Tag Archives: Forbes Gil Press

Private and Public Support for Quantum Computing Worldwide

Intensity of quantum technology investments and initiatives increases globally. Read more

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New Funding for Neutral Atoms

PASQAL’s technology is based on research conducted by the winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, and it plans to deliver quantum computing with major commercial advantages over classical computers by 2024. Read more

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The Future of Writing?

AI21 is addressing the limitations of Large Language Models (LLM) by combining deep learning with old-fashioned AI. Read more

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Understanding Cancer Resistance Mechanisms

A new research study will analyze cancer resistance mechanisms using several multiomics technologies. Read more

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More Data on Data

The 11th annual survey of Chief Data Officers (CDOs) and Chief Data and Analytics Officers (CDAOs) collected data from 116 Fortune 1000 companies. Read more

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AI in 2022

In 2022, the marriage of computing and statistical analysis became entertainment for the masses. Read more

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New Funding Round for Microbiome-Based Therapeutics

Biomica plans to use the $20 million in new funding from Shanghai Healthcare Capital to further develop its pipeline of microbiome-based therapeutics. Read more

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The Future of Search

An open platform for search heralds a new way to manage our online experiences. Read more

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Generative AI that Creates Video and Animation from Text Prompts

The first multimodal generative AI video platform to combine text, image and animation in one interface. Read more

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Book Review: Working with AI

Working with AI is an engaging, well-documented investigation into the nature of work today and tomorrow. Read more

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