Category Archives: Robotics

Robots Enjoy Strongest First Quarter on Record in U.S. and Canada

Robotic Industries Association: North American robotics companies posted the strongest ever first-quarter results, according to the Robotic Industries Association (RIA), the industry’s trade group. Both robot orders and shipments achieved record levels. An all-time high total of 9,773 robots valued … Continue reading

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Robots to Humanity: Don’t Worry, be Happy!

MarketWatch: A service robot called REEM [pictured above] can tackle the question: “Should I worry about AI?” … “The short answer is you do not need to worry about artificial intelligence for many years,” the robot says. “Artificial intelligence requires … Continue reading

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The Next Big Thing in Robotics

Travis Deyle, Why Indoor Robots for Commercial Spaces Are the Next Big Thing in Robotics: Venture funding for robotics has exploded by more than 10x over the last six years and shows no signs of stopping. Most of this investment has … Continue reading

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Industrial Robots Today and in the Future

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Rodney Brooks: How to Make Robots As Intelligent as Kids

[youtube] See also Research Needed on Robot Hands

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Keywords Associated with Robotics

Onalytica analyzed tweets and blogs from the top 100 Robotics influencers and brands between 1st January – 22nd November 2016 and counted the number of times various topics were mentioned in the context of Robotics.

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Updated Laws of Robotics

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Robots Inspired by Animals and Rodney Brooks’ Inspiration

Machine Man: Rodney Brooks, Boston Magazine, November 2014: After getting bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics from Flinders University, in Adelaide, by 1977, [Rodney Brooks, former director of the Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT and founder of iRobots and Rethink … Continue reading

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Robots Take Over the World

Source: ABI/Massachusetts Technology Collaborative    

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Asimo The Humanoid Robot in Action

In 2000… [youtube] in 2016… [youtube] And on Saturday Night Live… [youtube]

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