Student Loan Debt Statistics [2024]: Average + Total

Obtaining a college degree is a dream that almost every student sees to achieve a stable future. However, with rising college tuition prices it has become extremely different for students with lower or middle income backgrounds to afford their education. This has led to more and more students taking student loans to manage their education finances. In fact, by the end of 2023, almost 43.2 million Americans have federal student loan debt. 

In this article, we will examine student loan debt statistics for 2024 to gain a deep understanding of the landscape of student loan debt, the total amount of student loans provided, federal and private loans, and much more. 

Key Student Loan Debt Statistics 

  • About 43 million Americans have a federal student loan by the end of 2023.
  • The value of outstanding student loans in the U.S. was $1,727 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2023. 
  • 98.2 billion U.S. Dollars were offered to students in the United States as a form of student loans. 
  • Stafford loans are considered the leading type of student loan in the U.S. accounting for 856 billion dollars in debt in 2023. 
  • The Average student debt for a bachelor’s degree was revealed to be $29,100.
  • Generation X has the highest average student loan of $44,290. 
  • The State with the highest debt in the U.S. is Maryland with an average student debt of $43,116.
  • 47% of women are likely to have student loan debts compared to men who have a 40% share of the average student loan.
  • In 2021, about 13% of Americans had a federal student loan. 

Value of outstanding student loans U.S.

The value of outstanding student loans in the United States has been on a constant rise since the first quarter of 2006. However, for the first time, the numbers have witnessed a decline in the third quarter of 2023. In the second quarter of 2023, the value of outstanding student loans was $1,761 trillion and the value decreased to $1,732 trillion in the third quarter of 2023. 

Here is a breakdown of the value of outstanding student loans in the United States from 2006 to 2023:

Year Value of outstanding student loans 
Q1 2006480 billion 
Q2 2006487 billion 
Q3 2006510 billion 
Q4 2006521 billion 
Q1 2007544 billion 
Q2 2007549 billion 
Q3 2007577 billion 
Q4 2007589 billion 
Q1 2008619 billion 
Q2 2008626 billion 
Q3 2008660 billion 
Q4 2008675 billion 
Q1 2009707 billion 
Q2 2009712 billion 
Q3 2009746 billion 
Q4 2009771 billion 
Q1 2010800 billion
Q2 2010811 billion
Q3 2010845 billion
Q4 2010855 billion
Q1 2011896 billion
Q2 2011905 billion
Q3 2011940 billion
Q4 2011959 billion
Q1 2012994 billion
Q2 20121,011 trillion 
Q3 20121,041 trillion
Q4 20121,052 trillion
Q1 20131,092 trillion
Q2 20131,099 trillion
Q3 20131,134 trillion
Q4 20131,145 trillion
Q1 20141,182 trillion
Q2 20141,190 trillion
Q3 20141,226 trillion
Q4 20141,235 trillion
Q1 20151,271 trillion
Q2 20151,278 trillion
Q3 20151,311 trillion
Q4 20151,320 trillion
Q1 20161,358 trillion
Q2 20161,365 trillion
Q3 20161,398 trillion
Q4 20161,405 trillion
Q1 20171,440 trillion
Q2 20171,446 trillion
Q3 20171,479 trillion
Q4 20171,488 trillion
Q1 20181,523 trillion
Q2 20181,530 trillion
Q3 20181,560 trillion
Q4 20181,566 trillion
Q1 20191,597 trillion
Q2 20191,603 trillion
Q3 20191,635 trillion
Q4 20191,637 trillion
Q1 20201,671 trillion
Q2 20201,672 trillion
Q3 20201,696 trillion
Q4 20201,693 trillion
Q1 20211,718 trillion
Q2 20211,719 trillion
Q3 20211,739 trillion 
Q4 20211,733 trillion 
Q1 20221,747 trillion 
Q2 20221,744 trillion 
Q3 20221,761 trillion 
Q4 20221,764 trillion 
Q1 20231,774 trillion 
Q2 20231,761 trillion 
Q3 20231,732 trillion 

Source: Statista

Total Amount of Student Loans Provided in the U.S.

