AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, and others in terms of average time spent. A user spends about 2 hours on the platform daily showcasing high levels of engagement among the users toward the AI chatbot. The average duration for a single visit on Character AI’s website is recorded to be between 30 to 40 minutes.

Character AI resonates with slightly older millennials 

There is no surprise that Gen Z or young adults access Character AI platforms on a large scale with the highest percentage of Character AI users falling under the age group of 18 to 24 by 57.07%. However, it’s quite surprising to see older millennials or users under the age group of 25 to 34 also resonate with Character AI platforms that are tech-savvy.

Character.AI Statistics Reddit 

Over the past few months, Character.AI Reddit has also witnessed great demand among users 

Character.AI Reddit has witnessed excellent popularity among users in the last few months. In Fact, the number of members on Reddit has reached over 50K showcasing its demand among the audience. The majority of the time users are seen sharing various screenshots of their messages or chats, feedback, memes, server downtime, and more on the Character.AI subreddit. 

46% of the character AI users said they want the feature to manually edit their character messages 

A Grand poll was conducted by Character AI on Reddit to understand its users’ demand and gain feedback regarding the chances users’ would like to see on the platform. It was revealed through the poll that a large number of users would like to have the ability to edit their character chats manually. 

In the same poll, it was also revealed that better memory was the second most important feature proposed by the users by 29%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the most important features that Character AI users would like to see on the platform.

The Most Important Proposed Feature Percentage 
Ability to edit the character’s messages manually46%
Enhanced memory29%
Try to make characters take more initiative13%
Investigate and attempt to minimize personality drift in long chats6%
Don’t let bots do “(OOC: End RP)”5%


How many people use Character AI? 

Over 20 million users are using Character AI worldwide. Also, 4.2 monthly active users come from the United States alone for Character AI according to a report by Similarweb.

Which country uses Character.AI the most?

The United States is the country that uses Character.AI the most with a 22.14% share of traffic, followed by Indonesia in the second position with a 13.04% share of traffic.

How successful is Character AI?

Character is the second AI platform with the highest market share (15.8%) worldwide. Also, Character AI is the leading AI tool with the highest average time spent by 120 minutes. 

Who is the most used character in AI?

Gojo Satoru by Serafinya is the most used character in AI with 303 million interactions on Character AI. Psychologist by Blazeman98 is the most popular mental health character with 113.6 million interactions on the platform.

Is sexting allowed in Character AI?

No, sexting is not allowed in Character AI and the platform contains strict rules and regulations against mature and explicit topic interactions to ensure a safe and appropriate environment for all its users. 

Do real people respond in Character AI?

No, real people don’t respond in Character AI instead they are AI-generated characters who are responding to users’ input. Therefore, users can be rest assured that they are not interacting with a real person.

What gender uses character AI the most?

Males are more likely to use Character AI than females. The approximate ratio of males accessing Character AI is 50.42% and the percentage for females is 49.58%. Although the ratio is pretty close still men do have a slightly higher edge in users for now.

Is Character.AI child friendly?

No, Character.AI is not child friendly and the platform isn’t suitable for children below the age of 13. This platform is primarily designed for young adults between the age group of 18 to 20 years old. 

Wrapping Up

Overall, Character AI has generated excellent user growth and engagement within just a few years of its launch. The popularity and demand of Character AI are booming every day with over 10 million downloads of Character AI official apps on the Play store alone. Looking at the impressive growth and numbers generated by Character AI the future looks quite bright for the AI chatbot.

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51 Facts and Statistics about Outsourcing (2024-2027)

Outsourcing is a popular business practice that helps improve the efficiency of various organizations, allowing employees to focus on core business functions and help cut costs simultaneously. 

Today, Outsourcing has become a global industry with businesses of all industries and sizes utilizing outsourcing services to enhance their businesses. The outsourcing spending worldwide was predicted to be $731 billion in 2023. In this article, we will look at the Top Outsourcing statistics (2024-2027) along with the global market, revenue, latest trends, and more.

Top Outsourcing Statistics (2024-2027)

  • In 2023, the global outsourcing spending was predicted to reach $731 billion. 
  • The Global revenue of the IT outsourcing industry is projected to reach a milestone of 777.74 billion in 2028. 
  • More than 1 million employees in China join the outsourcing service industry every year. 
  • By 2027, the business process outsourcing (BPO) market will be valued at more than $400 billion. 
  • More than 6,600 outsourcing firms operate in China. 

Global Outsourcing Market Statistics

The outsourcing market worldwide is ruled by two sub-industries: Business process outsourcing (BPO) and IT Outsourcing (ITO). The IT Outsourcing industry includes multiple services such as web hosting, cloud computing, data backups, and cybersecurity. On the other hand, business process outsourcing (BPO) includes many functions like customer service and logistics, marketing services, payroll, and various other Human resources services. 

The Global spending of businesses on outsourcing was predicted to reach $731 billion in 2023

According to Deloitte, the amount spent by businesses on outsourcing was expected to reach a peak of $731 billion in 2023. In 2022, businesses spent around $700 billion on outsourcing and were expected to witness a rise of 31 billion in 2023. In addition, IT outsourcing spending was also predicted to make $519 billion in 2023 and witness a rise of 22% from 2019. In 2023, BPO (Business process outsourcing) was forecasted at $212 billion, which witnessed a 19% rise from 2019. 

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is projected to reach over $400 billion by 2027

Many industries such as E-commerce, Healthcare, Tech, and others depend on Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs) to perform internal processes. Most BPO activities are in-house functions such as front office and human resources requirements. Around 59% of big and small businesses slowly utilize outsourcing services as a cost-cutting tool. This results in massive growth for the BPO industry year after year and is projected to reach a milestone of $400 billion by 2027.

The business process outsourcing market worldwide is projected to be worth $525 billion by 2030

The Business process outsourcing market is expected to rise 9% every year from now to 2030 and is projected to be worth $525 billion in 2030. The areas in the BPO industry expected to witness the highest growth are IT, telecommunications, and financial services. 

Revenue of the IT outsourcing industry worldwide 2019-2028

The global revenue in the IT services market’s ‘IT Outsourcing’ segment is expected to reach 512.47 by the end of 2024. Also, the IT outsourcing industry is expected to witness significant growth in its revenue and reach a milestone of 777.74 billion U.S. dollars by 2028

Here is a breakdown of the revenue generated by the IT outsourcing industry worldwide from 2019 to 2028:

Year Revenue (in billion)

Around 60% of the accounting and finance outsourcing contracts aren’t be renewed by 2025

According to Gartner, Finance, and Accounting (F&A), organizations will likely not renew 60% of existing business process outsourcing (BPO) contracts by 2025 due to outdated pricing models that don’t drive process improvement and digitalization. Outsourced processes are becoming increasingly automated while traditional “headcount-based” pricing models are becoming expensive. 

Over 6,600 outsourcing companies are operating in China 

China is playing an emerging role in global outsourcing by improving its quality and becoming one of the top players worldwide in outsourcing. In recent years, central and local authorities have showcased excellent determination towards promoting information technology (IT) and other business services industries in the country, along with launching great initiatives to enhance education, training, and supporting infrastructure, which has resulted in China building an impressive outsourcing industry.

