Category Archives: Data Scientists
Cool Data Scientists on Campus
Hal Varian: “Data availability is going to continue to grow. To make that data useful is a challenge. It’s generally going to require human beings to do it.” Source: Carl Bialik, “Data Crunchers Now the Cool Kids on Campus,” The Wall … Continue reading
Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier, authors of the just-published Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, reacted sharply when I asked them if they are cheerleaders for big data, as one reviewer implied. ”We … Continue reading
Big Data Quotes of the Week
“Data is everywhere. It exists. We’re just pulling it into one place and our goal is to make it consumable for teachers”–Fahad Hassan, Always Prepped “A lot of people are changing their title, but they’re not really data scientists, and … Continue reading
Big Data Will Make IT the New Intel Inside
Tim O’Reilly famously declared in 2005: “Data is the next Intel Inside.” It well may be that big data—the organizational skill of using data as the key driver of performance—will make the IT function the new Intel Inside, the most … Continue reading
The Big Data Interview: Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO, EMC
If data sits on a desk somewhere and is not being used, it’s an opportunity wasted Sanjay Mirchandani believes IT has to take the lead in adding value to the business in the form of big data “addictive analytics.” Mirchandani … Continue reading
The Data Science Interview: Mok Oh, PayPal
To Do Data Science, You Need a Team of Specialists Currently the Chief Scientist at PayPal, Mok Oh came on board when eBay acquired WHERE, where he was Chief Innovation Officer. Prior to WHERE, Mok founded EveryScape, a data visualization … Continue reading
Mingsheng Hong: The Data Scientist is the New Product Manager
Boston’s new data science-related meetup, The Data Scientist, got off to a great start yesterday with a presentation titled “The Scientist, The Team and The Purpose,” entertainingly delivered by Mingsheng Hong, Chief Data Scientist at Hadapt.
Data Science is so 1996!
Source: A History of the International Federation of Classification Societies
Data Scientists: The Definition of Sexy
I put “sexy” in the title because I’m told that the words in the title make all the difference in getting noticed on the Web. That has certainly proven true for the Harvard Business Review after it included the word “sexiest” in the title … Continue reading
6 Highlights of a New Survey on Big Data Analytics
A new survey of 316 executives from large global companies, conducted by Forbes Insights and sponsored by Teradata in partnership with McKinsey, provides a fresh look at the state of big data analytics implementations. Here are the highlights. The hype … Continue reading