Category Archives: Data Science

A Modern Data Analyst

[youtube] The Modern Data Analyst I am the very model of a Modern Data Analyst, If insights you are needing I can whip you up a priceless list I know the hits and clickthroughs and I slice them categorical … Continue reading

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Design Thinking for Dummies (Data Scientists)

[slideshare id=30767715&style=border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px 1px 0; margin-bottom: 5px; max-width: 100%;&sc=no] Strata preview 2014: Design thinking for dummies (data scientists) from Dean Malmgren Data scientists often face ambiguous challenges and, as a group, should use and make use … Continue reading

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2013 Data Science Salary Survey: Open source tools correlate with higher salary

“In our report, 2013 Data Science Salary Survey, we make our own data-driven contribution to the conversation. We collected a survey from attendees of the Strata Conference in New York and Santa Clara, California, about tool usage and salary… What … Continue reading

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LinkedIn Can Help You Make Informed Decisions About What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up (Video)

Datebeat 2013 – Jim Baer, Senior Director of Data Science, LinkedIn from VentureBeat on Vimeo. More here

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Big Data Analytics 2014 Predictions from IIA

Listen to the recorded webcast here. From Sarah Gates’ post: “At the end of the webcast, our listeners voted on which predictions they thought would come true.  The results of the voting are shown below.  If they are right, we … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big data market, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education, Data Scientists, Infographics, Predictions | Leave a comment

DataKind’s Jack Porway on Data Science

[youtube=] “If you leave an excited data scientist on his own to solve a problem, he’s going to solve his own problem – which is usually parking his car, or finding a bar to drink at. The trick that we … Continue reading

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On Big Data, Economics, Science, and Predictions

  “…many economists don’t seem troubled when they make predictions that go wrong. Readers of Paul Krugman and other like-minded commentators are familiar with their repeated complaints about the refusal of economists to revise their theories in the face of recalcitrant facts. … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Backlash, Data Science, Predictions | Leave a comment

Big Data Is Neither An Atomic Bomb Nor A Holy Grail

Albert-László Barabási, a physicist and well-known expert in network analysis, published last week an op-ed calling for his fellow scientists to spearhead “the ethical use of big data.” Barabási accuses the NSA of breaking “the traditional model governing the bond between science … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Backlash, Big Data Bubble, Data Science | Leave a comment

MIT’s Sandy Pentland on the Decade of Big Data (Video)


Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Data Science | Leave a comment

5 Minutes on the Myth of the Data Science Platypus (Video)

[youtube=] “Data science is in danger of being a fad. Data scientists need to build a reputation for providing actual value”–Kim Stedman

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