A large number of firms are adopting cloud services to enhance IT outsourcing 

Over 55% of the shares in the outsourcing industry belong to IT outsourcing. Various functionalities such as web design and hosting, help desk, data entry, application development, and tech support have involved outsourcing. Today, over wide % of businesses are implementing cloud delivery by over 50% by IT outsourced teams and freelancers. 

In today’s digital world, more and more companies are utilizing cloud computing to bring considerable changes to their businesses. It includes a network of servers that can be hosted remotely on the internet which can easily store, manage, and process the business’s data. One of the prominent reasons companies are adopting this technology is to cut losses in the cost spent on hardware and other expenses required for operating a data center. 

Over 94% of companies utilize some sort of IT Outsourcing

Outsourcing IT-related business processes is an excellent strategic method to manage various tasks that are initially handled by internal staff. Some of the IT companies are also investing in outsourcing services such as application servers, T-reliant business processes, and infrastructure solutions. 

According to Statista, the IT market was over $120 billion in 2019, with the IT outsourcing market valued at $92.5 billion. By the end of 2021, the numbers reached $413 billion, of which 70% came from outsourcing. 

Small Businesses Outsourcing Statistics 

Gradually, small businesses are accessing outsourcing services to enhance efficiency and productivity. One of the top reasons behind small business outsourcing is to gain access to various specialized skills. Below, we have mentioned some of the top small business outsourcing statistics to give a clear picture regarding the impact of outsourcing on small businesses: 

More than 1 in 3 small businesses outsource one business process

In 2019, over 1 in 3 small businesses (37%) utilized at least one business process to enhance efficiency and utilize employees’ time for various other tasks. In addition, it was also reported that about 52% of companies were planning on outsourcing a minimum of one business process in the future.

IT services and Accounting are the leading outsourced processes for small businesses 

Around 37% of small businesses are outsourcing IT services and accounting. At the same time, other common outsourced processes include digital marketing (34%), Human resources another common choice (24%), and customer service (24%). 

Outsourcing processes Percentage utilized by small businesses 
IT Services and Accounting 37%
Digital Marketing 34%
Human Resources 24%
Customer Service 24%

Small businesses are more likely to outsource payroll services in comparison to large businesses 

According to Statista, small businesses are more likely to outsource their payroll function compared to large businesses with about 15% of the respondents companies with less than 2,500 employees reporting they outsource their payroll in a global survey conducted in 2019. Large organizations with over 10,000 employees are likely to outsource their payroll by only 8%.  

Top challenges faced by small businesses looking to outsource

According to a survey conducted by Upcity in 2022, it was revealed that one of the most common reasons behind small businesses not utilizing outsourcing is due to high costs by 23%. The second most common challenge respondents face is difficulty in communication by 21%. Some other concerns respondents raised are the inability to meet deadlines, inability to follow instructions, lack of confidentiality, low-quality work, and more. 

Here is a breakdown of some of the top reasons why small businesses are not considering outsourcing services: 

Challenges Percentage 
High cost  23%
Difficult to communicate 21%
Failed to meet deadlines 14%
Didn’t follow instructions 12%
Lack of confidentiality 9%
Low quality work/service 9%
Data breach 8%
Other 5%

Latest Trends and Growth in the Outsourcing Industry  

There have been massive changes that took place in the growth and trends in outsourcing that have transformed the business landscape over the years. 

1. Recruiting Skilled Talent

In 2022, a survey reported that 75% of employers in the United States struggled with finding suitable candidates. Many people reported the need for more individuals with advanced skills in the new technology. Outsourcing services have played a significant role in various companies by saving time from long recruitment processes and allowing them to acquire access to proficiency that they lack in-house. 

2. Increased utilization of Modern Technology

Technological advancement has played a major role in transforming the outsourcing industry. Artificial intelligence, Automation, and cloud computing have enhanced productivity and expanded partnership opportunities between clients and service providers. 

3. Rise in Remote Employment 

One of the most notable and beneficial changes brought by outsourcing services is the rise of remote employment. The 2020 global COVID-19 pandemic played a crucial role in changing corporate life worldwide by bringing “Work from home” or “Hybrid mode” employment, a new approach allowing users to complete their tasks and projects while working from home. In 2023, a survey by Pew revealed that 35% of workers in the United States were working from home. It witnessed a decline from January 2022 data, which reported 46% of users were employed remotely. However, most companies prefer remote work.

4. Data Security

Another great impact lead in the outsourcing service is data security. These days, offshore companies are taking essential measures to secure the privacy of their data and ensure compliance with important protocols. This way, organizations can gain the trust of their clients and provide a safe and secure environment for all users.


The statistics mentioned above indicate a promising future for outsourcing, as it’s projected to be an excellent strategic solution for businesses in various industries, offering efficiency, increased flexibility, and reduced operational costs. Overall, the future for the IT outsourcing industry looks bright, with a variety of opportunities along with the revenue of IT outsourcing projected to reach 777.74 billion in 2028. The BPO industry is also expected to witness excellent growth and reach $400 billion by 2027 by playing a significant role in various fields such as E-commerce, Healthcare, Tech, and more. 

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Women In Tech Statistics (2024) – The Hard Truth

There is no surprise that women are underrepresented in the corporate world, especially in the tech industry, which is likely to be more male-dominated. Regardless of the advances in gender diversity training, bias awareness, unbiased hiring practices, and more the number of women in the tech space remains low. In this article, we are going to take an in-depth look at the current state of women employees in the tech field and provide essential women in technology statistics to understand female representation in the tech industry. 

Top Women in Technology Statistics

  • According to the latest reports, 27.6% of women currently hold tech-related jobs. 
  • The percentage of women serving as CEOs in technology companies is roughly 17%. 
  • There are a total of 141,038 female employees across 56 tech companies. 
  • Around 56% or 79,163 of the women working across 56 tech companies are women of color.  
  • There was a decline of 2.1% in the representation of women in Big tech companies between 2020 and 2022.
  • Over 50% of women working in the tech field have reported gender discrimination, inequality, or sexual harassment in male-dominated environments. 
  • 83.6% of tech organizations tend to perform unbiased recruitment and training practices. 
  • The average representation of women in Big tech companies is around 26.2%.
  • Asian men and women have a hold of 25% of the computer science workforce. 
  • Tech companies with intersectional pay audits reportedly hire females at 1.3 times the rate in comparison to companies that do not perform intersectional pay audits.

What Percentage Of Women Work In Tech?

Around 27.6% of the women were working in the Tech industry in 2023. There is a higher number of women represented in entry-level roles compared to senior-level roles such as CTOs or heads of engineering, etc. Out of 141,038 of the women employed in the tech industry, 56% are women of color as various Mid-size tech companies are leading towards promoting diversity in the workplace. In the United States, about 3.7 million are currently employed in the tech field respresting 23% of the labor force. While in Europe, 1.7 million female workers are working in the tech industry representing 19.1% of ICT labor force.  

  • Over the last few years, there has been a decline of 2.1% in the number of females working in tech-related positions. 
  • Out of 552,751 tech employees across 56 organizations, only 141,038 are female employees. 
  • There are a total of six tech companies that have incorporated showcasing representational parity (opportunity, equal pay, and representation) towards one career level.

