What Does GPT Stand For in Chat GPT?

GPT stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, an advanced AI model developed by OpenAI. It is a large language model (LLM) that is trained on a massive dataset of text and code. It is a powerful tool for generating text, translating languages, writing different kinds of creative content, and answering your questions in an informative way.

What Does Gpt Stand for in Chat GPT?

GPT in ChatGPT stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer where Generative means it can create sentences and paragraphs, like when you write a story or send a message. Pre-trained means it learned a lot about how words and sentences work by reading tons of stuff on the internet. It learned grammar, how words go together, and what they mean. Transformer is a special computer setup that helps it understand and talk in a human-like way.

So, when you talk to ChatGPT, it uses what it learned from all that reading to have a chat with you.

GPT Architecture 

The GPT architecture is a type of neural network architecture that is specifically designed for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. 

It is based on the Transformer architecture, which was introduced in 2017 and has since become the state-of-the-art for many NLP tasks.GPT models are trained on large datasets of text and code. This training process allows the model to learn the patterns and relationships between words and phrases.

The GPT architecture consists of two main components: an encoder and a decoder. The encoder takes a sequence of input words and produces a sequence of hidden states. The decoder then takes the sequence of hidden states and produces a sequence of output words.

GPT models are typically trained using a technique called supervised learning. In supervised learning, the model is given a set of input sequences and their corresponding output sequences. The model then learns to predict the output sequence for a given input sequence.

How do GPT Models Work?

GPT models work by using a neural network architecture called a Transformer. Transformers are a type of neural network that is well-suited for natural language processing tasks, such as machine translation and text summarization.

To generate text, GPT models are given a prompt, which is a sequence of words or phrases. The model then uses its training data to predict the next word in the sequence. It does this by calculating the probability of each possible word, given the words that have come before it. The model then samples from this distribution to generate the output word.

GPT models can be used to generate text in a variety of different formats, including articles, poems, code, and scripts. They can also be used to answer questions, translate languages, and summarize text.

Understanding GPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformer

GPT is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Text generation: GPT can generate realistic and coherent text, such as articles, stories, and even poems.
  • Translation: GPT can be used to translate text from one language to another. 
  • Question answering: GPT can be used to answer questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are open-ended, challenging, or strange.

GPT works by predicting the next word in a sequence, given the words that have come before it. This is done using a neural network model that has been trained on a large corpus of text. The neural network has learned to identify patterns in the text, which allows it to predict the next word with a high degree of accuracy.

What Does GPT Do?

GPT models can be used for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Generating text, such as news articles, blog posts, poems, and code snippets
  • Translating languages
  • Summarizing text
  • Answering questions in a comprehensive and informative way
  • Writing different kinds of creative content, such as poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, and letters

From GPT-1 to GPT-4

GPT-1, GPT-2, GPT-3, and GPT-4 are a series of large language models developed by OpenAI.

GPT-1 was released in 2018 and had 117 million parameters. It was a significant improvement over previous state-of-the-art language models but was still limited in its capabilities.

GPT-2 was released in 2019 and had 1.5 billion parameters. It was able to generate more realistic and complex text than GPT-1, and could also perform some tasks without any additional training. GPT-2 used to generate harmful content, such as fake news and propaganda and chose not to release the model to the public.

GPT-3 was released in 2020 and had 175 billion parameters. It was a breakthrough in language modeling and was able to perform a wide range of tasks with few examples. 

GPT-4 was released in 2023 and has 100 trillion parameters. It is a significant improvement over GPT-3 and can generate even more realistic and complex text. GPT-4 can also perform many tasks without any additional training.

Applications of GPT in Chatbots and AI Assistants

1. Customer service: GPT-powered chatbots can provide customer support 24/7, answering questions, resolving issues, and providing guidance.

2. Education: GPT-powered chatbots can be used to help students learn new concepts, practice skills, and get feedback.

3. Healthcare: GPT-powered chatbots can be used to provide patients with information about their conditions, answer questions about medications, and schedule appointments.

4. Entertainment: GPT-powered chatbots can be used to create interactive stories, games, and other forms of entertainment.

5. Productivity: GPT-powered AI assistants can help users with tasks such as scheduling appointments, sending emails, and managing to-do lists.

Advantages and Limitations of GPT in Chat

Advantages of GPT in Chat:

  • Natural language understanding: GPT is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, which gives it a deep understanding of human language. 
  • Versatility: GPT can be used to generate a wide variety of creative text formats, including poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, etc.
  • Scalability: GPT models can be scaled up or down depending on the needs of the application.

Limitations of GPT in Chat:

  • Lack of emotional intelligence: GPT is still under development, and it cannot yet understand and respond to emotions. 
  • Potential for bias: GPT models are trained on massive datasets of text and code, which may reflect the biases that exist in society. 
  • Potential for misuse: GPT-powered chatbots can be misused to generate fake news, propaganda, and other harmful content.

Future Developments and Improvements in GPT Technology

GPT technology is a rapidly developing field, and there are many exciting things to look forward to in the future. Here are some of the key areas where we can expect to see developments and improvements in GPT technology:

  • Improved natural language understanding
  • Multimodal capabilities
  • Increased computational efficiency
  • New training methods
  • New applications


In conclusion, GPT is a powerful technology for understanding and generating human-like text. It’s used in chatbots and AI assistants to have natural conversations, answer questions, and more.

While GPT has many useful applications, it also has limitations. It can sometimes create biased or inaccurate content and doesn’t fully understand the context. It needs lots of training data to work effectively. Looking forward, GPT technology will likely continue to improve and find new uses. So, go ahead and log in to ChatGPT to explore its possibilities and functions.

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Why is Chat GPT Not Working? Try these 11 Solutions

Large language model chatbot ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI. Creating text, translating languages, and writing various types of creative content are just a few of the many uses for ChatGPT.

However, it can occasionally run into issues and stop working, just like any other piece of software.
In this blog post, we’ll review the most frequent causes of ChatGPT issues and offer fixes. A few frequently asked questions about ChatGPT troubleshooting will also be covered.

Why is Chat GPT Not Working?

There are a few reasons why this could be happening:

Server Issues: ChatGPT is hosted on servers and these servers occasionally may have issues. Due to this, ChatGPT may become unresponsive or perform poorly.

High Traffic: It is a very well-known app and it may sometimes experience high traffic. This may result in it being unavailable or performing poorly.

Poor internet connection: ChatGPT may not function if your internet connection is bad. 

Browser-related issues: Using an outdated browser or having browser extensions that interfere with ChatGPT both can be problematic.

How to Fix Chat GPT Not Working

1. Clear the cookies 

Clear all the cookies and cache of your browser. To clear your browser cookies, follow these steps:

  • Open your browser.
  • Click the three dots in the top right corner of the browser window.
  • Click Settings.
  • Click Privacy and Security.
  • Click Cookies and other site data.
  • Click See all cookies and site data.
  • Search for chat.openai.com.
  • Click Remove all shown.
  • Click Clear.

2. Disable all extensions

Disable all the browser extensions that are present. To disable all browser extensions, follow these steps:

  • Open your browser.
  • Click the three dots in the top right corner of the browser window.
  • Click More Tools.
  • Click Extensions.
  • Toggle off the slider next to each extension to disable it.

3. Use another browser, device or network 

You can open a new browser window or you can even switch your network or device. If it functions there, I think your router is the source of the issue. Reset your router, then switch to the aforementioned DNS server. You can use this to determine whether the issue pertains only to your current browser, device, or network.

4. Check Server Status if ChatGPT is down 

On the OpenAI website, you can check the ChatGPT server’s status. This will help you identify if the page is down for you only or for everyone. You won’t be able to use ChatGPT if the servers are down or having issues; you’ll have to wait for them to come back online.

5. Get ChatGPT Plus subscription

ChatGPT plus is a paid subscription that gives you priority access to ChatGPT and may other benefits. It is available at a price of $20 per month. When you sign up for ChatGPT Plus, you have access to ChatGPT even during times of high demand, with quicker response times and priority access to new features and enhancements.

This means that even when everyone else is using ChatGPT, you can still use it to get the information or assistance you require. Additionally, you’ll receive responses more quickly and be the first to use new functions and enhancements.

6. Use ChatGPT alternatives

There are a number of ChatGPT alternatives available such as GPT-Neo, Bard, Youchat, Amazon Codewhisperer, Chai AI. If you are unable to use ChatGPT, you may want to try using one of these alternatives.

7. Flush DNS 

Flusing your DNS cache can help to fix problems that you are having with your internet connection. To flush your DNS, follow these steps:

1. Open a command prompt window.

2. Type the following command: ipconfig /flushdns

3. Press Enter.

8. Change DNS server 

You can use public DNS server such as Google Public DNS or Cloudfare DNS. To change your DNS server, follow these steps:

1. Open the Control Panel.

2. Click Network and Internet.

3. Click Change adapter settings.

4. Right-click on your network connection and select Properties.

5. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click Properties.

6. Select Use the following DNS server addresses and then enter the DNS server addresses of your choice.

7. Click OK.

9. Reset IP Address 

This can help you fix problems that you are facing because of a poor internet connection. To reset your IP address, follow these steps:

1. Open a command prompt window.

2. Type the following command: ipconfig /release

3. Press Enter.

4. Type the following command: ipconfig /renew

5. Press Enter.

10. Check for VPN Extensions

If you are using a VPN extension, try disabling it. You can do this by clicking on Open Manage extensions by clicking the Extensions icon in the top-right corner of your browser. Remove any extensions you don’t recall installing by going through all of them. Remove any extensions that are connected to a VPN right away.

11. Contact ChatGPT Support

If you have tried everything listed above and still it is not working then you can get help from ChatGPT Support.

Hopefully, with the above listed things you will be able to solve your problem.


ChatGPT Not Working on Chrome

Here are some possible solutions for Chatgpt not working on Chrome:

Look into your internet connection: Make sure your internet connection is strong and reliable.

Clear the cookies and cache on your browser: Corrupt cookies or cache files can often cause Chatgpt to malfunction. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the window and choose More tools > Clear browsing data to clear your cookies and cache in Chrome. Choose All Time from the Time range drop-down menu. Click Clear data after checking the boxes next to Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files.

Disable browser extensions: Some browser extensions may cause ChatGPT to malfunction. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the window and choose More Tools> Extensions to disable browser extensions in Chrome. Switch each extension’s nearby switch to the Off position.

Change your browser: Try using a different browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge, if ChatGPT is still not functioning on Chrome.

ChatGPT Signup is Currently Unavailable Please Try Again Later

This message indicates that the ChatGPT signup process is currently unavailable if you are seeing it. There are various reasons for this like heavy traffic or a server problem. The best course of action is to try again later.

ChatGPT Not Working Too Many Redirects

If you are seeing this message then it means that ChatGPT is redirecting you too frequently if you are seeing it. There are several reasons for this like misconfiguration on ChatGPT’s end or a problem with your browser.

