Category Archives: healthcare

Improving Healthcare AI by Fixing Data Quality

Centaur Labs harnesses collective human intelligence to improve the quality of medical data used by AI systems in healthcare applications. Read more

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Sweetch Fights Chronic Diseases with AI

90% of annual healthcare spending in the U.S. are for people with chronic and mental health conditions. AI-based digital health platforms can be used for large-scale prediction, prevention, management, and outcome improvement of chronic disease. Read more

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2 Acquisitions to Advance the Impact of AI in Radiology

Nanox announced today two acquisitions to create a globally connected, end-to-end AI in radiology and population health solution Read more

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How Can AI Help Mend U.S. Healthcare?

The potential for using AI to address some of the long-term deficiencies of the healthcare system in the U.S. has never been greater. Read more

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Top Tech Trends from OurCrowd

Top technologies and startups to watch in 2021 and into 2022. Read more

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AI and Healthcare

Two AI luminaries, Fei-Fei Li and Andrew Ng got together today on YouTube, to discuss the state of AI in healthcare. Read more

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AI and In-Vitro Fertilization

Using big data, AI, and computer vision technologies, Israeli startup AiVF aims to transform the process of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Read more

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AI in Healthcare Now

Kira Radinsky, co-founder and Chairman of Diagnostic Robotics, wants to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. The lessons learned from initial deployments of the startup’s AI-based digital triage platform in Israel and the U.S. and the valuable experience gained during the … Continue reading

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Pandemic Tech Trends and Startups

At the OurCrowd Pandemic Innovation Conference on June 22, 2020, Stav Erez and Dr. Jonathan Wiesen presented the top 10 tech trends emerging from the current global pandemic Read more here

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Will a Worldwide Healthcare Data Platform Help Fight Future Pandemics?

To respond effectively to a global pandemic, governments need to have access to very large volumes of healthcare data, collected over a long period of time with patient privacy protected, and sourced from many locations and populations around the world. … Continue reading

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