Category Archives: Predictions

Human level AI has been 15 to 25 years away for the past 50

Human level AI has been 15 to 25 years away for the past 50 years — Mitch Kapor (@mkapor) November 12, 2014   Source: Armstrong, Stuart, and Kaj Sotala. 2012. “How We’re Predicting AI—or Failing To.”

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Gartner on Top Trends for 2015 and Beyond

On the occasion of its sold-out Symposium/ITxpo this week, Gartner revealed its predictions for top technology trends, the impact of technology on businesses and consumers, and the continuing evolution of the IT organization and the role of the CIO. Here is my … Continue reading

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The Only Valid 2014 Prediction: Big Data is a Big Opportunity for CIOs

This is the time of the year when forecasters tap their crystal balls to tell us which technologies will shine and which will fade. Given that big data became so prominent in our lives in 2013, it’s no wonder it … Continue reading

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2014 Big Data Predictions from IDC and IIA

Both IDC and The International Institute of Analytics (IIA) discussed their big data and analytics predictions for 2014 in separate webcasts last week. Here is my summary of their predictions plus a few nuggets from other sources. IDC predicts that the market … Continue reading

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Big Data Analytics 2014 Predictions from IIA

Listen to the recorded webcast here. From Sarah Gates’ post: “At the end of the webcast, our listeners voted on which predictions they thought would come true.  The results of the voting are shown below.  If they are right, we … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big data market, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education, Data Scientists, Infographics, Predictions | Leave a comment

Bits to Yottabytes: The Past and Future of Hard Drives

Brought to you by datascience@berkeley: Master of Information and Data Science “Hard drive capacity has increased 50-million-fold since 1956. It took 26 years to create a 1 GB hard drive, but between 2007 and 2011, hard drives quadrupled in size … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Growth, Infographics, Predictions | Leave a comment

On Big Data, Economics, Science, and Predictions

  “…many economists don’t seem troubled when they make predictions that go wrong. Readers of Paul Krugman and other like-minded commentators are familiar with their repeated complaints about the refusal of economists to revise their theories in the face of recalcitrant facts. … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Backlash, Data Science, Predictions | Leave a comment

The ‘End of Innovation’ Crowd Doesn’t Get IT

Recently, a fierce debate has taken place among prominent economists, with important implications for businesses everywhere. Should they prepare for a future characterized by little innovation or for a future dominated by accelerated innovation? In one camp are economists such … Continue reading

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Moju Labs’ Smart Album: The Killer App for Google Glass?

Mok Oh wants to create a “Smart Photo Album.” I think it may well be the killer app for Google Glass. The most talked-about gadget of the moment, proudly displayed by only a handful of carefully selected  early users, The Glass has … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Predictions, startups | Leave a comment

Peter Drucker on Big Data

Rick Wartzman writes today on in “Peter Drucker and the Big Data Revolution” about a 1955 meeting between Peter Drucker and IBM’s executives in which Drucker praised them for delivering  “what the customer considers value”: They “come to you because … Continue reading

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