Teen Dating Statistics 2024 – How Many Teens Are Dating

Teen Dating scenarios have completely transformed in the last few decades. Teenage years, which includes the age group of 13 to 17, is an essential part of development in terms of exploring relationships, developing social skills, and understanding emotional connections. However, there has been a continuous decline in the percentage of young individuals dating during their teen years. 

In this article, we will examine Teen Dating Statistics to better understand how relationships work among teenagers and how many teens are dating. 

Key Teen Dating Statistics

  • 35% of teenagers have revealed having some form of experience in romantic relationships. 
  • 64% of teens have never been in a relationship. 
  • 8% of teenagers have stated they met their romantic partner online.
  • The average age of a teen girl to start dating is reportedly 12 and a half, while for teen boys it’s 13 and a half. 
  • Baby Boomers are the leading generation to have dated the most in their teen years by 78%. 
  • Less than 2% of high-school couples marry each other.

How Many Teens Are Dating?

Teens are dating less with each passing year, and surprisingly, Gen Z has the lowest number of young individuals getting involved in a relationship. According to a survey, only 56 percent of Gen Z adults and 54% of Gen Z males have stated they have experienced a romantic relationship during their teenage years, which is the lowest compared to Baby Boomers who had 78% of individuals dating during their teen years. 

When Can a Teenager Start Dating?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the average age for a teenager to start dating is 12 and a half for girls and 13 and a half for boys. However, every teen is different and often has a different perspective towards dating. While the average age to start dating is stated to be 12 and 13, many teenagers prefer to wait longer and start getting involved with others by the age of 16 or 17, which is perfectly fine.  

How Long Do Teenage Relationships Last?

Teenage Relationships can either last a day or a week to an entire lifetime. There are many cases where high school sweethearts or young lovers have walked down the aisle and stayed together for decades. However, according to statistics and facts, the chances of a relationship that started in the teenage years is less than a 2% chance of transforming into a marriage. 

Also, of teen couples who do get married only 50% of them make it to their 10-year anniversary. One of the primary reasons behind teenage relationships not lasting long is because of the changes that appear among individuals during teen and young adult years both inside and out. This makes it difficult for people to stay together as teens often lack emotional maturity and aren’t able to make it through the various challenges that appear in a long-term relationship.

35% of Teens have experienced romantic Relationships 

A survey done by Pew Research revealed the relationship status of teenagers. It was found that around 64% of the teens have never been in a relationship, while 35% of teenagers were revealed to have been involved in a romantic relationship. The rest 1% refused to reveal their relationship status.

Teen Dating status Share of respondents 
Have never been in a relationship 64%
Have some experience in romantic relationships 35%
Declined to provide their relationship status1%

Out of 35% of users who have experienced some type of romantic relationship, only 14% claimed to be in a serious relationship with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Surprisingly, 5% of respondents claim they are in a relationship but not in a serious one. While 16% of the respondents stated they are currently not dating.

Current relationship status Share of respondents 
Are in serious relationship 14%
Are in relationship, but not in a serious one 5%
Currently not dating 16%

8% of American Teens have met their romantic partner online 

A Survey by Pew Research Center revealed that most American teens have met their romantic partners offline. While 8% of the American teens claimed to have met and connected with their partners through online mediums such as Facebook or other social media apps.

Teen Dating Statistics by Generation 

There has been a constant decline in dating among teenagers. A survey conducted by the Survey Center on American Life revealed that 54% of Gen Z men have stated being involved in romantic relationships at some point in their teenage years, which is surprisingly the lowest compared to other generations. Around 66% of Millennials claimed to be involved in romantic relationships during their teenage years, along with 76% of the Gen X men stating the same. Baby Boomers are the leading generation with the highest number of teens involved in romantic relationships during their teen years 78%. Around 44% of Gen Z men have stated that they have never dated anyone during their teen years. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing statistics on teen dating among different generations:

Generation Date most of the teen years Dated some of my teen years Never Date anyone during my teens 
Gen Z 14%40%44%
Millennials 22%44%32%
Gen X27%49%23%
Baby Boomers32%46%20%

Percentage of 12th graders who had ever gone on a date

A survey was conducted among over half a million 12th graders between the years 1990 to 2016 to understand the dating scenarios of high schoolers over the years. Surprisingly there has been a regular decline in the percentage of 12th graders who have ever gone on a date. Between 1990 and 1995 around 84% of the respondents revealed they had gone on a date and ever since the numbers have been witnessing a constant drop. From 1995 to 1999 it was 81% and cut to the years between 2010 to 2016 the percentage of 12th graders who went on a date reached 63%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the percentage of 12th graders who had ever gone on a date:

YearShare of respondents 
1990 to 199484%
1995 to 199981%
2000 to 200476%
2005 to 2009 71%
2010 to 201663%

Teen Dating and Technology 

In the digital era, technology plays a significant role in teenagers’ lives. It helps them connect with their significant other, and in some cases, the start of the relationship can be through social media. In this section, we are going to take a look at the statistics related to teen dating and technology. 

  • 50% of teens claim they have used social media to flirt with people or signal them a romantic interest. 
  • 92% of teens who are in a relationship tend to stay connected with each other through text messages, while 70% of teenagers spend their time together on social media.
  • 60% of teens claim social media helps them feel more connected with their partners. 
  • More than 60% of teenagers with dating experience have sent “flirty” messages to those whom they were interested. 
  • 47% of teens have showcased their attraction by liking, commenting on, and interacting with a person on social media.
  • 65% of teen boys say that social media helps make them feel more comfortable and connected with their romantic partner’s life, compared to 52% of teen girls. 
  • 50% of boys claim social media helps them feel more emotionally connected to their partner compared to 37% of teen girls. 

Top three reasons behind the decline in Teen Dating 

Clearly, there has been a massive decline in the number of teenagers dating over the last few decades. Apparently, technology, parental supervision, and changing norms are considered the top three primary reasons behind this decline. 

Immersive technology: Video games, smartphones, and other advanced technology have transformed the social landscape among the youth, especially teenage boys. 50% of teen boys claim they play video games on a regular basis with their friends. Online socializing has replaced real-world hangouts which has led to teens having fewer friends which leads to fewer dates as well. 

Parental supervision: Even though technology is majorly responsible for keeping teenagers stuck towards online socializing, parenting also plays a significant role in this matter. Since parents are much more involved in their children’s lives in today’s time compared to the previous generation, supporting excessive usage of technology has resulted in teenagers spending more time accessing their smartphones and technology instead of going out and meeting people in person. 

Changing Priorities: One of the most strongest and common reasons behind a constant decline in teen dating is teenagers not viewing relationships as a priority. Various surveys show that young people tend to keep marriage and relationships in the last position when it comes to their priorities. In addition, the preferred age to marry has also witnessed a major shift in the last few decades. In 2020, over 50% of Americans considered late 20s or higher as the “ideal” age to get married.  

Teen Dating Violence Statistics 

Teen Dating Violence is one of the most concerning issues faced by millions of teenagers worldwide. In this section, we are going to take a look at statistics related to teen dating violence. 

Top Teen Dating Violence Statistics

  • Around 1.5 million high school students have experienced physical abuse from their partner in a single year nationwide. 
  • 1 in 10 high school students has been purposefully slapped, hit, or hurt physically by their partners.
  • 1 in 3 teenage girls in the United States has experienced physical, emotional, or verbal abuse from their partner. 
  • Only 33% of the teens who were in an unhealthy relationship revealed facing abuse.

U.S. students who experienced teen dating violence, by gender

A survey was conducted among high school students in the United States to understand the percentage of students who suffer from teen dating violence. The survey revealed that 19% of female students have experienced teen dating violence. While the share of male students who experienced teen dating violence is 8.2% in the United States.

Gender Share of Students 
Female 19%
Male 8.2%
Average 13.6%

Source: Statista 

U.S. students who experienced teen dating violence, by race and ethnicity

A survey was conducted among high school students to find out the share of students experiencing teen dating violence by race and ethnicity in the U.S. It was revealed that the leading ethnicity to experience teen dating violence was American Indian or Alaska Native by 18.5% of students. Followed by Multiracial in the second position with 16.1% of students and White students in the third position with 14.9%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the percentage of U.S. students experiencing teen dating violence by race and ethnicity. 

Ethnicity Share of students 
American Indian or Alaska Native 18.5%
Multiracial 16.1%
White 14.9%
Hispanic or Latino 13.2%
Black or African American 9.7%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander9.4%
Asian 7.2%

Source: Statista

U.S. students who experienced teen dating violence, by sexual identity

According to a survey, Bisexual is the leading sexual identity who have experienced the highest amount of teen dating violence by 26% in the United States. The percentage of heterosexual students who have experienced violence is 10% and for lesbian or gay students it’s 17%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the percentage of students who have experienced teen dating violence by sexual identity in the United States:

Sexual Identity Share of students 
Heterosexual 10%
Lesbian or gay 17%
Bisexual 26%
Questioning 21.1%
Other 29.9%
Average 13.6%

Source: Statista 


What percentage of 17 to 19-year-olds have never had experience with romantic relationships?

10% of 17 to 19-year-olds have never had experience with romantic relationships during their teenage years. 

Are relationships at 17 serious?

The seriousness of a relationship completely depends on the person. Although 17 can be a naive age where individuals usually lack maturity. 

How many percent of teens have experienced romantic relationships? 

35% of teens have experienced romantic relationships in their life. While only 14% claimed to be in a serious relationship. 

Is it okay to be in a relationship at 14?

While it’s a personal decision, most pediatricians suggest teenagers wait until they are 16 to begin a romantic relationship with a partner. 

Wrapping Up 

The dating scenario among teenagers has changed in the last few decades as the majority of teens don’t consider dating a priority in today’s time. Advanced technology and social media have made teens more grounded and pushed them away from the entire socializing scenario. Looking at the above-mentioned statistics, the dating percentage among teens is expected to decrease in the coming years, especially with the AI technology and its capability to provide virtual relationship experience in today’s date. Therefore, we can expect the number of teen dating to decrease with time.

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Depression Statistics 2024: How Many People Have Depression?

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions faced by people all across the world. Experiencing depression can have a massive impact on a person’s life which involves emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. 

According to the latest figures, around 280 million individuals suffer from depression globally, including women suffering from depression almost twice as much as men. In this article, we are going to highlight the latest figures, demographic distribution, types, and impact of depression among people in 2024. 

Key Depression Statistics 

  • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men are likely to experience major depression in their life.
  • In the United States around 20.78% of adults live with some form of mental illness.
  • Major depressive episodes are more common among adult women. 
  • Over 1 in 10 teenagers or young adults are living with depression in the U.S.
  • 17.3 million adults have faced at least one major depressive episode in the United States.
  • 36.7% of the women in the United States were diagnosed with depression in their lifetime. 
  • Age groups 18 to 25 have the highest risk of depressive episodes. 
  • Depression is highly common among people who give birth. Around 10% of pregnant women or women who have given birth suffer from depression. 
  • 28.2% of adults find it challenging to find proper care for depression and other mental health conditions. 

How Many People Suffer From Depression?

Around 280 million people globally suffer from depression, according to a report by WHO. Depression is highly common among individuals of all age groups. In Fact, 1.9 million of the people who are diagnosed with depression are aged between 3 to 17. The highest age group to experience depression is 18 to 29 years old with 21%. Followed by people aged 45 to 65 as the second leading age group who suffer from depression by 18.4%. 

Depression Statistics worldwide 

About 1 in 15 adults is affected by Depression in any given year and 1 in 6 people are likely to experience depression in their life. According to a study by Our World In Data, it was revealed that 3.4% of the population worldwide, which amounts to 264 million people, is suffering from depression.

Highest Rate of Depression by Country 

According to a report by WHO, Ukraine is the leading country globally with the highest share of the population (6.3%) feeling depressed. Followed by the United States is the second leading country with the highest percentage of the population being depressed (5.9%). In addition, Australia and Estonia ranked third and fourth, respectively, with 5.9% of the population suffering from depression. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top 10 countries with the highest rate of depression: 

Country Share of population depressed 
United States 5.9%
Australia 5.9%
Estonia 5.9%
Brazil 5.8%
Greece 5.7%
Portugal 5.7%
Belarus 5.6%
Finland 5.6%

Source: worldpopulationreview 

Countries with the lowest rates of Depression 

The Solomon Islands is the leading country with the lowest number of people (2.9%) suffering from depression. Followed by Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste in second and third position, respectively, with 3% of the population having depression. 

Below we have mentioned the top 10 countries with the lowest rates of Depression worldwide:

Country Share of population depressed 
Solomon Islands2.9%
Papua New Guinea3%
Timor Leste3%

Percentage of the worldwide population that had depression, by gender

Reports suggest that females are more likely to suffer from depression compared to men. In Fact, over the years the percentage of females having depression has almost doubled compared to males. For example, in 2000 the percentage of the female population having depression was 4.45%, while the share for males was 2.93%. The situation hasn’t changed in 2019 as the percentage of females having depression is 4.29%, while for males the percentage is 2.87%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the percentage of male and female populations having depression from 2000 to 2019:

Year FemalesMales

Source: Statista

Depression Statistics in the United States 

A study by Gallup revealed that around 29% of individuals in the United States have been diagnosed with depression during their lifetime. In Fact, Depression is more common among females compared to males. Around 3.5% of men are depressed to 6% of women which is almost double in the United States. 

The most common age group among females to experience depressive episodes is between the ages of 18 to 25 years old. Apart from this, depression is also highly common among the younger audience of both genders. As 28% of teenage girls and almost 12% of teenage boys have experienced major depressive episodes in 2022.

Share of U.S. adults who had been diagnosed with depression, 2017 and 2023, by gender

As of 2023, almost 37% of the women in the United States have reported being diagnosed with depression in their lifetime. While the percentage of men who have reported being diagnosed with depression in their lifetime was 20.4%, showcasing a difference of about 17%.

Year Male Female
how many americans have depression
How Many Americans Have Depression

Source: Statista 

Major depressive episodes among U.S women, by age

In 2022, it was estimated that American women aged between 18 to 20 years were experiencing major depressive episodes in the past year by 19.7% which is the highest compared to other age groups. Statistics also show U.S. women aged 21 to 25 as the second leading age group with 17.9% of women facing major depressive episodes. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing the percentage of females in the United States who have experienced major depressive episodes in 2022: 

Age Group Percentage of female respondents 
18 to 20 years 19.7%
21 to 25 years 17.9%
26 to 29 years 11.1%
30 to 34 years9%
35 to 39 years 7%
40 to 44 years5.8%
45 to 49 years7.5%
50 to 54 years6%
55 to 59 years 4.2%
60 to 64 years4.2%
65 and older2.7%

Source: Statista 

Major depressive episode among U.S. youths 

In 2022, 11.5% of males in the United States reported having a major depressive episode, compared to 28% of females in the same year. In 2021, 12% of teenage boys and 30.1% of teenage girls reported suffering from a major depressive episode. According to statistics teenage girls have experienced depressive episodes more than teenage boys. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing major depressive episodes among U.S. youths from 2004 to 2022: 

Year Male Female 
2008 4.3%13.5%

Source: Statista

Depression Statistics by Type 

In this section, we are going to take a look at different types of depression suffered by people globally. Each type of depression is separate and often consists of different symptoms.