Women’s Representation In Big Tech

Big Tech companies with over 10,000 employees tend to have an average of 26.2% of women representation. Over the last few years, there have been massive changes that have occurred in the tech industry which has affected women’s role in the tech department specifically. For example, the recent wave of layoffs has immensely placed a disproportionate impact on women employees. Apart from this, the coronavirus pandemic resulted in the opening of remote work for its employees providing freedom to work from home. 

However, the impact was absolutely opposite and the majority of employees reported feeling burned out during the global pandemic and even witnessed a decline in women working in the technology field from 2020 to 2022. 

Apparently, there was a decline of 2.1% in the representation of women in the big tech industry between the years 2020 to 2021. While the decline in smaller companies was 5.1%. Although, the number of women employees has risen again in technology. 

Key Statistics: 

  • 39% of women make it to the internship career level in the tech industry workforce. 
  • 32.8% of the women are able to hold entry-level positions in computer science-related jobs. 
  • Only 10,9% of the women are able to secure higher positions such as senior leadership roles or CEO positions in the tech industry. 
  • The average percentage of women able to get employed in tech-career positions is 26%.

The largest tech companies in the US have 33% of female representations

Leading five tech companies Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon have a total of 33% of female representations. Out of all, Amazon has the highest number of women employment rate by 45%. Microsoft has a 29% rate of female representation.  

47% of the US workforce is women, however, only 25% of those roles are computing roles 

Women play a major role in the overall workforce in the United States as 47% of the US workforce is performed by female employees. However, when it comes to tech-related positions the scenes are completely different as only 25% of computing roles are obtained by females.

There are only 2.2% and 1.9% of Black and Latinx women represented in tech positions respectively 

Black and Latinx women in the tech industry are highly underrepresented and only 2.2% and 1.9% of black and latinx women are currently employed in the tech field. Asian ethnic groups are the most represented group in the tech workforce with around 20%.   

Women of color face more significant challenges in the tech industry — and they are greatly underrepresented. While a total of 27% of computing roles are held by women, only 3% and 2% are held by Black and Hispanic women, respectively, according to Accenture.

50% of female employees working in tech industry leave their jobs by the age of 35

The percentage of women working in the tech industry is already pretty low in comparison to male employees. But the surprising fact is 50% of the women are likely to leave their tech-job positions by the time they turn 35 which is quite substantial in contrast to the fact only 20% of women leave their job at the age of 35 in other fields. One of the major reasons behind this outcome is the lack of job advancement for women since only 28% of women have a chance of securing a manager role in comparison to males who have a 40% chance of becoming a manager. 

6 out of 10 businesses started by women are launched by women of color 

64% of new women-created businesses are likely to be launched by women of color. Apparently for every 10 businesses launched by women over six of them are established by women of color. Around 40% of the US businesses are owned by women. 

What Percentage Of Software Engineers Are Women?

According to the latest data, 25.1% of the 329,559 of currently employed software engineers are women. Regardless of the increase in the number of female employees obtaining software engineering roles, only about a quarter of the software engineer positions are secured by female employees.

Currently, the average salary earned by female software engineers in the United States is $86,157 making 0.93 cents to every dollar received by male employees. Female employees hold 1 in 5 senior software engineering positions. In addition, 33% of the current software engineering workforce are Asian or Asian American. 

What Percentage Of Computer Science Majors Are Women?

Every one in four software engineers is female. However, there has been a decline in the percentage of women obtaining a computer science major by 18%. One of the major reasons behind this decline is the boasts of a smaller gender pay gap in comparison to other technology fields with female employees making 94 cents to every dollar earned by a male employee. 

6.3% of the computer science degree holders are Black or Hispanic. According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer science job roles are expected to witness a growth of 19% by 2026. 

Women in Tech Employment Gaps

According to US Census data, female workers have made a vast jump in the STEM workforce, considering the percentage of women representatives was only 8% minority back in 1970 to 28% in 2019 of all STEM employees. 

Although there has been progress made by female workers in the STEM workforce, there is still a significant gender gap in the workforce of the Top 5 leading tech companies GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft) with women ranging between 29% to 45%. 

The average percentage of women employees in GAFAM is 31%.

Unfortunately for women, the tech employment gaps tend to grow higher and higher as workers climb that corporate ladder. The representation of women in tech positions is highest for entry-level jobs or junior positions. However the percentage of women employment drops in the mid-level positions in the tech domain along with a significant decline again in the senior-level sector.

Leadership Position Gaps for Women in Tech

There is no surprise that there are massive leadership position gaps for women in the technology field. Currently, only 5% of the senior or leadership positions are held by women in the tech industry. There is a major roadblock for female workers in the tech department when it comes to senior leadership positions. 

For every 100 men promoted to manager position, only 87 women are promoted to the same position. While 82 women of color get the same position. This results in a decline in the availability of senior-level job opportunities for women candidates down the line, making it extremely difficult for women to catch up with men in the roles of representation in the tech workforce.

Women In Tech: Hiring Trends

Apparently, the number of women being hired in the technology industry seems to be rising in the past few years. In 2021, 30.9% of the new technology roles are furnished by female candidates, witnessing a rise of 1% in comparison to 2020 with 29% of female hiring. 

10.9% of the females hired in the new technology sectors belong to white females. The bottom of the recruitment list in the new tech hire positions belongs to Black, Indigenous, Multiracial, and Latin women by 6%. However, various companies have incorporated mandatory unbiased training sections to increase the female new hire rates by 34.5%.

Hiring, Retention, And Advancement

Tech companies with active gender equality and diversity policies are likely to have a higher rate of women recruitment in comparison to companies without any active policies. 

Below we have mentioned some of the key statistics regarding the hiring, retention, and advancement of Women in technology.

  • Around 11.3% of women working in technology and STEM spaces have apparently left the workforce last year. 
  • 16.9% of females working in the tech field reported receiving an advancement or promotion from their current employer. 
  • According to a survey, 57% have stated they feel more burned out from their work since the global pandemic in comparison to 36% of the men surveyed. 
  • Tech companies that are performing pay audits are recruiting women at the rate of 1.3x of the organization without structured pay audits. 
  • 30.9% of the new tech hires are females.


Based on the above-mentioned data and statistics it’s pretty clear the number of women in technology remains low. Although, few tech companies are taking strong initiative towards gender diversity and gender equality policies, skill-based promotions, unbiased hiring practices, and more methods to bring an equal space and opportunity for both men and women and hire female talent at a large space in the tech field.

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Average Screen Time for Teens (2024)

Smartphones and electronic devices have become a huge part of our daily lives. Remote learning, online classes, social media, and streaming platforms have played a significant role in increasing teenager’s day-to-day screen time. Today, the global average screen time for teens is 7 hours and 22 minutes per day and teens spend more than 3 hours watching television/videos alone. In this article, we are going to take a look at the average screen time for teens in 2024 based on Activity, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and more.

