Category Archives: Digitization
Why Ones and Zeros Are Eating the World
30 years ago today, Steve Jobs unveiled the Macintosh. More accurately, The Great Magician took it out of a bag and let it talk to us. The Macintosh, as I learned from first-hand experience in 1984, was a huge leap … Continue reading
The CIO Interview: Annabelle Bexiga, TIAA-CREF
“Innovation is everyone’s job,” Annabelle Bexiga, EVP and CIO at TIAA-CREF told me recently. “The most mundane thing,” says Bexiga, “even stacking servers in the data center, can be innovative if you can think of a different way of doing … Continue reading
A Digital Nation (Infographic)
[Source: U.S. Census Bureau]
What Has Steve Jobs Wrought?
Steve Jobs had an insanely great ride on the waves of digitization that have transformed the way we work and play over the last few decades. But taking a cursory look at the hundreds of tributes published to commemorate the anniversary … Continue reading
What Bob Metcalfe Saw
The vision of networked computers led to the reimagining of modern computing and to the restructuring of the business of modern computing. Read more
No, the #iPhone didn’t ‘change everything’
The iPhone represents the zenith of the most recent stage in the evolution of digitization. Read more
The Digital Transformation of Recorded Music
Find more statistics at Statista Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Apple Pay to Become the Most Popular Digital Wallet Worldwide in 2020 with 227 Million Users
You will find more infographics at Statista The global number of digital wallet users could double by 2020, according to Juniper Research
The Rise and Rise of Required Digital Skills
Brookings Institution: In 2002, 56 percent of the jobs studied required low amounts of digital skills. Nearly 40 percent of jobs required medium digital skills and just 5 percent required high digital skills. A lot has changed. By 2016, the … Continue reading
A Very Short History of Portable Music
You will find more infographics at Statista From BuzzFeed: The recent discourse about AirPods, whether they’re good or bad, or neutral themselves but separating everyone from the physical, echoes what the original Walkman inspired. “With the advent of the Sony Walkman … Continue reading