1. Major depressive disorder

Often, when people mention they are suffering from “depression,” the majority of the time, people are referring to Major or Clinical depression. Major depression is one of the most common mental disorders faced by people in the United States. According to reports, an estimated 21 million adults, or around 8.3% of the total adult population in the United States have been through at least one episode of major depression in 2021. 

Episodes of major depression disorder were more common among:

  • 10.3% of females suffer from Major depressive disorder, while the share of males is 6.2%. 
  • People between the leading age group 18 to 25 suffer from major depression disorder by 18.6%.
  • People who describe themselves as being of two or more ethnicities or races. 

2. Persistent depressive disorder

This is a type of chronic depression that usually lasts about 2 years or longer. Often referred to as “dysthymia,” this kind of depression includes milder depression symptoms, which are often long-lasting. The changes in mood for a person associated with or suffering from persistent depression might be less severe. However, it can still result in quite distress for the person. 

According to reports, around 3% of the United States population has suffered from persistent depressive disorder. 

3. Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is another common type of mental disorder faced by people globally. This type of depression involves a variety of mood shifts from mania to depression. Although, this kind of mental disorder can often be challenging for people to manage. Not everyone who suffers from bipolar disorder will experience or go through a depressive episode. In Fact, in many cases, people do suffer an episode but many people don’t. 

Individuals who are associated with bipolar I disorder often have mania episodes, which often lead to episodes of depression. Individuals with bipolar II are likely to experience alternating episodes of hypomania and depression. 

  • Research suggests that the lifetime prevalence of individuals who have experienced or have bipolar I is 1%. 
  • The lifetime prevalence of Bipolar II is 1.57%.  
  • Another report by the National Institute of Mental Health suggests that a total of 2.8% of U.S. adults, or around 5 million people, experience a bipolar disorder diagnosis. 

4. Seasonal depression

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of major depressive disorder that is provoked through seasonal patterns. It basically includes shifts and changes in mood that take place depending on the changes in the seasons. 

This type of depressive disorder is likely to begin in autumn and often lasts through the winter. While in some cases, people experience seasonal depression symptoms of seasonal depression during the spring and summer. Research suggests that almost 70% of the seasonal depression symptoms are likely to reappear each year for people suffering from the condition. According to reports, around 5% of the United States adults go through seasonal depression. 

Season depression commonly affects the following types of people: 

  • Females
  • Young Adults
  • Individuals who tend to live at higher altitudes

Symptoms of Seasonal depressive order: 

  • Depression
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Low energy
  • trouble concentrating
  • Thoughts of suicide

5. Postpartum depression

Postpartum Depression is a type of depression that takes place after the birth of a baby. This type of depression is highly common among women who have recently given birth, with 1 in 7 new mothers suffering from this type of mental disorder. 

Postpartum depression is a serious disorder and should never be taken lightly among people regardless of it being highly common among new mothers. People suffering from this type of mental disorder often tend to feel empty, sad, and emotionally unstable. It can cause major mood shifts, exhaustion, and even a sense of hopelessness in life after giving birth. 

Common symptoms of Postpartum Depression: 

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression can vary from person to person. In some cases, new mothers can feel few symptoms right after giving birth, while in other cases it can take up to 1 to 3 weeks after delivering the baby.

  • Feeling extremely sad 
  • Crying a lot on a regular basis
  • Having thoughts of hurting yourself or the newly born baby 
  • Being uninterested in the baby
  • Lack of energy and motivation
  • Unable to sleep or sleeping too much 
  • Feeling extremely anxious 
  • Suffering from chronic pains, headaches, and stomach issues
  • Feeling guilty or worthless 
  • loss of appetite

6. Psychotic depression

Major depressive disorder with psychotic features also referred to as Psychotic Depression is a kind of depression that includes psychosis during each episode of depression. Reports suggest that MDD with psychosis affects around 10% to 19% of the individuals who have experienced an episode of Major depression. 

Symptoms of Psychotic Depression: 

  • Witnessing Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Psychomotor impairment
  • A state of stupor

According to a research review that took place in 2021, depression with psychotic features affects: 

  • About 4 in every 1,000 adults 
  • Among 14 and 30 adults in every 1,000 people who are aged more than 60


What percentage of people are depressed?

Around 280 million people worldwide are depressed or have faced a major depressive episode at least once. 

What percentage of people in the US are depressed?

An estimated 21 million adults or 8.3% of the individuals in the United States are depressed or have encountered at least one episode of major depression. 

What are the statistics on mental health?

Over 1 in 5 adults in the US suffer from mental health. While more than 1 in 5 people aged 13 to 18 are either currently experiencing or at some point in their life experience mental health issues.  

What country has the highest rate of depression?

Ukraine is the leading country that has the highest rate of depression with a 6.3% share of the population experiencing depression. 

Who suffers higher rates of depression?

Women suffer higher rates of depression compared to men at almost any stage. In fact, the ratio of women suffering from depression is almost double that of men.

What is the 4 of depression?

The 4 types of depression are Major depression, Bipolar disorder, Persistent depressive disorder, and Seasonal affective disorder. 

What disease has the highest rate of depression?

Heart attack is the most common disease that has the highest rate of depression 40% to 65%. Followed by Coronary artery disease by 18% to 20%. 

Wrapping Up 

The above-mentioned statistics clearly indicate that depression is highly common among people of all age groups and genders with a total of 280 million experiencing it based on the latest figures. Symptoms such as Persistent sadness, anxiousness, hopelessness, lack of sleep, etc. are signs of depression. But regardless of how common depression is, it’s important to not take this mental health condition lightly and seek proper treatment. We hope this article has helped gain a better understanding of depression and mental health. 

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Tech Layoffs 2024: List of Companies to Cut Jobs

There have been a considerable amount of reductions in the workforce in the last couple of years and the number of tech layoffs is still going pretty strong. 2024 has already seen around 60,000 job cuts across 254 companies. A sizable amount of layoff has taken place in some of the most well-established companies such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Tesla, and more. 

In this guide, we will provide detailed insight into the tech layoffs taking place in 2024. We will also highlight the companies and the number of employees being let go.

A timeline of 2024 tech layoffs

Here is an overview of the number of tech layoffs that have taken place from January to April. 

Year Amount of layoffs 
January 202419,350
February 202415,589
March 20247,403
April 202422,153

January 2024 Tech Layoffs

In this section, we are going to take an in-depth look at the companies and the amount of tech layoffs that have taken place in the month of January 2024: 


A leaked memo from the Multinational corporation and technology company “Google” stated they were planning to lay off “hundreds” of employees under its advertising sales department. The cuts in the advertising sales team came after the corporation performed a sweeping layoff in its hardware team. In fact, according to a memo acquired by the Verge, the company is expected to see more layoffs throughout the year.   


Based on a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification that was filed on 30 January with the New York Department of Labor. It was revealed that the brand was planning on eliminating a total of 95 employees on 1st May. 


After achieving an acquisition of $68.7 billion from Activision Blizzard, a gaming company. Microsoft is planning to eliminate almost 1,900 employees from its gaming department. 


Across the United States, about 60 jobs were eliminated in Los Angeles, Austin, and New York, and various layoffs were added in the international markets.  


Vroom is making a drastic change as the company is eliminating 90% of its workforce as it seeks to shut down the online used car marketplace. Instead, they are moving its resources towards two business units: The one which primarily focuses on auto-finance, while the other business unit focuses on AI-powered analytics. 


Security Giant “Proofpoint” is also laying off around 280 employees which is about 6% of its global workforce. 


A spokesperson for Popular video-sharing platform YouTube also issued a statement to TechCrunch regarding the removal of around 100 employees as a part of restructuring efforts under its operations and creator management department. 


Storytelling platform Wattpad laid off around 20 employees, or less than 10% of its staff, as part of its reorganization, according to a spokesperson on Wattpad. The company reorganized its teams and currently has about 200 employees. 

Aurora Solar

Aurora Solar was also involved in laying off its employees regardless of witnessing record growth in the solar industry in 2023. Reportedly, Aurora Solar laid off about 1,000 employees, or 20% of its staff. 


iRobot is eliminating around 350 employees which equals one-third of the headcount. This took place after Amazon’s bid to obtain the Roomba-maker dropped. 


Salesforce is planning to lay off around 700 employees, or 1% of its workforce. The company also significantly reduced its workforce by around 10% in the previous year. 


Flexport is also aiming to cut 20% of its workforce in the coming few weeks. An announcement regarding the layoff first came forward in October when the founder, Ryan Petersen, stepped in as the CEO and eliminated a workforce of 20%. 


Famous food-delivering startup Swiggy is reportedly also planning on eliminating around 400 jobs which is almost 7% of its workforce. The startup aims to introduce further improvement into its finances ahead of the IPO, which is expected to take place later this year. 


Fintech company Block, which includes various subsidiaries such as Cash App, AfterPay, and Square, was also involved in eliminating about 1,000 people. 


According to reports, PayPal has also started its company-wide layoffs. For now, information on how many employees were laid off is currently unavailable. However, few sources claim the numbers are expected to be in the “thousands.” 


Self-driving vehicle company laid off dozens of workers in the company according to a source. Since then, the company confirmed that about 3% of its workforce has been eliminated. 


eBay is laying off around 1,000 full-time employees working at the company accounting for almost 9% of the workforce at eBay. The company stated in their blog post, how they aim to eliminate contract roles in the upcoming months. 


A 20% layoff took place in Brex, affecting almost 282 workers. Co-CEO Pedro Franceschi stated in a blog post that the company is planning to move its focus toward long-term thinking and ownership over short-term gains.

Riot Games

11% of the workforce is being laid off in Riot games. This layoff is affecting almost 530 employees as the company aims to focus on “fewer and more impactful projects.”


Wayfair announced cutting off 1,650 employees, reflecting almost 13% of its global workforce including 19% of its corporate department. This move came as the digital home goods retailer continued its restructuring effort, cut out layers of management and reduced costs after going “overboard” with corporate hiring during the pandemic. 

Lost Boys Interactive

Founded in 2017, this gearbox-owned developer employed more than 400 people. However, on January 12, 2024, it was reported that Lost Boys Interactive had reportedly laid off a “Sizable portion” of employees from the company. While the number of employees laid off is still unclear, many ex-employees of the company took to Linkedin to showcase their disappointment regarding the sudden layoff.  


Pixar is also planning to lay off employees in 2024, with the number reaching as high as 20% of the animation studio’s 1,300 staff. The decision to lay off came to light after Disney looked to decrease the studio’s output after struggling to achieve profitability in streaming. 


A leaked memo acquired by Business Insider revealed that Amazon-owned audio company Audible is eliminating 5% of its staff. As per the memo, an “increasingly challenging landscape,” was termed as the primary reason behind the layoff. 


Discord is eliminating about 170 employees which is approximately 17% of the staff. The Verge acquired an internal memo, where the CEO of Discord Jason Citron can be seen blaming the cuts on the organization growing too fast. 


According to the memo obtained, Amazon is eliminating “several hundreds” of its employees at the MGM studios and Prime Video. The cuts in Amazon took place after 500 layoffs at Twitch. 


Twitch is laying off about 35% of its current staff of approximately 500 employees. The layoff was publicly confirmed by Twitch itself through a blog post. Difficulty in achieving profitability in the face of rising costs and community backlash is stated to be the primary reasons behind the cut-off. 


On January 8th, Flexe laid off 38% of its employees, this was a follow-up layoff after the online retail logistics company conducted a layoff the previous year. 


NuScale announced on 8th January, regarding the elimination of 28% of its staff of approximately 154 employees. The cut-off took place after the company decided to move its focus towards “key strategic areas.”


Frictionless retail startup Trigo which employs a total of 200 workers is laying off about 15% of its workforce across all departments. 

Rent the Runway

Around 10% of the corporate staff will be laid off through the restructuring plan followed by the planned resignation of Anushka Salinas as the president at the end of January. 


Unity, a video game engine creator, eliminated around 1,800 people from the organization and reduced its workforce by 25%. Apparently, three rounds of layoff had already taken place in 2023. 


The German startup, Pitch which created the collaborative presentation software apparently laid off almost two-thirds of its staff. The startup plans on pursuing an “entirely different path.”


On January 8, this AI and biomedical startup eliminated around 17% of its workforce. The post announcing the layoff on its LinkedIn post stated “shifts in the economic environment” as the reason behind the layoff. 


InVision has stated in a blog post that the company is discontinuing the design collaboration services which include DSM, prototypes, and more at the end of 2024, after its 12-year-long run. 


20% of the workforce is going to be laid off in VideoAmp. Since the company plans to maintain its conflict with Nielsen regarding media measurement. 

Orca Security

A total of 60 workers are being laid off on Orca Security making it roughly 15% of the workforce. The company plans to shift a few of its impacted staff toward other positions in the organization. 


On 2nd January, Frontdesk performed a massive layoff containing an entire 200-person workforce after failing to raise more capital. The massive layoff came almost 7 months after the startup acquired rival Zencity. 

February 2024 Tech Layoffs

The amount of jobs cuts and the organizations that laid off employees in February 2024 are as follows: 


Apple is expected to lay off “hundreds” of its employees who are employed under the autonomous electric car project. 


900 employees are expected to be laid off under Sony’s PlayStation unit. This would be impacting almost 8% of the workforce under this division. 


Electric vehicle startup Fisker is planning on eliminating around 15% of its workforce. The primary reason behind the layoff is due to the startup not having sufficient cash on hand to survive the coming 12 months. 


EA (Electronic Arts), a video game company is expected to issue a 5% layoff in its workforce in EA which would be affecting almost 670 employees. A part of this plan includes decreasing office space and shutting down work in certain video games. 


Is laying off 10% of its salaried workforce in a bid to cut costs in an increasingly tough market for EVs.

Meati Foods

Meati Food is expected to remove 13% of its workforce. The CEO Phil Graves stated the primary reason behind the layoff is to “create a financially sustainable business.” 


A layoff of 5% of its workforce is announced by Cisco which would be eliminating over 4,000 people. 


Restaurant-Software company Toast is planning on eliminating around 550 employees in a form that is specially designed to advance “operating expense efficiency.”


Instacart has revealed in an SEC filing where it stated that it will eliminate around 250 employees as a move toward the restructuring effort. 


A 10% layoff is expected to take place in Snap’s workforce, which will have a major impact as Snap will eliminate over 500 employees, to “decrease hierarchy.”


Online dating platform Bumble is also eliminating almost 30% of its workforce which would be affecting around 350 employees. 


In 2024, Expedia will be eliminating 1,500 roles majorly under its product & technology department and it will be impacting over 8% of the workforce. 


A third major layoff took place in Finder in the last 12 months. In the third layoff, the company removed around 60 employees impacting 17% of the workforce. 

Polygon Labs

This company has eliminated around 60 employees or a total workforce of 19%. The official announcement regarding the layoff was made by CEO Marc Boiron through a blog post. 


Okta is another company that made a massive layoff by eliminating almost 400 staff. The layoff came to light almost one year to the day after Okta declared plans to eliminate around 300 employees. 


Mozilla, the company behind Firefox, is apparently scaling back its investment and is making certain changes in its product strategy. Reports claim the company is planning on layoffs which is expected to affect around 60 employees. 


This cloud-based writing assistant is laying off around 230 employees globally. This decision took place as a part of Grammarly’s efforts to promote and move its attention toward the “AI-enabled workplace of the future”. 


The North American workforce is witnessing a layoff of around 30%. The primary reason behind the cut-out of employees is stated to be a part of restructuring. 