Here are some possible solutions to this problem:

  • Delete the cookies and cache on your browser. 
  • Change your browser if you are still getting the “too many redirects” message on Chrome.
  • Speak with ChatGPT support

ChatGPT Not Working on iPhone

If ChatGPT is not working on your iPhone, here are some possible fixes:

  • Check your internet connection and make sure it is stable and strong.
  • Make sure you are using the latest version of the app. You can check for updates in the App Store and do the needful.
  • Force quit the ChatGPT app and restart it. Double-press the home button, then swipe up on the ChatGPT preview card to accomplish this.
  • Reinstall the ChatGPT app after deleting it.

Why Chat Gpt Enter Button Not Working

The following are a few reasons for the ChatGPT enter button not working:

You are pasting in pre-written prompts with line breaks already present: In prompts, ChatGPT does not support line breaks. So simply take out the line break from your prompt to fix this.

You are using a browser that does not support ChatGPT: Currently, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge all support ChatGPT. Try switching to one of these supported browsers if you are currently using a different browser.

The ChatGPT website or app has a problem: The ChatGPT website or app may be having issues if you’ve tried everything listed above and the enter button is still not functioning. You might try asking ChatGPT support for assistance in this situation.


Although ChatGPT is a strong tool, it is not without flaws. There are a few possible things that you can try to resolve the issue if your Chatgpt is not functioning properly for you. 

Please contact ChatGPT support if ChatGPT is still not functioning after you have tried all the possible solutions we discussed.

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How to Unblock ChatGPT in School (2024)

Accessing ChatGPT can be blocked in some regions, limiting educational opportunities. This blog sheds light on the reasons behind these restrictions and provides simple solutions to unblock ChatGPT. You can employ proxies, VPNs, web browser extensions, or even the Tor Browser. However, it’s crucial to understand the associated risks.

If unblocking ChatGPT remains challenging, there are alternative options. Open-source alternatives and other AI-powered chatbots are gaining popularity as substitutes. With this easy guide, you can overcome access barriers, explore AI-powered learning, and make the most of your education.

Possible Reason Why is ChatGPT blocked in some locations?

There are several possible reasons why ChatGPT is blocked in some locations.

  • Privacy concerns: ChatGPT is a large language model that is trained on a massive dataset of text and code. This dataset may include personal information, may include personal information, such as names, addresses, and email addresses.
  • Misinformation concerns: ChatGPT is able to generate text that is indistinguishable from human-written text. This means that it can be used to create fake news articles, social media posts, and other forms of misinformation. 
  • National security concerns: ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, both good and bad.

In addition to these general concerns, there may also be specific reasons why ChatGPT is blocked in certain locations. For example, ChatGPT is blocked in China because the Chinese government is concerned about its potential to be used to spread dissent and undermine the government’s authority.

How to Get ChatGPT Unblocked for School

1. Use Proxies

 A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your computer and the internet. When you connect to a proxy server, your traffic is routed through that server before it reaches its destination. This can be used to bypass website blocks, as the school’s network will only see the IP address of the proxy server, not your own. There are many free and paid proxy servers available online, but it is important to choose a reputable one to avoid security risks.

2. unblock ChatGPT with a VPN

A VPN, or virtual private network, encrypts all of your traffic and routes it through a secure server. This makes it impossible for your school’s network to see what websites you are visiting or what data you are sending and receiving. ??VPNs are typically more expensive than proxy servers, but they offer better security and performance.

3. Use Web Browser Extension

There are a number of web browser extensions available that can be used to bypass website blocks. Some of these extensions work by using proxy servers, while others work by modifying your DNS settings. DNS settings are used to translate website names into IP addresses. By modifying your DNS settings, you can force your computer to use a DNS server that does not block ChatGPT.

4. Use Tor Browser

The Tor Browser is a web browser that is designed to protect your privacy and anonymity online. It does this by routing your traffic through a network of volunteer-run servers. This makes it very difficult to track your online activity or block your access to websites.

Countries that blocked ChatGPT access

China, Iran, Korea, North, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the United Arab Emirates are some countries that have blocked ChatGPT access.

In addition, some European countries, such as Ireland, France, and Germany, are also considering blocking ChatGPT due to privacy concerns. Some countries, such as China and Russia, have a history of censoring the internet and restricting access to information.

Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have strict laws governing the spread of information that could be considered offensive or harmful to public morals.

Risks and Considerations when Unblocking ChatGPT

There are a few risks and considerations to keep in mind when unblocking ChatGPT:

  • Legal implications: ChatGPT is currently blocked in some countries, such as China, Belarus, North Korea, Iraq, Russia,  and the U.A.E. Using a VPN or proxy to unblock ChatGPT in these countries may be illegal.
  • Security risks: VPNs and proxies can be vulnerable to security risks, such as hacking and malware. It is important to choose a reputable VPN provider and to keep your software up to date.
  • Performance degradation: Using a VPN or proxy can slow down your internet connection speed. This may be especially noticeable when using ChatGPT, which is a computationally expensive application.
  • Privacy concerns: Some VPNs and proxies may log your traffic or sell your data to third parties. It is important to choose a VPN provider that has a good privacy policy.

Alternative options for accessing ChatGPT-like services

1. Open-source alternatives

  • Bard AI (Google)
  • OpenAI Playground
  • GPT-Neo
  • LaMDA (Google)
  • Bloom

These open-source alternatives are still under development, but they offer a free and open way to access ChatGPT-like capabilities.

2. Other AI-powered chatbots

  • Jasper Chat
  • YouChat
  • Perplexity AI
  • Claude

These AI-powered chatbots offer a variety of features, such as the ability to generate text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content. Some of these chatbots are free to use, while others require a paid subscription.


In conclusion, while it’s frustrating when ChatGPT is blocked in some places, it’s crucial to follow rules and respect local laws. Some of these chatbots are free to use, while others require a paid subscription.

Your privacy and security are important, so make sure to use reliable services. If you can’t access ChatGPT, there are other similar ChatGPT alternatives like open-source alternatives and different AI chatbots. So, be smart, follow the rules, and prioritize your safety while looking for alternatives to ChatGPT.

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9 Free AI Nude Generators to Create Fake Nude Images

Our selection of AI Nude Generators is just what you need. All you need to do is use a simple text prompt or upload an image, and make any photo into fake nude. Using simple text prompts, these innovative AI tools help create stunning, real-like nude images.

With so many nude generators available today, picking the right one can be difficult. Our team has spent hours selecting these tools and using each one of them to make sure our users get the best nude generators.

These tools offer unique features for creating realistic AI-generated nudes online, catering to various needs and preferences. We’ll guide you through each option, helping you find the perfect tool for your creative explorations

9 Free AI Nude Generators to Create Fake Nudes

1. Promptchan AI

Promptchan AI is one of the best AI nude generators in the market that allow users to create AI Porn images and videos in various styles such as Realistic, Anime, and Hentai. This tool specializes in photo-to-nude content and allows users to create adult-oriented images and videos using text prompts. This tool allows users to undress an image and create a new Image or Video by entering a text prompt.

Users can create fake nudes of an image by accessing the Edit option. Artists or photographers can access this Promptchan AI to create deepfake nude AI images and videos in different styles such as Cinematic, Art, and Anime, using different poses and actions. Overall, PromptchanAI provides quality results that you can download it and share with others or on social media.


  • It contains three style options: Art, Anime, and Cinematic. 
  • Allow users to create stunning Nude AI Images and Videos using different poses.
  • Users can gain image or video prompt inspiration through Explore. 
  • Promptchan AI also contains a Negative Prompt feature where users can describe things they want to exclude from the content. 


  • Easy to use 
  • User-Friendly interface 
  • Allow users to generate Nude Images and videos
  • Various style and pose options 


  • At times it generates unexpected or inconsistent results. 
  • Lack human oversight
  • Not suitable for users under 18 


Plus Plan Premium Plan Pro Plan 
$11.99/month $18.99/month $26.99/month 
300 Gems (image generations)800 Gems (image generations)Unlimited Casual Generations+ 1,500 Gems (image generations)

2. Undress.app

Undress App is another AI nude generator that can create Nude images by selecting tags from the filters. This tool is capable of generating high-resolution adult-oriented images in numerous styles, poses, actions, and more.

This Nude bot allows users to access this website through email support or a Discord server. It even contains a Hub section that contains a variety of AI nude images that users can access to gain inspiration for fake nudes.

Users can decide their desired poses, clothes, bodies, faces, AI models, and more based on your preferences to generate a personalized Nude image. The premium version of this website allows users to add a text prompt to generate a more detailed AI image. 


  • Allow users to access the website through email or a discord server. 
  • Provides a wide range of image inspiration through the Hub section. 
  • Contains a good customization option. 
  • Premium users can add text prompts to generate a more detailed and personalized Nude image. 


  • Generate Nude images at a fast speed. 
  • Variety of style, pose, and action options.


  • At times the quality of the image is questionable
  • Not suitable for audiences below 18


This tool offers a free plan, while the premium plan is available for $36.99/month with 600 credits. 

3. Seduced AI

Seduced AI is another excellent AI Nude generator tool that allows users to generate nude images using textual prompts by applying a Nude filter. This tool contains a simplified version specially designed for beginners and an Advanced version for experienced users. With Seduced AI users can easily generate high-quality Nude images by selecting an AI model.

This tool even allows users to generate Nude images with more than 1 character such as 1 girl and 1 man, 2 girls and 2 men, 1 girl and 2 men, etc. The excellent customization options seduced by AI make this tool stand out. With this tool, users can select every detail of their image including the Body Type, Hair Color, Nationality, Wearing, Environment, Style, and much more. 


  • Allow users to access AI images and prompts through its Discover option.
  • It contains a wide range of AI models.
  • Users can explore a variety of poses, appearances, effects, and more.
  • Users can create unique AI images in both Anime and Realistic styles.


  • It can generate high-resolution and realistic Nude images. 
  • Seduced AI is capable of generating images at a fast speed.
  • Exploration of adult themes. 
  • Great customization options. 


  • Legal and ethical considerations. 
  • Doesn’t contain a mobile app. 


Pro Plan Platinum Plan Diamond Plan 
$0.83/day ($25/month) $1.67/day ($50/month)$5.00/day ($150/month)

4. NSFWArtGenerator.ai

This is an impressive AI-powered tool that allows users to unleash their fantasies and desires and create AI-generated Nude images. NSFWArtGenerator allows users to dive into the world of nude generators and allows users to bring their desires to life using diverse styles such as Real, Anime, Hyper Real, and Hyper Anime.

This tool utilizes machine learning algorithms that have been trained using vast datasets of Nude content. Therefore, when users provide a text prompt, the AI can interpret and understand the request based on which it generates an image that can match the provided description.

The best part about this tool is that the images generated on this platform can be utilized for commercial purposes after the user has ensured the content adheres to the guidelines and regulations and where they intend to use it. 


