Category Archives: Digitization

What Bob Metcalfe Saw

The vision of networked computers led to the reimagining of modern computing and to the restructuring of the business of modern computing. Read more

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No, the #iPhone didn’t ‘change everything’

The iPhone represents the zenith of the most recent stage in the evolution of digitization. Read more

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My First Venture in Data and its Analysis

Discovering the benefits of digitization and the data it produces in a 1980 Israeli supermarket. Read more

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The Digital Transformation of Recorded Music

Find more statistics at Statista Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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Apple Pay to Become the Most Popular Digital Wallet Worldwide in 2020 with 227 Million Users

You will find more infographics at Statista The global number of digital wallet users could double by 2020, according to Juniper Research

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The Rise and Rise of Required Digital Skills

Brookings Institution: In 2002, 56 percent of the jobs studied required low amounts of digital skills. Nearly 40 percent of jobs required medium digital skills and just 5 percent required high digital skills. A lot has changed. By 2016, the … Continue reading

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A Very Short History of Portable Music

You will find more infographics at Statista From BuzzFeed: The recent discourse about AirPods, whether they’re good or bad, or neutral themselves but separating everyone from the physical, echoes what the original Walkman inspired. “With the advent of the Sony Walkman … Continue reading

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From Big Data Analytics to AI: Vodafone and Celonis Mine Data to Improve Business Processes

What if you could put your company through an MRI scanner to get a detailed picture of how well your processes work, see the bottlenecks, and understand the causes of delays, unnecessary costs, and lost productivity? Read the rest of … Continue reading

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Digital Disruption: 5 Top Technologies

Digital disruption is the flip side of digital opportunity. Established companies and startups alike enlist new technologies in the fight to dislodge incumbents, protect entrenched positions, or re-invent entire industries and business activities. To help business and IT executives evaluate … Continue reading

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Charles Bachman on the Shift to Database-Centered Point of View

Mr. Bachman was awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation by Barack Obama in 2012. The Boston Globe: Charles W. Bachman, a software engineer whose creation of the first database management system helped popularize computers in the corporate world and … Continue reading

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