Tag Archives: Microsoft

Quantum Computing: Microsoft

It’s possible right now to run quantum-inspired algorithms on a classical computer and observe the type of impact quantum computing will have on various business and social challenges. Read more

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Best of 2019: The Misleading Language of Artificial Intelligence

[September 27, 2019] Language is imprecise, vague, context-specific, sentence-structure-dependent, full of fifty shades of gray (or grey). It’s what we use to describe progress in artificial intelligence, in improving computers’ performance in tasks such as accurately identifying images or translating … Continue reading

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Beyond Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, and Google: Intelligent Assistants Landscape

VB: Ever since Apple’s Siri heralded the age of intelligent assistants (IAs) four years ago — followed by Microsoft, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook — pundits have complained that intelligent assistant technology isn’t living up to its promise… In 2015, the … Continue reading

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The Economy of Cloud Computing (Infographic)

Source: Soliant Consulting

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Microsoft’s Joseph Sirosh on Big Data Lessons from Reaching 50 Millions in 7 Days (Video)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W0yKdDzk_Y?rel=0] From Strata + Hadoop NYC 2015, an entertaining talk by Microsoft’s Joseph Sirosh on the creation of the viral phenomenon How-Old.net,  how it got to 50 million users in 7 days, and the unexpected big data challenges that came … Continue reading

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The Internet of Things (IoT): 9 Predictions and Facts

A number of new reports on the Internet of Things (IoT) provide a fresh look at the state of this hot market and forecasts for its future impact on the world’s economy. IDC discussed The Internet of Things Mid-Year Review at … Continue reading

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