During the academic year 2002/03, 83.1 billion U.S. dollars were offered to students in the United States as student loans. In 2022/23, the numbers jumped to 98.2 billion U.S. Dollars. It witnessed a peak in 2010/11, when 152.8 billion U.S. Dollars were offered in student loans. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the total amount of student loans provided across the United States from 2002 to 2023:

Year Loans in Billions 

Source: Statista

Among federal student loan borrowers, average amount owed as percentage of amount borrowed as of 4 years after 2015–16 bachelor’s degree completion, by race/ethnicity and Pell Grant receipt: 2020

Amount of student loan debt outstanding, by type

The outstanding student loan debt in the U.S. was reported to be around 1.7 trillion in the third quarter of 2023. Direct Combined loans, or Stafford loans, are the leading type of student loan in the U.S., accounting for 856 billion in 2023. Stafford loans are a kind of federal student loan that is specially offered to eligible university students at a low interest rate compared to private loans. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the amount of outstanding student loan debt in the United States by student loan type:

Type of Student loans Amount of debt in U.S. Dollars
Direct combined (Stafford) 856 billion 
Direct unsubsidized (Stafford)564 billion 
Consolidation555 billion 
Direct subsidized (Stafford)292 billion 
Parent PLUS105 billion 
Grad PLUS91 billion 
Perkins4 billion 

Source: Statista 

Average Student Loan Debt

According to the latest data available in the College Board, it was revealed that in 2020-2021 around 45% of the bachelor’s degree recipients graduated with a student debt. The Average student debt for a bachelor’s degree was revealed to be $29,100. However, advanced degrees require student loans at a higher price. For example, the average debt of a student for an MBA is $51,850. Similar to Medical school the average student debt was revealed $206,924. 

Here is a breakdown of the average student loan debt based on type:

Type of Debt Average Debt 
Bachelor’s degree debt$29,100
Graduate school loan debt$77,300
Parent PLUS loan debt$29,526
Law school debt$132,740
MBA student debt$51,850
Medical school debt$206,924
Dental school debt$293,900
Pharmacy school loan debt$167,711
Nursing school student debt$40,000 – $54,999
Veterinary school debt$147,258

States with Highest Average Student Debt in the U.S. 

Maryland is the leading state in the U.S. with the highest debt of $43,116. Followed by Georgia in the second position with an average student debt of $41,775. Virginia is ranked third in the list of highest debt in the U.S. with an average student loan debt of $39,599. 

Below we have mentioned the top 10 states in the U.S. with the highest debts:

State Total student debt (in billions)Number of borrowers Average student debt burden 
South Carolina$29.1758,600$38,360
North Carolina$51.61,352,800$38,143

Source: Degreechoices

States with Lowest Average Student Debt in the U.S. 

North Dakota is the leading state in the US with the lowest average student debt of 30,000. 

According to reports, Wyoming is the second state in the United States with the lowest average student debt of $$30,357. Followed by Iowa in the third position with $30,759 and South Dakota in the third position with $31,746. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing states with the lowest average student debt in the United States:

State Average student debt 
South Dakota$31,746
West Virginia$32,160
Rhode Island$32,886

Federal Student Loans by Age

A large section of borrowers belong to the young adult age group of 24 or younger with a total of $110 billion amount owned. Apart from this, borrowers aged between 25 to 34 years old carry a federal student loan of around $500 billion. Although, borrowers under this age group owed amounts between $10,000 and $40,000. 

In many cases, borrowers tend to carry student loans to their middle age and beyond. The below-mentioned table clearly showcases individuals aged 35 to 49 have the highest number of amounts owed of $622 billion with a total number of borrowers of 14.4 million. In Fact, in many unfortunate cases, the education loan can often carry towards their retirement as well. Around 2.4 million borrowers in the age category of 62 or older have a total amount of $98 billion still owed. 

Here is a breakdown of federal student loans by age group:

Age Group Amount Owed Number of Borrowers 
24 or younger $110 billion7.6 million
25 to 34 $500 billion14.9 million
35 to 49$622 billion14.4 million
50 to 61 $282 billion6.4 million
62 and older$98 billion2.4 million

Source: Federal Student Aid

Average Student Loan Debt by Gender 

The majority of students worldwide choose to take student loans to pursue their desired courses and get admission into good colleges. In general, women are more likely to have student loan debts compared to men. Reports show that on average 47% of women are likely to have a student loan compared to 40% of men. 

Gender Percentage of Average Student Loan 
Women 47%
Men 40%

Average Student Loan Debt by Race  

Reports show that people of color are more likely to have student loan debt. Apparently, Black Adults are the leading with around 50% of average student loan debt, with an average balance of $9,800. Followed by White Adults in the second position with 44% of student loan debt, with $8,700 average balance. Lastly, 37% of Hispanic/Latino Adults are likely to have an average balance of $7000.

