Category Archives: deep learning

Generative AI that Creates Video and Animation from Text Prompts

The first multimodal generative AI video platform to combine text, image and animation in one interface. Read more

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Practical AI

Practical AI is the successful (and unsuccessful) learning from data by enterprises. Read more

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What is the Real-World Impact of AI?

It’s difficult to measure the real-world impact of AI because “artificial intelligence” is poorly defined. Read more

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Northeastern University Launches The Institute For Experiential AI

Aiming to answer these questions, Northeastern University launched earlier this month a new research center, the Institute for Experiential AI. It is a part of the Roux Institute in Portland, Maine, established by Northeastern two years ago with a $100 million grant from … Continue reading

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AI Embraces and Extends Statistics

In the sixty years since Arthur Samuel first published his seminal machine learning work, artificial intelligence has advanced from being not as smart as a flatworm to having less common sense than a house cat. Read more

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Best of 2019: Bengio and Intel on Why AI is Not Magic

[September 20, 2019] Asked what is the biggest misconception about AI, Yoshua Bengio answered without hesitation “AI is not magic.” Winner of the 2018 Turing Award (with the other “fathers of the deep learning revolution,” Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun), … Continue reading

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What Happened to AI in 2019?

After years in the (mostly Canadian) wilderness followed by seven years of plenty, Deep Learning was officially recognized as the “dominant” AI paradigm and “a critical component of computing,” with its three key proponents, Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Yoshua … Continue reading

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Best of 2019: Big Data AI

[July 1, 2019] In December 2014, I asked whether we were at the beginning of “the end of the Hadoop bubble.” I kept updating my Hadoop bubble watch (here and here) through the much-hyped IPOs of Hortonworks and Cloudera. The question was whether … Continue reading

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Best of 2019: 60 Years of Progress in AI

[January 8, 2019] Today is the first day of CES 2019 and artificial intelligence (AI) “will pervade the show,” says Gary Shapiro, chief executive of the Consumer Technology Association. One hundred and thirty years ago today (January 8, 1889), Herman … Continue reading

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Translating Between Computer Science and Statistics

Terence Parr: “I am a computer scientist retooling as a machine learning droid and have found the nomenclature used by statisticians to be peculiar to say the least, so I thought I’d put this document together. It’s meant as good-natured … Continue reading

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