Tag Archives: Coronavirus

News from Israel about COVID-19 Vaccine and Finding High-Risk People

News from Israel today about rapid progress in developing a COVID-19 vaccine and in identifying people at the highest risk of severe COVID-19 complications. Read more here

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AI by the Numbers: Coronavirus, Business Impact, Consumer Attitudes

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of AI highlight the role AI plays in fighting the Coronavirus, the business impact of AI, and what the American public feels about it. Read more here

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Startup Nation and COVID-19

As the coronavirus came suddenly out of stealth mode, displaying a record-breaking adherence to Silicon Valley’s mantra of “scaling up,” shocked startup investors—watching the Bloomberg US Startups Barometer plunging more than 50% in 3 months—ask “what’s to be done now”? Read more … Continue reading

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