Category Archives: Machine Learning

Machines vs. Models, Noise vs. Signal

An excerpt from Nassim Taleb’s forthcoming book, Antifragile, was posted yesterday on the Farnam Street blog. In “Noise and Signal,” Taleb says that “In business and economic decision-making, data causes severe side effects —data is now plentiful thanks to connectivity; … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning | Leave a comment

Domain Expertise vs. Machine Learning: The Debate Continues

“The startup’s three co-founders have backgrounds in engineering and data science, but not weather, and there are no meteorological models involved. By keeping weather predictions within a two-hour window, they believe statistics are sufficient.”–Mashable in “Can Statistics Predict Weather Without Meteorologists? … Continue reading

Posted in Data Science, Machine Learning, Statistics | Leave a comment

Domain Expertise vs. Machine Learning: The Debate Continues

By starting to rank all the data scientists participating in its competitions, Kaggle today advanced further its argument that data science is a generic set of skills that can be applied to any problem without prior domain expertise. Talking to … Continue reading

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