Category Archives: Data Scientists

Big Data Bytes: Data Scientists Wanted

“Businesses now looking for talent with deep analytical and statistical backgrounds include big publishers, portals, ad networks, and e-commerce sites – just about any company that possesses massive amounts of data. Salaries range from $75,000 to $100,000 for someone starting … Continue reading

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Data Scientist: 6 Definitions

From Simon Rogers, “What is a Data Scientist?”: “Someone who can bridge the raw data and the analysis – and make it accessible. It’s a democratising role; by bringing the data to the people, you make the world just a … Continue reading

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What’s a Data Scientist? One More Definition

Shawn Hessinger at summarizes yesterday’s e-chat with Gartner’s Doug Laney on what data scientists do and who they are. Gartner’s definition of a data scientist: Responsible for mining, modeling, interpreting, blending, and extracting information from large datasets and then … Continue reading

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Big Data Bytes: More on What’s a Data Scientist?

Chuck Hollis calls Data Scientists “rock stars” and argues that they are “a fundamentally different profession with a different profile than the BI analysts that came before [them].  They’re more likely to have advanced degrees, frequently have a background in … Continue reading

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Asking Good Questions is What Will Make Big Data Work for You

Asking good questions as the key to unleashing the potential of big data got significant blog time this past week.

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Big Data Bytes of the Week: The End of Big Data?

The end of Big Data? Based on his discussions with CIOs, reports Derrick Harris at GigaOm, Opera Solutions’ CEO Arnab Gupta “thinks the analytics market will crest around the end of next year as CIOs face enormous data spikes.”  Is … Continue reading

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Crowdsourcing and Big Data

The Wikipedia article on Big Data says it “requires exceptional technologies to efficiently process large quantities of data within tolerable elapsed times.” The examples given (Hadoop, MapReduce, Cloud Computing, etc.) do not include one very exceptional technology, the human brain, … Continue reading

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Data Scientists Wanted

“The United States alone faces a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with analytical expertise and 1.5 million managers and analysts with the skills to understand and make decisions based on the analysis of big data.” –McKinsey

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