  • Allow users to create their Nude characters using text prompts.  
  • It provides good customization options for styles, poses, etc. 
  • Ensures users’ privacy and maintains a safe environment by keeping the generated content is secured


  • It is capable of generating images at a fast speed. 
  • Provides high-resolution and detailed images. 
  • AI-generated images can be used for commercial purposes. 
  • Generated images are stored securely and not shared with any third party. 


  • There’s a possibility of similarities with other generated content
  • It isn’t suitable for all audience. 


Basic Plan Premium Plan 
$9.99/month $67.99/year

5. Soulgen 

Soulgen is a top nude image generator that can generate stunning Real/Anime Images using text prompts. Soulgen uses machine learning algorithms and deep neural networks to create nude AI images.

Users can transform their images into nude ones using the “Edit Mode.” To edit your images, click “Edit Image” and upload them.

Users need to subscribe to a Pro plan for this action. Once you have uploaded your image, select the clothing area you wish to remove. You can also add a text prompt for a more specific outcome. After selecting the undress area click on “Remove Object.”

Within a few seconds, Soulgen will convert your image into a Nude image and generate fake nudes with AI. Artists can utilize this tool to explore their imaginations and generate a new and unique Nude image.


  • Allow users to Add, Extend, and remove content from your image using text prompts. 
  • Users can generate their desired AI image by choosing the Action, Body, Clothing, Scene, Accessories, and more. 
  • Users are allowed to access the generated images for commercial usage if the user has created the art on their own. 


  • It can generate High-quality AI images in both Real/Anime style
  • Provides good customization options
  • It contains a simple and user-friendly interface 


  • Soulgen doesn’t have an App version available. 
  • Users need to subscribe to Pro Plan to generate nude images. 
  • Generated images might not be suitable for all audiences. 
  • Users need to purchase a premium plan to generate no watermark images. 


Soulgen offers a free trial for new users. The paid plans start at $9.99 for a month for the priority queue, with no watermark, modification of AI girl’s looks, etc. Users can also subscribe to a yearly plan available at $69.99.  

6. Candy AI

Candy AI

Candy AI is an AI platform allowing users to create their dream companions and indulge in fun and exciting conversations. This tool contains Realistic and Anime Girl models with which users can engage in conversations and express their emotions, desires, etc., giving users the experience of having a virtual girlfriend.

Note: This isn’t like SoulGen or PromptChan where you can create nude images by uploading your images. You need to choose a character and then try to have a conversation and then create nude images.

Users can create their desired AI model on this platform and customize its appearance, personality, voice, etc for a personalized experience. This tool utilizes advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to generate human-like responses and allow users to generate their desired AI images.

Users can explore a variety of AI characters based on their appearance and background and select a character that suits them the best.


  • Provides a personalized chatting experience online. 
  • Generate unique AI images. 
  • Users can engage in unique storylines and roleplays with their desired AI character. 
  • Users can ask for images and listen to audio messages. 


  • Allow users to adjust the personality and appearance of the AI character. 
  • Simple and easy-to-access interface. 
  • Users can engage in unfiltered conversations. 


  • Limited information about privacy measures. 
  • No mobile app is available. 

Pricing:  Free premium plans for Candy AI begin at $12.99/month.

7. Nudify.Online

Nudify.Online is a leading AI Naked photo Generator that has been trained on thousands of images to render what a person would look like nude accurately. Users must sign up on the platform using their Google account to use Nudify Online. Once done, upload your image and use the Brush to highlight the areas you wish to undress.

Premium users can also add modes such as Undress, Lingerie, etc, and choose a body type and age for a more enhanced experience. Within a few seconds, Nudify Online will identify your requirements and make a nude picture along with your desired body type and mode. Overall, It is a good nude image-generating tool that can effortlessly create accurate and realistic-looking nudes. 


  • It contains a body type and age traits that help enhance the quality of your image generation that can perfectly suit your desires. 
  • Allow users to select modes such as Undress, Lingerie, etc for image generation. 
  • Keeps your data and content completely confidential and ensures a safe and secure environment for all its users. 


  • Generates accurate and realistic nude images. 
  • Provides a simple and easy-to-access interface. 
  • Contains good security and privacy measures.  


  • The free plan only allows standard-quality image generation. 
  • Only 10 image generations are available in the free plan


Nudify Online offers a free plan through which users can generate medium-quality images. To access additional features such as body type trait access, higher quality, faster generations, and more users need to subscribe to paid plans mentioned below: 

Basic Plan Standard Plan Pro Plan 
$5.49/month $16.99/month $37.99/month 
Medium quality Excellent quality Excellent quality, no watermarks  
Faster queue No queue No queue, Age trait access

8. PornX AI

PornX is an AI nude image generator that can create adult images quickly. This tool can make any photo nude thanks to its simple and user-friendly interface, which allows users to generate high-quality Nude images by choosing a variety of filters such as the model, poses, action, and more.

This tool offers a prompt and menu-based interface through which users can select their desired filters and initial the image-generating process. It also contains an Undress feature, where users can remove clothes from an existing image and transform it into a nude image.


  • Allow users to generate a wide range of Nude images based on their preferences. 
  • PornX platform allows users to generate adult-oriented images of both men and women. 
  • Ensure users’ safety and privacy. 


  • Provides good customization options. 
  • It is capable of generating Nude images at a fast speed. 
  • Generates images with high resolution. 


  • Doesn’t contain a mobile application. 


PornX is a freemium tool, the premium plan of PornX starts from $11.50/month.

9. CrushOn

CrushOn is an AI-powered platform that allows users to engage in fun and exciting Nude conversations and create unique AI characters. This fake nude generator contains a wide range of AI characters in numerous styles with whom users can engage in conversations.

Users can explore a wide range of topics on this platform and engage in unrestricted or unfiltered conversations without any restrictions. Some popular tag options on this platform are Anime, Historical, Celebrity, Fictional, Monster Girl, and more. 


  • Allow users to have unfiltered and uncensored conversations
  • Users can generate their own AI characters
  • It provides excellent customization options 


  • Users can engage in fun conversations
  • Provides virtual companionship 
  • User-friendly interface


  • Not suitable for the below-18 audience
  • Lacks emotions while having a conversation


CrushOn is a freemium tool through which users can send up to 50 monthly messages. To send more than 50 messages, users must subscribe to its paid plans starting from $5.9/month. 

How do AI Nude Generators work?

AI Nude generators are AI-powered tools that have gone through training to analyze large amounts of undressed images of nude bodies which helps them guide and learn about the pattern which makes it appear realistic.

Based on these patterns, AI Nude generators create new photo-like images using this data and generate fake nudes by learning about the existing nude images based on which it creates similar-looking images of non-existing individuals.

Users can provide a text prompt describing their requirements or upload an image online asking the Nude generator to generate fake nudes and the tool will instantly analyze and generate AI nude images. 


How Accurate are AI Nude Photo Generators in Rendering Images?

Nowadays, AI Nude photo-generating tools can create accurate Nude images. However, the overall outcome depends on what tool you are utilizing. 

Can AI Nude Maker be used for Commercial Purposes?

Yes, a few AI Nude Makers allow users to access the generated image for Commercial purposes by following certain guidelines and rules. Soulgen is a nude maker that allows commercial usage of AI images. 

Is Free AI Nude Generator Suitable for All Types of Artistic Projects?

AI Nude Generator can be utilized for numerous artistic projects, however, it’s important to know the main idea and concept of the project and ensure the privacy of an individual is properly respected. 

How can Users Contribute to Improving the Ethical Use of these Tools?

Users can contribute to improving the ethical usage of these tools by respecting privacy and consent and ensuring individual rights are not affected while using the AI tool. 

Are there any Free Nude AI generators available?

Yes, there are a variety of Free Nude AI generators available, such as Soulgen, PornX, Undress AI, Promptchan AI, and more. 


AI Nude Generators have made it easier for artists and photographs to generate and use Nude images for various artistic purposes by simply entering a text prompt or uploading an image. Thanks to Artificial intelligence today, users can access a wide range of AI Nude image generating tools for free.

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How Many Shopify Stores Are There – Statistics 2024

Shopify was released in 2006, offering online retailers a platform for operating various services such as payments, shipping, marketing, etc. Today, Shopify sits at the forefront of the e-commerce industry with over 4.6 million stores across 175 countries. Shopify has empowered millions of businesses across the world to create, manage, and scale their online stores. 

In this guide, we are going to talk about Statistics related to Shopify and highlight its market dominance, revenue figures, reach, and other valuable insights. 

Key Shopify Statistics 2024

  • As of 2024, there are over 700 million consumers on Shopify. 
  • 62% of the total Shopify stores are situated in the United States. 
  • There are 2.1 million Average daily active users on Shopify.
  • The United States has 2,978,547 Shopify Stores. 
  • Around 4.8 million online stores worldwide utilize the e-commerce platform Shopify.
  • 79% of Shopify’s total traffic is acquired through mobile devices. 
  • There are around 48,426 stores worldwide on Shopify Plus. 
  • Apparel is the leading product category with the highest number of stores in Shopify. 
  • North America is the leading region with the highest number of Shopify stores globally. 
  • Across 175 countries there are 4.80 million websites powered by Shopify. 
  • The United States is currently the leading country with the highest number of Shopify Plus Stores 28,210.
  • The registered revenue of Shopify since the first three quarters of 2023 is $4.9 billion.

Shopify Store Statistics by Country

As of January 2024, Shopify has been utilized by over 4.80 million live online stores worldwide. The total number of websites that have utilized Shopify is 7.34 million with the United States having 60.41% of the domain under Shopify alone. 

The United States is the leading country with the highest number of Shopify stores worldwide with 2,978,547. Followed by the United Kingdom in the second position with 205,038 Shopify stores and Australia in the third position in this list with 152,007 stores. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top 10 countries worldwide with the highest number of Shopify stores.

Rank CountryNumber of Shopify Stores
1United States2,978,547
2United Kingdom205,038
7.co Websites87,473

Shopify Stores by Region 

North America is the region with the highest number of Shopify stores worldwide; it has about 2,802,399 Shopify stores, which is the highest in this list. This is followed by Europe as the second region with the highest number of Shopify stores, 607,917. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the number of Shopify stores worldwide based on region:

RegionShopify Stores
North America2,802,399

Shopify Merchant Statistics

When it comes to Shopify Merchants North America is the leading region with 875,000 Shopify merchants. Followed by Europe, Middle East, and Africa in the second position with 437,282 Shopify merchants. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the number of Shopify merchants based on Region.

RegionNumber of Shopify Merchants
North America875,000
Europe, Middle East, and Africa437,282
Asia Pacific and China262,460
Latin America70,111

Market Share of Shopify in the U.S. 

