Category Archives: Data Scientists

Big Data Quotes of the Week: August 10, 2012

“With big data, you have only two concerns, but they are, naturally, big ones: where the data will come from and what your company will do with it. Solve these and you have big data licked… IT projects have to … Continue reading

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Mingsheng Hong: The Data Scientist is the New Product Manager

Boston’s new data science-related meetup, The Data Scientist, got off to a great start yesterday with a presentation titled “The Scientist, The Team and The Purpose,” entertainingly delivered by Mingsheng Hong, Chief Data Scientist at Hadapt.  

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Big Data Quotes of the Week: August 3, 2012

“Data is no longer a convenience, it is no longer an asset we need to keep clean and tidy. It is in fact a factor of production. It is essential to the way we deliver our goods and services to … Continue reading

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The Big Data Interview: Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO, EMC

If data sits on a desk somewhere and is not being used, it’s an opportunity wasted Sanjay Mirchandani believes IT has to take the lead in adding value to the business in the form of big data “addictive analytics.” Mirchandani … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“In traditional biology research, people ask a key question, or run a trial. They make clinical and molecular measurements to address that question. They use some statistics or computation. Then they validate what they’ve found in another, more advanced trial. … Continue reading

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The Data Science Interview: Edwin Chen, Twitter

I don’t do pure research—my analysis enables real-world functionality Currently mining terabytes of tweets as a data scientist with Twitter, Edwin Chen studied math and linguistics at MIT and then crunched numbers at Peter Thiel’s hedge fund, Clarium Capital Management. … Continue reading

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The Data Science Interview: Yun Xiong, Fudan University

The Goal of Data Science is to Study the Phenomena and Laws of Datanature Yun Xiong is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and the Associate Director of the Center for Data Science and Dataology at Fudan University, Shanghai, China. … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“This is the first time the world has seen this scale and quality of data about human communication… For the first time, we have a microscope that not only lets us examine social behavior at a very fine level that … Continue reading

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The Data Science Interview: Mok Oh, PayPal

To Do Data Science, You Need a Team of Specialists Currently the Chief Scientist at PayPal, Mok Oh came on board when eBay acquired WHERE, where he was Chief Innovation Officer.  Prior to WHERE, Mok founded EveryScape, a data visualization … Continue reading

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Imagination and Data Science

Today in 1833, Ada Byron (later Countess Lovelace) met Charles Babbage when visiting his house to see a portion the Difference Engine, or what her mother, Lady Byron, called his “thinking machine.” James Gleick writes in The Information: “Babbage saw a sparkling, self-possessed young woman … Continue reading

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