Category Archives: Data Scientists

The Big Data Map (U.S.)

Recorded Future mapped the online discussions of and news about big data related to various cities over the last four years, colored by associated companies, if any are mentioned. New York leads, followed by Boston/Cambridge and San Francisco. Maybe we … Continue reading

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DJ Patil at LeWeb, December 2012

[youtube] Summary of the presentation by Ben Rooney here Update: Ben Rooney interviews DJ Patil [youtube]

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Jeff Hammerbacher on the Future of Data Science


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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“Data is everywhere. It exists. We’re just pulling it into one place and our goal is to make it consumable for teachers”–Fahad Hassan, Always Prepped   “A lot of people are changing their title, but they’re not really data scientists, … Continue reading

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Data Scientists: The Definition of Sexy

I put “sexy” in the title because I’m told that the words in the title make all the difference in getting noticed on the Web. That has certainly proven true for the Harvard Business Review after it included the word “sexiest” in the title … Continue reading

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Data Science Up, Social Media Down

“Data Scientist” Job Trends “data Scientist” jobs Social-Media Job Trends Social-media jobs

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The Trouble with Big Data

Douglas Merrill, former CIO/VP of Engineering at Google, has issued an important warning about big data: “With too little data, you won’t be able to make any conclusions that you trust.  With loads of data you will find relationships that … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Bubble, Data Science, Data Scientists, Predictive analytics, Quotes | Leave a comment

The Data Scientist Will Be Replaced By Tools

We just started to use the term “data scientist” and the demise of this new profession is already predicted? Well, at least it’s not one more “rise of the machines” prophecy; it’s the provocative title of a proposed panel for the upcoming … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week, September 7, 2012

“One of the great and often ignored challenges of Big Data is whether or not historical data is actually relevant to answering a given question”–Patrick Gray, Prevoyance Group “Algorithms can really change the way we use energy and how we … Continue reading

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The Data Science Interview: Mingsheng Hong, Hadapt

Data scientists are data junkies—when they see a new data set they are just naturally excited and can’t wait to explore. Mingsheng Hong is Chief Data Scientist at Hadapt, a Boston-based startup that offers an analytical platform that integrates structured and unstructured … Continue reading

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