There has been significant growth in the market share of Shopify in the U.S. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the market share of Shopify in the United States from 2018 to 2023:

YearMarket Share of Shopify 

Shopify Online Stores Worldwide by Product Category 

The popular e-commerce platform Shopify is utilized by a wide range of businesses and companies from different sectors worldwide. As of June 2023, the Apparel sector is the leading product category with the highest number of stores (520,321). Followed by the Home and Garden category in the second position with 221,381 stores. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the number of stores running on Shopify based on product category: 

Product Category Number of stores 
Apparel 520,321
Home & Garden 221,381
Beauty & Fitness 186,706
Food & Drink 116,008
People & Society 68,801
Sports 62,669
Health 61,983
Arts & Entertainment 61,283
Toys & Hobbies53,082
Pets & Animals40,609
Autos & Vehicles 36,090
Gifts & Special Events 35,526
Consumer Electronics 34,804
Business & Industrial 31,767
Computers 28,878

Source: Statista 

Market Capitalization of Shopify from 2015 to 2024

Over the last few years, there has been significant growth in the market capitalization of Shopify from 2.05 billion U.S. Dollars in 2015 to reaching a milestone of 96.35 billion U.S. Dollars in 2024, Shopify has come a long way. 

This e-commerce platform witnessed a year-on-year growth of 200% in 2019 and 2020 which led to a peak in market capitalization in 2021 with 171.57 billion U.S. Dollars. The global pandemic can be regarded as one of the top reasons behind such massive growth in the e-commerce industry. Shopify witnessed a significant decrease in its market capitalization in 2022 after the pandemic-related restrictions were lifted from most countries worldwide. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the market capitalization of Shopify from 2015 to 2024: 

Year Market capitalization 
20152.05 billion 
20163.8 billion 
201710.04 billion 
201815.3 billion 
201946.01 billion 
2020137.41 billion 
2021171.57 billion 
202244.15 billion 
2023100.04 billion 
202496.35 billion 

Source: Statista 

Shopify’s Revenue from 2020 to 2023

During the third quarter of 2023, Shopify generated a revenue of $1.7 billion worldwide. It also generated a revenue of $1.69 billion during the second quarter of 2023 and $1.50 billion in the first quarter of 2023. 

Below we have mentioned a table displaying Shopify’s revenue from 2020 to 2023 to help you understand its growth over the years: 

QuarterShopify Revenue
Q3 of 2023$1.7 billion
Q2 of 2023$1.69 billion
Q1 of 2023$1.50 billion
Q4 of 2022$1.73 billion
Q3 of 2022$1.36 billion
Q2 of 2022$1.29 billion
Q1 of 2022$1.20 billion
Q4 of 2021$1.38 billion
Q3 of 2021$1.12 billion
Q2 of 2021$1.11 billion
Q1 of 2021$0.98 billion
Q4 of 2020$0.97 billion
Q3 of 2020$0.76 billion
Q2 of 2020$0.71 billion
Q1 of 2020$0.47 billion

Subscription revenue of Shopify from 2015 to 2023

YearSubscription Revenue of Shopify
2023$1.3 billion
2022$1.5 billion
2021$1.34 billion
2020$908.76 million
2019$642.24 million
2018$465 million
2017$310.03 million
2016$188.61 million
2015$111.98 million

Source: Shopify

Shopify Customer Statistics

Shopify has witnessed excellent growth in its buyers over the last few years. As of 2023, there are 700 million Shopify buyers worldwide and 649 million in 2022.

Below we have mentioned a table displaying Shopify customer statistics over the years:

201428 million
201557 million
2016100 million
2017163 million
2018216 million
2019300 million
2020457 million
2021572 million
2022649 million
2023700 million

Shopify GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume)

Shopify’s gross merchandise volume refers to the total value of the merchandise sold during a particular period. As of the first three quarters of 2023, Shopify has sold $160.8 Billion of gross merchandise volume. The GMV of Shopify in 2022 was $197.3 Billion and $175.4 Billion in 2021. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Shopify’s GMV from 2012 to 2023:

YearShopify GMV
2012$707.4 Million
2013$1.62 Billion
2014$3.76 Billion
2015$7.7 Billion
2016$15.37 Billion
2017$26.32 Billion
2018$41.1 Billion
2019$61.14 Billion
2020$119.58 Billion
2021$175.4 Billion
2022$197.3 Billion
2023 (As of Q3)$160.8 Billion

Shopify Revenue by Region

Shopify generated a revenue of $2.15 Billion U.S. Dollars from the North American region itself which includes the USA, Canada, and Mexico and it accounted for a total sale of 73.3% worldwide. Around $780 million of revenue was generated from regions outside North America. Europe, the Middle East, and Africa were the second leading regions with the highest Shopify revenue of $454.27 million accounting for 15.5% of total sales. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Shopify’s revenue from different regions of the world:

North America$2.15 Billion
Europe, Middle East & Africa$454.27 Million
Asia Pacific & China$292.24 Million
Latin America$36.16 Million

Now, let’s take a look at the total share of Shopify revenue from different regions of the world:

RegionShare of Revenue
North America73.3%
Europe, Middle East & Africa15.5%
Asia Pacific & China10%
Latin America1.2%

Shopify Plus Statistics 

Shopify Plus was released in February 2014, it was specially designed for large e-commerce businesses as it offers various advanced features and support for an enhanced experience. As of January 2024, there are over 48,426 Shopify plus stores available across 175 countries. 

The United States is currently the leading country with the highest number of Shopify Plus Stores by 28,210. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top countries with the highest Shopify Plus stores:

CountryNumber of Shopify Plus Stores
United States28,210
United Kingdom3,540
Japan 499

Source: Trends.BuiltWith 

Overview of Shopify apps over the years

As of 2023, the Shopify app store has more than 8000 applications available in numerous categories to help companies and businesses customize their stores. There is a total of 100 checkpoint reviews that each Shopify application has to go through before it is released on the Shopify app store. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Shopify apps from 2015 to 2023:

YearShopify Apps
2022Data Unavailable
2023Over 8,000

Most Successful Shopify Stores 

Here is a breakdown of the top 10 most successful shopify stores: 

Rank StoreIndustry 

Source: Webinopoly 

Shopify Merchant Solution Revenue

The Merchant solution revenue includes referral fees, POS hardware sales, payment processing fees, and advertising-generated revenue. As of the first three quarters of 2023, Shopify’s merchant solution revenue is $3.6 Billion.

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Shopify’s Merchant Solution Revenue from 2012 to 2023: 

2012$4.51 Million
2013$11.91 Million
2014$38.35 Million
2015$93.25 Million
2016$200.72 Million
2017$363.27 Million
2018$608.23 Million
2019$933.93 Million
2020$2.02 Billion
2021$3.26 Billion
2022$4.1 Billion
2023 (As of Q3)$3.6 Billion

Below we have mentioned an overview of the revenue share from Merchant Solutions in Shopify’s overall revenue from 2012 to 2022. 

YearGrowth %

Wrapping Up 

Shopify has been a dominating force in the e-commerce industry with more than 4.6 million stores across 175 countries. In fact, in 2023, Shopify generated an annual revenue of $1.7 billion, indicating excellent growth for the platform. From a massive user base to impressive revenue generated Shopify is empowering more and more businesses worldwide to thrive through online domains.

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AI Influencer market will grow up to $6.95 billion U.S. Dollars in 2024

The demand for AI Influencers in the market is increasing at a rapid speed. In general, AI is being utilized by companies and businesses across all industries to complete various tasks and duties. In Fact, 63% of professionals are planning on using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to influencer marketing in upcoming years globally. 

In this guide, we are going to take a look at the latest trends, market size, and statistics related to AI Influencers worldwide to understand their impact and how virtual influencers are transforming the world using AI.

Key AI Influencer Statistics 

  • The global AI Influencer market was projected to reach USD 6.95 billion in 2024. 
  • 63% of professionals are planning on using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for influencing marketing in upcoming years globally.
  • 52.8% of marketers believe virtual influencers have a prominent impact on the future of marketing. 
  • 65.50% of the female audience interacts with virtual influencer content.
  • The influencer marketing industry is worth $24 billion U.S. Dollars.
  • The United States has the highest number of virtual influencers worldwide. 
  • Reel is the most popular form of content shared by AI influencers on Instagram. 

Market Size of Influencer Marketing Industry 

As of 2024, the Influencer marketing industry is worth $24 billion U.S. Dollars. In 2023, the market size was $21.1 billion, and in 2022, it was $16.4 billion. There has been a massive rise in the market size from 2022 to 2023. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the market size of influencer marketing from 2016 to 2024: 

YearInfluencer Marketing Market Size
2024$24 billion 
2023$21.1 billion
2022$16.4 billion
2021$13.8 billion
2020$9.7 billion
2019$6.5 billion
2018$4.6 billion
2017$3 billion
2016$1.7 billion

Source: Statista 

AI Influencer Market Size 

The global AI Influencer market size is projected to reach 6.95 billion U.S. Dollars in 2024 based on a CAGR of 39.9%. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the figures of AI Influencer market over the years: 

Year Market Size 
20246.95 billion 
20259.65 billion 
202613.40 billion 
2027 18.61 billion 
202825.85 billion 
202935.91 billion 
203049.88 billion 

One of the top reasons behind such immense growth of AI influencers in the market is the evolving digital landscape and extensive usage of social media across the world. 

The Rise of AI Influencers 

AI Influencers are constantly gaining recognition among the audience on social media. Most brands and companies are adopting AI technology in their workplace. In Fact, some virtual influencers are even earning thousands of dollars in revenue on a monthly basis. Let’s take a look at some of the statistics associated with AI Influencers: 

  • 52.8% of marketers believe virtual influencers have a prominent impact on the future of entertainment and marketing. 
  • 71% of brands believe that AI Influencers are capable of delivering higher ROI in comparison to human influencers.

AI Influencer Engagement and Audience Demographics

Surprisingly, virtual influencers have outperformed human influencers when it comes to average engagement rates. Based on the below-mentioned table below, the average engagement rate of virtual influencers is 2.84%, while the percentage for human influencers is 1.72%.

Average Engagement Rate of Virtual and Human Influencers. 

Virtual Influencer Human Influencer 

This suggests that virtual influencers have a higher capability of generating engaging content for their audience compared to human influencers.

Audience Demographic of Virtual and Human Influencers

Taking a closer look at the audience demographic towards virtual and human influencers, it was revealed that female audiences are more likely to engage or interact with content generated by virtual influencers compared to human influencers. The percentage of females interacting with virtual influencer content is (65.50%) and for younger audiences aged 13 to 17 is (11.6%). 

Audience DemographicVirtual Influencer Human Influencer 
Female Audience 65.50%44.18%
13 to 17 years old 11.60%6.35%

Number of Marketing professionals planning on using AI and ML for influencing marketing in the upcoming year globally 

A number of Marketing professionals are planning on using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for influencing marketing in upcoming years globally. 

