Category Archives: Predictive analytics

Machine Learning Algorithms

Murat Durmus: an overview of the most proven algorithms that are mainly used in the field of predictive analytics

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The How and Why of Predictive Analytics

Source: Raconteur

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Benchmarking Your Analytics Initiative

Analytics is both the lifeblood and livelihood of digital native companies such as Google and Facebook which thrive by analyzing the data generated by their Web position to drive their access to and engagement with millions of people. This analytics … Continue reading

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DMway Automates Predictive Analytics

In its most recent hype cycle for emerging technologies, Gartner introduced “citizen data science” and “advanced analytics with self-service delivery.” Both technologies were predicted to reach the “plateau of productivity” in 2 to 5 years before The shortage of data … Continue reading

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Predictive Analytics Determine How Much You Will Pay Next Time You Will Fly the Big Data-Friendly Skies

Innovation Enterprise: a visual representation of the user flow and how various data sources play a role in calculating real-time predictive metrics to present you with the right offer at the right time.

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Survey: The Hunt for Unicorn Data Scientists Boosts the Salaries of Predictive Analytics Professionals

Unicorn Data Scientists (upgraded from “sexy data scientists”) are hard to find and are paid more than $200,000 per year. A new survey finds that the rising data science tide lifts the compensation of all other data analytics professionals, even … Continue reading

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The History and Future of Predictive Analytics and Big Data (infographic)

Source: A Look at the History and Future of Predictive Analytics and Big Data infographic

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Bill Bratton on Predicitive Policing, Homeland and Hometown Security

“In preventing terrorism, as in preventing crime, the secret is data, the intelligence that you make out of it and how you use that intelligence,” Bill Bratton told the audience at the CEB TowerGroup Financial Services Technology Conference in Boston. Bratton, the … Continue reading

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The Economist’s Kenneth Cukier on Big Data

Kenneth Cukier, Data Editor for The Economist talks to Fiammetta Rocco, The Economist’s Editor for Books and Arts about Big Data.  See my review of Cukier’s (and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger’s) Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and … Continue reading

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David Smith on Predictive Analytics and Big Data (Video)

David Smith, VP  Marketing and Community Relations, Revolution Analytics, on predictive analytics, big data, and real time at the O’Reilly Strata conference. [youtube]

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