Category Archives: Robotics

Robots Today and Tomorrow (Video)

[youtube] From John Markoff’s interview with Edge: There was a wonderful moment when I went down to cover the DARPA robotics challenge in Southern California. There was a preliminary event in Florida about eighteen months ago where they had … Continue reading

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Robots Beware: Social Skills Gain in Importance

Nicole Torres at A new NBER working paper suggests it’ll be those that require strong social skills — which it defines as the ability to work with others — something that has proven to be much more difficult to automate. … Continue reading

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Google Robots’ Dream Psychedelic Dreams and Lash Out at Humans

The Wall Street Journal reported recently that a Google robot became “exasperated” and ended a conversation “by lashing out at its human inquisitor.” And Quartz reported that “Google engineers sought out to see what…artificial networks ‘dream’ of” and discovered “the subconscious of … Continue reading

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Advice for Knowledge Workers Threatened by Robots

“Man, Machine, and the Future of Work,” an HBR Live event last month, featured Julia Kirby, editor at large at the Harvard Business Review, moderating a panel discussion with Erik Brynjolfsson (MIT Sloan School of Management and co-author of The Second Machine Age), Tom … Continue reading

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Collaborative Robotics Market to Grow 10x to $1 Billion by 2020

ABI Research: Advancements in robotic and control technology now make it possible for industrial robots to expand beyond their traditional manufacturing and automation roles, to support whole new classes of applications, and by extension, new markets. Perhaps the best example … Continue reading

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Who’s Who of the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals, June 5-6

Source: IEEE Spectrum See also DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals 2015  Live video streaming June 5-6, 2015–see twenty-five of the top robotics organizations in the world  competing for $3.5 million in prizes as they attempt a simulated disaster-response course. Update: Taking first … Continue reading

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How Will Robots Evolve? (Video)


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The Apple Watch, Uber, and Robotic Car Service

Tech Crunch: “When you open the Uber app on your Apple Watch, it goes straight to a screen showing how long it’ll be until a car can come get you — no pulling out your phone to drop pins or … Continue reading

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Small drones market to reach $8.4 billion by 2018

The Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) market will surpass US$8.4 billion by 2018 according to new research published by ABI Research entitled Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) Solutions Ecosystem. By 2019 the Commercial sector will dominate the overall sUAS market … Continue reading

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The Evolution of Robots in Film (Infogrpahic)

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