AI and ML usage for Influencer Marketing Share of respondents 
No 27.1%

Source: Statista 

Perception of AI Influencers Effectiveness 

When it comes to the perception of AI Influencers Effectiveness the reaction is mixed as some people consider it positive while some consider it negative. Although the majority of the ratio (49.3%) thinks AI influencers are Very positive. While 28% of the people consider it neutral. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the perception of people regarding AI Influencers’ Effectiveness:

Very Positive 49.3%
Somewhat Positive 12.7%
Neutral 28%
Somewhat Negative 4%
Very Negative 6%

AI Influencers by Country

The United States is the leading country with the highest number of virtual influencers worldwide. Followed by Japan in the second position and the United Kingdom in the third position.

Here is a breakdown of the Top countries with the highest number of virtual influencers globally:

Country Number of Virtual Influencers 
United States 44
Japan 11
United Kingdom 9
Brazil 7
South Korea 6

AI Influencers Content Distribution

When it comes to content distribution, Reels which are short-form videos on Instagram acquire the largest share of content (43/3%) utilized by AI Influencers to interact with their audience. Followed by traditional posts in the second position with (42.8%) share and lastly Carousels with (13.9%) share of AI Influencers. 

This showcases that short-form video content is a more digestible format that helps influencers connect with their audience.

Type of Content Share of AI Influencers 
Reels 43.3%

Top Platforms Where Consumers Follow AI Influencers in the United States

According to a survey conducted in the United States in March 2022, it was revealed that the majority of Americans follow AI Influencers on YouTube (28.7%). Followed by Instagram, is the second social media platform with the highest share of consumers following virtual influencers with (28.4%). TikTok is in third place with (20.5%) and Facebook in fourth position with (14.6%). 

Here is a breakdown of the top social media platforms and the share of consumers following AI Influencers:

Platform Share of consumers following AI Influencers 
YouTube 28.7%
Instagram 28.4%
TikTok 20.5%
Facebook 14.6%
Twitter 4.6%
Spotify 2%
Other 1.2%

Source: Statista 

Share of consumers who bought a product/service promoted by virtual influencers in the United States 

A survey was conducted in the United States in March 2022 to understand consumers’ behavior toward purchasing a product or service promoted by AI Influencers. It was revealed in the survey that 35% of respondents are likely to purchase a product or service promoted by virtual influencers. However, 65% of respondents claimed they are not likely to buy a product promoted by a virtual influencer. 

Product Purchased by AI Influencer Share of respondents 
Yes 35%
No 55%

Source: Statista 

Consumers who bought a product promoted by AI Influencers U.S. 2022, by age

Surprisingly, the age group 35 to 44 has the highest share of consumers to purchase a product promoted by AI Influencers in the United States according to a survey conducted in the U.S. in 2022. Although, 55% of respondents do claim not to purchase a product promoted by virtual influencers. 

Here is a breakdown of the share of consumers who bought a product promoted by AI Influencers in the United States in 2022 by age:

Age Group Yes No 
18 to 2440%60%
25 to 34 40%60%
35 to 4445%55%
45 to 54 28%72%
55 and older 18%82%

Source: Statista 

AI Influencers are popular, particularly among Gen Z and Millennials 

When it comes to acceptance and growing popularity of AI influencers or virtual influencers then Gen Z and Millennials are the leading generation that is accepting AI technology in such scenarios. One of the key reasons behind this growing popularity is that AI influencers are seen as being more relatable and authentic than human influencers.

Brands are increasingly using AI Influencers in Marketing Campaigns

With AI technology being used at a larger scale across all industries, more and more brands and marketers are increasing the usage of AI Influencers in their marketing campaigns. One of the main reasons behind brands implementing AI influencers in their campaigns is because of its authenticity, full control, and global reach. 

AI Influencers are being utilized by marketers for expansion into new industries 

AI Influencers are being utilized by brands and marketers to promote a variety of different and unique products and services. This includes promoting food, travel, beauty, fashion, and even financial products.  

Development of new technologies in the AI Influencer industry 

Advances in Computer-generated imagery (CGI) technology are playing a prominent role in making AI Influencers more realistic, sophisticated, and reliable. This is leading to new and innovative ways marketers can utilize virtual influencers for entertainment and marketing purposes and help attract larger audiences. 

Most Popular AI Influencers 

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular AI Influencer names globally that have been playing a crucial role in building the AI influencer industry: 

1. Lu Do Magalu @Magazineluiza

Lu Do Magalu is the most-followed AI Influencer on Instagram. She currently has 6.9 million followers on her Instagram account. She was first introduced back in 2009 on YouTube where she promoted iBlogTV. Since then, Magalu has created a massive name for herself in the AI influencer market. Magalu is currently active on both Instagram and YouTube, where she constantly posts different types of videos, such as product reviews, software tips, unboxing videos, and more.

2. Lil Miquela @Lilmiquela

Lil Miquela is one of the most popular virtual influencers worldwide. Right now she has about 2.6 million followers on her Instagram account. Miquela began her social media journey in 2016 and started collaborating with various high-end fashion brands and businesses such as Prada, Calvin Klien, and more. Apart from this, one of her most notable works has been shooting for a Calvin Klien advertisement alongside model Bella Hadid. 

3. Shudu @Shudu.Gram

Shudu is another notable name in the AI Influencer industry. She was created in 2017 by Cameron James Wilson, a fashion photographer. Shudu has about 240K followers on Instagram. Shudu Gram was first introduced in April 2017 and since then she has been part of various fashion brands and has even been featured in Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Smart Car, and more brands. 

4. Bermuda @Bermudaisba

Bermuda is another popular AI Influencer that has gained excellent recognition on the social media platform Instagram. She currently has 229K followers on Instagram. Bermuda was created by a Los Angeles-based startup called “Brud.” This computer-generated influencer has been active on Instagram and is seen constantly collaborating with top fashion brands and technology industries. 

5. Imma @Imma.Gram

Imma is a Japanese AI Influencer produced by Aww Inc. in 2018. She currently has 388K followers on Instagram and is often seen working for some of the top fashion brands in the world. Imma has collaborated with Porsche, Dior, Nike, Puma, Amazon, and other leading brands worldwide. She also posts images with some of the known figures and celebrities in Japan. 

The Future of AI Influencers 

With brands and marketers utilizing generative AI tools at a larger scale, the potential of AI Influencers integrating with businesses is expected to increase in the future. With time generative AI tools are also becoming more and more precise and reliable for users in almost every industry. Therefore, applying generative AI videos, images, and chatbots to AI influencers will help brands connect with their target audience in a better place. 

AI Influencers have their own sets of benefits such as 24/7 availability and the ability to connect with people without any language and cultural barrier, which helps brands to promote their products and services globally without any restrictions. Overall, the future of AI Influencers looks pretty bright considering the amount of audience it can attract globally. 


How big is the AI influencer market?

The AI Influencer market is worth 3.60 billion in 2022 and according to a report by KBV research, the market size of AI Influencers is expected to reach a milestone of $37.8 billion by 2030 globally.

How Many AI-generated Influencers Are There?

There are 150 AI-generated influencers on Instagram, while the total number of AI-generated influencers across all social media platforms is yet to be discovered.

Who is the most popular AI influencer?

Lu do Magalu (@magazineluiza) is the most popular AI Influencer on Instagram and she currently has 6.9 million followers on Instagram. 

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What Percent of Jobs Will Be Replaced by AI – Statistics 2024

The rise of AI adoption in the workplace has raised major concerns for workers and employees about their jobs being replaced by AI. More and more companies are adopting AI capabilities and software to their everyday routine and workers are becoming concerned with the implications of increased usage of AI.

According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, 15% of the global workforce, or 400 million workers might lose their job to AI by 2030. In this article, we are going to take a look at AI replacing job statistics and understand the true impact of AI in the workplace.  

Key Statistics on AI Replacing Jobs

  • AI has the potential to replace around 300 million jobs worldwide.
  • 30% of the jobs are likely to be automated by 2030
  • Around 14% of the workforce worldwide is expected to be affected due to AI and Automation by 2030.
  • In May 2023, about 3,900 jobs were replaced by AI in the United States. 
  • 36 million jobs in the United States face a “high exposure” to AI automation in the next few decades. 
  • 49% of Japan’s workforce is capable of being replaced by AI or robotic machines in the next 10 to 20 years. 
  • Around 77% of businesses already utilize AI. 
  • 81% of employees believe that using AI helps in improving their overall performance at work. 

Change or replacement of jobs by Artificial Intelligence worldwide from 2023 to 2028

Most of the respondents believe that Artificial intelligence will impact their current jobs with the potential of being changed or replaced in the next five years. Around 57% of the respondents believe that it’s likely that there will be a change of jobs by AI globally in the next 5 years. While 36% of the respondents believe that the replacement of jobs by AI is likely to occur in the next five years. 

Change of your current jobs by AI in the next 5 years:

Likely Not Likely Don’t Know 

Replacement of jobs by AI in the next 5 years: 

Likely Not Likely Don’t Know 

Source: Statista

AI Adoption in the Workplace By Industry in the United States 2023

According to a survey conducted in the United States in 2023, it was found that 37% of respondents working in the marketing or advertising industry are most likely to access Artificial intelligence to complete work-related tasks. Followed by the Technology industry in the second position in terms of AI Adoption by 35%. Healthcare had the lowest rate when it comes to accessing AI with only 15% of respondents claiming to use AI at the workplace. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing AI Adoption at the workplace in the United States in 2023: 

Industry Share of respondents 
Marketing and Advertising 37%
Technology 35%
Consulting 30%
Teaching 19%
Accounting 16%
Healthcare 15%

Source: Statista 

AI Replacing Jobs And Employment Statistics for all UK industry sectors 

The industry that is at the highest risk is Water, sewage, and waste management with around 62.6% risk of job automation. Followed by Transportation and storage in the second position with 56.4% chances of job automation. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the share of employees and risk of AI replacing jobs in the UK industry sectors.

IndustryShare of EmploymentRisk of Job Automation
Wholesale and retail trade14.80%44%
Administrative and support services8.40%37.4%
Transportation and storage4.90%56.4%
Professional, scientific, and technical8.80%25.6%
Human health and social work12.40%17%
Accommodation and food services6.70%25.5%
Public administration and defense4.30%32.1%
Information and communication4.10%27.3%
Financial and insurance3.20%32.2%
Arts and entertainment2.90%22.3%
Other services2.70%18.6%
Real estate1.70%28.2%
Water, sewage, and waste management0.60%62.6%
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing1.10%18.7%
Electricity and gas supply0.40%31.8%
Mining and quarrying0.20%23.1%
Domestic personnel and self-subsistence0.30%8.1%
Total/Average for all sectors100%30%

Perceived likelihood of AI replacing jobs APAC 2023, by country

In 2023, a survey was conducted based on global views regarding artificial intelligence (AI). It was revealed that around 69% of respondents from Thailand perceived that AI will most likely replace their current job. Followed by Malaysia and Indonesia both countries have 62% of respondents showcasing the likelihood of AI replacing their jobs. 

