Tag Archives: IDC

Present and Future IoT: Numbers from IDC (Infographic)

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IIA, Forrester, IDC, and Gartner on the Future of Big Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing

Big data analytics is the next trillion-dollar market, says Michael Dell. IDC has a more modest and specific prediction, forecasting the market for big data technology and services to grow at a 23.1% compound annual growth rate, reaching $48.6 billion … Continue reading

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Gartner, IDC and Forrester on the Future of Digital Transformation

Gazing intensely into their respective crystal balls, Gartner, IDC, and Forrester have come up with predictions for 2016 and beyond, highlighting digital transformation and its impact on businesses and consumers worldwide. According to Forrester, only 27% of today’s businesses have … Continue reading

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7 Predictions for 2016 from IDC

Issuing IDC’s top 10 predictions for 2016, chief analyst Frank Gens advised enterprises to transform or die, noting that the overarching theme for 2016 is “digital transformation scales up.” Scale is the “critical ingredient in the unfolding battle for digital … Continue reading

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28 Numbers from IDC about IT Futures

  By 2020, almost 50% of IT budgets will be tied into DX (digital transformation) initiatives. By 2018, Line of Business (LOB) executives will control 45%+ of all IT spending worldwide, over 60% in the U.S. By 2017, over 50% … Continue reading

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