Category Archives: Misc

Internet of Things (IoT) Predictions

For the third year in a row, the Internet of Things has dominated CES. More than 900 companies out of 3,800 at the show said they had Internet of Things products. Andrew Begin at Mirum observed that the IoT has … Continue reading

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Quantum Computing in 2024

Quantum computing startup Oxford Ionics has raised £30 million in Series A funding. Read more

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Cyberbullying Facts & Statistics (2024)

Cyberbullying is harassment or bullying that takes place through digital services. Cyberbullying comprises offensive, hateful, degrading, and mean content, text, and messages shared to embarrass an individual. At times, the content or text shared by a bully can make someone … Continue reading

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Ransomware Mitigation Strategies for Businesses

If you click on an email and suddenly, your files are locked. Your computer screen displays a message: send $2,000 in Bitcoin within 3 days or your files will be deleted forever. You’ve just become the victim of ransomware, malicious … Continue reading

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A New Online Community for University Students

Kempus is an online community where students can connect and share course reviews anonymously. Read more

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Quantum Motion Bets on Silicon

Quantum computing continues to be one of the few hot spots in the venture capital landscape. Read more

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To Marry or Not to Marry

That is the question Read more

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Free Subscription!

A Pressed Data Byte, a Daily Delight. Morsels from the past, present, and future of data, information, modern computing (so-called “artificial intelligence”), and knowledge acquisition and transmission. Read

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Private and Public Support for Quantum Computing Worldwide

Intensity of quantum technology investments and initiatives increases globally. Read more

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New Funding for Neutral Atoms

PASQAL’s technology is based on research conducted by the winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, and it plans to deliver quantum computing with major commercial advantages over classical computers by 2024. Read more

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