Here is a breakdown of the Perceived likelihood of AI replacing jobs in APAC 2023, by country: 

Country Share of respondents 
Thailand 69%
Malaysia 62%
Indonesia 62%
India 51%
Singapore 41%
Global Average 36%
Japan 33%
Australia 31%
South Korea 31%
New Zealand 23%

Source: Statista 

Statistics on Jobs and Their Risk of Replacement by AI

According to research, 78% of legal jobs are influenced by AI compared to other occupations or industries. About 60% aged 25 to 34 and 56% aged 34 to 44 of the Europeans supported the replacement of lawmakers with AI. 75% of the people in China also supported the thought of legal occupation or lawmakers being replaced with AI. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing statistics of different jobs and their risk of replacement by AI:

Occupation Risk of replacement 
Legal 78%
Life, physical, and social science61%
Office and administrative support57%
Computer and mathematical53%
Healthcare practitioners and technical50%
Architecture and engineering48%
Business and financial operations47%
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media41%
Educational instruction and library33%
Food preparation and serving24%
Healthcare support 21%
Personal care and service19%
Farming, fishing, and forestry18%
Community and social service13%
Production, building and grounds, cleaning, and maintenance7%
Installation, maintenance, and repair5%
Construction and extraction2%

Source: Tech.co

In May 2023, a total of 3,900 jobs were replaced by AI in the United States 

Total job losses of 3,900 were recorded directly replaced by AI in May 2023 in the United States. One of the major impacts was seen due to the tech sector with about 136,831 job losses in the current year. 

30% of the jobs are likely to be automated by 2030

Automation is expected to create a complete transformation in the workforce by 2030 with the potential of 30% of jobs being replaced with AI. This statistic showcases the true impact of automation in the job market, along with the change in landscape that can appear in the workforce across numerous industries worldwide. 

In the United Kingdom, 30% of the jobs are likely to be replaced by AI with 35% of male jobs and 26% of female jobs

A large section of jobs are expected to face a replacement by Artificial Intelligence in the UK. When talking about the percentage of job losses based on gender, about 35% of male jobs are expected to witness a replacement by AI. Meanwhile, 26% of female jobs are likely to be replaced in the UK. This could result in significant implications for the economy in the UK and the labor market. 

AI and ML are expected to replace around 16% of jobs in the United States in the next five years 

With the adoption of Machine learning (ML) and Artificial intelligence (AI) worldwide. Data shows that 16% of the US jobs are likely to be replaced by ML and AI in the next five years. At the same time, about 9% of the jobs are expected to be created. Overall, the net loss of the US Jobs by 2025 is expected to be 7%.

By 2025, 19 out of 20 customer interactions are expected to be assisted by AI 

AI technology is transforming the customer interaction process as today many companies and businesses have set up AI-assisted systems for customer support purposes. The integration of AI in customer support is expected to keep rising in the upcoming years and about 95% of the telephone and online communications are expected to be assisted by AI. 

Within the next 10 to 20 years 49% of Japan’s workforce is expected to be replaced by AI or robotic machines

A major representation of AI replacing Jobs was witnessed in Japan where Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance replaced around 30 workers with AI systems. This replacement took place with expectations to rise in productivity by 30%. 

This truly showcased how AI is being utilized to replace jobs in Japan along with the potential of AI and its increased productivity and the ability to provide return on investment in a short duration. This also highlighted the estimation that 49% of Japan’s workforce is expected to be replaced by AI or robotic machines.

72% of teachers support the rising education and resources surrounding AI

The world is evolving and so is the education system around us. Today, AI is considered a prominent subject that should be taught to students to prepare them for the jobs and opportunities that could arise for them in the future. Around 72% of secondary school teachers and professors support the rising education and resources surrounding AI and computer science. 

Top 5 jobs AI Will Replace 

Let’s take a look at the top jobs that have the highest potential of being replaced in the future by AI or automation. Here are the top 5 jobs that AI will replace: 

1. Data Entry Clerks

The majority of the tasks performed by Data entry clears are repetitive. It often includes processing information from customers’ documents, scanning, and more which makes making data entry clerks’ spots quite redundant. These tasks primarily target automation and have the highest potential of being replaced by AI. 

2. Customer Support Representative

The customer support role is most likely to be replaced by AI. This role is becoming more and more automated, especially with tools like virtual assistants and chatbots being available. These tools can easily handle customers’ concerns or doubts regarding any topic effortlessly. 

3. Travel Agents 

A travel advisor is another job that is most likely to be replaced by AI. Travel platforms are integrating with advanced AI technology to power customer search and generate useful and fun recommendations for users based on their searches. This way travelers can gain maximum information about their destination effortlessly by experiencing virtual tours and watching online videos about the place without interacting with a travel advisor. 

4. Transportation services 

Growth in autonomous vehicles is decreasing the demand for human drivers for transportation and it is expected to impact both taxi and rideshare industries at a significant level. In Fact, popular transportation company Uber has also partnered with self-driving car businesses such as Aurora and Waymo through which they give its riders more options and opportunities. 

5. Factory/Warehouse Workers 

Most manufacturing lines are slowly becoming more and more automated thanks to the advanced technology that can perform numerous actions and tasks at much faster speed and consistency compared to human workers. AI-integrated machines utilized in factories can help retrieve goods, move their surroundings and perform various logistic tasks without depending on human workers. Therefore with time, there is a potential that AI might replace Factory workers at a larger scale. 


What jobs will AI replace? 

Jobs that are repetitive or involve Remote learning, scheduling, and customer support are expected to be replaced by AI. AI writing tools are capable of drafting documents with excellent accuracy and detailing along with chatbots and AI assistants are capable of performing customer support tasks and assisting customers.

What Percent of People Have Lost Their Jobs to AI? 

37% of business leaders have reported replacing their employees with AI in 2023, according to recent reports. A report by CBS News claims that 3,900 job losses by AI were recorded in the United States in May 2023. 

What Percentage of Jobs Will AI Replace by 2030?

15% of the global workforce, or 400 million workers, might lose their job to AI or automation by 2030, according to a report by McKinsey Global Institute. However, there is also a potential of new jobs being generated for users and about 8% to 9% of the workforce will be engaging in work that doesn’t exist today. 

Which job is safe from AI?

Jobs that require human interaction and empathy are safe from AI such as Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Musicians, Artists, Hair stylists, Makeup Artists, Therapists, School Administrators, and more.

Will ChatGPT replace jobs? 

Yes, ChatGPT is capable of replacing various tech-related jobs such as Programming, Web development, coding, or data science. ChatGPT can write accurate codes, and also perform various corrections, and resolve errors made by humans. In addition, ChatGPT can be utilized to write various basic data structures, and algorithms and even perform deep learning tasks. 

Wrapping Up

With the adoption of AI capabilities in almost every industry, the chances of AI replacing jobs are pretty high. Although AI is not capable of replacing each and every job that exists today, it can easily do jobs such as Data entry clerks, customer service, travel against, warehouse workers, and more. Creative jobs that require human interaction, such as artists, musicians, hair stylists, doctors, teachers, and more, are still pretty irreplaceable. 

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What Percentage of Day Traders Make Money – Statistics 2024

Day trading is the buying and selling of stocks, forex, options, etc. Day traders choose their position before the market closes and reap the rewards. It is a high-risk and high-rewards venture. Around 1% – 20% of traders earn a profitable margin at the end of the day. The low success rate often discourages the newbies who learn new ways from an online course or television. 

Studies have shown that around 97% of day traders have lost their money in two years. Here’s a statistical look at the day trading reality in 2024 history, busting myth, gender ratio, success rate, and realistic profit margins.

Day Trading Statistics 2024

  • Around 80% of the traders quit within a couple of years
  • Day traders have the mindset to sell the winners at a 50% higher rate.
  • 40% of day traders quit their field within the first month due to losses.
  • Only 1% of the day traders make a profit. Most day traders with past performance have a successful career in the later years.
  • Most day traders increase the amount of trading and take more shots. It is the opposite result with the unprofitable traders.
  • Many urban people with a poor financial background invest in lottery-type stocks.
  • The introduction of the lottery in Taiwan in April 2002 caused a 25% drop in the traders in Taiwan.
  • The number of searches indicates that it will produce decent results within a few weeks.
  • Individual investors invest more when they earn more through day trading.
  • Individual traders overweight the stocks they belong to or have employment in the industry.
  • Traders sell the winners immediately. However, the same trader holds the losers for the time being.
  • More young men trade in the market than women. Unmarried men have more presence in the trading market than unmarried men.
  • Day traders who spent ten years playing in the market with the wrong skill set continue their journey regardless of the outcome.
  • The trader’s economic conditions and aspirations (financial goals) tend to hold riskier stocks in the bucket.
  • Only 1.6% of the traders are profitable.
  • 12% of day trading activity accounts for successful players.

AI In Trading Market to hit USD 50.4 Billion by 2033:

The AI in Trading Market is expected to grow substantially, reaching an estimated value of $50.4 billion by 2033. This growth is driven by a strong Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.7% from 2024 to 2033, mainly due to the rising use of algorithmic trading enabled by AI technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing. These free AI stock trading bots allow traders to quickly and accurately analyze large datasets, leading to improved trading efficiency, better risk management, and optimized portfolio performance. North America held over 40.9% market share in 2023, driven by advanced technological infrastructure, high concentration of AI technology firms

Who Are the Most Successful Traders of All Time?

Trader NameYearTrading Income in USD
Jesse Livermore1877-1940$100 million
William Delbert Gann1878-1955$100,000
George Soros1930-Present$6.7 billion
Jim Rogers1942-Present$300 million
Richard Dennis1949-Present$200 million
Paul Tudor Jones1954-Present$7.5 billion
John Paulson1955-Present$3 billion
Steve Cohen1956-Present$10 billion
David Tepper1957-Present$20.6 billion
Nick Leeson1967-Present$1.4 billion (Lost)

Jesse Livermore’s trading career peaked in 1929. He earned $100 million from trading practices. He used his funds and system and never traded from third-party capital. The genius had A-class observation skills and traded in trending stocks. He waited for the market reaction when the stock prices went upwards. Jesse’s success story had downfalls, where he lost his fortune for following his cemented rules.

Nick William Leeson is the only one who lost $1.4 billion due to fraudulent activities and unauthorized and speculative trades. The law enforcement imprisoned William for monetary crimes. He is the reason for the collapse of 230-year-old Barings Bank, the United Kingdom’s oldest merchant bank. 

Jesse taught the world a trader can make money from the market trends. Nick Leeson took an unconventional route and ended the oldest UK merchant bank.

Masters of the Traders in India: Who Made the Most Money Through Trading?

