Tag Archives: emarketer

China is Moving Towards a Cashless Society

eMarketer: We forecast that 577.4 million people in China made a purchase via proximity mobile payment within a six-month period this year. Those users account for 49.6% of the country’s population. In 2020, more than half of the population will … Continue reading

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China to Grow its AI Market from $2 Billion Today to $150 Billion in 2030

China has laid out a development plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence (AI) by 2030, aiming to surpass its rivals technologically and build a domestic industry worth almost US$150 billion (S$204 billion). Released by the State Council, … Continue reading

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Distracted: Millennials Addicted to Social Media

eMarketer:  A new study from private software research company Qualtrics and venture capital firm Accel looked at how plugged in to social media internet users in North America, the UK and Australia really are. It found that many millennials haven’t … Continue reading

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Internet Tipping Point: Laptops and desktops overtake TVs as preferred devices for watching TV shows

Accenture: Signaling an accelerating shift in the digital video market consumer behavior, the percentage of consumers who prefer watching TV shows on television sets plummeted by 55 percent over the past year, from 52 percent to 23 percent, according to … Continue reading

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AI and Data-Driven Marketing Technology

Scott Brinker: …you can see from this chart that master-martech-analyst David Raab shared at the last MarTech confernece in San Francisco that AI (machine intelligence) is blossoming across the whole industry with vendors of all sizes (and this is only … Continue reading

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13-Year-Old Facebook Dominates Social Media

  Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004 when Thefacebook.com went live. Its home screen read, says David Kirkpatrick in The Facebook Effect, “Thefacebook is an online directory that connects people though social networks at colleges.” Zuckerberg’s classmate Andrew McCollum … Continue reading

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Fitbit Shares Down 70% Since IPO as Wearables Market Shifts from Fitness to Healthcare

eMarketer, June 2016: Ericsson ConsumerLab polled wearable device owners from Brazil, China, South Korea, the UK and the US who had stopped using their wearable—which was about one in 10 wearable users… Still, eMarketer forecasts that usage is growing in the … Continue reading

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Apple to Target 2.15 Billion Video Streaming Viewers

The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple plans to add video streaming of original content to Apple Music, escalating “the arms race between Apple Music and Spotify, which both offer essentially the same catalog of tens of millions of songs, … Continue reading

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The iPhone 10th Anniversary

Ten years ago today, Apple announced the iPhone. Demonstrating the new pocket communicating computer at Macworld in San Francisco, Steve Jobs said: Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything… today, we’re introducing three revolutionary … Continue reading

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Internet of Things (IoT) Budgets and Importance by Industry

An April 2015 survey of global executives across a variety of different industries conducted by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) found that respondents in banking and financial services predicted that average IoT per-company spending for their sector would grow to $153.5 million … Continue reading

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