Tag Archives: IDC

Digital Transformation Surprisingly Focused on Operations

CIO Journal: 40.8% of CIOs responding to a recent IDC survey said that the focus of their digital initiatives is “improving operations” a opposed to 35.5% who cited “new products” and 34.2% that mentioned “new markets.”      

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AI and Machine Learning to Drive Big Data Revenues

ABI Research: Cyber threats are an ever-present danger to global economies and are projected to surpass the trillion dollar mark in damages within the next year. As a result, the cybersecurity industry is investing heavily in machine learning in hopes … Continue reading

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2017 Predictions for Digital Transformation

IDC has released its 2017 predictions for digital transformation and for CIOs, in addition to its IT industry predictions. Digital transformation is a technology-centric transformation, says IDC, that is profoundly changing business and society. Here is what IDC expects to … Continue reading

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Artificial Intelligence Market to Reach $47 Billion by 2020

IDC: The industries that will invest the most in cognitive/AI systems in 2016 are banking and retail, followed by healthcare and discrete manufacturing. Combined, these four industries will generate more than half of all worldwide cognitive/AI revenues in 2016, with … Continue reading

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IDC: Top 2017 Predictions

IDC released its 10 IT industry predictions for 2017 in a webcast with Frank Gens, IDC’s senior vice president and chief analyst. The predictions covered many trends driving success today and in the future, from how the entire global economy … Continue reading

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Country Ranking of IoT Preparedness

IDC: [This is an] updated index ranking the Group of 20 (G20) nations on their preparedness for Internet of Things (IoT) development. The original index was first published in 2013 but this updated index is now comprised of 13 criteria … Continue reading

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Internet of Things by the Numbers: Research Updates

IDC presented on August 4 its annual mid-year IoT review webcast, hosted by Vernon Turner, senior vice president and research fellow for IoT and Carrie MacGillivray, vice president of IoT & Mobile. Here are the highlights: An updated Digital Universe … Continue reading

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Forrester and IDC on Consumer Interest in IoT

IDC-IoTAPril2016 Consumer IoT is lagging behind industrial IoT in terms of interest, investments, and successful applications. CB Insights has found that in 2011, the industrial IoT accounted for 17% of all IoT funding dollars. In 2015, the share of industrial … Continue reading

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The Robots Are Coming: Funding and Spending Doubling

CB Insights: Funding to private robotics companies nearly doubled in 2015, reaching a record high in deals and dollars… Our robotics category excludes drones, but includes robotics companies focused on process and manufacturing automation, agricultural automation, surgical applications, and personal/social robots. Together, … Continue reading

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Amount of Data Created Annually to Reach 180 Zettabytes in 2025

    Source:IDC Michael Kanellos: A few years ago, [IDC] made headlines by predicting that the total amount of digital data created worldwide would mushroom from 4.4 zettabytes in 2013 to 44 zettabytes by 2020. Now, IDC believes that by 2025 … Continue reading

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