Top Average Screen Time Statistics for Teens

  • A Teen spends about 7 hours and 22 minutes on average in front of their screens every day. 
  • 47% of parents allow their children to have more than 3 hours of screen time on average every day. 
  • Watching television and video is the leading activity where teens spend the majority of their screen time daily. 
  • TikTok is the most popular social media platform globally among teenagers where teen boys and girls spend 1 hour 47 minutes daily. 
  • Teenagers spend around 51 minutes on an average daily Browsing content on different websites. 
  • Teen boys spend more screen time per day compared to teen girls. 
  • Teen boys between the ages of 13 to 18 spend 9 hours and 16 minutes on their screens daily. 
  • Teen girls between 13 to 18 spend 8 hours and 2 minutes on their screens daily. 

Average Screen Time For Teens Per Day 

On Average, a teen spends around 7 hours and 22 minutes in front of their screen every day. Which equates to 43% of a teenager’s waking hours. Apparently, the global average screen time is 6 hours and 58 minutes, therefore teens are spending an extra 24 minutes in front of their screen on average when compared. 

A survey also revealed that about 47% of parents allow their kids to have over 3 hours of screen time on a daily basis. Meanwhile, about 85% of the parents only allow screen time of 1 hour per day.

Average Screen Time For Teens Over Time

The Average screen time for teens has witnessed a significant rise over the years. Back in 2015, the average screen time of an American teen between the ages of 13 to 18 was 6 hours and 40 minutes per day. Within four years, the average screen time went to 7 hours and 22 minutes in 2019, and in 2021 the average screen time reached 8 hours and 39 minutes. This indicates the average screen time spent by a teen in the US has increased by 1 hour and 59 minutes from 2015.

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the rise in the average screen time of American Tweens which is 8 to 12-year-olds:

Age Group 2015 20192021
Teens (13 to 18) 6 hrs 40 mins7 hrs 22 mins8 hrs 39 mins
Tweens (8 to 12)4 hrs 36 mins4 hrs 44 mins5 hrs 33 mins

Average Screen Time for Teens Based on Gender 

Teenage Boys tend to spend a higher amount of time looking at their screen compared to teenage girls regardless of the age group according to reports. Apparently, teen boys between the ages of 13 to 18 spend about 9 hours 16 minutes looking at their screen which is 74 minutes more than the average of teen girls which is 8 hours 2 minutes.

Age Group Teen Girls Teen Boys 
8 to 12 years old 4 hours 55 minutes 6 hours 11 minutes 
13 to 18 years old 8 hours 2 minutes 9 hours 16 minutes 

Regardless of the age group, teen boys are more likely to spend more screen time on a daily basis. There is a difference of 76 minutes between the average screen time of teen boys and girls in the 8 to 12-year age group.

Average Screen Time for Teens based on Race/Ethnicity

According to research, Race or Ethnicity also plays a significant role when it comes to the average screen time among teens. Apparently, Hispanic/Latino teens spend the highest time looking at their screen compared to white and black teens with an average of 10 hours and 2 minutes. Black teens spend an average of 9 hours and 50 minutes having 12 minutes difference with Hispanic/Latino teens. Meanwhile, white teens have the lowest average screen time of 7 hours 49 minutes compared to other races. 

Race/Ethnicity Average Screen Time Spend 
White 7 hours 49 minutes 
Black 9 hours 50 minutes 
Hispanic/Latino 10 hours 2 minutes 

Average Screen Time for Teens Based on Activity

Teens are spending the majority of their time 3 hours and 16 minutes watching television through broadcast, cable, or subscription devices. Followed by Gaming as the second most popular activity where teenagers spend 1 hour 46 minutes on average. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top activities where teens spent the majority of their screen time. 

Activities Average Time Spent by Teens
Television/videos3 hours 16 minutes
Gaming1 hour 46 minutes
Social media platforms1 hour 27 minutes
Browsing content on different websites51 minutes
Other screen activities29 minutes
Video-chatting20 minutes
E-reading15 minutes
Content creation14 minutes

Today, Teens are spending over 3 hours watching television and other video content on a daily basis which can be pretty harmful for young children as it can affect their sleeping schedule, cause emotional comprehension, and cause social and emotional competence. The maximum screen time recommended to teenagers or young children is 2 hours whereas the global average screen time right now is 3 hours and 16 minutes.

Teens spend more than an hour using social media platforms per day

Teenagers between the ages of 13 to 18 years old state social media as one of their favorite activities where they spend more than an hour on a daily basis. TikTok is currently one of the most popular social media platforms that takes about 1 hour and 47 minutes of average screen time per day. Followed by Snapchat which takes 1 hour 12 minutes every day. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top social media platforms where teens spend the majority of their screen time: 

Social Media PlatformAverage Daily Use (Global)
TikTok1 hour 47 minutes
Snapchat1 hour 12 minutes
Instagram45 minutes
Facebook20 minutes
Pinterest16 minutes
Twitter10 minutes

38% of Tweens (8 to 12 years old) are using social media 

Social media is another popular activity where tweens are spending a significant amount of time. Around 38% of tweens have stated they have utilized social media and about 1 in every 5 tweens claims that they utilize social media every day. The leading social media platforms accessed by Tweens are Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and Pinterest. 

Wrapping Up

The Average screen time for teens has been witnessing a significant rise over time and is expected to reach higher numbers in the future due to the impact technology has in today’s world. With the rise in social media, streaming devices, remote learning, gaming, and other activities teens are more likely to get more inclined towards these platforms resulting in a rise in the average screen time duration which can be quite concerning as the current statistics display the average screen time of a teen is 7 hours and 22 minutes. Therefore, it’s important that parents take crucial steps regarding the amount of time spent by their children in front of the screen. 

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Apple Statistics (2024) – Revenue, Market Cap, iPhone Sales

Apple is one of the most popular consumer electronics brands in the entire world. Apple has made its mark in numerous electronic departments such as smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, computers, and more. In Fact, Apple’s iPhone has played a significant role in reshaping the smartphone industry with its advanced technology, quality, and sleek design. 

As of May 2024, Apple has a market capitalization of $2.650 Trillion making it one of the most valuable companies worldwide. Also, it generated an annual revenue of 119.5 billion during the first quarter of 2024. In this article, we are going to mention statistics related to Apple and its products to understand its true impact on users.

Top Apple Statistics 2024

  • Apple has a market capitalization of $2.650 trillion U.S. Dollars as of May 2024. 
  • In 2023, Apple generated an annual revenue of 383.2 billion. 
  • Americas is the leading region responsible for 45% of Apple’s total revenue.
  • iPhone is the most popular Apple product that generates 50% of the company’s revenue. 
  • iPhone generated an annual revenue of 69.7 billion U.S. Dollars during the first quarter of 2024.
  • Mac has generated 7.7 billion annual revenue during the 1st quarter of 2024. 
  • Apple watches witnessed a decline in its annual sales in 2023.

Apple Overview 

Date Founded 1 April 1976
Founders Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne
Headquarters Cupertino, California, United States
Industry Consumer electronics

Apple’s Annual Revenue from 2006 to 2023

During the first quarter of 2024, Apple’s annual revenue reached 119.5 billion.

Apple’s total net sales amounted to 383.29 billion U.S. dollars in their 2023 financial year, a decrease from the historical record of 394.33 billion U.S. dollars in financial year 2022.

