Tag Archives: jobs

Generative AI and the Future of Work

Generative AI is bringing back the anxiety about jobs, especially the creative kind of jobs. Read more

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Startups Continue to Hire During the Pandemic

Jerusalem-based venture investing platform OurCrowd released the first installment of the quarterly OurCrowd Jobs Index showing that the number of open positions listed by OurCrowd’s portfolio companies rose from 350 in June 2020 to 912 in December 2020. The startups surveyed by … Continue reading

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AI by the numbers, May 2019

AI optimists drive enterprise adoption US federal government contract obligations and AI-related investments grew almost 75% to nearly $700 million between fiscal 2016 and 2018 [Federal News Network]. 85% of US CEOs and business leaders are AI optimists; 87% are … Continue reading

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AI by the numbers, April 2019

Enterprise adoption and attitudes: Some progress, some FOMO 25% of businesses surveyed have implemented cognitive technologies such as AI or machine learning, either as pilot projects or as long-term strategies; 41% are using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) extensively or across … Continue reading

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$124,000: Median salary for professionals with big data expertise

Louis Columbus: The median advertised salary for professionals with big data expertise is $124,000 a year. Sample jobs in this category include Software Engineer, Big Data Platform Engineer, Information Systems Developer, Platform Software Engineer, Data Quality Director, and many others.  

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Trending Buzzwords in Tech Job Posting 2015

Sources: Textio (and BloombergBusiness) Biggest winners Artificial intelligence (or AI). This is the biggest winner in our data set over the last year, and we swear we’re not just saying that because we’re an AI company and we’re hiring. The … Continue reading

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Who Does What in Data Science (Infographic)

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Top Skills and Backgrounds of Data Scientists on LinkedIn

A new study of LinkedIn profiles by RJMetrics has found that the number of data scientists has doubled over the last 4 years . This reflects the increasing demand for sophisticated data analysis skills, combining computer programming with statistics, and the … Continue reading

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