Amazon is also playing on cutting jobs under its healthcare center which is Amazon Pharmacy and One Medical. As of now, it’s unclear the exact amount of layoff which will take place. 


DocuSign has made plans to lay off 6% of its employees, which will have a major impact in the sales and marketing department of the company. 

March 2024 Tech Layoffs

Here is the data of the organization and the amount of job cuts that took place in March 2024: 


After obtaining a point-of-sale platform Cuboh, the company decided to lay off around 20% of its workforce. Previously in 2022, the company eliminated around 100 employees. 

Phantom Auto

This remote-driving startup is being shut down after being unable to secure funding for the organization. The company had to lay off staff the previous year. 


Popular corporation IBM is also reportedly laying off a large section of its staff from its marketing and communication department. Previously the company had revealed a strategy to replace around 8.000 of the jobs with Artificial intelligence. 

Nintendo of America

Nintendo of America is restructuring its testing department and letting go of some of its contractors while switching others to full-time positions. 


Based on a 10-K SEC filing, it is revealed that Dell cut around 6,000 jobs from its global workforce. The filing also revealed that previously the organization had laid off around 13,000 jobs last year. 

Chipper Cash

Another round of layoffs was conducted in Chipper Cash which resulted in the elimination of 20 employees, as reported by the CEO Ham Serunjogi through a blog post. 


To support its Textio Lift product Textio planned an elimination of 16% of its employees in a strategic method. 


25% of the workforce is being laid off reportedly in Stash, which is expected to impact around 80 people according to Axios. 


AI fraud detection software Inscribe.ai is laying off its staff. Reportedly it has eliminated under 40% of its employees which has impacted dozens of its staff. 


Earlier this year, Turnitin eliminated about 15 employees, followed by the comments from its CEO Chris Caren, which stated the company would be able to bring down around 20% of its headcount thanks to the advanced AI technology. 


A 13% layoff took place in the New York office on Sorare as the NFT Fantasy sports startup aims to move certain teams to its Paris headquarters to enhance communication and efficiency there. 


It cut off around 15% of its workforce or around 17 people have been laid off according to a report by Fintech Business Weekly. 


CEO of the company Henry Chan revealed in a blog post that around 195 job roles were cut by ShopBack to make the company more sustainable. Nearly a quarter of its workforce was impacted through this layoff. 


Prosus-backed virtual events platform Airmeet laid off around 20% of its entire workforce during its second restructuring effort in the previous year. 


As part of its organization restructuring around 7% of the employees have been laid off. Previously the fintech unicorn performed a layoff in August 2022.  


ONE is initiating a layoff which would eliminate around 13% of its workforce impacting almost 40 employees. This is the second round of layoffs that took place for the battery startup. 

Project Ronin

Cancer Software Startup Project Ronin is shutting down which has resulted in a permanent mass layoff for the staff. The layoff has impacted a total of 150 employees. 

April 2024 Tech Layoffs

Now, let’s take a look at the firms and the workforce reduction that took place in April 2024: 


CEO Elon Musk made an announcement through an email to its executive regarding the elimination of staff from its charging team in the new set of layoffs. 


As a part of the continued cost-cutting measure, Alphabet-owned Google has been eliminating its workers. The exact number of employees that have been laid off has not been specified yet. 


Amazon Web Services is laying off hundreds of jobs across various departments such as Marketing, Sales, Global Services, and its physical stores technology team. 


Before the end of June, sportswear giant Nike is planning on removing 740 employees from its Oregon headquarters. 


Fisker is also laying off staff although the number of cuts taking place is currently unclear. But the reason behind the cut-off is addressed to “preserve cash.”


Turkey’s “instant delivery” juggernaut is shutting down its operations in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe to focus on Turkey. Apparently, the shutdown has impacted around 6,000 jobs in the closing market.  


180 jobs have been cut down in Indian ride-hailing giant Ola in a profitability push. Apparently, Ola also had to let go of its chief executive, Hemant Bakshi. 

True Anomaly

A 25% layoff has taken place in Space and defense startup, True Anomaly which has affected almost 30 employees. In addition, the company also canceled its summer internship program. 


According to reports, Expedia is expected to make a second round of layoffs in its Austin office this year. 

Stability AI

Following the step down of the former CEO Emad Mostaque, Popular AI Startup Stability AI lays off around 10% of its workforce. 


Electric vehicle maker Rivian has stated it cut around 1% of its workforce during the second round of its layoffs this year. 


5% of the workforce is being laid off which has affected around 579 employees. The company has also revealed various projects in the development might also be eliminated. 


AI startup Tome has eliminated around 20% of its workforce impacting around 59 employees including members of product developers and consumer go-to-market team. 


Over 14,000 employees or 10% of its global workforce are being laid off based on an internal email issued by the CEO of Tesla Elon Musk. 


4% of the global workforce is expected to be part of the layoff which would affect almost 140 employees. 


Reportedly, TikTok has cut off over 250 employees working for the popular social media platform in Ireland. 

Hinge Health

Virtual physical therapist Hinge Health cuts off around 10% of its workforce, as the organization aims to reach profitability and prepare for the IPO. 


The background-screening platform has laid off around 382 employees which has amounted to a total workforce of 32%. In April 2022, the company was valued at $5 billion. 


In the restructuring effort, Bolt.Earth has eliminated a sizable number of its employees. The exact number of employees is currently unknown however, various sources claim it ranges between 70 to 100 employees. 


After the shutting down of its electric car project, the company is planning to lay off 614 employees in California. 

Agility Robotics

A “small section” of employees have been laid off from Agility Robotics which was confirmed by the company itself. The Oregon-based firm stated the layoff was a part of the company-wide focus on commercialization efforts.

Ghost Autonomy

Backed by OpenAI, Ghost Autonomy shuts down its operation which has impacted around 100 employees. 


Appliance giant Whirlpool has decided to let go of Yummly and shut down the recipe and cooking app that it obtained in 2017. According to sources, the company has laid off all the employees recently.  


As a move towards restructuring effort, Byju’s is laying off around 500 employees which would be accounting for about 3% of its entire workforce. 

May 2024 Tech Layoffs

Lastly, here are the companies and the numbers of tech layoffs that have taken place in May 2024 so far: 


As a part of cuts at Bethesda Microsoft had shut down Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and various other gaming studios. For now, the total number of employees that were impacted is still unclear. 


3% of the layoff has taken place in Sprinklr which has affected a total of 116 employees which confirmed the organization themselves through a statement. This layoff took place almost a year after 4% of the headcount had been eliminated. 


170 workers were laid off in Enovix which would be affecting a third of its headcount in an effort to cut back or manage the annual operating costs. 

Cue Health

About 49% of the workforce is being eliminated which would impact 230 employees in a cost-cutting measure that was laid out in the documents filed with the U.S. SEC.


20% of the layoff is taking place in Lidar company Luminar. The layoff is expected to impact about 140 employees and according to reports, it is also ending ties with “a large section” of its contract workers. 


As a part of its cost-cutting effort, the company performed 15% of the layoff that took place which impacted around 400 people. Even the CEO Barry McCarthy stepped down. 


Which company layoffs in 2024?

Companies like Microsoft, Google, Tesla, TikTok, Apple, and more have made a “sizable” amount of layoffs in 2024. 

Is Nike laying off employees in 2024?

Yes, Nike is laying off a total 740 employees which is 2% of its total workforce from its Oregon headquarters before the end of June. 

Is Tesla doing layoffs?

Yes, Tesla is doing layoffs and the company is planning on laying off 601 employees in California. 

How many tech companies are laying off?

Around 254 of the tech companies have already laid off over 64,000 employees in 2024 and in coming months we can expect a higher number of layoff taking place. 

Which tech company has highest number of employees?

Amazon is the leading tech company with the highest number of employees total 1,541,000 including both full-time and part-time workers.  

Wrapping Up 

Overall, the tech layoffs in 2024 are rising at a rapid speed with over 64,000 job cuts across 254 companies. Well-established companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nike, Tesla, and more are laying off a sizable amount of employees this year and many companies are planning on laying off a large section of their workforce in the coming months. Therefore, we can expect a sizable amount of layoffs taking place this year. 

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Global Social Media Statistics 2024 by Age, Platform, Country

Social Media has become a part of our day-to-day routine, keeping users from across the world well-connected through digital platforms. With each passing year, social media is evolving at a rapid speed. With each passing year, the number of social media users is increasing at an immersive speed.  Reports also suggest the number of social media users will reach a milestone of 5.85 billion in 2027

In 2024, 62.6% of the world’s population will access social media, which clearly indicates the dominance of social media platforms in today’s world. In this article, we will examine social media statistics for 2024, uncovering monthly active users, daily time spent by users, most downloaded social media apps, etc. 

Key Social Media Statistics 

  • In 2024, there are over 5.07 billion social media users worldwide. 
  • Facebook has the highest number of monthly active users. 
  • 143 minutes is the average time spent by users accessing social media platforms globally. 
  • Facebook was the most downloaded social media app in March 2024 with 59 million downloads. 
  • YouTube is the most downloaded social media platform with over 10 billion downloads worldwide. 
  • Millennials are the leading generation with the highest number of social media users (68.5 million) in the United States. 
  • YouTube has the highest number of advertising audiences, reaching 2.50 billion users. 
  • Short-form videos are considered the most engaging type of content on social media. 

How Many People Use Social Media in 2024?

There are over 5.07 billion social media users worldwide in 2024, which totals 62.6% of the world population, according to a report by Statista. The total number of internet users in April 2024 is 5.44 billion out of which 5.07 billion are using social media.

Social Media Usage Monthly Active users by Platforms

As of April 2024, Facebook was the leading social media network with over 3 billion monthly active users worldwide. Followed by YouTube in the second position with 2.5 billion monthly active users, and Instagram ranked in third position with 2 billion active monthly users. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing the social media network’s monthly active users worldwide:

Social Network Monthly active users (in millions)
Facebook 3,065
YouTube 2,504
Instagram 2,000
TikTok 1,582
Facebook Messenger 1,010
Telegram 900
Kuaishou 700
X/Twitter 611

Source: Statista 

Number of social media users worldwide (2017 to 2027) 

According to a report by Statista, the number of social media users is expected to reach 5.17 billion by the end of 2024. Also, it is also projected that in 2027 the number of people using social media will reach a milestone of 5.85 billion. 

Here is a breakdown of social media users globally from 2017 to 2027:

YearNumber of social media users 
20172.73 billion 
20183.1 billion 
20193.51 billion 
20203.9 billion 
20214.26 billion 
20224.59 billion 
20234.89 billion 
20245.17 billion 
20255.42 billion 
20265.64 billion 
20275.85 billion 

Average daily time spent on social media worldwide 2012-2024

The Average daily time spent by users globally on social media is estimated to be 143 minutes in 2024. The average time spent has witnessed a decrease since the previous year, where the daily time spent on social media usage was 151 minutes showcasing a difference of 8 minutes.

YearMinutes per day 
201290 minutes 
201395 minutes 
2014104 minutes
2015111 minutes
2016128 minutes 
2017134 minutes 
2018142 minutes
2019145 minutes
2020145 minutes
2021145 minutes 
2022147 minutes
2023151 minutes
2024143 minutes

Source: Statista 

Countries with the highest daily time spent on social media

Brazil is the leading country with the highest daily time spent on social media 3 hours and 49 minutes. Followed by Nigeria in second position with a daily duration of 3 hours and 44 minutes spent on social media and the Philippines in the third position with 3 hours and 38 minutes. There are 11 countries with over 3 hours of daily time spent on social media according to a report by Statista. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing countries with the highest daily time spent on social media:

Countries Daily time in hours.minutes 
Brazil 3 hours 49 minutes 
Nigeria 3 hours 44 minutes 
Philippines 3 hours 38 minutes 
South Africa 3 hours 34 minutes 
Chile 3 hours 34 minutes 
Kenya 3 hours 32 minutes 
Columbia 3 hours 28 minutes 
Ghana3 hours 20 minutes 
Indonesia 3 hours 14 minutes
Mexico 3 hours 10 minutes 
Argentina 3 hours 8 minutes 
Turkey 2 hours 56 minutes 
Malaysia 2 hours 52 minutes 
Saudi Arabia2 hours 50 minutes 
UAE 2 hours 44 minutes
Egypt 2 hours 40 minutes 
Bulgaria 2 hours 38 minutes 
Thailand 2 hours 35 minutes 
India 2 hours 29 minutes 
Portugal 2 hours 28 minutes 
Romania 2 hours 26 minutes 
Russia 2 hours 22 minutes 
Vietnam 2 hours 17 minutes 
Morocco 2 hours 16 minutes
USA2 hours 16 minutes
Singapore 2 hours 11 minutes 
Israel2 hours 11 minutes 
China 2 hours 4 minutes 
New Zealand 2 hours 4 minutes 
Ireland 1 hour 59 minutes 
Greece 1 hour 59 minutes 
Hong Kong 1 hour 55 minutes 
Canada 1 hour 55 minutes 
Australia 1 hour 53 minutes 
Norway 1 hour 53 minutes
Taiwan 1 hour 53 minutes
Poland 1 hour 52 minutes
Spain1 hour 52 minutes
Sweden 1 hour 52 minutes
Denmark 1 hour 49 minutes 
Czech Republic 1 hour 47 minutes
France 1 hour 46 minutes 
UK 1 hour 46 minutes
Italy 1 hour 43 minutes
Hungary1 hour 39 minutes
Switzerland 1 hour 36  minutes
Germany1 hour 33 minutes
Netherlands1 hour 31 minutes
Belgium 1 hour 30 minutes
South Korea1 hour 11 minutes
Japan47 minutes 

Source: Statista 

Most downloaded social media app worldwide 2024

YouTube is the most downloaded social media app worldwide. It has over 10 billion downloads on the Google Play Store which is currently the highest compared to any other other social media platform. Facebook is the second most downloaded social media app with more than 5 billion downloads on Play Store. 

Here is a breakdown of the most downloaded social media app worldwide in 2024:

Social Media App Number of downloads 
YouTube 10 Billion + 
Facebook 5 Billion + 
Instagram 5 Billion + 
WhatsApp5 Billion + 
Facebook Messenger 5 Billion + 
TikTok 1 Billion + 
X (Twitter) 1 Billion + 
SnapChat 1 Billion + 
Pinterest 1 Billion + 
LinkedIn1 Billion + 
WeChat100 Million + 
Threads 100 Million + 

Source: PlayStore 

Most downloaded mobile apps worldwide in March 2024

In March 2024, Facebook became the most downloaded social media app with 59 million downloads. Followed by Instagram in the second position with 58 million downloads and TikTok was ranked the third highest downloaded social media app with 46 million downloads. 

Here is a breakdown of most downloaded social media app in March 2024: 

Top Social Media App Number of downloads 
Facebook 59 million 
Instagram 58 million 
TikTok 46 million 
WhatsApp42 million 
Telegram 27 million 
Threads 24 million 
CapCut 23 million 
Messenger 23 million 
SnapChat22 million 
WhatsApp Business 21 million 

Source: Statista 

Social Media Usage by Gender 

As of April 2024, 49.2% of Instagram users globally were women, giving Instagram the highest number of female audiences from all selected social media platforms. X (Twitter) had the highest share of male audience by 60.3% compared to other social media platforms. SnapChat has a 49.1% female audience base, while the share of male audience is 50%. 