Below we have mentioned Apple’s Annual Revenue from 2006 to 2023:

Year Annual Revenue (in billions)
200619.1 billion 
200724.4 billion 
2008 37.4 billion 
2009 42.7 billion 
2010 65 billion 
2011108 billion 
2012156.3 billion 
2013170.8 billion 
2014182.6 billion 
2015233.6 billion 
2016 215.4 billion 
2017229.2 billion 
2018265.5 billion 
2019260.1 billion 
2020274.5 billion 
2021365.8 billion 
2022395.1 billion 
2023383.2 billion 
2024 (1st quarter) 119.5 billion 

Apple Revenue by Region (from 2013 to 2024)

During the first quarter of 2024, Apple generated revenue of 50.43 in the Americas, 30.4 in Europe, 20.82 in Greater China, 7.77 in Japan, and 10.62 in the Asia Pacific region. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Apple revenue based on geographical region from 2013 to 2024:

Year Americas Europe Greater China Japan Rest of Asia Pacific 
Q1 201222.0712.294.493.653.84
Q2 201216.379.527.892.732.68
Q3 201215.768.845.672.12.65
Q4 201216.858.685.72.452.29
Q1 201324.8513.587.264.554.27
Q2 201317.6810.558.773.223.38
Q3 201317.378.184.932.612.23
Q4 201317.198.676.053.42.16
Q1 201424.7914.349.55.053.93
Q2 201417.9810.949.844.052.84
Q3 201417.578.666.232.632.34
Q4 201419.7510.356.33.62.14
Q1 201530.5717.2116.145.455.23
Q2 201521.3212.216.823.464.21
Q3 201520.2110.3413.232.872.95
Q4 201521.7710.5812.523.932.7
Q1 201629.3317.9318.374.795.45
Q2 201619.111.5412.494.283.16
Q3 201617.969.648.853.532.38
Q4 201620.2310.848.794.322.67
Q1 201731.9718.5216.235.775.86
Q2 201721.1612.7310.734.493.8
Q3 201720.3810.6883.622.73
Q4 201723.
Q1 201835.1921.0517.967.246.85
Q2 201824.8413.8513.025.473.96
Q3 201824.5412.149.553.873.17
Q4 201827.5215.3811.415.163.43
Q1 201936.9420.3613.176.916.93
Q2 201925.613.0510.225.533.62
Q3 201925.0611.939.164.083.59
Q4 201929.3214.9511.134.983.66
Q1 202041.3723.2713.586.227.38
Q2 202025.4714.299.465.213.89
Q3 202027 14.179.334.974.2
Q4 202030.716.97.955.024.13
Q1 202146.3127.3121.318.298.23
Q2 202134.3122.2617.737.747.54
Q3 202135.8718.9414.766.465.4
Q4 202136.8220.7914.565.995.19
Q1 202251.527.7525.787.129.81
Q2 202240.8823.2818.347.727.04
Q3 202237.4719.2914.6 5.456.15
Q4 202239.8122.7615.475.76.37
Q1 202349.2827.6823.916.769.54
Q2 202337.7823.9517.817.188.12
Q3 202335.3820.2115.764.825.63
Q4 202340.1222.4615.085.516.33
Q1 202450.4330.420.827.7710.62

Source: Statista 

Apple Revenue Statistics by Product

In this section, we are going to take an in-depth look at the statistics of Apple’s Revenue based on its products. Apple is highly known for launching some of the best products in the market such as the iPhone, Mac, AirPods, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and iPad. 

Iphone Statistics

The Apple iPhone is one of the most popular and successful products in the smartphone industry. Since its launch in 2007, Apple has sold over 1.5 billion units worldwide. In this section, we are going to take an in-depth look at the statistics related to Apple’s iPhone.  

iPhone Annual Revenue Statistics 

As of the first quarter of 2024, the annual revenue of iPhone generated 69.7 billion U.S. Dollars in revenue from iPhone sales. It generated about 200.5 billion U.S. Dollars in 2023 and 205.4 billion U.S. Dollars in 2022. 

According to the company’s latest update as of 2023, there are an estimated 1.46 billion active iPhone users worldwide.

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the annual revenue of iPhone from 2008 to 2024: 

Year Annual Revenue (in billions) 
2008 1.8 billion 
200913 billion 
201025.1 billion 
201145.9 billion 
201278.6 billion 
201391.2 billion 
2014101.9 billion 
2015155 billion 
2016 136.8 billion 
2017141.2 billion 
2018166.2 billion 
2019142.3 billion 
2020137.7 billion 
2021191.9 billion 
2022205.4 billion 
2023200.5 billion 
2024 (Quarter 1) 69.7 billion 

Source: Statista 

iPhone Annual Sales Statistics 

In 2023, iPhone annual sales generated a total revenue of 231.3 billion worldwide. Apple witnessed a peak in its iPhone annual sales in 2021 when its sales reached a milestone of 242 billion. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing iPhone annual sales from 2008 to 2023:

Year Annual Revenue (in billions) 
2008 11.6 billion 
200920.7 billion 
201039.9 billion 
201172.3 billion 
2012125 billion 
2013150.2 billion 
2014169.2 billion 
2015231.2 billion 
2016 211.8 billion 
2017216.7 billion 
2018217.7 billion 
2019187.2 billion 
2020196.9 billion 
2021242 billion 
2022232.2 billion 
2023231.3 billion 

iPhone Sales by Region 

Year Americas Europe Greater China Japan Rest of Asia Pacific 
2016 62.934.658.314.614.8

Mac Annual Revenue Statistics 

Another popular creation of Apple is the Mac which is recognized as one of the most widespread and well-known brands in the laptop market worldwide. The annual revenue of Mac reached 7.7 billion in the first quarter of 2024. While it gained a 29.2 billion annual revenue in 2023. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Mac’s Annual Revenue from 2009 to 2024: 

YearRevenue (in billions) 
200913.6 billion 
201017.2 billion 
201121.6 billion 
201223 billion 
201321.3 billion 
201423.9 billion 
201525.3 billion 
2016 22.7 billion 
201725.6 billion 
201825.2 billion 
201924.7 billion 
202028.4 billion 
202135.1 billion 
202240 billion 
202329.2 billion 
2024 (1st Quarter) 7.7 billion 

Mac Annual Sales from 2009 to 2022

In 2022, the sales of Apple Mac computers generated about 26.1 million U.S. Dollars. The previous year it made an annual sale of 25.7 million in 2021 and a sale of 20.2 million in 2020. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Apple’s Mac annual sales from 2009 to 2022:

YearSales (in millions) 
2016 18.3

IPad Annual Revenue 

iPad is Apple’s tablet computer which was launched in 2010 and since then has created a significant position in the tablet market globally. The Annual revenue of Apple’s iPad generated 7.02 billion in the first quarter of 2024. In 2023, it generated annual revenue of 28.2 billion and 29.2 billion in 2022. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the annual revenue of Apple’s iPad globally from 2011 to 2024:

