Category Archives: Predictions

IDC 2020 IT Predictions

The focus for IDC’s 10 predictions for next year and beyond is the rise of the digital economy. By 2023, IDC predicts, over half (52%) of global GDP will be accounted for by digitally transformed enterprises. This digital tipping point … Continue reading

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2018 Predictions: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

It is somewhat safe to predict that AI will continue to be at the top of the hype cycle in 2018. But the following 51 predictions also envision it becoming more practical and useful, automating some jobs and augmenting many … Continue reading

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2018 Predictions: The Internet of Things (IoT)

In a recent report, Predictions 2018: IoT Moves From Experimentation To Business Scale, Forrester Research predicts that the IoT will become the backbone of future customer value, the IoT infrastructure will shift to the edge and to specialized IoT platforms, developers … Continue reading

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2018 Predictions for AI, Big Data, and Analytics

A recent Forrester Research report, Predictions 2018: The Honeymoon For AI Is Over, predicts that in 2018 enterprises will finally move beyond the hype to recognize that AI requires hard work—planning, deploying, and governing it correctly. But Forrester also promises improvements: … Continue reading

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A Timeline of Future Technologies 2019-2055

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IDC: Top 2017 Predictions

IDC released its 10 IT industry predictions for 2017 in a webcast with Frank Gens, IDC’s senior vice president and chief analyst. The predictions covered many trends driving success today and in the future, from how the entire global economy … Continue reading

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Artificial Intelligence: 2017 Predictions from Forrester

 Insights matter. Businesses that use artificial intelligence (AI), big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to uncover new business insights “will steal $1.2 trillion per annum from their less informed peers by 2020.” So says Forrester in a … Continue reading

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IIA, Forrester, IDC, and Gartner on the Future of Big Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing

Big data analytics is the next trillion-dollar market, says Michael Dell. IDC has a more modest and specific prediction, forecasting the market for big data technology and services to grow at a 23.1% compound annual growth rate, reaching $48.6 billion … Continue reading

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Technologies Shaping the Future: #cloud, #mobile, #IoT, #cognitive

Source: World Economic Forum

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7 Predictions for 2016 from IDC

Issuing IDC’s top 10 predictions for 2016, chief analyst Frank Gens advised enterprises to transform or die, noting that the overarching theme for 2016 is “digital transformation scales up.” Scale is the “critical ingredient in the unfolding battle for digital … Continue reading

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