Here is a breakdown of Social media usage worldwide by Gender: 

Social Media Platform Female Users Male Users 
Instagram 49.2%50.8%
SnapChat 49.1%50%
TikTok 45.7%54.3%
Facebook 43%57%
LinkedIn 43%57%
X (Twitter) 39.7%60.3%

Source: Statista 

Social Media Usage by Generation 

According to reports, Millennials are the leading generation with the highest number of social media users in the United States. Followed by Gen Z in the second position with a total of 56.4 million users, and Gen X in the third position with 51.8 million users.

Generation Share of social media users 
Gen Z 56.4 million 
Millennials 68.5 million 
Gen X51.8 million 
Baby Boomers 36.9 million 

Source: Oberlo

Social Media Usage By Age

In 2023, 29% of the Facebook users in the United States belonged to the age group 30 to 39, while a further 29% were aged 50 to 64 years old, and 20% belonged to users aged 40 to 29. The most popular social media platforms among young adults aged 18 to 29 years old are SnapChat and TikTok with 41% and 35% respectively. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing Social Media Usage by Age Group in the United States:

Social Media Platform 18 to 2930 to 39 40 to 4950 to 64
Facebook 20%29%22%29%
Instagram 32%32%20%17%
Pinterest 27%29%20%24%
Reddit 31%34%20%15%
TikTok 35%31%19%14%
X/Twitter 28%34%21%17%

Source: Statista 

Social media app usage among Generation Z in the United States

Today, social media apps are utilized by Gen Z (users who are aged between 16 to 25 years old) at a large scale. According to Statista, 92% of Gen Z users in the U.S. access YouTube the most. Followed by Instagram in the second position with 85% of the share of users, and TikTok in the third position with 78% of Gen Z users. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing social media app usage according to Gen Z in the United States: 

Social Media App Share of users 
YouTube 92%
Instagram 85%
TikTok 78%

Source: Statista 

Average time spent by users on social media platforms daily in the U.S. 

On Average, social media users in the United States spend 53.8 minutes on TikTok daily which is the highest duration spent on a social media platform. Followed by YouTube in the second position with a total of 48.7 minutes spent accessing the platform. X (Twitter) is ranked third in the list with an average time spent of 34.1 minutes. 

Here is a breakdown of the average time spent by users on social media platforms daily in the United States:

Social media platform Time spent (in minutes) 
TikTok 53.8 
YouTube 48.7
X (Twitter)34.1
Instagram 33.1
SnapChat 30
Reddit 24.1

Source: Statista 

Top Reasons for using Social Media Platform 

Different people utilize social media platforms for different reasons. For example, some prefer to access social media apps for entertainment purposes, while some prefer to use them for gaining knowledge or reading news. Therefore, below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top reasons behind users accessing social media platforms worldwide: 

Top Reasons Share of users 
Keeping in touch with friends & family 49.7%
Filling Spare Time38.0%
Reading News Stories34.3%
Finding Content (eg: Articles & videos)30.0%
See what’s being talked about 28.8%
Finding products to purchase26.8%
Finding inspiration for things to do and buy 26.4%
Watching live streams 23.1%
Watching or following sports 22.9%
Making new contacts 22.7%
Sharing and discussing opinions with others 22.6%
Seeing content from your favorite brands 22.5%
Work-related networking or research 21.6%
Following celebrities or influencers 20.0%
Posting about your life19.6%

Source: DataReportal 

Main Reasons for using Social Media Platform By Age 

Data reveals that people from different age groups utilize social media platforms for a variety of different reasons. For example, over 50% of individuals aged above 35 access social media to stay in touch with their friends and families. While 42.7% of users aged 16 to 24 access social media to fill up their spare time. 

Here is a breakdown of the primary reasons behind individuals accessing social media platforms based on age group:

Top Reasons 16 to 2425 to 3435 to 4445 to 5455 to 64 
Friends & Family 47.4%46.5%50.7%52.8%55.5%
Fill up Spare Time 42.7%38.5%37.2%38.1%37.6%
Finding Content (eg: videos)33.3%32.9%36.5%36.0%33.0%
See Trending Topics31.5%31.3%29.9%27.9%24.8%
Read News Story 28.8%29.8%29.5%27.8%23.2%
Ideas: on things to do or buy 27.1%27.7%28.8%26.7%22.9%
Find products to buy 25.2%26.5%27.5%24.8%21.8%
Influencers & Celebrities24.7%24.4%25.0%23.1%21.2%
Make New Contacts 24.3%24.4%24.9%22.6%19.0%
See Content from Brands 23.5%23.6%24.2%21.9%18.3%

Source: DataReportal

Favorite Social Media Platform 

16.6% of active social media users aged 16 to 64 stated Instagram as their “favorite” social media platform. Followed by WhatsApp in the second position by 16.3% and WeChat in the third position by 13.0%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the favorite social media platforms of users worldwide:

Social Media Platform Share of users 
Instagram 16.6%
Facebook 12.7%
Douyin 6.7%
X (Twitter)3.0%
Facebook Messenger2.4%
Pinterest 1.5%

Source: DataReportal

Top Social Media Platforms based on Advertising Audiences 

According to reports published by advertising resources, it was revealed that YouTube is the leading social media platform with the highest number of advertising audiences of 2.50 billion. Followed by Facebook in the second position with an advertising audience of 2.24 Billion. Instagram has the third largest ad audience with paid ads reaching 1.69 billion users worldwide. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing top social media platforms and their advertising audience reach: 

Social Media Platforms Advertising reach 
YouTube 2.50 Billion 
Facebook 2.24 Billion 
Instagram 1.69 Billion 
TikTok 1.58 Billion 
Linkedin 1.07 Billion 
Facebook Messenger 1.01 Billion 
SnapChat 675 Million 
X (Twitter)611 Million 
Pinterest 317 Million 
Reddit 233 Million 

Source: DataReportal 


What percentage of the world are social media users?

62.6 percent of the world’s population are social media users, which is 5.07 billion people. 

Who uses social media the most age?

People aged between 28 to 43 years old use social media the most in the United States, accounting for 68.8 million of total social media users. 

What is the future of social media in 2025?

The future of social media in 2025 is expected to reach 68.3% of the social media usage population, up from 67.2% in 2024. 

What is the most used social media platform in 2024?

Facebook is the most-used social media platform in 2024 with over 3 billion monthly active users worldwide. 

Who uses YouTube the most age?

Individuals aged 25 to 34 are the leading age group who use YouTube the most, accounting for 21.3% of YouTube’s user base. 

How many social media users are there in India in 2024?

There are 462.0 million social media users in India in 2024, amounting to 32.2% of the total population. 

What are the top 3 social media apps?

The Top 3 social media apps are Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram based on their active monthly users. 

Wrapping Up 

The above statistics clearly indicate that in 2024 Social media is a dominant force that is completely transforming communication trends and digital interactions worldwide. Today, users across the world access social media platforms for various reasons such as online communication, purchasing new products, following brands, reading news, etc. From the expansion of user growth to increased average time spent, social media remains a dominant force globally with expectations of higher growth in the future without any sign of decline. 

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Divorce Statistics [2024]: Percentage of Marriages End in Divorce?

The approach towards marriage and divorce has completely transformed in the last few decades. Especially, today most people already assume half that 50% of the marriages are going to end up being divorced. But is it really the case? 

Well, you might be surprised to know the divorce rate has actually decreased since 2008 despite witnessing a slight rise in 2021 and 2022.

In this article, we will examine Divorce Statistics in 2024 to understand the dynamics of marriage and issues leading to divorce in the modern world. 

Key Divorce Statistics 

  • 20% of marriages are likely to end in divorce within the first five years. 
  • 69% of women are likely to initiate divorce, while the share of men initiating divorce is 31%. 
  • The divorce rate in the United States hit 2.4 per 1,000 total population. 
  • Couples who marry at 25 are 50% less likely to get a divorce. 
  • Maldives is the leading country with the highest number of divorce rate of 5.52 per 1000 people.
  • Lack of commitment is the most popular reason among married couples to get a divorce.
  • Gaming Managers have the highest percentage of divorce rate at 52.9%. 
  • Actuaries have the lowest percentage of divorce rate. 
  • College-educated women are less likely to get a divorce compared to high school graduates. 

Divorce statistics by year in the U.S. (2000 to 2022)

There has been a significant decrease in the number of divorces that took place in the United States from 2000 to 2022. In 2002, a total of 944,000 divorces and annulments took place in a population of 233,550,143 resulting in a 4 divorce rate per 1,000 total population. 

In 2022, a total of 673,989 divorces and annulments took place in the U.S. of a population of 278,154,454 resulting in a 2.4 divorce rate per 1,000 total population. 

Below we have mentioned a complete table showcasing the divorce rate in the U.S. over the years:

YearDivorce Rate 

Source: CDC

Highest Divorce Rate Worldwide by Country 

According to reports by the United Nations and other sources, the country with the highest divorce rate globally in 2020 was the Maldives. It recorded around 2984 divorces against a population of 540,544, recording a divorce rate of 5.52 per 1000 people. Kazakhstan was in second place with a divorce rate of 4.6, and Russia was in third place with a divorce rate of 4.4. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the highest divorce rate worldwide by country:

Countries Divorce Rate 
Maldives 5.52
China 3.2
Sweden 2.5
Ukraine 3.1

Source: Worldpopulationreview

Countries with the lowest divorce rates worldwide 

According to reports by Statista, Sri Lanka has the lowest divorce rate worldwide with only 0.15 divorces per 1,000 population as of 2020. Vietnam and Guatemala are ranked second and third in this list both countries with 0.2 divorces per 1,000 population. 

Here is a breakdown of countries with the lowest divorce rates worldwide: 

Countries Number of divorces 
Sri Lanka0.15
Vietnam (2020)0.2
Guatemala (2020)0.2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (2017)0.4
Peru (2019)0.5
South Africa (2009)0.6
Colombia (2007)0.7
Venezuela (2017)0.7
Chile (2009)0.7
United Arab Emirates (2005)0.7
Ireland (2017)0.7
Panama (2020)0.7
Qatar (2019)0.7
Malta (2019)0.7
Saint Lucia (2004)0.7

Sources: Statista

Two countries have banned divorce 

This might surprise some people, but two countries—the Philippines and Vatican City—have prohibited divorce even today. 

Most Common Reasons for Divorce 

Lack of commitment is reportedly the top reason behind couples getting a divorce. According to reports, 75% of couples get divorced due to commitment issues. Infidelity or extramarital affairs is ranked as the second most common reason behind people getting a divorce by 60%, and too much conflict or arguing in the third position by 58%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the most common reasons for Divorce:

Common Reasons Divorce Rate 
Lack of commitment 75%
Infidelity or extramarital affair 60%
Too much conflict and arguing 58%
Getting married too young 45%
Financial problems 37%
Substance abuse 35%
Domestic violence 24%
Lack of support from family 18%
Health problems17%
Religious Differences 13%
Little or no premarital education 13%

Money Issues and Lack of compatibility are among the most common reasons behind couples getting a divorce 

Although there are many other reasons as well for couples opting out for a divorce. Here are the top three causes for people getting a divorce: 

  • 58% of the couples reveal arguing and excessive conflict as major causes for divorce. 
  • 45% of couples claim getting married too soon or too young is the main reason behind divorce. 
  • 38% of the individuals reported financial issues as a major divorce cause.

Divorce Rate by Occupation 

The profession of an individual can often play a crucial role in a person getting a divorce. Some occupations often require employees to work long hours outside of normal business hours, which can result in conflicts or issues in a person’s relationship. Gaming Manager is reportedly the top occupation with the highest percentage of divorce rate of 52.9%. Followed by Bartenders in the second position with a 52.7% divorce rate. 

Here is a breakdown of divorce rates based on occupation:

Occupation Divorce Rate 
Gaming Manager 52.9%
Bartender 52.7%
Flight Attendant 50.5%
Gaming service workers 50.3%
Rolling machine setters50.1%
Switchboard operators 49.7%
Extruding and drawing machine setters49.6%
Textile machine operators48.9%
Compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders48.8%

Actuaries Have the Lowest Percentage of Divorce Rate

The divorce rates are surprisingly quite low in certain occupations. According to reports, Actuaries have the lowest percentage of divorce rate among individuals. Actuaries have a divorce rate of 17.0% which is the lowest. Followed by physical scientists in the second position with 18.9% and Medical scientists in the third position with 19.6%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing occupations with the lowest divorce rates:

Occupation Divorce Rate 
Physical scientists18.9%
Medical scientists19.6%
Software developers20.3%
Physical therapists20.7%
Chemical engineers21.1%
Religious and education directors21.3%
Physicians and surgeons21.8%

Industries with the Highest Divorce Rate

Certain industries tend to have a higher edge when it comes to divorce rates. For example, the office and administrative support industry has the highest percentage of divorce rate at 41%. Followed by transportation in the second position with 41% and protective services in the third position with 40%. 

Here is a breakdown of industries with the highest percentage of divorce rates:

Industry Divorce Rate 
Office and administrative support41%
Protective services40%
Personal care and service40%
Installation, maintenance, and repair workers39%
Health care support39%
Production 39%
Building and grounds cleaning38%
Food preparation and serving37%

Industries with the Lowest Divorce Rate

When discussing the divorce rate among individuals based on industries, it was revealed that Architecture and engineering have the lowest divorce rate of 27.5%. Computers and mathematics are the second industry with the lowest divorce rate at 27.6%, and the Military is in third place at 28.3%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top industry with the lowest number of divorce rates:

Industry Divorce Rate 
Architecture and engineering27.5%
Computers and mathematics27.6%
Life, physical, and social sciences28.5%
Education and library30.1%
Community and social services32.5%
Farming, fishing, and forestry33.0%

Divorce Statistics by Gender in the U.S

In the United States, women are more likely to initiate the divorce process on average compared to men. Reports revealed that 69% of women are likely to file for a divorce in the U.S., while the share of men filing for divorce is 31%.

Gender Likely to file Divorce 
Men 31%
Women 69%

Divorce Rates by Age 

Statistics show that the age of a person can usually play a significant role in the divorce. Both older and younger couples are likely to face higher divorce rates globally. So, let’s take an in-depth look at the divorce rates based on Age: 

Couples who get married at 25 are 50% less likely to be divorced compared to people who get married at 20 

25 is often considered an appropriate age for an individual to get married and surprisingly statistics show the same. According to reports, couples who marry at the age of 25 are less likely to get divorced by 50% in comparison to those couples who marry young at 20. However, couples who get married late have also shown higher signs of getting divorced. Couples who marry after the age of 32, have showcased an increase in divorce rates by 5% each year.

The average age of men getting divorced is 46 and 44 for women in 2022

In 2022, a report revealed that men and women are more likely to get divorced after reaching the age of 40. In fact, 42% of the people aged between 45 and 54 are divorced. In addition, it was also revealed that the average age of a man to get a divorce is 46, while for women it’s 44. 

The Average Age of individuals for a first marriage is increasing

In 2012, the average age of a man to get married was 28 and the average age for women was 26. But with time, most couples are delaying marriage for multiple reasons such as finance or change in cultural norms, etc. In 2022, the average age of marriage witnessed a significant rise where 32 is considered a median age for men and 30 for women to get married. In the coming years, there is a potential that the average marriage age for both men and women might witness a rise. Older marriages can often have difficulties in married life due to difficulty in learning to cohabitate or merging into each other’s life, etc which can result in higher divorce risk.

