Tag Archives: Forbes Gil Press

Predictions about AI in 2024

The future of AI, according to Forrester, IDC and Gartner. Read more

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Quantum Computing in 2024

Quantum computing startup Oxford Ionics has raised £30 million in Series A funding. Read more

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A Very Short History of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

1308                                  Catalan poet and theologian Ramon Llull publishes Ars generalis ultima (The Ultimate General Art), further perfecting his method of using paper-based mechanical means to create new knowledge from combinations of concepts.  The nine most fundamental principles of the … Continue reading

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Abusing AI

The trouble with AI is that it lacks a clear definition, that it suffers from the unique nature of its creators’ intelligence and the fuzzy language they use. Read more

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When AI Met Robotics, SHAKEY Was Born

The robot that was going to start the Third Industrial Revolution. Continue reading

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AI: The First Expert System

Expert systems represented a new stage in the evolution of AI, shifting from its initial emphasis on general problem-solving and reasoning to a new focus was on knowledge. Read more

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AI: The First ‘Thinking Machine’

Catalan poet and theologian Ramon Llull perfected in 1308 his method of using paper-based mechanical means to create new knowledge from combinations of concepts. Read more

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33 Facts and Forecasts About Chatbots and Voice Assistants

To help with your chatbot information overload, here’s a handy list of numbers about the rising prominence of online messaging, voice interfaces, and having a conversation with your friendly AI assistant. Read the article on Forbes.com

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Digital Health, AI, and Israel

The global outbreak of the new Coronavirus brought to our attention an inconvenient truth about influenza: The seasonal flu kills between 291,000 to 645,000 people worldwide each year. Still, a December 2019 survey found that 37% of US adults did not intend to get … Continue reading

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AI Helps in Medical Diagnosis

Atropos Health is one of over 150 organizations using Mayo Clinic Platform to test and validate AI models in healthcare. Read more

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