Category Archives: Stats

AI by the Numbers: 56% of US Companies Doing Business in China Worry about Cross-Border Data Flows

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the health and progress of AI highlighted the concerns of US companies doing business in China, the confidence of psychiatrists in their jobs’ resistance to AI displacement, and the bursting of … Continue reading

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AI by the Numbers: 39% of Executives Worldwide Believe China Will Overtake the US in AI

The recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the health and progress of AI provided new numbers regarding business leaders’ assessment of China as a global AI leader, the current worldwide ranking of China’s AI-related entrepreneurial and research … Continue reading

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60% of U.S. companies expect to be using AI by 2022

Source: Genesys

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AI by the Numbers: 50% Of Americans Optimistic And 50% Fearful About AI

The recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the health and progress of AI found that Americans are evenly divided over its promise or peril while not entirely sure what it is; that they are increasingly unhappy with … Continue reading

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Ranking of Social Networking Sites, January 2018

Source: Statista

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U.S. Pet Stats

[Source: U.S. Census Bureau]

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Internet Trends 2016 from Mary Meeker

[youtube]   [slideshare id=62593113&doc=internettrends2016v20160531mainv03-160531212945]

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15% of American adults are ‘cord cutters’

Pew: Some 15% of adults now qualify as “cord cutters” – meaning they once had either cable or satellite TV but no longer do. Another 9% never had either cable or satellite service. Young adults are the most likely cord … Continue reading

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Google Stats of the Week: Learning by Smartphone

67% of millennials agree that they can find a YouTube video on anything they want to learn. Being constantly connected has trained us to expect immediacy and relevance in moments of intent—the I-want-to-know, I-want-to-go, I-want-to-do, and I-want-to-buy moments. These micro-moments are the … Continue reading

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Mary Meeker’s 2015 Internet Trends (Slides)

[slideshare id=48624910&doc=internettrendsv1-150526193103-lva1-app6892] Update: Video here; BloombergBusiness selects the 9 slides that matter

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