Divorce Rates by Ethnicity

There can be differences in Divorce rates globally based on the ethnicity of the couple. There can be various factors that can cause such differences or variations, such as cultural norms based on marriage, along with various systemic biases that undermine the family structure in different communities. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the divorce rates by Ethnicity among couples:

Ethnicity Divorce Rate
White Couples15.1%
Black Couples30.8%
Hispanic Couples18.5%
  • White couples have a divorce rate of 15.1%. The marriage rate of white couples is 32.1%.
  • Black couples have a divorce rate of 30.8% and their marriage rate is around 17.3%.
  • Hispanic couples have a divorce rate of 18.5% and their marriage rate is 33.2%.

Divorce Rates by Education Level

There are various aspects that can affect a marriage and apparently, the education level is one of them. Reports show that individuals who have gained more education are less likely to get a divorce. 

Here is a breakdown of Divorce rates by Education level:

Education Level Divorce rate for menDivorce rate for women
High school or less39%37%
Bachelor’s Degree or higher29%32%
Advanced Education 26%30%
  • The percentage of divorce rates is 39% for men and 37% for women for individuals with a high school education or less. 
  • Individuals with a bachelor’s degree or higher education have a slightly lower chance of getting a divorce. The percentage of divorce rate for men is 29%, while for women it’s 32%. 
  • Individuals with advanced education, which is basically having a master’s degree or more than just a bachelor’s degree are less likely to get a divorce compared to other education levels. The divorce rate for men with advanced education is 26% and for women, it’s 30%.

College Educated women are less likely to get a divorce 

Reports suggest that women with bachelor’s degrees are less likely to get a divorce compared to those women who have some level of college degree but don’t graduate or have a high-school education.

78% of the females who have a bachelor’s degree are likely to have a marriage that will last 20 years, along just 49% of females with some college-level education are likely to reach this milestone. Also, the statistics show that women with only a high-school education or less only have a 40% of likelihood of having a marriage that lasts 20 years or more. 

Divorce Rates by Religion

For many people, their religious beliefs often discourage them from getting a divorce despite being in an unhappy marriage as most religions look at marriage as a sacred union. Therefore, in some cases, religion can play a significant role in a person getting a divorce or not. Here are statistics related to divorce rates by religion:   

The Religion with the lowest divorce population is Hinduism

The population of Hindu people married is 60%, while 5% of the people of this demographic group are reported to be divorced which is the lowest compared to any other religion.

Evangelical Protestant is the religion with the highest number of divorced population

55% of Evangelical Protestants are married, while the divorce rate in this religion is reported to be 14%, which is the highest percentage of divorced couples compared to any other religion. The divorced percentage of Evangelical Protestants is more than double the number of divorced Hindus. 

11% of the divorced population doesn’t follow a religion/unaffiliated 

Individuals who don’t follow any religion are usually less likely to get married and more likely to get a divorce compared to those people who follow a religion or have religious beliefs. According to reports, around 37% of the unaffiliated population is married, while the percentage of divorced rate is 11%. 

Divorce Trends Over Time

Third Marriages Have the Highest Divorce Rate—73%

Third marriages have recorded the highest divorce rate 

People often mention that half the marriages are likely to end in divorce, however, that’s usually the case for only first marriages. In terms of second or third marriages, the divorce rate is much higher. Apparently, 67% of second marriages are likely to end in divorce, while 73% of third marriages have the potential of getting a divorce.

6% of Divorced couples remarry each other 

Usually, divorce is the end of the road for most relationships. However, in some cases, couples who get legally divorced sometimes remarry. Around 6% of the divorced couples have remarried. In this kind of scenario, the success rate of marriage is higher. 72% of the remarried couples have remained married after reconciliation. 

Couples who have lived together before getting married have a higher chance of getting a divorce

Around 57% of the couples who haven’t lived together before marriage have a higher chance of having a marriage for 20 years and more compared to 46% of those couples who have lived together before getting married. It often includes various other factors as well since many religious people don’t consider living together prior to marriage because of strong religious beliefs. 

Divorce rate in India

Only 1 out of 100 Indian marriages end up to a divorce which is quite low in comparison to America’s 50% of marriages turning into breakups.


Where is the highest divorce rate in the world in 2024?

The Maldives has the highest divorce rate in the world, at 5.52 per 1000 people. It is followed by Kazakhstan, with a divorce rate of 4.6 per 1000 people. 

How many first marriages end in divorce in 2024?

35% to 50% of first marriages end in divorce in the United States, along with the second marriage witnessing an increase in divorce to 60% and over 70% for marriages after that. 

What is the #1 cause of divorce?

Lack of commitment is considered the most common cause of divorce among married couples based on a survey. 

Which marriage has the highest divorce rate?

Third marriages have the highest divorce rate at 73%. Followed by 67% of second marriages ending in divorce, which is the second-highest divorce rate. 

Which country has the lowest divorce?

Sri Lanka has the lowest divorce rate, with only 0.15 divorces per 1,000 population, followed by Vietnam in second place. 

Who initiates divorce more?

Women are more likely to initiate divorce compared to men. According to reports, 69% of women are likely to file for a divorce in the U.S. while the share of men is only 31%. 

What age is divorce most common?

The average age of an individual entering their first divorce is around 30 years old. 60% of divorces usually involve spouses between the ages of 25 to 39 years old.

How many marriages last 5 years?

20% of marriages end within the first 5 years. Therefore, 80% of marriages are likely to last 5 years.

Wrapping Up 

The above statistics showcase how the divorce rate has decreased since 2008, although a slight increase did occur in 2021 and 2022. We have mentioned various insights and figures above, providing a clear picture of the challenges and evolving dynamics of relationships and divorce in today’s world, including a couple’s occupation, education level, religious belief, and more.

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Student Loan Debt Statistics [2024]: Average + Total

Obtaining a college degree is a dream that almost every student sees to achieve a stable future. However, with rising college tuition prices it has become extremely different for students with lower or middle income backgrounds to afford their education. This has led to more and more students taking student loans to manage their education finances. In fact, by the end of 2023, almost 43.2 million Americans have federal student loan debt. 

In this article, we will examine student loan debt statistics for 2024 to gain a deep understanding of the landscape of student loan debt, the total amount of student loans provided, federal and private loans, and much more. 

Key Student Loan Debt Statistics 

  • About 43 million Americans have a federal student loan by the end of 2023.
  • The value of outstanding student loans in the U.S. was $1,727 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2023. 
  • 98.2 billion U.S. Dollars were offered to students in the United States as a form of student loans. 
  • Stafford loans are considered the leading type of student loan in the U.S. accounting for 856 billion dollars in debt in 2023. 
  • The Average student debt for a bachelor’s degree was revealed to be $29,100.
  • Generation X has the highest average student loan of $44,290. 
  • The State with the highest debt in the U.S. is Maryland with an average student debt of $43,116.
  • 47% of women are likely to have student loan debts compared to men who have a 40% share of the average student loan.
  • In 2021, about 13% of Americans had a federal student loan. 

Value of outstanding student loans U.S.

The value of outstanding student loans in the United States has been on a constant rise since the first quarter of 2006. However, for the first time, the numbers have witnessed a decline in the third quarter of 2023. In the second quarter of 2023, the value of outstanding student loans was $1,761 trillion and the value decreased to $1,732 trillion in the third quarter of 2023. 

Here is a breakdown of the value of outstanding student loans in the United States from 2006 to 2023:

Year Value of outstanding student loans 
Q1 2006480 billion 
Q2 2006487 billion 
Q3 2006510 billion 
Q4 2006521 billion 
Q1 2007544 billion 
Q2 2007549 billion 
Q3 2007577 billion 
Q4 2007589 billion 
Q1 2008619 billion 
Q2 2008626 billion 
Q3 2008660 billion 
Q4 2008675 billion 
Q1 2009707 billion 
Q2 2009712 billion 
Q3 2009746 billion 
Q4 2009771 billion 
Q1 2010800 billion
Q2 2010811 billion
Q3 2010845 billion
Q4 2010855 billion
Q1 2011896 billion
Q2 2011905 billion
Q3 2011940 billion
Q4 2011959 billion
Q1 2012994 billion
Q2 20121,011 trillion 
Q3 20121,041 trillion
Q4 20121,052 trillion
Q1 20131,092 trillion
Q2 20131,099 trillion
Q3 20131,134 trillion
Q4 20131,145 trillion
Q1 20141,182 trillion
Q2 20141,190 trillion
Q3 20141,226 trillion
Q4 20141,235 trillion
Q1 20151,271 trillion
Q2 20151,278 trillion
Q3 20151,311 trillion
Q4 20151,320 trillion
Q1 20161,358 trillion
Q2 20161,365 trillion
Q3 20161,398 trillion
Q4 20161,405 trillion
Q1 20171,440 trillion
Q2 20171,446 trillion
Q3 20171,479 trillion
Q4 20171,488 trillion
Q1 20181,523 trillion
Q2 20181,530 trillion
Q3 20181,560 trillion
Q4 20181,566 trillion
Q1 20191,597 trillion
Q2 20191,603 trillion
Q3 20191,635 trillion
Q4 20191,637 trillion
Q1 20201,671 trillion
Q2 20201,672 trillion
Q3 20201,696 trillion
Q4 20201,693 trillion
Q1 20211,718 trillion
Q2 20211,719 trillion
Q3 20211,739 trillion 
Q4 20211,733 trillion 
Q1 20221,747 trillion 
Q2 20221,744 trillion 
Q3 20221,761 trillion 
Q4 20221,764 trillion 
Q1 20231,774 trillion 
Q2 20231,761 trillion 
Q3 20231,732 trillion 

Source: Statista

Total Amount of Student Loans Provided in the U.S.

During the academic year 2002/03, 83.1 billion U.S. dollars were offered to students in the United States as student loans. In 2022/23, the numbers jumped to 98.2 billion U.S. Dollars. It witnessed a peak in 2010/11, when 152.8 billion U.S. Dollars were offered in student loans. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the total amount of student loans provided across the United States from 2002 to 2023:

Year Loans in Billions 

Source: Statista

Among federal student loan borrowers, average amount owed as percentage of amount borrowed as of 4 years after 2015–16 bachelor’s degree completion, by race/ethnicity and Pell Grant receipt: 2020

Amount of student loan debt outstanding, by type

The outstanding student loan debt in the U.S. was reported to be around 1.7 trillion in the third quarter of 2023. Direct Combined loans, or Stafford loans, are the leading type of student loan in the U.S., accounting for 856 billion in 2023. Stafford loans are a kind of federal student loan that is specially offered to eligible university students at a low interest rate compared to private loans. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the amount of outstanding student loan debt in the United States by student loan type:

Type of Student loans Amount of debt in U.S. Dollars
Direct combined (Stafford) 856 billion 
Direct unsubsidized (Stafford)564 billion 
Consolidation555 billion 
Direct subsidized (Stafford)292 billion 
Parent PLUS105 billion 
Grad PLUS91 billion 
Perkins4 billion 

Source: Statista 

Average Student Loan Debt

According to the latest data available in the College Board, it was revealed that in 2020-2021 around 45% of the bachelor’s degree recipients graduated with a student debt. The Average student debt for a bachelor’s degree was revealed to be $29,100. However, advanced degrees require student loans at a higher price. For example, the average debt of a student for an MBA is $51,850. Similar to Medical school the average student debt was revealed $206,924. 

Here is a breakdown of the average student loan debt based on type:

Type of Debt Average Debt 
Bachelor’s degree debt$29,100
Graduate school loan debt$77,300
Parent PLUS loan debt$29,526
Law school debt$132,740
MBA student debt$51,850
Medical school debt$206,924
Dental school debt$293,900
Pharmacy school loan debt$167,711
Nursing school student debt$40,000 – $54,999
Veterinary school debt$147,258

States with Highest Average Student Debt in the U.S. 

Maryland is the leading state in the U.S. with the highest debt of $43,116. Followed by Georgia in the second position with an average student debt of $41,775. Virginia is ranked third in the list of highest debt in the U.S. with an average student loan debt of $39,599. 

Below we have mentioned the top 10 states in the U.S. with the highest debts:

State Total student debt (in billions)Number of borrowers Average student debt burden 
South Carolina$29.1758,600$38,360
North Carolina$51.61,352,800$38,143

Source: Degreechoices

States with Lowest Average Student Debt in the U.S. 

North Dakota is the leading state in the US with the lowest average student debt of 30,000. 

According to reports, Wyoming is the second state in the United States with the lowest average student debt of $$30,357. Followed by Iowa in the third position with $30,759 and South Dakota in the third position with $31,746. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing states with the lowest average student debt in the United States:

State Average student debt 
South Dakota$31,746
West Virginia$32,160
Rhode Island$32,886

Federal Student Loans by Age

A large section of borrowers belong to the young adult age group of 24 or younger with a total of $110 billion amount owned. Apart from this, borrowers aged between 25 to 34 years old carry a federal student loan of around $500 billion. Although, borrowers under this age group owed amounts between $10,000 and $40,000. 

In many cases, borrowers tend to carry student loans to their middle age and beyond. The below-mentioned table clearly showcases individuals aged 35 to 49 have the highest number of amounts owed of $622 billion with a total number of borrowers of 14.4 million. In Fact, in many unfortunate cases, the education loan can often carry towards their retirement as well. Around 2.4 million borrowers in the age category of 62 or older have a total amount of $98 billion still owed. 

Here is a breakdown of federal student loans by age group:

Age Group Amount Owed Number of Borrowers 
24 or younger $110 billion7.6 million
25 to 34 $500 billion14.9 million
35 to 49$622 billion14.4 million
50 to 61 $282 billion6.4 million
62 and older$98 billion2.4 million

Source: Federal Student Aid

Average Student Loan Debt by Gender 

The majority of students worldwide choose to take student loans to pursue their desired courses and get admission into good colleges. In general, women are more likely to have student loan debts compared to men. Reports show that on average 47% of women are likely to have a student loan compared to 40% of men. 

Gender Percentage of Average Student Loan 
Women 47%
Men 40%

Average Student Loan Debt by Race  

Reports show that people of color are more likely to have student loan debt. Apparently, Black Adults are the leading with around 50% of average student loan debt, with an average balance of $9,800. Followed by White Adults in the second position with 44% of student loan debt, with $8,700 average balance. Lastly, 37% of Hispanic/Latino Adults are likely to have an average balance of $7000.

Race Likely to have a student loan debt Average Balance 
Black Adults50%$9,800
White Adults 44%$8,700
Hispanic/Latino adults 37%$7000

Average Student Loan Debt by Generation 

Surprisingly, Generation X (people born between 1965 to 1980) is the generation with the highest share of student loan debt. People belonging to Gen X have the highest average balance of $44,290 per borrower. Followed by Baby Boomers as the second leading generation with an average student loan balance of $42,520. 

