Tag Archives: emarketer

Digital Tipping Point: Online Advertising will Surpass TV Advertising in 2017

eMarketer: Next year will mark a major milestone for ad spending, as total digital surpasses TV for the first time, according to eMarketer’s newest quarterly ad spending forecast. In 2017, TV ad spending will total $72.01 billion, or 35.8% of … Continue reading

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Price is #1 Barrier to the Purchase of IoT Devices

Accenture: Consumers report that price is the top barrier to the purchase of IoT devices, with 62 percent believing these devices are too expensive. This perception is almost consistent across age groups and countries—with mature markets only slightly less concerned … Continue reading

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Use of IoT in Healthcare and Life Sciences

eMarketer: Despite numerous regulatory and privacy constraints, organizations inside and outside the healthcare industry are exploring ways to put the IoT to work. Players include pharma and biopharma manufacturers; hospitals and clinics; physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers (HCPs); health … Continue reading

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