Tag Archives: Forbes Gil Press

Timeline of Modern Computing

Key milestones in the journey from ENIAC to Tesla, from Data Processing to Big Data. Read more

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Managing Data Overload in Healthcare

Navina AI helps physicians manage the healthcare data overload and provide better patient care. Read more

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AI by the Numbers: Coronavirus, Business Impact, Consumer Attitudes

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of AI highlight the role AI plays in fighting the Coronavirus, the business impact of AI, and what the American public feels about it. Read more here

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AI by the Numbers: 87% of CEOs See Data as Strategic Asset

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the progress and impact of AI highlight the growing respect for data and its uses by businesses everywhere and the increasingly positive—but still mixed—attitudes towards AI by US consumers. Read more … Continue reading

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AI by the Numbers: Data Privacy or AI Supremacy?

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the progress and impact of AI highlight the confusion and contradictory attitudes of consumers about the privacy of their data, the impact of AI on jobs, and the race for AI … Continue reading

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Why It’s Difficult to Make Predictions, Especially About the Future

The year 2020 has been featured in many predictions and long-term visions in the past, implying not only the terminal point for the forecast or planning period but also a crystal-clear crystal ball. Now that the year 2020 is our … Continue reading

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AI by the Numbers: 35% Of Workers Worldwide Expect Their Job Will Be Automated

You will find more infographics at Statista Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the progress of AI highlight anxiety about AI eliminating jobs, the competition for AI talent, questions about employees AI preparedness, and data quality, literacy, … Continue reading

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Shakey, the World’s First Mobile Intelligent Robot

Developed at the Artificial Intelligence Center of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) from 1966 to 1972, SHAKEY was the world’s first mobile intelligent robot. According to the 2017 IEEE Milestone citation, it “could perceive its surroundings, infer implicit facts from explicit ones, … Continue reading

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AI by the Numbers: Only 14.6% of Large Companies Have AI in Production

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the progress of AI find that many organizations struggle to deploy AI widely and move beyond limited projects. Read more here  

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Best of 2019: How AI Killed Google’s Social Network

[February 4, 2019] Facebook turns 15 today, after announcing last week a record profit and 30% revenue growth. Also today, “you will no longer be able to create new Google+ profiles, pages, communities or events,” in anticipation of the complete … Continue reading

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