YearAnnual Revenue 
201119.1 billion 
201230.9 billion 
201331.9 billion 
201430.2 billion 
201523.2 billion 
2016 20.6 billion 
201719.2 billion 
201818.6 billion 
201921.2 billion 
202023.7 billion 
202131.8 billion 
202229.2 billion 
202328.2 billion 
2024 (1st Quarter) 7.02 billion 

iPad Annual Sales from 2011 to 2022

In 2022, the number of Apple’s tablet “iPad” reached an annual sales of 61.8 million. The peak of iPad annual sales was in 2013 when it generated an annual sale of 97 million. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the annual sales of iPads from 2011 to 2022:

YearAnnual Revenue 
201132.3 million 
201258.1 million 
201397 million 
201467.9 million 
201553.8 million 
2016 45.5 million 
201743.7 million 
201843.5 million 
201945.2 million 
202071.1 million 
202157.8 million 
202261.8 million 

Source: Statista 

Apple Watch Annual Sales 

Apple watch was first introduced in 2015, and the unit sales of Apple watches have witnessed significant growth every year until 2022. It sold almost 54 million Apple watches worldwide in 2022 up from 46.1 million in 2021. However, the annual sales witnessed a decrease in 2023 when the sales numbers only reached 38.3 million globally. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Apple Watch annual sales from 2015 to 2023 worldwide:

Year Annual Sales 
20158.3 million 
2016 11.9 million 
201712.8 million 
201822.5 million 
201930.7 million 
202043.1 million 
202146.1 million 
202253.9 million 
202338.3 million 

Source: Statista 

Apple AirPods Sales (from 2017 to 2022) 

AirPods is another one of the most high-selling products by Apple that has generated quite a buzz in the wireless headphones industry. According to reports, Apple AirPods made an annual sale of 82 million in 2022 worldwide. The unit sales witnessed a peak in 2020 when the annual sales reached 114 million. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Apple AirPods sales from 2017 to 2022:

201715 million 
201835 million 
201960 million 
2020114 million 
202185 million 
202282 million 

Source: Statista

Apple TV Active Devices in the U.S 

YearActive Devices 

Apple TV+ Subscribers Statistics 

Apple TV was released in the United States in 2016. Apple invested around $6 billion in U.S. Dollars in 2019. It offers a year of TV+ free for all iPhone and iPad buyers.  

Apple TV+ Annual Subscribers from (2019 to 2022)

In 2022, the number of Annual Apple TV+ subscribers reached a milestone of 75 million. In 2021 the numbers were 48 million and in 2020 it was 33.6 million. The global pandemic has played a significant role in the growth of Apple TV+ subscribers. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Apple TV+ Annual subscribers from 2019 to 2022:

Year Subscribers (in millions) 
20195.7 million 
202033.6 million 
202148 million 
202275 million 


What are Apple’s current stats?

During the first quarter of 2024, Apple generated a revenue of 119.5 billion. In 2023, the revenue of Apple reached 383 billion U.S. dollars making it one of the most-loved companies worldwide.

What is Apple’s biggest market?

The Americas are Apple’s biggest market with the highest revenue mainly due to Apple’s excellent performance in its home market. Followed by Europe as the second region with the highest Apple revenue.

What is Apple’s biggest source of revenue?

iPhone is Apple’s biggest source of revenue responsible for about 52% of its total revenue. In 2023, the iPhone generated an annual revenue of 200.5 billion. 

Wrapping Up

There is no doubt that Apple is one of the most popular and loved companies among consumers globally. Apple’s iPhone has certainly created a special place among its consumers as its annual revenue reached 200.5 billion in 2023 leaving its customers anticipating its next launch. The market capitalization of Apple reached $2.649 Trillion as of May 2024. Looking at the current stats the demand for Apple products specially in the smartphone section doesn’t seem to be witnessing any decline any time soon. 

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54% of Americans prefer Hybrid Work – Statistics 2024

The global pandemic introduced employees to “Remote” working, where employees work from home and perform all their work, meetings, and tasks virtually. This has introduced a new trend in the workplace called the “Hybrid” working model. In this employees have the freedom to work both remotely and on-site, allowing workers to be more productive. 

Today, Hybrid work has gained massive recognition across the world with 63% of the high-growth companies shifting to hybrid working space. In Fact, 54% of American employees even stated hybrid as the most preferred working mode. In this article, we are going to take a look at the top hybrid work statistics stating its future, employee statistics, advantages, and more. 

Key Hybrid Work Statistics 

  • As of February 2024, Hybrid was the most preferred mode of working among Americans by 54%. 
  • 32.6 million workers 
  • As of 2023, 12.7% of full-time working employees were working from home, while about 28.2% were working a hybrid model. 
  • 32% of employees claim they don’t want to work on-site and rather explore hybrid work. 
  • Improved work-life balance is considered the most beneficial reason behind users opting for hybrid work. 
  • A survey by Microsoft revealed that 70% of employees prefer flexible working options.
  • Millennial is the leading generation that prefers hybrid work mode (72.6%) compared to other generations.

U.S. Work Locations (Remote-Capable Jobs)

As of February 2024, Hybrid is the most preferred work mode among the U.S. Work locations by 54%. Followed by Exclusively remote as the second most preferred work mode at 27% and On-site in the third position at 20%.

Work mode Percentage of employees
Exclusively Remote 27%
Hybrid 54%
On-site 20%

By 2025, 32.6 million Americans are likely to work remotely 

Looking at the future, an estimated 23.6 million Americans are likely to be working remotely, equal to about 22% of the workforce by 2025. This projection suggests how people are moving towards a remote style of working instead of on-site. 

Hybrid Work Employees Statistics 

A survey was conducted by Accenture, where they asked questions to 9000 employees regarding the workforce. Around 83% of the employees claimed they prefer to work in a hybrid model instead of complete remote or on-site work. 

  • Employees between the age group of 20 to 49 are most likely to prefer working in hybrid mode with a total of 29% reporting it. 
  • 65% of workers claimed that a hybrid workplace model is their favorite choice of working.
  • A survey was conducted by Microsoft with over 30,000 employees from more than 31 different countries. It was revealed through the survey that 65% of employees prefer on-site working with team members. Meanwhile, 70% prefer flexible working options. 
  • Over 60% of the hybrid workers stated that their direct connection to the firm culture is their direct managers. 
  • A survey by Pew Research revealed that 55% of the employees have stated their preference for working from home for a minimum of 3 days a week. 
  • Based on a study by Stanford with about 2500 US residents, it was revealed that 55% of employers are looking for flexible office and home time, indicating they prefer a hybrid working style. 
  • Employees with low experience are more likely to work on-site by visiting the office compared to employees with higher experience levels. 

Top Advantages of Hybrid Work by Employees 

Improved work-life balance is considered the most beneficial aspect of Hybrid work mode according to Hybrid employees. Followed by more efficient usage of time as the second most beneficial aspect of hybrid work. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the leading advantages of hybrid work according to hybrid employees:

Top Advantages Share of respondents 
Improved work-life balance76
More efficient use of my time throughout the day/week64
Less burnout or fatigue at work61
More freedom to choose when or where I work57
Higher productivity52

Top Challenges of Hybrid Work by Employees

One of the biggest challenges faced by employees working through Hybrid mode is less accessibility to work resources and equipment. Followed by less connection with the organization and other employees. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top challenges faced by employees working in the hybrid mode.

