Category Archives: healthcare

Top Investors in Digital Health

CB Insights: Digital health continues to be a hot category as the number of investors entering the space globally continues to increase, with more than 1,350 unique investors with at least one investment in a digital health company in 2015. … Continue reading

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Precision Medicine Initiative at the National Institutes of Health (Video)


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Gartner Hype Cycle for Telemedicine and Virtual Care

Source:  Gartner

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Comparing Claims Data and EHR Data for the Same Patients

Arcadia Data: In healthcare analytics, Claims data are ubiquitous. They have been available for decades and are highly structured and standardized. Unfortunately, they are also relatively sparse, containing only a handful of procedure codes and diagnoses for each episode. EHR … Continue reading

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64 Healthcare IoT Startups and Market Landscape

CB Insights: Investor interest in IoT startups working in healthcare has grown hand-in-hand with the broader boom in digital health. Increasingly, Internet of Things startups are finding new applications within healthcare and leveraging connected sensors to better diagnose, monitor, and … Continue reading

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32 Artificial Intelligence Startups In Healthcare

CB Insights: We identified 32 companies that are already applying machine learning techniques and predictive analytics to reduce drug discovery times, provide virtual assistance to patients, and diagnose ailments by processing medical images, among other things. The 32 startups on … Continue reading

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Will They Change Our Lives? 69 Healthcare Startups

CB Insights: Healthcare and life sciences companies raised more than $8 billion from VC firms in 2014. And while tech exits may have slowed down, exits of VC-baked healthcare startups have been strong, especially IPOs: there were 61 in 2014 alone.

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