Category Archives: Data Scientists

Big Data Will Make IT the New Intel Inside

Tim O’Reilly famously declared in 2005: “Data is the next Intel Inside.” It well may be that big data—the organizational skill of using data as the key driver of performance—will make the IT function the new Intel Inside, the most … Continue reading

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Data Scientists–Dairy Scientists and the Ranking of Bulls

Alexis Madrigal in The Atlantic: “Data-driven predictions are responsible for a massive transformation of America’s dairy cows. While other industries are just catching on to this whole ‘big data’ thing, the animal sciences — and dairy breeding in particular — … Continue reading

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Data Science: Ranking Online Influencers

Data science is the defining specialty of the business of big data and an emerging career path for those who love to find new insights in the gazillion bytes of data created each day. It’s where you find fierce competition … Continue reading

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Big Data: Six Links

Rising demand for big data expertise means rising salaries: “there’s now a war on for analytics experts and information management professionals who can ask the right questions and make use of vast and growing data stores. Need proof? How about … Continue reading

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LinkedIn Ranking of Data Scientists

Data Science Professionals DJ Patil  Data Scientist in Residence at Greylock; Diverse experiences in a wide range of domains.

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LinkedIn Ranking of Big Data Professionals

Big Data Professionals Arun C Murthy Founder and Architect at Hortonworks Inc., VP Apache Hadoop at ASF.

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Data Science is so 1996!

Source: A History of the International Federation of Classifi cation Societies

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Top Ten Kaggle Data Scientists

1. Alexander D’yakonov An academic in the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics department at Moscow State University, Alexander modestly describes his favorite problem-solving technique as “luck.” Despite this, the 33-year-old Russian has earned a reputation for using methods known … Continue reading

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The Rise and Rise of Data Scientists

There has been a 500-fold increase in the number of “mathematicians and information technologists” between 1950 and 2000. Source: Places & Spaces

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Domain Expertise vs. Machine Learning: The Debate Continues

By starting to rank all the data scientists participating in its competitions, Kaggle today advanced further its argument that data science is a generic set of skills that can be applied to any problem without prior domain expertise. Talking to … Continue reading

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