Here is a breakdown of Average student loan debt based on Generation: 

Generation Share of Student loan debt 
Gen Z $14,380
Millennials $32,800
Generation X $44,290
Baby Boomers $42,520

National Student Loan Debt by Generation 

Over half of the federal student loan debt is concentrated towards Generation X. It owns about 56.84% of the student loan debt which is the highest compared to other generations. Millennials are ranked second in this list with about 30.06% of the student loan debt, followed by Baby Boomers in the third position with 7.11%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing national student loan debt based on generation:

Generation Nation Student loan debt 
Gen Z 5.99%
Millennials 30.06%
Generation X 56.84%
Baby Boomers 7.11%

Private Student Loan Portfolio

  • The outstanding private loan debt is valued at $131 billion. 
  • Around 92% of the undergraduate private loans have a cosigner. 
  • In terms of graduate private loans around 66% of them required to be co-signed. 
  • Private student loans have only 7.6% of the entire education debt. 
  • The majority of the private loans about 89% are owed by undergraduate degrees, while only 11% are owed for graduate degrees. 
  • 99.9% of private loans require the borrower to submit a school certification as a form of confirmation of the student’s status along with the cost of attendance. 

Student Loan Repayment Statistics

In March 2020, federal student loan payments were paused nationwide, and froze the accumulation of interest due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While a large section of federal loans around $968 billion by 24 million borrowers are still under forbearance. Although, from October 2023 the monthly payments were restarted for about 37 million of the student loan borrowers.  

During the start of 2020, only 2.7 million student loan borrowers had their federal loans under forbearance. However, by the end of 2021, the numbers have witnessed a massive rise to 24 million borrowers. In May 2022, the reprieve was set to expire, and the payments for federal student loans were resumed.  

Below we have mentioned the repayment status of Federal Direct loan programs:

Status Debt Amount Number of borrowers 
In-school$118 billion6.4 million
Grace period$41 billion1.6 million
Repayment$16 billion0.5 million
Deferment$113 billion3.1 million
Forbearance$968 billion24 million
Default$112 billion5.1 million

Source: Statista 

Repayment Programs

There was a wide range of repayment options made available by the federal student loan systems for the borrowers to select from. There were certain plans that required the borrowers to qualify on the basis of family size and income, while the other plans were being made available for everyone. 

Below we have mentioned how the federal loan portfolio is issued among the most popular repayment plans:

Repayment Plan Loan Amount Number of Borrowers 
Standard $202 billion10.5 million
Graduated $91 billion3.1 million
Income-contingent (ICR)$37 billion0.8 million
Income-based (IBR)$173 billion2.8 million
Pay As You Earn (PAYE)$112 billion1.5 million
Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE)$200 billion3.3 million

In terms of private student loans, unfortunately, there aren’t any standardized repayment options or plans available for the borrowers. Since the options are usually determined based on the specific lender of the private student loan. But in many cases the private lender tends to offer few plans for the borrowers, this includes interest-only payments while in school, small flat payments while in school, or postponing the entire payment until after graduation.

In private student loans, the borrowers are required to make complete payments to the private lender after graduation which is evenly distributed over the repayment term. 


What is the average student debt in the US?

The Average student debt in the US for a student pursuing a bachelor’s degree is $29,400. However, in the case of all borrowers, the average debt is $38,290. 

What age group has the most student loan debt?

The 35 to 49 age group has the most student loan debt with about $622 billion owed by 14.4 million borrowers. 

Which generation has the most student debt?

Gen X is the generation that has the most student debt, it held 56.84% of the total federal student debt $1.63 trillion. 

Does Gen Z have student debt?

Yes, Gen Z has student debt and the average outstanding student loan balance of a Gen Z was reported to be $24,473 in 2023. 

What is the average student loan payment?

$503 is the Average student loan payment in the United States, according to a report by EducationData.org. 

How much is student loan debt?

A total of $1.72 trillion is owed by Americans in federal and private student loan debt as of the fourth quarter of 2023. 

Why is American student debt so high?

High college tuition prices are the primary reason why American student debts are so high. Higher education fees result in most Americans from lower and middle-income backgrounds taking student loans to fulfill their education finances. 

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How Much Data is Generated Every Day (2024)

In today’s fast-moving digital world, an extensive amount of data is created on a daily basis. Data is created through a variety of areas such as sending out emails, using social media apps, watching videos, online shopping, and much more. Almost, 328.77 million terabytes of data is getting created per day. The figures of data created keep growing at an ever-increasing rate. 

In this article, we are going to take a look at the statistics related to the amount of data created daily in 2024 and understand its impact on the world.

Top Statistics of the Data created daily 

  • 328.77 million terabytes of data are created every day. 
  • 181 zettabytes of data is expected to be generated by 2025. 
  • Around 53.72% of the internet data traffic is created through videos. 
  • A 480p video on Twitch requires 0.405GB and 0.54GB of data per hour 
  • 2 billion videos are being watched by users on Twitter every day. 
  • It takes Kilobytes of data to share a message on WhatsApp. 
  • Around 361 billion of emails are sent out every day in 2024. 
  • An equivalent of 0.0001335 MB of data is used to send out one text message. 

Amount of Data Created Annually to Reach 180 Zettabytes in 2025

A few years ago, [IDC] made headlines by predicting that the total amount of digital data created worldwide would mushroom from 4.4 zettabytes in 2013 to 44 zettabytes by 2020. Now, IDC believes that by 2025 the total will hit 180 zettabytes. The astounding growth comes from both the number of devices generating data as well as the number of sensors in each device… approximately 11 billion devices connect to the Internet now. The figure is expected to nearly triple to 30 billion by 2020 and then nearly triple again to 80 billion five years later.

How much data is Generated every day in 2024? 

Currently, 328.77 million terabytes of data are getting created every day in 2024. 

There is a constant rise in the amount of data generated, captured, copied, and consumed worldwide on a daily basis. In 2020, the numbers reached 64.2 zettabytes, and the global data creation is expected to reach 180 zettabytes by 2025.

Unit of MeasurementData Generated
Terabytes328.77 million
Gigabytes328.77 billion
Megabytes328.77 trillion
Kilobytes328.77 quadrillion
Bytes328.77 quintillion

Around 1200 Petabytes of Data is stored and shared by the users in various digital media giants 

Digital media giants such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and more are utilized by users on a large scale. The rise of smartphone usage has given rise to such platforms as well for a variety of reasons such as online surfing, shopping, browsing, and more. Today, around 1200 petabytes of data are shared and stored by users in these digital media platforms. 

Data Creation Growth Over the Years 

There has been a massive rise in the number of data created annually. Back in 2010, the annual data generated was 2 zettabytes. However, in 2023 the total amount of annual data generated was 120 zettabytes. Apparently, 90% of the world’s data was created in the last 2 years. Over the last 13 years, the estimate has witnessed an increase of 60x since 2010. It is predicted the numbers will hit 181 zettabytes by 2025 with an increase of 150%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the amount of data created from 2010 to 2025. 

YearData GeneratedChange Over Previous YearChange Over Previous Year (%)
20102 zettabytes
20115 zettabytes? 3 zettabytes? 150%
20126.5 zettabytes? 1.5 zettabytes? 30%
20139 zettabytes? 2.5 zettabytes? 38.46%
201412.5 zettabytes? 3.5 zettabytes? 38.89%
201515.5 zettabytes? 3 zettabytes? 24%
201618 zettabytes? 2.5 zettabytes? 16.13%
201726 zettabytes? 8 zettabytes? 44.44%
2018*33 zettabytes? 7 zettabytes? 26.92%
2019*41 zettabytes? 8 zettabytes? 24.24%
2020*64.2 zettabytes? 23.2 zettabytes? 56.59%
2021*79 zettabytes? 14.8 zettabytes? 23.05%
2022*97 zettabytes? 18 zettabytes? 22.78%
2023*120 zettabytes? 23 zettabytes? 23.71%
2024*147 zettabytes? 27 zettabytes? 22.5%
2025*181 zettabytes? 34 zettabytes? 23.13%

Source: Statista, Bernard Marr & Co.

Amount of Data Created by Category 

Global Data Traffic is vastly filled with video content as it is responsible for 53.72% of the traffic since various social media platforms worldwide are filled with video content on a large scale. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube are completely based on video content and they continue to keep growing their user base each year. 

Similarly, other popular platforms such as Facebook have evolved over the years, and currently, 51% of the content shared on Facebook is video-based content. Currently, the top three categories that make up the majority of the internet data traffic are Video (53.72%), Social (12.69%), and Gaming (9.86%). 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the data traffic created by different categories:

CategoryProportion of Internet Data Traffic
Web browsing5.67%
File sharing3.74%

Around 99,000 Google searches are made every second 

There is no doubt that Google is one of the most used search engines among individuals globally. Google processes almost 99,000 searches every second as of January 2022 which makes 8.5 billion Google searches every day roughly. 

Two trillion Google searches were made by the end of 2021 

Google is one of the most popular search engines worldwide that is utilized by people on a large scale for their everyday internet browsing. It has a market share of 91% and about 2 trillion Google searches were made by the users in 2021 alone. Apparently, 6 billion searches are made on the search engine every day. 

As of January 2021, there were 4.95 billion active social media users globally 

According to data by Data Reportal show it was stated that there were 4.95 billion users accessing social media platforms as of January 2021. Which is about 62.5% of the entire world population. 

Snapchat requires 1MB of data to send a Snapshot on the platform 

Snapchat is a popular application that is utilized by users to send out images or snapshots and messages to their friends and families. This platform utilizes 1 MB of data to send out a snapshot of the platform. To send 24 snapshots users will require 24 MB.

Data Created based on Media Type 

According to data collected from April 2022, around 231.4 million emails are sent out every minute worldwide, while 333.22 billion emails are sent in a 24-hour span. Meanwhile, 16 million texts are sent per minute with 24.04 billion texts in 24 hours. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the user-generated internet content statistics: 

Type of MediaAmount per MinuteAmount per Day
Emails sent231.4 million333.22 billion
Crypto purchased90.2 million129.89 billion
Texts sent16 million24.04 billion
Google searches5.9 million8.5 billion
Snaps shared on Snapchat2.43 million3.5 billion
Pieces of content shared on Facebook1.7 million2.45 billion
Swipes on Tinder1.1 million1.58 billion
Hours streamed1 million1.44 billion
USD spent on Amazon443,000637.92 million
USD sent on Venmo437,600630.14 million
Tweets shared on Twitter347,200499.97 million
Hours spent in Zoom meetings104,600150.62 million
USD spent on DoorDash76,400110.02 million


YouTube is a popular video-sharing and social media platform where users can watch an extensive amount of video content in various resolutions. In general, watching a YouTube video in 480p resolution utilizes around 500 MB of data every hour. The higher the resolution the more the data is utilized. Therefore, if you are watching a video on YouTube in 4k it will utilize 30x more data. 

Here is a complete breakdown of the amount of data used per hour based on different resolutions on YouTube: 

YouTube Video QualityData Used per HourData Used per Day


Next, we have Netflix which is a subscription video-on-demand platform that allows users to stream a variety of video content such as Films and TV series in numerous genres. Netflix offers a variety of resolution options such as Standard quality, High-definition, and Ultra HD quality for users to stream their desired video content. Netflix uses 1GB of data every hour for streaming video content in standard definition. So, to stream 24 hours of content on Netflix in standard definition users will spend 24GB of data a day. 

Meanwhile, High-definition content on Netflix requires 3GB of data to stream an hour-long content making it 72GB data for a day. 

To stream content on Ultra HD resolution it requires users to have 7GB of data every hour making it 168GB of data per day. 

Video Quality Data required for 1 hour Data required for 24 hour 
Standard Definition 1 GB 24 GB 
High Definition 3 GB 72 GB 
Ultra HD 7 GB 168 GB 


Spotify, a music streaming platform utilizes around 2MB+ data for a three-minute song on the platform. So, if you spend an hour listening to songs on Spotify you spend 40 MB every hour or 960 MB every day.

Sources: Sandvine, Domo, TechJury, iNews

Data Creation By Region

The United States is the leading country with the highest number of data centers (5,388) which is 10x more than any other country. Germany is ranked second in the list that contains (522) data centers followed by the United Kingdom in the third position with (517) data centers. 

Below we have listed down the top 16 countries with the highest number of data centers globally: 

RankCountryRegionNumber of Data Centers
1USNorth America5,388
5CanadaNorth America336
12MexicoNorth America153
14BrazilSouth America150

Source: Cloudscene


Data is a part of our day-to-day life and we create an abundance of data by simply sending out text messages, viewing a video on YouTube or performing a Google search. In today’s digital world data generation is increasing at a fast pace with the numbers reaching new heights. Above we have mentioned all the essential statistics related to data generation that can help you understand the true impact of data creation/ 

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AI Girlfriend Statistics, User Growth, Market Size, App Downloads

AI Girlfriend platforms have gained widespread recognition among users worldwide in the last few years. In Fact, the AI Girlfriend market was worth $2.8 billion in 2023 and it was also projected the market will reach $9.5 billion by the end of 2028

Currently, more and more people are signing up with AI Girlfriend platforms to gain virtual companionship and every one in five guys in dating apps have tried out AI girlfriend tools at some point. In this article, we are going to take a look at AI Girlfriend Statistics to understand its true impact, user growth, demand, market, and app downloads. 

Key AI Girlfriend Statistics 

  • In 2023, the global AI Girlfriend market was valued at $2.8 billion. 
  • The global AI Girlfriend market is expected to reach a milestone of $9.5 billion by 2028. 
  • “AI Girlfriend” searches have witnessed a growth of 525% in one year. 
  • Character AI is the leading AI Girlfriend platform with the highest monthly visits (97 million) in March 2024. 
  • 47% of users have claimed they would use an AI Dating app for Long-Term partnerships.
  • 1 in 5 young users are open to the idea of an AI or virtual partner.
  • More than 73,000 monthly searches took place for “AI relationship bots” as of February 2024.
  • 50% of users stated they interact with their AI Girlfriend every day. 

The Global AI Girlfriend Market was worth $2.8 billion in 2023

In 2023, the global AI Girlfriend market was valued at $2.8 billion and is expected to have a promising future with projections showcasing significant growth and evolution. With time, AI Girlfriend platforms are expected to offer more realistic and personalized experiences to its users including advanced sex chatbots.

According to reports, the AI Girlfriend market is projected to reach $9.5 billion by 2028 worldwide. This growth is expected to be driven by numerous factors such as increased user acceptance, improved AI algorithms, and integration of AI in numerous aspects of life. 

AI Girlfriend Search Trends and User Interest

There has been a significant growth in “AI Girlfriend” search trends over the last few years, along with an increase in user engagement. In addition, AI Girlfriend platforms also witnessed an excellent rise in population in the United States with millions of monthly searches incoming. Below we have mentioned key statistics highlighting AI Girlfriend search trends and user interest: 

  • There was a rise in Google searches for the term “AI Girlfriend” by 2,400% between 2022 to 2023. This highlighted the excessive demand and interest among users for AI-driven relationships. 
  • There was a rise of 620% in the searches for the term “virtual girlfriend” year-over-year globally. This showcases the widespread demand for virtual companionship among users worldwide.
  • The Term “AI Companion” witnessed a rise of 490% in 2023 in the United States alone in comparison to 2022 reflecting a growth at a large scale.
  • Over 73,000 monthly searches took place for “AI relationship bots” as of February 2024. It highlighted the tremendous demand for AI-based conversations and companionship among the audience. 

Many users are drawn to AI girlfriend apps due to their advanced interaction capabilities of Sexting AI platforms.

A growth of 525% in “AI Girlfriend” searches took place in One Year

The demand for AI Girlfriend platforms has been increasing at a rapid speed in the past few years. In Fact, the search queries for AI girlfriend have witnessed a growth of 525% in the last year which indicates the excellent development in the sector of AI and virtual companionship. This showcases the evolution of dating and relationships among humans and how they are turning to AI technology for interactions and emotional support.

