Tag Archives: PWC

Timeline of AI and Robotics

Source: PwC

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The Digital Transformation of the Oil and Gas Industry

Lux Research: The oil and gas industry today faces four key challenges: volatile commodities, workforce retirements, low carbon economy, and shifting geopolitics. Culminating in its new era of operational efficiency, digital transformation serves as the answer for cost reduction and … Continue reading

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AI to Add $16 Trillion to Global Economy in 2030

  HT: @miguelselas

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Hyper Job Growth for Data Science and Analytics

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Machine Learning Evolution

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Artificial Intelligence (AI): Top Business Uses

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8 New Technologies Driven by Plummeting Costs of Computing, Storage, and Networking

HT: Vala Afshar

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Digital Tipping Point: Internet Advertising Surpassing TV Advertising in 2016

On October 27, 1994, HotWired, the first commercial Web magazine, gave birth to the first Web banner ad and the Internet advertising industry. PwC predicts that Internet advertising revenues worldwide will surpass TV advertising in 2016 and reach $260.4 billion in … Continue reading

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The State of Decision-Making by Machines and by Humans

A new PwC survey provides fresh and illuminating data on the burning questions of the day:  Are machines going to take over our jobs? And how much do we rely (or over-rely) today on machines, automation, and algorithms? Experts are … Continue reading

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Wearable adoption more than doubled in past two years

VB: The adoption of wearables has skyrocketed, rising from 21 percent of the U.S. population in 2014 to 49 percent in 2016, according to a report by consulting firm PwC. And parents are significantly more likely to own not just … Continue reading

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