Category Archives: Machine Learning

Google: Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks Explained (Video)

[youtube] *Greg and Chris did an AMA on Friday, September 25th to answer people’s deep learning questions. Check out their answers here: *To read more about machine learning, neural nets, and the like – check out the Google … Continue reading

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Pure Play AI Startups are Good Candidates for ‘Acquihire,’ not Outsized Returns

Matt Wichrowski on Medium: [Hypothesis:] Pure play AI and Machine Learning startups make poor VC investments because they tend to exit early, before achieving outsized returns. To test this I examined CB Insights data on the 221 VC-backed AI/ML companies since … Continue reading

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Google Robots’ Dream Psychedelic Dreams and Lash Out at Humans

The Wall Street Journal reported recently that a Google robot became “exasperated” and ended a conversation “by lashing out at its human inquisitor.” And Quartz reported that “Google engineers sought out to see what…artificial networks ‘dream’ of” and discovered “the subconscious of … Continue reading

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John Markoff on automation, jobs, Deep Learning and AI limitations

My sense, after spending two or three years working on this, is that it’s a much more nuanced situation than the alarmists seem to believe. Brynjolfsson and McAfee, and Martin Ford, and Jaron Lanier have all written about the rapid … Continue reading

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Oren Etzioni on Building Intelligent Machines

[youtube] “There are more things in AI than classification… the entire paradigm of classification, which has fueled machine learning and data mining, is very limited… What we need is a process that is structured, multi-layered, knowledge-intensive, much more like … Continue reading

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Josh Wills on Machine Learning in a Business Setting

[youtube] Academic machine learning is all about optimization. Machine learning in a business setting is all about understanding: “My focus is always on how do I understand what the system is doing, come up with new hypotheses about this … Continue reading

Posted in Data Science, Data Scientists, Machine Learning | Leave a comment

SiSense: Scaling Users, Not Data

In a new Saturday Night Live sketch, “Secretary Sebelius” explains that is so slow because it was designed to handle only six users at a time. We’ve become accustomed to everything online slowing down with additional users, but SiSense last week announced the … Continue reading

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Moju Labs’ Smart Album: The Killer App for Google Glass?

Mok Oh wants to create a “Smart Photo Album.” I think it may well be the killer app for Google Glass. The most talked-about gadget of the moment, proudly displayed by only a handful of carefully selected  early users, The Glass has … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Predictions, startups | Leave a comment

LucidWorks: Bringing Search to Big Data

“Search is the UI for data today,” Grant Ingersoll, Chief Scientist for LucidWorks, told the audience at the recent IE big data conference in Boston. Anyone on the Internet is familiar with the search box and can find the data they are looking … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“In traditional biology research, people ask a key question, or run a trial. They make clinical and molecular measurements to address that question. They use some statistics or computation. Then they validate what they’ve found in another, more advanced trial. … Continue reading

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