Category Archives: Data Scientists

The Data on Data Scientists (Infographic)

Source: Bob Hayes

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Where should you put your data scientists?

[slideshare id=61486991&doc=whereshouldyouputyourdatascientists-160429025555]

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Data Scientists Spend Most of Their Time Cleaning Data

A new survey of data scientists found that they spend most of their time massaging rather than mining or modeling data. Still, most are happy with having the sexiest job of the 21st century. The survey of about 80 data … Continue reading

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Data Science Skills

Source: Bob Hayes

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Most In-Demand Data Science Skills

Source: CrowdFlower, based on “3500 relevant job openings from LinkedIn.” The folks at CrowdFlower excluded Excel from their list but noted that “that’s still something you see in myriad job listings. Old habits die hard.” Of course, data scientists don’t … Continue reading

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How to evaluate a data scientist

Jerry Overton: What’s commonly expected from a data scientist is a combination of subject matter expertise, mathematics, and computer science. This is a tall order and it makes sense that there would be a shortage of people who fit the … Continue reading

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Who Does What in Data Science (Infographic)

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Survey: The Hunt for Unicorn Data Scientists Boosts the Salaries of Predictive Analytics Professionals

Unicorn Data Scientists (upgraded from “sexy data scientists”) are hard to find and are paid more than $200,000 per year. A new survey finds that the rising data science tide lifts the compensation of all other data analytics professionals, even … Continue reading

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What Makes a Good Data Scientist?

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6 Highlights of a New Survey on Big Data Analytics

A new survey of 316 executives from large global companies, conducted by Forbes Insights and sponsored by Teradata in partnership with McKinsey, provides a fresh look at the state of big data analytics implementations. Here are the highlights. The hype … Continue reading

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