AI Girlfriend User Demographics and Adoption of AI Girlfriends

Users from different age groups and genders are accessing AI Girlfriend platforms at a large scale. A significant number of users from different age groups and genders are turning towards virtual girlfriend platforms for interactions. Below we have mentioned top AI Girlfriend statistics highlighting the user demographic and adoption of AI girlfriends among the users: 

  • 27 years old is the average age of an AI Girlfriend platform user. This also indicates that virtual girlfriend platforms are appealing to users among millennials and Generation Z users. 
  • 28% of Male users who fall under the age group of 18 to 34 claimed to have interacted with an AI Girlfriend app or chatbot at least once. This highlights the significant interest of young male adults in AI Girlfriend platforms. 
  • About 18% of the AI girlfriend users are identified as “female users.” This indicates the appeal for virtual girlfriend platforms goes beyond gender boundaries. 
  • 1 in 5 men on dating apps have tried AI girlfriend platforms at least once, highlighting the increased acceptance of AI-driven companionship and relationships in the dating landscape.
  • 63% of men aged below 30 years claim they are single compared to 34% of females below 30. This ratio might contribute to the rising popularity and demand for AI girlfriends among people as an alternative to gain companionship and emotional support. 

AI Girlfriend User Engagement and Market Growth

The AI Girlfriend market worldwide has been gaining massive recognition among users in the past few years. The User engagement and market growth of AI Girlfriend is reaching new heights in just a short duration. Here are some of the key statistics related to its engagement and market growth: 

  • Around 55% of the users interact with their AI girlfriends every day, showcasing a high level of engagement and commitment towards their virtual relationships.
  • On Average, AI Girlfriend spends about $47 every month to access the premium features on the platform. Indicating eagerness to invest in advanced features for an enhanced companionship experience online.
  • In 2022 the worldwide funding of the AI companion industry hit a milestone of $299 million witnessing an excellent growth from just $7 million in the previous year 2021. This showcased the rapid growth and interest among users towards AI-driven companionship. 

1 in 5 young people are open to using AI Girlfriend apps 

The younger generation who come under the age group of (13 to 39 years old) are open to using AI girlfriends. Apparently, one in five users has expressed their interest in accessing virtual companionship. This shows us the shifting perception among the younger generation towards relationships and how they are breaking the norms of traditional relationships by seeking companionship through AI. It also indicated the acceptability of AI in today’s world and how users can actually turn to an AI Girlfriend to talk and express their emotions.

Most Valued Features among AI Girlfriends Apps 

Users are accessing the AI Girlfriend platform for a variety of features and requirements. According to research, one of the most-valued features among the users for accessing AI girlfriend apps is Calling with an average rating of 5.57. Followed by good privacy and security in the second position with a 4.9 rating and Realism in the third position with a 3.2 average rating. 

Here is a breakdown of the most-valued features among AI Girlfriend apps:

Top Features Average Rating 
Calling 5.57 
Privacy and Security 4.9
Realism 3.2
NSFW Content 2.87
Customization 2.6 
Good conversation 1.87

Top AI Girlfriend Platform Based on Monthly Visits 

Character AI is the leading AI Girlfriend platform with the highest monthly visits in March 2024, it acquired a total of 97 million monthly visits. Followed by Janitor AI in the second position with 32 million monthly visits and CrushOn AI in the third position with 20.1 million monthly visits.

AI Girlfriend platform  Monthly Visits (March)
Character AI 97 million 
Janitor AI 32 million 
CrushOn AI 20.1 million 
SpicyChat AI 16.9 million 
Candy AI 12.1 million 
DreamGF 5.1 million 
Pephop 2.7 million 
GPTGirlfriend 2.6 million 
Charstar 2.3 million 
Joyland1.7 million 
Muah AI 1.5 million 
SoulFun 1.5 million 
Replika 703K
SoulGen 479K
Nastia 406K
Romantic 321K
VMate 267K
Tingo 230K

AI Girlfriend App Downloads 

AI Girlfriend apps are gaining massive recognition from users across the world with millions of downloads. Currently, the most popular AI girlfriend app among users is Replika AI and Character AI with over 10 million downloads worldwide. Followed by Chai in the second position with over 5 million downloads and iGirl in the third position with 1 million downloads. 

Here is a breakdown of the top AI girlfriend apps based on downloads:

Top AI Girlfriend apps App Downloads 
Replika AI10 million +
Character AI 10 million + 
Chai: Chat AI Platform 5 million + 
iGirl 1 million +
EVA Character AI & AI Friend1 million + 
Anima: AI Friend Virtual Chat1 million +
CrushOn AI 500K +
AI Girlfriend500K + 
Botify AI500K + 
Romantic AI 100K + 
Kindroid: AI Companion Chat100K + 

How Often Do Users Chat With Their AI Girlfriend?

Surprisingly 50% of the users claim they talk to their AI Girlfriend every day, while 43.3% of users stated accessing the virtual girlfriend platform on a weekly basis. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing how often users chat with their AI Girlfriend:

Time spent on AI Girlfriend platform Share of users 
Daily 50%
Weekly 43.3%
Less Frequently 3.3%
Monthly 3.3%

Users on whether AI Girlfriends can replace Actual Girlfriends

A survey was conducted with 30 people where they were asked about whether AI Girlfriends can replace human girlfriends. 40% which is 12 out of 30 stated yes, while 60% (18 out of 30) stated No, as they didn’t think technology could actually replace human emotions. This showcased different opinions of people towards AI companionship.

Can AI Girlfriends replace actual girlfriend Share of respondents 
Yes 40%
No 60%

Top Reasons Behind People Using AI Girlfriend Apps 

One of the top reasons behind users accessing AI Girlfriend apps is constant feelings of loneliness. Apparently, 51% of users utilize the AI Girlfriend platform to gain companionship and feel less lonely. The second most common reason behind users accessing AI Girlfriend apps is for fun and entertainment by 21.6%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top reasons behind users accessing AI Girlfriend apps:

Top Reasons Share of users 
Feeling Lonely 51%
For Fun 21.6%
Just Curious 11.8%
Get better with women 11.8%
Friend Recommendation 3.9%


How big is the AI Girlfriend Market? 

The AI Girlfriend market was worth $2.8 billion in 2023 and it is projected the AI Girlfriend market will reach $9.5 billion by 2028.

Who are the major players in the AI Girlfriend App Market? 

The major players in the AI Girlfriend app market are Replika AI, Character AI, Chai, Eva AI, iGirl, and Anima AI.

What is the future of AI girlfriends?

The future of AI Girlfriends looks quite bright considering the amount of attention and popularity these virtual girlfriends have been gaining in the last few years. According to reports, the market size of AI girlfriends is expected to reach $9.5 billion by 2028 so the future looks quite hopeful for AI girlfriends tools. 

Wrapping Up 

The Future of AI Girlfriend platforms looks quite promising considering the excessive demand for virtual companionship worldwide. Along with the massive growth of AI Girlfriend in Google searches. The global AI Girlfriend market was valued at $2.8 billion and the market is projected to reach a milestone of $9.5 billion by 2028. Therefore, the demand for AI Girlfriends among users doesn’t seem to witness a drop anytime soon. 

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How Many People Use Undressing Apps – Statistics March 2024

There is a constant rise in the number of users accessing undressing apps or websites to remove clothes from an existing image to create a nude image. Popular Social media analytics firm, Graphika discovered over 24 million users visited these undressing apps in September alone. The numbers have highlighted a worrying trend in non-consensual pornography operated by the capabilities of artificial intelligence. In this article, we are going to take a look at how many people use undressing apps by providing individual statistics for each undressing application in the market.

Popularity of AI-powered apps used to undress women in photos soars amid a legal vacuum

AI-powered undressing apps have been gaining massive popularity among the audience. These Undress apps utilize advanced AI technology to remove clothes from an individual’s image and transform it into an unclothed image by creating fake nudes. Social media analytics firm Graphika found over 24 million unique visitors in September on 34 undressing applications. 

A report created by the data from Similarweb, a traffic-analysis site stated, that there was a rise in referral link spam for these undressing websites and apps by 2000% at the start of the year among popular platforms such as X (Twitter) and Reddit. Not only websites and apps but also Telegram are popular mediums used by individuals to access undressing features. Apparently, over 53 Telegram groups were available that offer undressing services with over 1 million users.

Top Apps Statistics That Undress Women’s Photos Surge In Popularity

The “Nudify” services offered by these AI-driven undressing apps are gaining massive popularity among the audience and the total number of visits is rising daily. Below, we have mentioned the top statistics of the leading undressing apps and websites that can undress women’s photos using advanced AI technology to provide a clear picture of the impact of such apps.

1. Soulgen AI 

As of Jan 2024, Soulgen.net has 18.72M total visits worldwide. Meanwhile, in January Soulgen received 6.22M visits with an average session duration of 05:02.

Source: SimilarWeb

Soulgen Website Traffic by Country

Peru is the leading country with the highest number of Soulgen users at 29.68%. The United States is ranked second in this list with 11.19%, followed by India in third place with 5.54% Soulgen users. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top 5 countries with the highest number of Soulgen users: 

Country Traffic Share 
Peru 29.68%
United States 11.19%
India 5.45%
Colombia 5.02%
Russia 2.75%

SoulGen AI Traffic 

The most popular marketing channel with the highest proportion of SoulGen AI traffic is Direct. Followed by organic search in the second position with 31.02%. Here is a breakdown of the most popular marketing channel for SoulGen AI: 

Rank Marketing Channel Proportion of Traffic
1Direct 37.48%
2Organic Search 31.02%
4Social 2.83%
5Paid Search 2.40%
6Display ads 1.44%
7Email 0.04%

Social Media Traffic 

Reddit is the leading social network with the highest proportion of SoulGen AI traffic 78.62%. Followed by Linkedin in the second position with 14.95%. Here is a breakdown of the most popular social networks: 

Rank Social Network Proportion of Traffic 
1Reddit 78.62%
2Linkedin 14.95%
3YouTube 2.83%
4Telegram WebApp0.87%
6Other 2.07%

Soulgen Traffic Share By Device 

The majority of Soulgen users are likely to access the undressing platform via their smartphone. Apparently, the percentage for Soulgen usage through mobile web is 85.66%, while the percentage for Desktop is only 14.34% which is a massive difference between the two devices.

Device Type Percentage of users 
Mobile Web 85.66%
Desktop 14.34%

2. Promptchan AI 

As of January 2024, promptchan AI received 12.94M total visits worldwide with an average duration of 10:10. While the global monthly visits on Promptchan AI is around 4.314M. 

Source: SimilarWeb

Promptchan.ai Website Traffic by Country

The United States is the top country with the highest traffic share of promptchan AI at 15.99% followed by Mexico securing the second place with 7.37% and Peru in the third place with 5.31%. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top countries that utilize Promptchan AI worldwide for undressing services: 

Country Traffic Share 
United States 15.99%
Mexico 7.37%
Peru 5.31%
India 5.14%
Russia 4.00

Promptchan AI Traffic 

Top Marketing Channels of Promptchan AI: 

44.26% of the traffic received on Promptchan AI is Direct, while organic search is the second most used marketing channel with 31.52%. 

Here is a breakdown of the most popular Promptchan AI marketing channels:

Rank Marketing Channel Proportion of Traffic
1Direct 44.26%
2Organic Search 31.52%
4Social 5.75%
5Paid Search3.31%
6Display ads1.87%
7Email 0.23%

Social Media Traffic

DeviantArt.com is the most popular social network with 28.11% of traffic for Promptchan.AI. Reddit is ranked second in this position with 26.63%. 

Here is a breakdown of the most popular social network for promptchan AI: 

Rank Social Network Proportion of Traffic 
2Reddit 26.63%
4WhatsApp WebApp4.96%
5Twitter 3.97%
6Other 12.79%

Promptchan.ai Device Distribution 

71.60% of the promptchan AI users access the platform through mobile web, while 28.40% of the users prefer to utilize it via Desktop. 

Device Percentage of usage 
Mobile Web 71.60%
Desktop 28.40%

3. Undress App 

Undress App is one of the most popular undressing apps available in the market and this tool currently has 21.87M total visits worldwide. The monthly visits of the undress app is 7.293M with a visit duration of 13:55 and a bounce rate of 37.71% which is the percentage of users who only view one page of the website before leaving. 

Source: SimilarWeb

Undress app by Region

Country Traffic Share 
United States 15.36%
Mexico 5.70%
Russia 4.74%
Brazil 4.42%
Poland 3.53%

Undress app Traffic 

Top Marketing Channels of Undress App: 

About 42.12% of the traffic received by the Undress app comes from organic search, while 31.34% of the traffic received is Direct. Here is a breakdown of the most popular undress.app marketing channel: 

Rank Marketing Channel Proportion of Traffic
1Organic Search 42.12%
2Direct 31.34%
4Display ads 3.69%
6Email 0.02%
7Paid Search N/A

Social Media Traffic 

Reddit is the most popular social network with 23.86% responsible for undress.app traffic. YouTube is ranked second with a 19.88% proportion of traffic. 

Rank Social Network Proportion of Traffic 
1Reddit 23.86%
2YouTube 19.88%
3Discord   17.19%
4Twitter 13.92%
6Other (Combined) 13.50

Undress app Device Distribution 

79.91% of undress.app users prefer to access the platform via mobile web, while 20.09% of users are likely to access the tool via their desktop. 

Device Percentage of usage 
Mobile Web 79.91%
Desktop 20.09%

4. PornX.ai 

PornX.ai is another AI-powered platform that offers undressing services through which users can easily remove clothes from their images and transform them into unclothed images creating fake nudes. As of January 2024, Pornx.ai received 11.89M total visits globally with an average duration of 09:31. While the global monthly visits on pornx.ai are around 3.963M. 

Source: SimilarWeb

PornX.ai by Region

The United States is the leading country with the highest PornX.ai traffic share at 19.19%, followed by Germany in second place with 7.96%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the Top 5 countries with the highest PornX.ai traffic:

Rank Country Traffic Share 
1United States 19.19%
2Germany 7.96%
3India 6.83%
4United Kingdom 4.45%
5Canada 3.52%

PornX.ai Traffic 

Top Marketing Channels

A large section of PornX.ai traffic is Direct with 37.68%, followed by Organic Search in second place at 32.70%, and Referrals as the third most popular way to access PornX.ai at 20.35%. 

Here is a breakdown of the most popular PornX.ai marketing channels: 

Rank Marketing Channel Proportion of Traffic
1Direct 37.68%
2Organic Search 32.70%
3Referrals 20.35%
4Display Ads5.19%
5Social 4.05%
6Email 0.04%
7Paid Search N/A

Social Media Traffic 

In terms of Social Media Traffic, Reddit is the leading social network with 66.41% proportion of PornX.ai traffic, followed by YouTube as the second most popular social network with 15.44% of traffic. 

Here is a breakdown ofPornX.ai social media traffic:

Rank Social Network Proportion of Traffic 
1Reddit 66.41%
2YouTube 15.44%
3Facebook  4.18%
4Twitter 2.24%
6Other (Combined) 9.62%

PornX.ai Device Distribution 

The majority of users prefer to access PornX.ai via mobile web compared to Desktop. Around 66.04% of users access the undressing platform via their mobile web, while only 33.96% access the tool through their desktop.  

