Tag Archives: Google

The Future of Search

An open platform for search heralds a new way to manage our online experiences. Read more

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Will Google Own AI? (5)

Matthew Rubashkin, Silicon Valley Data Science: “[Google’s] TensorFlow is the 800-pound Gorilla in the room in regards to quantity of tutorials, training materials, and community of developers and users.” Mentions of Deep Learning frameworks in papers uploaded to Arxiv-Sanity in March … Continue reading

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Will Google Own AI? (4)

Norm Jouppi, Google: We’ve been using compute-intensive machine learning in our products for the past 15 years. We use it so much that we even designed an entirely new class of custom machine learning accelerator, the Tensor Processing Unit. Just … Continue reading

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AI Perspectives from Amazon, Salesforce, Google and Leading Roboticists

The 11th annual MIT Tech Conference, a student-led event organized by the MIT Sloan Tech Club, had “exponential technologies” as its theme this year. Here’s what I learned from the event’s morning sessions which covered artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, … Continue reading

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Will Google Own AI? (2)

According to the tally Google provided to MIT Technology Review, it published 218 journal or conference papers on machine learning in 2016, nearly twice as many as it did two years ago…  Compared to all companies that publish prolifically on … Continue reading

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Deep Learning at Google

Growing use of deep learning at Google In 2012, there was not much use of deep neural nets at Google. Over time, we built tools that other teams can pick up and use to solve their problems. The tools were … Continue reading

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Google: Self-Driving Cars are Both 3 and 30 Years Away

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj-rK8V-rik?rel=0] IEEE Spectrum: In 2011, soon after Google first told the world about the robocars it had secretly been developing, it promised that the vehicles would be able to “drive anywhere a car can legally drive.” Its timeframe for … Continue reading

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Beyond Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, and Google: Intelligent Assistants Landscape

VB: Ever since Apple’s Siri heralded the age of intelligent assistants (IAs) four years ago — followed by Microsoft, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook — pundits have complained that intelligent assistant technology isn’t living up to its promise… In 2015, the … Continue reading

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The Economy of Cloud Computing (Infographic)

Source: Soliant Consulting

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Digital Marketing Trends (Infographic)

Source: DazeInfo  

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