Category Archives: deep learning

Visually Linking AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data and Data Science

Source: Battle of the Data Science Venn Diagrams HT: KDnuggets What’s the Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning? Over the past few years AI has exploded, and especially since 2015. Much of that has to do with the … Continue reading

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Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2016: Deep Learning Still Missing

For the 22nd year, Gartner has released its much-discussed hype cycle report on emerging technologies, “providing a cross-industry perspective on the technologies and trends that business strategists, chief innovation officers, R&D leaders, entrepreneurs, global market developers and emerging-technology teams should … Continue reading

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A Primer on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning from Andreesen Horowitz

[vimeo 170189199 w=640 h=360] Things are clearly progressing rapidly when it comes to machine intelligence. But how did we get here, after not one but multiple “A.I. winters”? What’s the breakthrough? And why is Silicon Valley buzzing about artificial intelligence … Continue reading

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Artificial Intelligence Startups in Healthcare

CB Insights: The startups [above] have raised more than $870M in aggregate funding since 2011. This year has seen some notable deals involving companies on the map: New York-based AiCure raised $12.3M in Series A funding and London-based health services … Continue reading

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600+ companies investing in deep learning

  O’Reilly Data: …more than 600 companies have jumped into applying deep learning with real budgets. …about 90 companies (level 3), have made strategic investments in deep learning for their businesses. Another 177 companies (level 2) are developing projects using … Continue reading

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Rodney Brooks on How Shallow Deep Learning is

  WBUR’s Radio Boston: On whether he foresaw today’s robots as a student at Stanford: “I thought we’d be further along in some ways. And, I didn’t imagine lots of other things. At that time, I knew of three mobile robots … Continue reading

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A Reasonable Discussion of Deep Learning’s Great Expectations

[youtube] Luke Hewitt: I have no doubt that the next few years will see neural networks turn their attention to yet more tasks, integrate themselves more deeply into industry, and continue to impress researchers with new superpowers. This is … Continue reading

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Using Deep Learning in Medicine (Video) Jeremy Howard, founder and CEO of Enlitic, argues that the release of Google’s TensorFlow will have an impact similar to the release of the C programming language and that Deep Learning will have an impact similar to that of … Continue reading

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John Markoff on automation, jobs, Deep Learning and AI limitations

My sense, after spending two or three years working on this, is that it’s a much more nuanced situation than the alarmists seem to believe. Brynjolfsson and McAfee, and Martin Ford, and Jaron Lanier have all written about the rapid … Continue reading

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