Race Likely to have a student loan debt Average Balance 
Black Adults50%$9,800
White Adults 44%$8,700
Hispanic/Latino adults 37%$7000

Average Student Loan Debt by Generation 

Surprisingly, Generation X (people born between 1965 to 1980) is the generation with the highest share of student loan debt. People belonging to Gen X have the highest average balance of $44,290 per borrower. Followed by Baby Boomers as the second leading generation with an average student loan balance of $42,520. 

Here is a breakdown of Average student loan debt based on Generation: 

Generation Share of Student loan debt 
Gen Z $14,380
Millennials $32,800
Generation X $44,290
Baby Boomers $42,520

National Student Loan Debt by Generation 

Over half of the federal student loan debt is concentrated towards Generation X. It owns about 56.84% of the student loan debt which is the highest compared to other generations. Millennials are ranked second in this list with about 30.06% of the student loan debt, followed by Baby Boomers in the third position with 7.11%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing national student loan debt based on generation:

Generation Nation Student loan debt 
Gen Z 5.99%
Millennials 30.06%
Generation X 56.84%
Baby Boomers 7.11%

Private Student Loan Portfolio

  • The outstanding private loan debt is valued at $131 billion. 
  • Around 92% of the undergraduate private loans have a cosigner. 
  • In terms of graduate private loans around 66% of them required to be co-signed. 
  • Private student loans have only 7.6% of the entire education debt. 
  • The majority of the private loans about 89% are owed by undergraduate degrees, while only 11% are owed for graduate degrees. 
  • 99.9% of private loans require the borrower to submit a school certification as a form of confirmation of the student’s status along with the cost of attendance. 

Student Loan Repayment Statistics

In March 2020, federal student loan payments were paused nationwide, and froze the accumulation of interest due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While a large section of federal loans around $968 billion by 24 million borrowers are still under forbearance. Although, from October 2023 the monthly payments were restarted for about 37 million of the student loan borrowers.  

During the start of 2020, only 2.7 million student loan borrowers had their federal loans under forbearance. However, by the end of 2021, the numbers have witnessed a massive rise to 24 million borrowers. In May 2022, the reprieve was set to expire, and the payments for federal student loans were resumed.  

Below we have mentioned the repayment status of Federal Direct loan programs:

Status Debt Amount Number of borrowers 
In-school$118 billion6.4 million
Grace period$41 billion1.6 million
Repayment$16 billion0.5 million
Deferment$113 billion3.1 million
Forbearance$968 billion24 million
Default$112 billion5.1 million

Source: Statista 

Repayment Programs

There was a wide range of repayment options made available by the federal student loan systems for the borrowers to select from. There were certain plans that required the borrowers to qualify on the basis of family size and income, while the other plans were being made available for everyone. 

Below we have mentioned how the federal loan portfolio is issued among the most popular repayment plans:

Repayment Plan Loan Amount Number of Borrowers 
Standard $202 billion10.5 million
Graduated $91 billion3.1 million
Income-contingent (ICR)$37 billion0.8 million
Income-based (IBR)$173 billion2.8 million
Pay As You Earn (PAYE)$112 billion1.5 million
Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE)$200 billion3.3 million

In terms of private student loans, unfortunately, there aren’t any standardized repayment options or plans available for the borrowers. Since the options are usually determined based on the specific lender of the private student loan. But in many cases the private lender tends to offer few plans for the borrowers, this includes interest-only payments while in school, small flat payments while in school, or postponing the entire payment until after graduation.

In private student loans, the borrowers are required to make complete payments to the private lender after graduation which is evenly distributed over the repayment term. 


What is the average student debt in the US?

The Average student debt in the US for a student pursuing a bachelor’s degree is $29,400. However, in the case of all borrowers, the average debt is $38,290. 

What age group has the most student loan debt?

The 35 to 49 age group has the most student loan debt with about $622 billion owed by 14.4 million borrowers. 

Which generation has the most student debt?

Gen X is the generation that has the most student debt, it held 56.84% of the total federal student debt $1.63 trillion. 

Does Gen Z have student debt?

Yes, Gen Z has student debt and the average outstanding student loan balance of a Gen Z was reported to be $24,473 in 2023. 

What is the average student loan payment?

$503 is the Average student loan payment in the United States, according to a report by 

How much is student loan debt?

A total of $1.72 trillion is owed by Americans in federal and private student loan debt as of the fourth quarter of 2023. 

Why is American student debt so high?

High college tuition prices are the primary reason why American student debts are so high. Higher education fees result in most Americans from lower and middle-income backgrounds taking student loans to fulfill their education finances. 

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress
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