Category Archives: digital transformation

Gartner, IDC and Forrester on the Future of Digital Transformation

Gazing intensely into their respective crystal balls, Gartner, IDC, and Forrester have come up with predictions for 2016 and beyond, highlighting digital transformation and its impact on businesses and consumers worldwide. According to Forrester, only 27% of today’s businesses have … Continue reading

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Digital Marketing Trends (Infographic)

Source: DazeInfo  

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Re-Engineering IT for Digital Transformation

For many companies today, business transformation means digital transformation. Using information technology to automate and speed up processes, design innovative practices, and create new revenue streams, requires a New IT organization. Crucial to the success of digital transformation is a … Continue reading

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Only 16% of IT budgets are allocated to investments in innovation and growth

While 45% of CIOs identify “innovation” and 44% point to “growth” as their organizations’ most important priorities, only 15% are investing in emerging technologies . Only 16% of IT budgets are allocated to investments in innovation and growth, with the … Continue reading

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The Three Dimensions of Digital Transformation at Capital One Financial Services

“We create an environment that allows our software engineers to put love into the product,” Chandra Dhandapani told me in a recent phone interview. She is Senior Vice President, CIO and Digital Transformation Leader at Capital One Financial Services, the … Continue reading

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