Category Archives: Robotics

The Rise of Robots: Market Overview

CB Insights: Social: Startups here are building consumer-focused companion and entertainment robots. The most well-funded startup on this list is Anki, with $157M in equity funding from investors including Andreessen Horowitz, Two Sigma Ventures, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. China-based … Continue reading

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Robotics: From Tesla in 1898 to Exits in 2011-2016

  PBS: [Nikola] Tesla wanted an extraordinary way to demonstrate the potential of his system for wireless transmission of energy [radio]. In 1898, at an electrical exhibition in the recently completed Madison Square Garden, he made a demonstration of the … Continue reading

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AI Safety and Robotics Laws (Infographic)

In July 1984, a factory robot in Jackson, Michigan, crushed a 34 year-old worker in the first ever robot-related death in the United States.  The robot thus violated Issac Asimov’s First Law of Robotics, “A robot may not injure a human being or, … Continue reading

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Google: Self-Driving Cars are Both 3 and 30 Years Away

[youtube] IEEE Spectrum: In 2011, soon after Google first told the world about the robocars it had secretly been developing, it promised that the vehicles would be able to “drive anywhere a car can legally drive.” Its timeframe for … Continue reading

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The Robots Are Coming: Funding and Spending Doubling

CB Insights: Funding to private robotics companies nearly doubled in 2015, reaching a record high in deals and dollars… Our robotics category excludes drones, but includes robotics companies focused on process and manufacturing automation, agricultural automation, surgical applications, and personal/social robots. Together, … Continue reading

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Driverless Cars: A Misguided 20th Century Idea

IEEE Spectrum: A vision of fully autonomous, self-driving cars allowing human owners to nap or read in the car seems to come from the future. But David Mindell, a historian and electrical engineer at MIT, says that the idea of such … Continue reading

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Connected Cars: A History of Security Vulnerabilities

Chris Poulin, IBM, on Tech Crunch: A Short History Of Car Vulnerability Research In 2010, researchers from the University of Washington and University of California, San Diego published a seminal paper proving that once an attacker has physical access to a … Continue reading

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Will Robots Ever Program Humans?

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Collaborative Drones: Intercepting Balls and Building Bridges (Video)

[youtube] [youtube] HT: Geektime

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The global UAV drones market to grow 32% annually to reach $5.59 billion by 2020

MarketsAndMarkets: Before 2014, the use of UAV drones for commercial applications was highly regulated in countries such as the United States. Post 2014, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has relaxed the norms for the use of UAV drones for commercial … Continue reading

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