Top Advantages Share of respondents 
Less access to work resources and equipment31
Feel less connected to my organization’s culture28
Decreased collaboration with my team24
Impaired working relationship with coworkers21
Reduced cross-functional communication and collaboration18
Disrupted processes17
More difficult to coordinate work schedules, tasks and timelines with my teammates17

Office employees’ preferences on hybrid and remote work worldwide, by generation

Office employees across all generations prefer a Hybrid style of working mode compared to on-site or fully remote. A survey was conducted in 2022 across 28,000 full-time employees to understand the preferred mode of working among the workers. Through the survey, it was revealed that 72.6% of Millennials were in favor of hybrid working mode which is the highest compared to other generations. Meanwhile, Baby Boomers were slightly more in favor of on-site working mode but still, only 11.2% of employees chose this option. 

Here is a breakdown of office employee’s preferences for hybrid and remote work across the world by generation:

Generation Hybrid Fully Remote On-Site 
Gen Z (18 to 24)71%20.4%8.6%
Millennial (25 to 39)72.6%20.1%7.3%
Gen X (40 to 54) 70.9%20.1%9%
Baby Boomers (55 to 69)68.3%20.5%11.2%

Source: Statista 

Six out of ten employees with remote-capable jobs are interested in hybrid work arrangement 

According to the latest insights of Gallup, the majority of remote-capable workers are currently working in a hybrid mode or exclusively remote. Apparently, most workers prefer to have a hybrid mode of work arrangement. In Fact, 6 out of 10 employees who are capable of remote jobs are interested in getting a hybrid work arrangement for themselves. About one-third of employees prefer to work remotely, while less than 10% of workers are likely to work on-site. 

Gen Z employees are interested in some sort of on-site work 

According to reports by Accenture, it was revealed that employees from the Gen Z generation claim to be interested in some form of on-site work, despite being brought up in the digital era. The report claims that about 74% of the Gen Z respondents state they prefer to interact with their colleagues face-to-face and claim hybrid as their desired work mode. Followed by Baby Boomers (68%) and Gen X (66%). 

63% of the high-growth companies utilize hybrid work models 

A report by Accenture stated that regardless of the location of the worker, providing a healthy and productive workforce is beneficial for the users. It was also revealed that hybrid workforce models are taken up by 63% of the high-revenue growth companies. Apparently, 69% of the companies with no growth have rejected hybrid workforces and prefer complete on-site or all remote employees.

Hybrid Workplace Model Adoption and Trends Statistics 

  • About two-thirds of the business leaders are working towards remodeling their office space to create an arrangement more suitable for hybrid work. 
  • 83% of the employees across the world prefer a hybrid work model. 
  • A report by Accenture suggests that 63% of high-growth companies utilize the “Productivity Everywhere” model. 
  • 37% of workers think about changing their jobs if they can’t work remotely. 
  • 83% of employees are likely to leave their jobs in case they get less paid while working remotely.
  • 84% of the employees who are operating remotely state that they prefer to have a hybrid working model that includes both working remotely and on-site.

Hybrid Work statistics by location

  • Before the global pandemic, only 25% of the employees in the United States were working remotely sometimes, and about 15% of the employees had specific days for remote working.
  • 40% of the employees believe that a hybrid mode of working can be healthy and effective for people as it allows them to work both remotely and visit the office at times. 
  • 94% of executives claim that their payment should be majorly dependent on the experience level and skills of the employee instead of the workplace. 
  • Travel expenses are cut by 50 to 70% in 45% of the companies. Whereas, in 30% of the organizations it is up by 75% to 100%. 
  • Over 10% space reduction is anticipated about 4.5 times frequently by firms who are planning to add a hybrid strategy.

Hybrid Work Statistics by Productivity

  • 32% of employees don’t want to work in the office and want to embrace remote and hybrid forms of working. 
  • A survey by Accenture indicated that 40% of employees stated they are able to work effectively from anywhere thanks to Accenture’s resource accessibility. It included mental well-being, flexibility, digital proficiency, maturity, standard health policy, etc. 
  • A poll consisting of 133 executives was conducted by PwC, and it was revealed that the transition to remote work has been extremely effective for employees around 83% of the time. 
  • A survey by McKinsey revealed that 58% of workers stated that they have witnessed a rise in their productivity through hybrid work. 54% claimed that the workplace has witnessed a rise in diversity and inclusion with employees engagement rate seeing a rise by 45% and 36% claiming a rise in customer satisfaction.
  • The Economists also conducted a survey and found that 36% of the workers feel more focused and productive by working from home, while 28% feel directionless. 

Statistics on Usage of Technology in Hybrid Workplace Model 

  • Employees who are aged 65 and above are less likely to access or use any sort of collaborative tools.
  • In a survey by Prudential Financial Inc., 34% of respondents claimed that companies are providing essential tools required to set up work-from-home offices so users can perform work remotely. 
  • One in five users claims that there is inadequate adoption or change in the management when a new tool or platform is introduced for hybrid working.
  • 58% of workers who are working remotely have claimed they have begun using collaboration tools way more than compared to a year ago. 

Hybrid Workplace Model Other Statistics and Trends

  • According to a report, 25% of research participants have stated they wish to work completely from home, while 25% prefer to work from the office. 
  • About 30% of respondents have stated they feel more productive while working from home. 
  • 51% of firms have embraced the hybrid work culture, while 5% offer a fully permanent option. 
  • A Survey by Remote Work and Compensation Pulse showcased that 48% of the employees prefer to work from home permanently, while 44% prefer to have a hybrid mode of work. 
  • 78% of employees believe that engaging in hybrid and remote work mode has brought a positive impact on their lives and enhanced their well-being. 
  • A study revealed that 51% of employees are likely to quit a job when asked to give up the hybrid working model. 
  • The introduction of the hybrid work model has helped companies and firms grow their performance by 22%
  • According to a survey by Pulse of the American Worker, 87% of the employees have showcased their interest in having at least one day of remote working a week. 
  • A survey by Gallup revealed that 4 out of 10 employees prefer to spend about two days working on-site a week. 
  • A survey revealed that 74% of CFOs are planning to move a minimum of 5% of their previous office workers to remote positions permanently. This suggests that a large section of companies are considering introducing hybrid models that allow a few employees to operate remotely while some remain on-site.

Wrapping Up 

Based on the above statistics it’s pretty clear that more and more organizations are switching to hybrid working mode. Most employees also stated hybrid as the most preferred form of working. The digital era has certainly created a safe and user-friendly environment where users can operate and perform their tasks remotely and conduct virtual meetings using collaborative tools. Looking at the stats, the demand for hybrid work doesn’t seem to be witnessing a decline any time soon.

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Tiktok Statistics For 2024: Users, Demographics, Trends

TikTok is currently one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide with over 1.7 billion users as of 2023. This short video-sharing tool gained massive popularity in 2020 peaking at approximately 313.5 million downloads during the first quarter.

TikTok was initially launched in 2016 for the Chinese audience but later on, Bytedance decided to roll the app to a wider audience by launching the app in various other countries including the United States, which is today the largest TikTok audience with 143.4 million users.

In this article, we are going to take an in-depth look at TikTok Statistics as of 2023 and talk about the total number of users globally, the largest age group, popular categories, and much more.

