Tag Archives: Tom Davenport

More Data on Data

The 11th annual survey of Chief Data Officers (CDOs) and Chief Data and Analytics Officers (CDAOs) collected data from 116 Fortune 1000 companies. Read more

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Book Review: Working with AI

Working with AI is an engaging, well-documented investigation into the nature of work today and tomorrow. Read more

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Tom Davenport on 4 Eras of Information

From Tom Davenport’s keynote at the MIT Chief Data Officer and Information Quality (#MITCDOIQ) Symposium. Here’s his interview at the conference with TheCube: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kyxbbLKDnE?list=PLenh213llmcZcYCPURdubASWiM3TEb9aS]

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10 New Big Data Observations from Tom Davenport

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdHhD4n3iFE?rel=0] The term “big data” has become nearly ubiquitous. Indeed, it seems that every day we hear new reports of how some company is using big data and sophisticated analytics to become increasingly competitive. The topic first began to … Continue reading

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