Category Archives: Data Scientists

Tom Davenport on Managing Data Scientists (Video)


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Data Science at Zillow (Slideshare)

[slideshare id=45132578&doc=pythondatascienceatzillow-150225104833-conversion-gate02]

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Being a Data Scientist in 2015 (Infographic)

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What Data Scientists Do

  Source: siliconrepublic

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Josh Wills on Machine Learning in a Business Setting

[youtube] Academic machine learning is all about optimization. Machine learning in a business setting is all about understanding: “My focus is always on how do I understand what the system is doing, come up with new hypotheses about this … Continue reading

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Doing Data Science at Manheim

As ones and zeros eat the world, data is the new product and data science is the new process of innovation. The International Institute for Analytics predicts that in 2014 companies in a variety of industries will increasingly use analytics … Continue reading

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Big Data Debates: Individuals Vs. Teams

Gregory Piatetsky recently ran a poll on his popular KDnuggets website where he asked his readers to vote for the preferred way to build data science capabilities in their organizations. The poll was prompted by the strong reaction to a … Continue reading

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A Modern Data Analyst

[youtube] The Modern Data Analyst I am the very model of a Modern Data Analyst, If insights you are needing I can whip you up a priceless list I know the hits and clickthroughs and I slice them categorical … Continue reading

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Design Thinking for Dummies (Data Scientists)

[slideshare id=30767715&style=border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px 1px 0; margin-bottom: 5px; max-width: 100%;&sc=no] Strata preview 2014: Design thinking for dummies (data scientists) from Dean Malmgren Data scientists often face ambiguous challenges and, as a group, should use and make use … Continue reading

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2013 Data Science Salary Survey: Open source tools correlate with higher salary

“In our report, 2013 Data Science Salary Survey, we make our own data-driven contribution to the conversation. We collected a survey from attendees of the Strata Conference in New York and Santa Clara, California, about tool usage and salary… What … Continue reading

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