Device Type Percentage of usage 
Mobile Web 66.04%

5. Nudify.Online

As of January 2024, Nudify.online received 16.99M total visits, while the monthly visits numbers were 5.666M with an average duration of 04:37. 

Source: SimilarWeb

Nudify.Online By Region

The United States is the leading country with the highest number of Nudify.online traffic share worldwide by 13.01%. Followed by India, in the second position with 6.95% of traffic share. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the leading countries with the highest number of traffic share worldwide:

Rank Country Traffic Share 
1United States 13.01%
2India 6.95%
3Japan 6.54%
4Russia 5.88%
5Germany 3.89%

Nudify Online Traffic 

Top Marketing channels: 

Around 33.06% of Nudify.online users access the platform directly, while 31.91% of users access the tool through organic search. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the most popular marketing channel utilized to access Nudify.online: 

Rank Marketing Channel Proportion of Traffic
1Direct 33.06%
2Organic Search 31.91%
4Social 7.75%
5Display ads0.95%
6Email 0.06%
7Paid Search N/A

Social Media Traffic

Reddit is the top social network with the highest proportion of traffic 75.41%, followed by Discord the second most popular social network with only 7.87%. Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the Top 6 social networks with the highest proportion of traffic: 

Rank Social Network Proportion of Traffic 
1Reddit 75.41%
2Discord 7.87%
3Twitter 5.60%
4YouTube 4.72%
5Instagram 2.47%
6Other 3.93%

Nudify.Online Device Distribution 

There is no surprise that mobile web is the most preferred device type when it comes to accessing nudify.online. The percentage of users that access nudify.online via mobile web is 80.71%. While only 19.29% of users access the undressing tool via desktop. 

Device Type Percentage of usage 
Mobile Web 80.71%
Desktop 19.29%

6. Undress.love 

The total users visits received by undress.love worldwide is 5.439M with the average monthly visits being 1.813M. The average visit duration undress.love is 5:03.

Source: SimilarWeb

Undress.love by Region 

18.25% of the undress.love traffic share comes from India, while 11.47% of the traffic comes from the United States. Here is a breakdown of the Top 5 countries with the highest undress.love traffic share globally:

Rank Country Traffic Share 
1India 18.25%
2United States 11.47%
3Indonesia 5.86%
4Germany 4.79%
5Russia 3.56%

Undress.love Traffic

Leading Marketing channels of Undress.love: 

43.03% of the undress.love users access the platform Directly, while 27.32% of the users access the tool through organic search. Here is a breakdown of the most popular marketing channel utilized by users to access the undressing platform: 

Rank Marketing Channel Proportion of Traffic
1Direct 43.03%
2Organic Search 27.32%
5Display ads 0.21%
6Email 0.00%
7Paid search N/A

Social Media Traffic

Reddit is the most popular social network with 44.23% proportion of traffic for undress.love. Twitter is the second most popular social network with 25.90%. Here is a breakdown of the most popular undress.love social network:  

Rank Social Network Proportion of Traffic 
1Reddit 44.23%
2Twitter 25.90%
3YouTube 12.08%
4Linkedin 8.82%
5Telegram WebApp6.80%
6Other 2.17%

Nudify.Online Device Distribution 

Most Nudify.online users access the platform through the mobile web by 83.84%, while only 16.16% of the users access the undressing platform via Desktop. 

Device Type Percentage of usage 
Mobile Web 83.84%
Desktop 16.16%

7. Undress.cc

The Total visits on undress.cc by January 2024 is 6.130M. The number of monthly visits reached 2.043M in January with an average visit time of 4:02. 

Source: SimilarWeb

Undress.cc by Region 

Rank Country Traffic Share 
1United States 22.11%
2India 7.76%
4Germany 4.63%
5Spain 3.22%

Undress.cc Traffic

Leading Marketing channels of Undress.cc: 

A large section of undress.cc traffic comes from Referrals by 47.77%. While 32.62% of the traffic that comes on undress.cc is direct. Here is a breakdown of the most popular Undress.cc marketing channels: 

Rank Marketing Channel Proportion of Traffic
2Direct 32.62%
3Organic Search 16.40%
4Social 2.90%
5Display ads0.30%
6Email 0.01%
7Paid search N/A

Social Media Traffic

Reddit is the leading social network with the highest % of traffic acquired by undress.cc with 34.08%. YouTube comes in second with 22.84%. 

Here is the breakdown of the most popular social network for undress.cc:  

Rank Social Network Proportion of Traffic 
1Reddit 34.08%
2YouTube 22.84%
3Instagram 19.53%
5Twitter 5.35%
6Other 8.29%

Undress.cc Device Distribution 

Mobile web is the most utilized device type accessed by users to browse undress.cc by 76.54%. Meanwhile, 23.46% of undress.cc traffic comes from the Desktop.  

Device Type Percentage of usage 
Mobile Web 76.54%
Desktop 23.46%
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Sexting Statistics 2024: How common is it for people to sext?

Sexting refers to the process of sending sexually explicit text messages, images, or videos to someone using their smartphone, desktop, etc. The practice of sexting is generally considered taboo but the numbers and sexting statistics in the digital world completely say otherwise since 8 out of 10 adults have reported to have sexted. Nowadays, AI Sexting apps are becoming popular, too.

Around 88% of Americans aged 18 and older have stated being engaged in sexting at least once in their life. In this article, we will provide insight into Sexting statistics in 2024 and explain how common sexting is among people.  

Top Sexting Statistics 2024 

  • 88% of American adults who are aged 18 and above have stated being involved in sexting activity at some point in their lives. 
  • 76.9% of U.S. adults were involved in sending sexual texts in 2023. 
  • Millennials are the leading generation with the highest percentage of individuals engaging in sexting at 37%. 
  • 12.1% of American adults have reported engaging in sexting outside of their relationship. 
  • 1 in 5 teenagers have been engaged in sexting activity.
  • Baby Boomers are the generation with the lowest number of individuals engaging in sexting activity by 5%. 
  • 24% of teenagers have been involved in sending sexts with images.
  • More than 50% of adults hesitantly engage in sexting. 
  • Now, more than 63% of Young men aged 18-29 and 25% of men aged 30-49 are moving toward using sex chatbots. Due to this, in 2023, the AI Girlfriend market was worth $2.8 billion.

How Common is Sexting? 

The practice of sexting has become quite common among the adults aged 18 and above and sexting isn’t considered as a taboo among the people anymore. Around 88% of American adults have reported having sexted in their lifetime and 82.20% reported sexting within the last year itself.

Sexting is a form of communication between romantic partners to increase intimacy and connection and strengthen their relationship. 73.9% of American adults have admitted to sending sexual text messages within a committed relationship. 

  • 43% of American adults claim to have engaged in sexting during a casual relationship.
  • 12.1% of U.S. adults have participated in sexual texting outside of their relationship. 
  • 95.9% of people in the U.S. are likely to use their smartphone or cell phone for sexting activity. 
  • 30% of Americans aged 18 and above have stated to engage in sexting activity in a work environment or outside of the home.  
  • 76.1% of adults are likely to sext from their homes. 

Distribution of Adults who have sent, received, or shared a sext in the US (from 2000 to 2023)

There has been a constant growth in the percentage of users involved in sexting from 2000 to 2023. As of 2000, adults aged 19 years and above shared a sext by 5.6% where 2.7% of users have sent a sext and 10.3% received a sext. Meanwhile, in 2023, the numbers took a massive turn as the percentage of sending a sext reached 76.9% and 87.9% received a sext from others. Even though the number of sent and received sexts has increased significantly over the years, especially since 2015, the number of shared sexts has remained low over the years. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing the number of sent, received, and shared text among Americans from 2000 to 2023:  

Year Sent sextReceived sextShared sext
Source: Statista 

Sexting Statistics by Generation 

Based on a survey conducted in 2022 of online users in the United States, it was revealed that Millennials were the generation with the largest number of adults engaging who have sent sexually explicit messages or images 37% followed by Gen Z in the second position by 20% and Generation X by 19%. Baby Boomers were ranked last in the list by 5%. 

Below, we have mentioned a table showcasing the share of respondents in sexting based on generation in 2022. 

Generation Share of respondents 
Gen Z 20%
Millennials 37%
Generation X 19%
Baby Boomers 5%
Source: Statista 

Sexting Statistics Among Adults 

Sexting is highly common among adults aged 18 and older. Today, most married couples or people in committed relationships consider sexting as a form of digital communication to improve their relationships. Let’s take a look at some of the top sexting statistics among adults: 

88% of U.S Adults claim they have sexted once in their life 

An online survey was conducted with 870 heterosexual adult participants ranging between the ages of 18 to 82 regarding sexting. It was revealed through this survey that around 88% of U.S Adults have sexted (sent or received sexually explicit messages) at least once in their life along with 82% claiming they had done so last year. 

The survey also further revealed that about 74% of participants stated they performed sexting with their partner in a committed relationship. While 43% claimed sexting with a partner in a casual relationship and 12% had sexted someone in a cheating relationship. In addition, the survey conducted also stated that 96% of the participants “endorse” it.

39% of American adults in relationships have stated they engage in sexting activity with their partners 

Sexting is no longer considered a taboo among the audience, and many individuals in romantic relationships consider it a common form of communication with their partners. 39% of American adults in romantic relationships have said they have exchanged sexually explicit messages with their partners as they claim it helps strengthen their relationship and increase intimacy and connection between the couple. 

34% of college students have stated that they have been involved in sending sexually explicit messages 

It is no surprise that a significant amount of college-going students have been involved in sending sexually explicit messages to others. Advanced technology and the accessibility of smartphones among the young audience have increased the possibility of individuals engaging in this activity. Currently, 34% of college students have reported being involved in sexting. 

Every 1 in 5 smartphone users claims to utilize the device for sexting purposes

Today, sexting has become a common practice among smartphone users. Nearly 1 in 5 Americans who own a smartphone have been engaged in sexting activity, sharing intimate text messages or explicit images with another person based on a new survey. The age group that has the highest number of individuals sexting is 18 to 34-year-old male users at 32% and 35 to 44-year-old female users at 25%.

1 in 10 smartphone users aged 55 and above have also sexted 

Sexting is not only common among the younger audience but smartphone users aged 55 and above have also been involved in sending or receiving sexual messages or images on their smartphones. According to a survey, 1 in 10 smartphone users aged 55 and above have sexted at least once in their life. 30% of the parents who have kids below the age of 18 have sexted.

Sexting Among Married Couples

Around 29% of American married heterosexual couples have reported to have engaged in sexual conversations with their spouses via text messages through their smartphones. Meanwhile, 12% of those heterosexual couples have revealed sending nude images to their partners at some point in time.

Sexual talks through text messages  Nude images 
  • The study also revealed that 19% of the husbands and around 16% of the wives have revealed sending sexually explicit text messages at least once a week or more.
  • Among American married heterosexual couples, 12% of wives and 11% of husbands reported sending sexual messages to their partner once every month. 
  • Around 5% of husbands and 3% of wives have claimed to send nude images to their partners once a month or more.

Overall, sexting is less common among married couples in comparison to adults in committed relationships. One of the primary reasons behind this could be age as a large section of married individuals are older and less likely to engage in showcasing intimacy through text messages.

Sexting Statistics Among Teenagers 

Not only adults, but sexting is also a common practice among teenagers aged between 12 to 17. According to reports, 1 in 4 American teenagers have stated they have been involved in sexting. Let’s take a look at the top sexting statistics among teenagers to understand the impact of sexting among the younger audience. 

Share of respondents who have sent sext, received sext, and shared sext (from 2000 to 2023) 

Surprisingly, sexting is not an unfamiliar activity among teenagers, especially in the digital world where most teens already own a smartphone and have access to a strong internet connection. In 2000, the percentage of teens that had sent a sext was 1.9%, while the percentage that received a sext was 9.4, and the shared sext was 5.1%. However, with each passing year, the practice has become increasingly common among the younger audience. In 2023, the share of respondents who have sent sexts was 26.5%, the received sext reached 38.2%, and the shared sext percentage extended to 13.0%. 

Here is a breakdown of the share of teenagers who have sent sexts, received sexts, and shared text from 2000 to 2023: 

Among teens (11-18)Sent sextReceived sextShared sext

Teen Sexting Frequency 

According to a study by American high school and middle school students with over 5500 students aged between 12 to 17 years 13% have reported sending explicit text messages to others while 18.5% of students have reported receiving a sexually explicit message. 

Sent Sext Received Sext 
  • This study revealed about 17.5% of students were asked to send a sext to someone.
  • 12.7% of Male American students between 12 and 17 have reported sending sexually explicit messages to their girlfriend or boyfriend at some point. At the same time, 5.1% reported doing so in the last month. 
  • 8.5% of American females aged between 12 and 17 have reported being involved in sexting with their boyfriend or girlfriend at some point in their life. 3.3% admitted to doing so in the last month. 
  • 6.7% of students even reported sexting with someone not their boyfriend or girlfriend. 
  • 4.8% of male American students have reported that someone shared the information with them without their consent.

1 in 4 American teenagers have reported to be involved in sexting activity

Sexting is a common practice among teenagers as well. According to a study by the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that every 1 in 4 American teenagers have claimed to send a sexually explicit image or text message. Although experts claim sexting is an emerging and common part of sexual development among teenagers it’s important to note that sexting is still considered a felony in 6 states in the US including Georgia, Florida, and Utah. Meanwhile, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Nevada consider sexting a violation, imposing fines, counseling, and community service.

75% of Young People Said Nothing Bad Came of Sexting 

According to a survey conducted by Cybersurvey, it was revealed that around 78% of young individuals have tried sexting before and they say they didn’t find any bad consequences in it. Even though nothing bad has turned out for the young audience, the chances of future consequences are still pretty high. 

In today’s age, everyone has access to smartphones and the internet including minors. The internet has opened gates for various social media platforms and has raised concerns about various age-inappropriate behaviors and activities such as Sexting. A large section of minors might not think of sexting as an issue or major concern. Still, in reality, there are various risks associated with sexting such as the sharing of images and messages to third persons without consent, causing privacy violations.

40% of female teenagers revealed they have sexted as a joke 

According to a report by DoSomething.org, it was revealed that a large number of teenage girls have been engaged in sexting. It also revealed that 40% of the teenage girls claimed that they had sexted before as a joke. 

It also revealed that about 17% of the sext recipients shared the images and texts with others while about 55% shared them with multiple people. Young people might not consider sharing images and texts with others as a concern initially; however, it can cause major issues in the future for the sender and affect their reputation.

There were over 7,000 reports of sextortion involving minors in 2022 

According to the U.S. Attorney’s office, there were more than 7,000 reports of sextortion involving minors seen by law enforcement agencies in 2022 which resulted in 3,000 who were primarily boys. Few cases ever witnessed victims committing suicide. 

The sextortion schemes majorly occur in online platforms where people utilize social media platforms to communicate with young audiences and gain explicit content such as photos and videos from them for financial benefit. Predators often create fake IDs and target minors by becoming overly friendly to gain their trust. 


Sexting is a common practice performed among adults at a large scale to overcome relationship challenges between couples and enhance intimacy. Based on the above statistics and surveys conducted by experts it is clear that the number of people engaging in sexting is rising and accepting sexually explicit conversations in the digital form. Although it is common among adults it’s quite a risky activity when it comes to teenagers and should be avoided by anyone below the age of 18 as it causes various risky concerns such as sharing of explicit images or videos of teens without consent.

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