Category Archives: Data Scientists

LinkedIn Can Help You Make Informed Decisions About What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up (Video)

Datebeat 2013 – Jim Baer, Senior Director of Data Science, LinkedIn from VentureBeat on Vimeo. More here

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Big Data Analytics 2014 Predictions from IIA

Listen to the recorded webcast here. From Sarah Gates’ post: “At the end of the webcast, our listeners voted on which predictions they thought would come true.  The results of the voting are shown below.  If they are right, we … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big data market, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education, Data Scientists, Infographics, Predictions | Leave a comment

DataKind’s Jack Porway on Data Science

[youtube=] “If you leave an excited data scientist on his own to solve a problem, he’s going to solve his own problem – which is usually parking his car, or finding a bar to drink at. The trick that we … Continue reading

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5 Minutes on the Myth of the Data Science Platypus (Video)

[youtube=] “Data science is in danger of being a fad. Data scientists need to build a reputation for providing actual value”–Kim Stedman

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Big Data Panels at the 2013 MIT CIO Symposium (Video)

[youtube=] Moderator: Tom Davenport, Babson College Annabelle Bexiga, TIAA-CREF; Frank Diana, TCS; Jack Norris, MapR; Keith Collins, SAS Institute; Michael Chui, McKinsey Global Institute Davenport: “I’m going to trademark ‘Humongous Data’” [youtube=] Moderator: Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson, MIT Center for Digital Business Prof. Andrew Lo, MIT Sloan … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big data market, Big Data Practice, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Scientists | Leave a comment

The Age of Big Data: A BBC Documentary (Video)

On predictive policing, making millions with math, and mapping the cosmos [youtube=] Jeff Brantingham, UCLA: “Mathematics gives you the ability to understand exactly why things are happening within the data in a way that gut feelings do not.” See also … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Bubble, Data Scientists | Leave a comment

Competitive Data Science with R and Python (Video)

[youtube=] Corey Chivers presents “From Dark Matter to Whale Calls: Competitive data-mining with R and Python” at Montreal Python; quotes John Tukey “The best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in everyone’s backyard” and updates … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientists, Data Visualization | Leave a comment

A Practical Introduction to Data Science Skills (Video)

Google’s Michael Manoochehri at DataEDGE 2013 presenting an introduction to  data analysis and suggestions for how to become a data scientist (his notes for the presentation are here). [youtube=]

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Scientists, Data Visualization | Leave a comment

On Data Janitors, Engineers, and Statistics

Big Data Borat tweeted recently that “Data Science is 99% preparation, 1% misinterpretation.” Commenting on the 99% part, Cloudera’s Josh Wills says: “I’m a data janitor. That’s the sexiest job of the 21st century. It’s very flattering, but it’s also a little … Continue reading

Posted in Data Science Careers, Data Scientists, Statistics | Leave a comment

John Quincy Adams: An Early Data Scientist?

“Weights and measures may be ranked among the necessaries of life to every individual of human society. They enter into the economical arrangements and daily concerns of every family. They are necessary to every occupation of human industry; to the … Continue reading

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