TikTok Key Statistics

  • TikTok has 150 million active monthly users in the United States. 
  • An Average TikTok user spends more than 1.5 hours each day on TikTok. 
  • Nearly half of Gen Z are utilizing TikTok and Instagram for search purposes instead of using Google search engines.
  • 33% of TikTok users have claimed they use TikTok regularly to gain updates on the latest news from the app. (Pew)
  • TikTok was the most downloaded app in 2021 beating various popular social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. 
  • In 2022, Consumers in China spent more than $200 Billion on the e-commerce offering in TikTok. 
  • More than 1 billion videos are being viewed on TikTok every day. 
  • On TikTok, there are more than 500 million businesses and countless small businesses available. 
  • The majority of TikTok users fall under the age of 18 to 24. 
  • TikTok was downloaded more than 700 million times worldwide during the first quarter of 2023. 
  • In the first three quarters of 2023, TikTok registered a revenue of about $9.4 billion.
  • The best time to post on TikTok is Tuesday – 9 am EST, Thursday – 12 am, and Friday – 5 am. 
  • 9 am to 11 am EST from Monday to Friday is considered the most suitable time to go live on TikTok.

Also Read: Everything You Need to Know about TikTok Ban in the U.S

TikTok Overview 

Launch Date September 2016 (China),  August 2018 (Worldwide release) 
Headquarters Beijing, China
Total languages available in 40 languages 
Industry Social Networking

Number of TikTok users worldwide from 2018 to 2027

In 2023, TikTok counted approximately 1.9 billion users globally. TikTok witnessed massive popularity in 2020 rising from 652.5 million in 2019 to 1,035 million in 2020. Here is a breakdown of the total number of TikTok users worldwide from 2018 to 2027. 

Year TikTok Users 
20272,249 million 
20262,198 million 
20252,136 million 
20242,051 million 
20231,922 million 
20221,719 million 
2021 1,407 million 
20201,035 million 
2019652.5 million 
2018    347.1 million 

Source: Statista 

Leading Countries with the largest TikTok users as of October 2023

The United States is the leading country with highest TikTok user count of 143.4 million, followed by Indonesia who has a total count of 106.52 million as of October 2023. 

Country Name TikTok User 
United States 143.4 million 
Indonesia 106.52 million 
Brazil 94.96 million 
Mexico 68.89 million 
Vietnam 62.61 million 
Russian Federation 59.12 million 
Pakistan 48.12 million 
Philippines 39.48 million 
Thailand 38.08 million 

Source: Statista 

18 to 34 is the age group with largest TikTok users 

The short-form video-sharing application TikTok is highly popular among the younger generation. The age group with the highest number of TikTok users ranges between 18 to 34. Below is a table showcasing the TikTok’s user base depending on the Age group: 

Age Group User Percentage 
18 to 24 37.3% 
25 to 34 32.9% 
35 to 44 15.7% 
45 to 54 8.3% 
55+ 5.8% 

TikTok Users by Gender 

TikTok contains a pretty equal ratio when it comes to the distribution of users by Gender. As of October 2023, approximately 49.2% of TikTok users worldwide were women. While the male users were approximately 50.8% of the total globally. (Statista

Distribution of TikTok Users based on Age Group and Gender 

Now that we are aware that 49.2% of TikTok users are women and 50.8% are male, let’s take a deeper look at the usage of TikTok based on their Age Group and Gender. Here is a table providing an entire breakdown of the total number of TikTok users based on their Age and Gender. 

Age Group Female Male 
18 to 24 18.2%18%
24 to 34 15.2%16.9%
35 to 44 7.9%8.6%
45 to 54 4.4%4.3%
55+ 3.4%3%

Source: Statista

As of October 2023, the age of 18 to 24 was found as the age group with the highest amount of TikTok audience worldwide. A total of 18.2% of women and 18% of the men in the platform audience were between the ages of 18 to 24. The second highest age group was 24 to 34 with 15.2% female audience and 16.9% male audience. 

Most Popular Category on TikTok

According to TikTok statistics, “Entertainment” is the most popular category in the short-video sharing platform worldwide. The Entertainment hashtag has a total of 535 billion hashtag views on TikTok.

The second most popular category on TikTok is “Dance” with 181 Billion hashtag views. Below is a table showcasing the overview of some of the most popular categories on TikTok: 

CategoryPopularity by Hashtag Search
Entertainment 535 Billion
Dance 181 Billion 
Pranks 79 Billion 
Fitness/Sports 57 Billion 
Home reno/D.I.Y.39 Billion 
Beauty/skincare33 Billion 

TikTok is the leading social media platform with the highest engagement rate per post

TikTok has an engagement rate of 17.96 for Micro (users with less than 15K followers) which is much higher compared to Instagram’s 3.86% and YouTube’s 1.63%. Here is a table showcasing the engagement rate of different types of influencers on TikTok in comparison to Instagram and YouTube:

Influencer Type TikTok Instagram YouTube 
Micro (less than 15K followers)17.96%3.86%1.63%
Regular(15k-50k followers)9.75%2.39%0.51%
Rising(50k-100k followers)8.37%1.87%0.46%
Mid(100k-500k followers)6.67%1.62%0.43%
Macro (500k – 1 mil. followers)6.20%1.36%0.44%
Mega (Over 1 mil. followers)4.96%1.21%0.37%

Source: Upfluence

TikTok Download Statistics

TikTok was named the second social media app that crossed 3 billion all-time downloads. It was reported that there were more than 770 million TikTok app downloads during the first three quarters of 2023. Let’s take a look at some of the additional facts related to TikTok downloads: 

  • In 2022, TikTok was the most downloaded app with 879.2 million downloads globally. 
  • During the second quarter of 2022, Colombia became the leading country with the highest TikTok downloads growth from the App Store.
  • According to recent market data, it was revealed that TikTok witnessed a global decline in quarterly downloads during the 2nd quarter of 2022 by 37%.
  • The country that witnessed the most decline was Finland with a total of – 27%. 
  • In the first half of 2021, TikTok has declared the most downloaded non-gaming app with 383 million downloads. 
  • TikTok has more than 1 billion downloads on Google Play Store. 

Here is a complete breakdown of the total number of TikTok downloads over the years. 

Year Total number downloads 
2023 (Till the Q3)770 million
2022879.2 million
2021656 million
2020850 million
2019693 million
2018657 million
2017 132 million

Source: Statista

Bonus Tip

As social media continues to evolve, platforms like TikTok not only shape entertainment trends but also influence tech applications in personal communication. Understanding this intersection can provide insights into user engagement and preferences across different digital environments. For a deeper dive into how AI is transforming personal interactions online, particularly in private communications, explore our discussion on the use of AI sexting chatbots for sex chat here.

Wrapping Up 

TikTok is currently one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide with more than 1.7 billion users. This short video-sharing platform is expected to witness more growth in coming years and is expected to reach 2,249 million by 2027 according to Statista.

TikTok is an excellent platform for anyone who wants to promote their brand online considering its excellent engagement rate. We hope this article has helped you gain data about TikTok, its downloads, popular categories, and much more. 

For a comprehensive overview of another visual-centric social media platform, check out our detailed article on Instagram Statistics.

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