Tag Archives: Forbes Gil Press

2018 Predictions: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

It is somewhat safe to predict that AI will continue to be at the top of the hype cycle in 2018. But the following 51 predictions also envision it becoming more practical and useful, automating some jobs and augmenting many … Continue reading

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2018 Predictions: Cybersecurity

Like death and taxes, there are only two safe predictions about cybersecurity in 2018: There will be more spectacular data breaches and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will go into effect on May 25. But as the continuing digital transformation … Continue reading

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Emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) Leaders: Rana el Kaliouby, Affectiva

“Without our emotions, we can’t make smart decisions,” says Rana el Kaliouby. In the field of artificial intelligence, this is sheer heresy. Isn’t the goal of AI to create a machine with human-level intelligence but without the human “baggage” of … Continue reading

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Facebook, Amazon, Disney Practice AI and GE, DBS, BNY Mellon Do Digital Transformation

Searching recently for evidence of artificial intelligence taking over our jobs, lives, and everything else, Tom Davenport came up empty. “Nary a robot overlord to be found,” he declared at the 14th  MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. A day later, at the … Continue reading

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Consumers Prefer Smartphones To George Clooney, Family, Friends, Even Sex

Would you give up your smartphone for a month in exchange for a day with George Clooney or any other celebrity? If you answered “yes,” you are in a disappearing minority. Almost three-quarters of smartphone users worldwide refuse to substitute … Continue reading

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Richard Socher, Salesforce (Emerging AI Leaders Series)

“AI teaches us who we are,” says Richard Socher. The recent rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence is the result of successfully processing “a large amount of known training data, doing things [the computer] has seen before,” he … Continue reading

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AI will Eclipse Hadoop, Says Forrester

When you start a revolution, you need to go public before the next revolution starts. Hadoop used to be the “revolutionary” technology behind the “big data” revolution but it has now been buried deep by deep learning, at least as … Continue reading

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Self-Driving Cars: A Solution to Distracted Driving?

Self-driving cars continued to make headlines recently. Google (Waymo) opened its early rider program in Phoenix, Arizona, to “hundreds” of residents “with diverse backgrounds and transportation needs.” Baidu open sourced its self-driving technology and said it’s on track to deliver self-driving cars by the … Continue reading

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Digital Disruption: 5 Top Technologies

Digital disruption is the flip side of digital opportunity. Established companies and startups alike enlist new technologies in the fight to dislodge incumbents, protect entrenched positions, or re-invent entire industries and business activities. To help business and IT executives evaluate … Continue reading

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AI and Automation: Predictions, Perceptions, and Proposals

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin declared last week that the threat of artificial intelligence taking over American jobs “is not even on my radar screen.” Mnuchin is “not worried at all,” at least not for the next 50 to 100 years. This was … Continue reading

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