Trading NameNet Worth in USD
Premji and Associates$25 billion
Radhakrishnan Damani$18.3 billion
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala$5.8 billion
Raamdeo Agarwal$1 billion (2019 data)
Mukul Agarwal$62.2 billion
Sunil Singhania$3.69 billion
Ashish Dhawan$800 million
Ashish Kacholia$3.98 billion
Vijay Kedia$10 million
Ramesh Damani$14.9 million

Premji and Associates and Mukul Agarwal have earned $25 billion and $62.2 billion from the stock market. Several Indian traders have turned a few thousand dollars into a million within a few weeks. Of course, nobody knows the trade practices and strategies applied by the geniuses. Trading is a volatile business model for an individual. Many traders follow successful people’s patterns and invest in them.

Day Trading Gender Ratio: What Percentage of Men and Women Trade? 

GenderGender Ratio in Percentage (%)

Men make up 90% of the traders in the market. Only 10% of the women take the risk in the day trading market. Men take risks throughout their lives to some extent. Meanwhile, women take less risk when it comes to money. Many women across the globe have given the field a try before dropping the shoes on the stage.

How Many Traders Quit Within Five Years?

ParticularsNumber of YearsDay Trading Quitters in Percentage
Most day traders are new to the market.First Day100%
40% of the new traders stick to the plan for one month only.One Month40%
80% of the traders put an end to the trading chapter within two years.Two Years80%
It takes five years even for a tough cookie to leave the day trading market.Five Years7%

Most new-day traders lose money in the first month. Nobody would invest in a losing bet. New traders get attracted to the “get rich quickly” courses online and earn an income in the first month. 40% of the new traders call it quits after thirty days. Only 7% of the day traders remain in the business after five years.

What Proportion of Day Traders Are Profitable?

Number of Young TradersNumber of Professional Traders 
40 or 4% success rate20% success rate

A company recruited 2000 new traders for the company. They have given them training and knowledge to yield results. Only 4% of the new day traders had success in the business. The remaining 1920 members left the field in a few months. Day trading has a success rate of 4% compared to the rest of the fields. Almost 5% of the traders who had a run for ten years with a negative track record call quits.

Who Earned $1 Billion in 1 Day?

George Soros made wealth from the stock market and trading strategies. He managed several clients’ money and helped them generate income in New York from 1969 to 2011. Soros had the knowledge and strategy that led to the shortage of the British pound in 1992. He made a profit of $1 billion as a result. Soros made the headlines for breaking the Bank of England.

George’s wealth went from $25.2 billion to $8 billion in 2018. The trader hasn’t lost touch because he donated the money to Open Society Foundations in 2018. Soros has donated $18 billion to the foundation. The Hungarian-American hedge fund manager earned $1 billion in 24 hours by breaking the Bank of England.

YearWealth History in USD
2015$24.2 billion
2016$24.9 billion
2017$25.2 billion
2018$8.0 billion 
2019$8.3 billion 
2020$8.3 billion 
2021$8.6 billion 
2022$8.6 billion 
2023$6.7 billion 
2024$6.7 billion 

Why Day Trading Doesn’t Work?

Winning Odds in PercentageLoss Odds in Percentage

Day trading depends on market values and global government policies. Every stock market in the world has day traders. However, the odds don’t change and remain 99:1 globally. Most young traders with a poor financial background test the waters for a profitable income. Nevertheless, the disappointing outcome crushes the expectations and ends the short run.

Most new traders end the journey within three months as their money runs out from the bank account.

What Are the Profit Margins of Individual Traders?

71 trades are profitable – 60 × $0.09 × 6,000 shares = $21,600

Around 33 trades are losses – 33 × $0.03 × 6,000 = $5,940

The Gross Profit: $21,600 – $5,940 = $15,660

Commission Rate: $25 per trade. 

The profit is 93 total trades × $25 commission rate = $2,325

New traders can start with $10,000 and make a $500 profit off the investment. Only 1% – 20% make worthwhile profits from the market.

Day Trading Statistics 2024 Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

What is Day Trading Individual’s Longevity?

Many young day traders invest their capital and test the waters. Some approach an institution to leverage their knowledge base and tools. Many institutions or hedge funds allow the employees to invest in the investor’s capital in the market. Individual traders remain profitable regardless of disadvantages.

What Is the Average Salary of a Day Trader in the USA?

An average day trader has a starting salary or income of $50,000 – $100,000 yearly. The candidate’s experience, knowledge, tools, and previous track records create a better opportunity.

What is Swing Trading?

Swing traders purchase the stocks and hold them for days. They don’t sell the stocks until they reach the expected upward or downward trend. Swing trading is less stressful and requires a fundamental understanding of the market. 

Do Day Trading Courses Work?

Thousands of self-proclaimed experts have started to sell courses around the “day trading” topic. Nobody knows if they work unless they invest their money in the market and find the answer. 40% of the new traders exit the field within 30 days. 80% of the young traders leave the scene within two years. The day trading statistics indicate that the courses may not have helped the newbies.

Is Day Trading Good for Beginners?

Day trading is a skill-based field for the candidate to generate an income from the market. Beginners can start trading in the market using a thousand dollars. However, you are more prone to losing money instead of generating due to unforeseen circumstances and knowledge. Consider your capital gone if you plan to learn and generate income within 30 days.

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TikTok Ban in the U.S: Everything You Need to Know

The wildly popular short-form video app with more than 100+ million US consumers and creators, TikTok, has been recently trending, but not for the right reasons. American officials have been warning for years about TikTok’s risks, but no measures have been taken to address these issues. The US government has been given the authority to try to ban the app, but will they manage it? Here is all you need to know about the US TikTok ban.

How It All Started 

TikTok is owned by a Chinese Internet company called ByteDance. The platform is a big part of brand’s acquisition strategy, with 2023 seeing consumers spend a little more dollars above $10 billion. But with such high revenue, how did TikTok get itself where it is today, on the verge of being banned?

July 2020

People began saying the US might ban TikTok since Washington was concerned that the Chinese wanted to control an app used by most Americans. At this time, TikTok was trying to be sold to a company in the US.

A CEO from America, who used to work at Disney, was chosen to ensure that none of TikTok’s data is stored in China. Also, this move was to ensure TikTok’s operations were separated from those of its owners.

Making this move was not hard as TikTok started as an American company called Musical.ly, which ByteDance later bought in 2017.

August 2020

Former US President Donald Trump signed a rule to ban Tiktok if the app is not sold to a non-Chinese company in 45 days. Investors like Oracle started biding to purchase TikTok’s operations in the US.

September 2020

TikTok asked the court to stop the ban, leading to its stalling.

December 2020

A judge blocked Trump’s move to ban TikTok. The lawmakers cite Trump’s proposed ban as “arbitrary.” They also ruled that his proposed ban didn’t have another reasonable plan before suggesting the scrapping of the platform.

June 2021

The US had a new president, Joe Biden, whose administration officially dropped Trump’s attempts to ban TikTok. Rather than banning, his administration called for checks on TikTok and other apps for security issues. Biden’s goal was to take an approach based on evidence.

June 2022

TikTok moved its data to Oracle’s servers, which are based in the US. Before this, user data was stored in TikTok’s data centers in Virginia, the US. The server had its backup in Singapore. Around this time, there were rumors that the government in China could have US data, but TikTok denied the claims.

December 8, 2022

TikTok has implemented new security plans and announced a Trust and Safety Team in the United States to safeguard the privacy and information of its users.

December 22, 2022

A global media company, Forbes, released a report with findings from an internal investigation by Bytedance, which owns TikTok. According to the investigation, employees tracked several journalists reporting on the company. This means the employees gained access to the journalists’ location addresses and user information to determine if they were in the same locality as ByteDance’s employees. In return, lawmakers suggested a bipartisan law to back a ban on TikTok from federal devices.

December 27, 2022

Lawmakers’ mobile devices have TikTok banned. The app is also banned from staff mobile devices, including US House of Representatives staff.

December 30, 2022

The previous ban has been revised, and TikTok is now restricted from using mobile devices by all federal government employees. However, some expectations were made for research and law enforcement reasons.

March 1, 2023

The US House Foreign Affairs Committee votes to approve President Joe Biden to ban the platform. Upon hearing this, TikTok released a statement saying the legislation is hurried. TikTok also says the intended ban negatively impacts Americans’ freedom of speech rights.

March 7, 2023

A group of US senators from both political parties came up with the RESTRICT Act. This act would give the federal government the power to limit and possible stop innovations from China, including TikTok.

March 23, 2023

Shou Zi, TikTok’s CEO, is asked to speak before Congress and does so during a hearing that lasts for 5 hours. He reiterated TikTok’s community’s need for security and free speech, but Congress questioned him on data privacy and TikTok’s relation to China. 

April 14, 2023

TikTok is banned in one of the US states, Montana. The ban was to start effective January 2024.

March 7, 2024

Nearly a year after the previous rumors, the TikTok ban talk resumes between the government and the public. During this time, the US House Committee passed an unexpected measure, including banning TikTok as part of a national security bill. 

According to the committee, the unsettled security and privacy issues by TikTok’s owning company, ByteDance, prompted the move. The White House also stated that President Biden would approve the bill when it gets to him.

March 13, 2024

The US House of Representatives voted 352-52 to go ahead with the ban on the platform. The bill will be transferred to the Senate afterward, where it is expected to spark intense debate.

April 23, 2024

The Senate passed the bill to force the sale of TikTok. Congress requested that TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, sell the platform to a non-Chinese company within a year. Failure to comply would lead to a ban on the app in the US.

April 24, 2024

President Biden signs the bill into law. On the same day, TikTok stated that enacting the TikTok ban is unconstitutional and will challenge it in court. The statement further says the platform has invested billions of dollars to keep US data safe and the platform free from manipulation.

Would a National Ban Work?

The chances that TikTok will manage to maneuver a divestment from ByteDance are doubtful. Even if Biden has already passed the bill into law, Google and Apple are responsible for enforcing it. To do this, they would need to make updating or downloading the app hard. However, the chances of both companies cooperating could be higher since Apple has a significant investment in the Chinese market.

Montana, the first US state to ban TikTok, faced legal challenges in implementing the same, and Texas is also facing a similar issue. Texas agreed to take TikTok off state devices and networks but was challenged by First Amendment lawyers and further upheld by a federal judge.

Banning TikTok may also be highly unlikely since other platforms have a large amount of user data. Even if TikTok uses an algorithm to determine what content to provide its users, Meta apps use an almost similar algorithm. Meta is an American platform, and the information mined by Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms like X is similar to what TikTok gets from its users. Even if the companies can be requested to share user data with government officials, they can still do whatever they want.

Also, a potential ban on TikTok may violate American’s First Amendment rights by outlawing an app Americans use to express themselves freely. The government may be overstepping the constitution by targeting a single company and not implementing the same law for others.

