Category Archives: digital transformation

Digital Transformation: Most Valuable US Companies, 1917-2017

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist  

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Digital Transformation: China As Number One


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2017 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies: AI, AR/VR, Digital Platforms

Gartner: The emerging technologies on the Gartner Inc. Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2017 reveal three distinct megatrends that will enable businesses to survive and thrive in the digital economy over the next five to 10 years. Artificial intelligence (AI) everywhere, transparently immersive experiences and digital … Continue reading

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Digital Disruption: 5 Top Technologies

Digital disruption is the flip side of digital opportunity. Established companies and startups alike enlist new technologies in the fight to dislodge incumbents, protect entrenched positions, or re-invent entire industries and business activities. To help business and IT executives evaluate … Continue reading

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Digital Transformation in Banking and Financial Services: A Report Card

Digital business platform provider Avoka has released its second annual State of Digital Sales in Banking study that measures the digital account opening capabilities of the 32 largest banks in North America, Europe and Australia. The report ranks and compares … Continue reading

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Digital Tipping Points: Bits Replacing Atoms


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The Future of Ships

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Digital Transformation Surprisingly Focused on Operations

CIO Journal: 40.8% of CIOs responding to a recent IDC survey said that the focus of their digital initiatives is “improving operations” a opposed to 35.5% who cited “new products” and 34.2% that mentioned “new markets.”      

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2017 Predictions for Digital Transformation

IDC has released its 2017 predictions for digital transformation and for CIOs, in addition to its IT industry predictions. Digital transformation is a technology-centric transformation, says IDC, that is profoundly changing business and society. Here is what IDC expects to … Continue reading

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Benchmarking Digital Transformation

Deloitte: If your organization is moving toward digital too slowly, your people may be looking to leave. That’s one of the findings highlighted here and explored more fully in Aligning the organization for its digital future.

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