Tag Archives: Google

Using Deep Learning in Medicine (Video)

https://youtu.be/3WBpJKDv1U8 Jeremy Howard, founder and CEO of Enlitic, argues that the release of Google’s TensorFlow will have an impact similar to the release of the C programming language and that Deep Learning will have an impact similar to that of … Continue reading

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Data Is the New…?

HT: @CBinsights

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Google Knows Everything (#IoT)

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Google Stats of the Week: Learning by Smartphone

67% of millennials agree that they can find a YouTube video on anything they want to learn. Being constantly connected has trained us to expect immediacy and relevance in moments of intent—the I-want-to-know, I-want-to-go, I-want-to-do, and I-want-to-buy moments. These micro-moments are the … Continue reading

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Google and Alphabet: Invention–and Commerical Success–is not Enough

It looks like most of the publications and pundits of the world had something to say about the surprise-of-the-decade: Google’s transformation into Alphabet (Techmeme provides a sample here). For me, the numerous questions they posed only triggered further questions:  Is … Continue reading

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Google Robots’ Dream Psychedelic Dreams and Lash Out at Humans

The Wall Street Journal reported recently that a Google robot became “exasperated” and ended a conversation “by lashing out at its human inquisitor.” And Quartz reported that “Google engineers sought out to see what…artificial networks ‘dream’ of” and discovered “the subconscious of … Continue reading

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