Reasons For TikTok Ban

The main reason why the US wants to ban TikTok is national security. There are fears that the Chinese government, from which TikTok’s parent company hails, could use TikTok to collect sensitive American data. They also believe the Chinese government could interfere with US elections.

In their defense, TikTok maintains that all US data is stored in the States, separate from Chinese serves. However, due to the complex corporate structure of Chinese national security laws, lawmakers remain concerned about the potential for security risks.

What Happens if TikTok Is Banned in the US?

A TikTok ban does not mean the app will stop working overnight. First, app stores in the US would remove TikTok and cut accessibility to new users. Existing users may lose access over time. This, or they would face heavy restrictions that limit their ability to use the platform.

Since many brands and businesses use TikTok, they would need to start looking for alternatives. This would directly impact their income since they risk potentially losing their audiences.

If Banned, When Would TikTok Be Gone?

The latest version of the legislation by Congress gives TikTok 270 days- around nine months- to sell to a non-Chinese company. If Congress establishes significant progress in selling TikTok, they will give TikTok a 90-day extension. If this happens, the app will continue operating normally in the United States.

Is ByteDance Planning to Sell TikTok?

No, ByteDance posted on its official account on Toutiao, a social media platform it owns, that it has no plans to sell TikTok. The company would prefer to shut down TikTok in the US rather than sell it if they exhaust all legal options to fight legislation of the ban.

According to TikTok, ByteDance’s Chinese founder owns only 20% of the shares. Nearly 60% of the platform’s shares are owned by institutional investors. These include major US investment firms like General Atlantic, Carlyle Group, and Susquehanna International Group. The remaining 20% is owned by its employees worldwide, and three of the company’s five board members are American.

So, What Next?

TikTok’s journey in the US has been marked by a series of events, as seen above. While TikTok has already clarified that they are not ready to sell the app, we can just wait and see whether they will pursue legal avenues to challenge the ban. All this leaves the future of the platform in the US uncertain.

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2024 Tinder Stats – Users, Revenue

Tinder is a popular online dating platform that allows users to connect with people by swiping right on other users’ profiles. Released in 2012, Today, Tinder has become a worldwide phenomenon as it brings people together from different backgrounds, interests, and purposes, allowing them to socialize and connect with each other. As of 2024, there are more than 75 million active monthly users on this dating platform with the goal of finding their ideal match. 

In this guide, we are going to take a look at Tinder Statistics to understand its user demographics, revenue, subscriber count, and more. 

Key Tinder Statistics 2024

  • As of 2024, there are over 75 million monthly active users on Tinder. 
  • In 2023, Tinder generated a revenue of $1.91 billion globally. 
  • Millennial is the leading generation with the highest percentage of Tinder users at 45.8%.
  • 75% of Tinder users are identified as Males, while 24% are identified as females.
  • In January 2024, Tinder was downloaded more than 46.91 million times. 
  • Tinder is the leading dating app worldwide with the highest number of monthly downloads. 
  • In the United States Tinder has a 27% of the total share of dating apps.
  • Around 13 million matches are registered on Tinder on a daily basis. 
  • Tinder is available in more than 190 nations across the world. 

Tinder Subscriber Statistics from 2017 to 2023

Popular online dating platform Tinder was launched in 2012 and it crossed 1.8 million subscribers in 2017. With each year passing, Tinder has witnessed a significant growth in its subscribers with more and more people worldwide utilizing online dating to find their companion. In the fourth quarter of 2023, there were 9.9 million Tinder subscribers. 

Here is a breakdown of Tinder subscribers from 2017 to 2023:

QuarterTinder Subscribers
Q1 of 20171.8 million
Q2 of 20172 million
Q3 of 20172.5 million
Q4 of 20173.1 million
Q1 of 20183.4 million
Q2 of 20183.7 million
Q3 of 20184.1 million
Q4 of 20184.3 million
Q1 of 20196.3 million
Q2 of 20197 million
Q3 of 20197.6 million
Q4 of 20198.1 million
Q1 of 20208.3 million
Q2 of 20208.2 million
Q3 of 20208.8 million
Q4 of 20208.9 million
Q1 of 20219.1 million
Q2 of 20219.6 million
Q3 of 202110.4 million
Q4 of 202110.6 million
Q1 of 202210.7 million
Q2 of 202210.9 million
Q3 of 202211.1 million
Q4 of 202210.8 million
Q1 of 202310.6 million
Q2 of 202310.4 million
Q3 of 202310.4 million
Q4 of 20239.9 million

Tinder Revenue Statistics 

Tinder was launched in 2012 and the revenue of this widespread dating platform has witnessed excellent growth over the years making it a multi-billion organization today. In 2023, Tinder generated a revenue of $1.91 billion worldwide, it generated around $493 million in its fourth quarter of 2023. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Tinder’s revenue statistics from 2018 to 2023:

QuarterTinder Revenue
Q1 of 2018$207 million
Q2 of 2018$214 million
Q3 of 2018$226 million
Q4 of 2018$233 million
Q1 of 2019$245 million
Q2 of 2019$263 million
Q3 of 2019$286 million
Q4 of 2019$295 million
Q1 of 2020$299 million
Q2 of 2020$305 million
Q3 of 2020$351 million
Q4 of 2020$358 million
Q1 of 2021$387 million
Q2 of 2021$399 million
Q3 of 2021$425 million
Q4 of 2021$439 million
Q1 of 2022$456 million
Q2 of 2022$450 million
Q3 of 2022$450 million
Q4 of 2022$438 million
Q1 of 2023$441 million
Q2 of 2023$475 million
Q3 of 2023$509 million
Q4 of 2023$493 million

Tinder Users by Age 

Individuals between the ages of 18 to 24 are the highest age group who are currently accessing Tinder by 35%. The second age group with the highest share of Tinder users is 25 to 34 by 25%, followed by 35 to 44 in the third position with a 20% share of users. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the share of users based on Age group: 

Age Group Share of Users 
18 to 2435%
25 to 3425%
35 to 4420%
45 to 548%
55 and above 10%

Tinder Users by Gender 

The share of users accessing Tinder is majorly dominated by the male audience with 75%. On the other hand, the ratio of females utilizing Tinder to find a companion is 24% which is extremely low in comparison to males. 

Gender Share of Users 
Female 24%
Male 75%

Tinder Users by Generation 

Millennial is the leading generation with the highest percentage of Tinder users at 45.8%. Followed by Gen X is the second leading generation with 19.8% of Tinder users, and Gen Z is in third position with 18.3% of Tinder users. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the Percentage of Tinder users based on Generation: 

Generation Percentage of Users 
Gen Z 18.3%
Millennial 45.8%
Generation X 19.8%
Baby Boomers 16%

Tinder users by Community

There is no surprise that the Urban community is most likely to access Tinder by 76%. Followed by Suburban in the second position with 17% of users accessing Tinder and lastly Rural community with 7% share of users. 

Community Share of users 
Urban 76%
Suburban 17%
Rural 7%

Tinder Users’ by Relationship Status

Relationship Status Share of Users 
Single 54%
Married 30%
In a Relationship 12%
Divorced/Widowed 3%
  • Around 50% of the Gen Z residing in the United States are using Tinder. 
  • 15% of the Tinder users own a postgraduate degree and 16% of the users have a bachelor’s degree. 
  • 11% of the users accessing Tinder are White, while another 11% identify as black.

Tinder Statistics by Income Level 

People from a variety of different income brackets utilize Tinder, individuals with a household income of 60K to 80K have the highest share of users by 30%. Followed by the income bracket of 80K to 100K in the second position with a 22% share of users. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the percentage of users accessing Tinder based on household income: 

Household Income Share of Users 
Less than 30K 10%
30K to 60K 20%
60K to 80K 30%
80K to 100K22%
More than 100K18%

Tinder is the most popular dating app worldwide by number of monthly downloads

As of February 2024, Tinder was the most popular dating app among users globally with the highest number of monthly downloads by 4.4 million downloads. Followed by Bumble in the second position with 3.2 million downloads worldwide. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top dating apps worldwide and their monthly downloads. 

Dating Apps Monthly Downloads 

Source: Statista 

Top reasons behind to why people using Tinder app

Confidence-boosting procrastination is listed as the main reason behind users accessing the popular dating platform Tinder by 44%. Followed by Casual hookups as the second leading reason for accessing Tinder by 22.5%. 

Top reasons Share of Users 
Looking for a Hookup22.5%
Looking for a Relationship4.2%
Confidence boosting Procrastination44%
Other reasons29%

Tinder And Online Dating Statistics

Here are some of the important statistics related to Tinder and online dating scenarios that can help you understand a user’s behaviors and requirements they look for while accessing Tinder:

  • 74% of females believe that having an image of the user is necessary on Tinder compared to 68% of male users.
  • Around 72% of females believe that people should mention the kind of relationship they are seeking on their dating profile while accessing the platform. 

List of things that men look for in a User’s Tinder Profile 

Hobbies and Interests (32%) are the most important category that men look for when accessing a user’s Tinder profile. Followed by Religious belief as the second most important second according to men 18%.

Categories Share of Users 
Hobbies and Interest 32%
Religious Belief 18%
Occupation 8%
Racial or Ethnic background 15%
Height 8%
Political Affiliation 10%

List of things that women look for in a Users’ Tinder Profile

Similar to men, women also find hobbies and interests as the most important section when looking at a user’s Tinder profile by 40%. When 32% of female users find religious belief as the second most important criterion followed by occupation in the third place by 27%.

Categories Share of female users
Hobbies and Interest 40%
Religious Belief 32%
Occupation 27%
Racial or Ethnic background 23%
Height 22%
Political Affiliation 18%

Source: Finance Online 

Important features on Tinder according to Male Users 

The photograph of the individual is the most important feature for male users on Tinder by 33.5%. Followed by Common Interest and Users’ Description as the second and third most important features by 21.5% and 19.2%. 

Top Features Share of Users
Photo 33.5%
Common Interest 21.5%
Age 6.7%
Users’ Description 19.2%
Other 16.6%
Common Friends 2.5%

Important features on Tinder according to Female Users 

Female users accessing Tinder find “User Description” as the most important feature (30.6%) while using the dating platform. Followed by Photo as the second most important feature by 20.6% and common interest in the third position by 19.1%.

Top Features Share of Users 
Photo 20.6%
Common Interest 19.1%
Age 5.1%
Users’ Description 30.6%
Other 23.5%
Common Friends 1.2%

Wrapping Up

Undoubtedly, Tinder is one of the most preferred dating platforms worldwide with over 75 million monthly active users across the world. Today, Tinder offers about nine sexual orientations allowing users to find their dream match on the platform. Tinder is currently the leading dating site with the highest number of monthly downloads defeating Bumble, Litmatch, Badoo, and other dating platforms. The demand for Tinder among the people is expected to keep on increasing with millions of subscribers joining the platform every day. So, based on above mentioned statistics Tinders seems to have a bright and successful future.

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