Category Archives: Predictions

28 Numbers from IDC about IT Futures

  By 2020, almost 50% of IT budgets will be tied into DX (digital transformation) initiatives. By 2018, Line of Business (LOB) executives will control 45%+ of all IT spending worldwide, over 60% in the U.S. By 2017, over 50% … Continue reading

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The Evolution of Biotechnology 8000 BC to Near Future (Infographic)

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Why The Future Is Not What It Used To Be

The IEEE Computer Society published in March a report titled “What Will Our World Look Like in 2022?” It identified 23 technology areas that we can expect to disrupt the state-of-the-art. These range from medical robotics to big data and … Continue reading

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Gordon Moore on 50 Years of “Moore’s Law”


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I disrupt, you disrupt, we all disrupt

[slideshare id=46950559&doc=nodslideshare-150413144357-conversion-gate01] From the blurb to the book No Ordinary Disruption: The Four Global Forces Breaking All the Trends Based on years of research by the directors of the McKinsey Global Institute, No Ordinary Disruption: The Four Forces Breaking all the … Continue reading

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3 Surprising Digital Bets for 2015 (Infographic)

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2015 Predictions for the Big Data Analytics Market

The big data and analytics market will reach $125 billion worldwide in 2015, according to IDC. Both IDC and The International Institute of Analytics (IIA) discussed their big data and analytics predictions for 2015 in separate webcasts last month. Here are … Continue reading

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Top 2015 Technology Predictions from IDC

In a recent webcast (and accompanying report), IDC issued its top 10 predictions for 2015. IDC’s Frank Gens advised companies in all industries to “Amazon” themselves, but also predicted that the best job of “Amazoning” will be done by Amazon itself. … Continue reading

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Predictions for CMOs and Digital Marketing in 2015

In 2015, digital marketing budgets will increase by 8%, according to a recent Gartner’s CMO Spend Report, a survey of 315 marketing decision makers representing organizations with more than $500 million in annual revenue. Customer experience is the top innovation … Continue reading

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Top 2015 IT Predictions from Forrester Research

The analysts at Forrester Research have been blogging about their top IT predictions for 2015. Here’s my take on the predictions which cover all IT trends, technologies, opportunities and challenges, from mobile to security and big data analytics and from the Internet of … Continue reading

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