Category Archives: deep learning

AI by the Numbers: Would You Like AI to Help Your Doctor?

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the progress of AI highlighted US consumers’ interest in AI working alongside their physicians, the current porn-heavy state of deepfakes, the potential business benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and the … Continue reading

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Father of Deep Learning on its Current Limitations and Intel Experts on its Superpowers

Asked what is the biggest misconception about AI, Yoshua Bengio answered without hesitation “AI is not magic.” Winner of the 2018 Turing Award (with the other “fathers of the deep learning revolution,” Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun), Bengio spoke at … Continue reading

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AI by the numbers: Surveys and forecasts, July 2019

What is the state-of-AI in July 2019? Recent surveys, studies, and forecasts illustrate future expectations and current realities regarding the impact of AI on jobs; the conditions, challenges, and benefits of AI adoption; and bits of data related to data … Continue reading

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State of AI Report, June 28, 2019

[slideshare id=151804430&doc=stateofaireport2019-shared-190625173122] Source: State of AI Report

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Facebook, Amazon, Disney Practice AI and GE, DBS, BNY Mellon Do Digital Transformation

Searching recently for evidence of artificial intelligence taking over our jobs, lives, and everything else, Tom Davenport came up empty. “Nary a robot overlord to be found,” he declared at the 14th  MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. A day later, at the … Continue reading

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Richard Socher, Salesforce (Emerging AI Leaders Series)

“AI teaches us who we are,” says Richard Socher. The recent rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence is the result of successfully processing “a large amount of known training data, doing things [the computer] has seen before,” he … Continue reading

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Deep Learning, Not AI, Most Effective Term in Job Listings

Textio: These phrases appear to be following the pattern of big data before them. As AI language has become more common in job ads, the less interesting it has become to potential job applicants. No surprise: when everyone is using the same language, … Continue reading

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Deep Learning Drives Great Progress in Online Translations

Recent translation from Italian to English on Facebook: The Flea market of square has no longer existed for a few years in its original place in square square. It has been moved against the will and protests of the owners … Continue reading

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Data Is Eating the World: Invigorating AI Research and Applications

Source: The data that transformed AI research—and possibly the world See also: Data is Eating the World: A New Economy Data is Eating the World: 163 Trillion Gigabytes Will Be Created in 2025 Data Is Eating the World: Enterprise Edition Data Is Eating the … Continue reading

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Top Data Science, Big Data, and Deep Learning Tools and Programming Languages

Source: The 18th annual KDnuggets Software Poll

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