Category Archives: healthcare

Machine Doctor Will See You Now?

The future of healthcare with ChatGPT turning into ChatMD. Read More

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Understanding Cancer Resistance Mechanisms

A new research study will analyze cancer resistance mechanisms using several multiomics technologies. Read more

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New Funding Round for Microbiome-Based Therapeutics

Biomica plans to use the $20 million in new funding from Shanghai Healthcare Capital to further develop its pipeline of microbiome-based therapeutics. Read more

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AI Diagnoses Diabetes

The AEYE Health AI model performs better than human experts, diagnosing diabetes from otherwise healthy retinas. Read more

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Funding Health Equity

The Global Health Equity Fund is a $200 million unique financial-first impact venture capital investment fund. Read more

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Aidoc Raises $110 Million for Healthcare AI

The Aidoc AI platform delivers to physicians in over 1,000 healthcare organizations actionable insights derived from imaging data and electronic medical records. Read more

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The State of AI in Healthcare

The impact of artificial intelligence on the healthcare sector in the first quarter of 2022. Read more

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Healthcare Data and AI in 2022

We can be quite sure that the amount of healthcare data in the world will grow significantly in 2022. Read more

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Bringing AI to Bear on Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence

A new report profiles 125 global companies that bring AI tools to the emerging real-world data and real-world evidence industry. Read more

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Managing Data Overload in Healthcare

Navina AI helps physicians manage the healthcare data overload and provide better patient care. Read more

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