Category Archives: Data Science

Data Science Is Making Trains More Efficient (Video)


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Data Science at Zillow (Slideshare)

[slideshare id=45132578&doc=pythondatascienceatzillow-150225104833-conversion-gate02]

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Profiles in Data: 262 Female Writers on Data Science and Big Data Analytics

[slideshare id=46578194&doc=womenwhowrotetheanalyticsbookfinal-150402083415-conversion-gate01&type=d]   Meta S. Brown: “Don’t miss out on half the talent in the analytics field! When you’re looking for analytics talent, look for women.”

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Practice, Data Science | Leave a comment

The Data Science Ecosystem (Infographic)

  Source: Renette Youssef See also: The Data Science Ecosystem

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History of Data Science (Infographic)

  Source: Capgemini

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Being a Data Scientist in 2015 (Infographic)

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The State of Big Data and Data Science in Japan

  Source: Japan News Compared to other countries, Japan has been weak in the field of so-called big data. The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry plans to launch a free online course on basic data science targeting corporate workers and … Continue reading

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2015 Trends in Data Science (Infographic)

Posted in Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education | Leave a comment

Michael Jordan on the coming big data winter and the state of machine learning

Great Interview in IEEE Spectrum with machine learning expert, UC Berkeley Professor, and IEEE Fellow Michael Jordan: “…people continue to infer… that deep learning is taking advantage of an understanding of how the brain processes information, learns, makes decisions, or … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Backlash, Data Science | Leave a comment

Recruiting Data Scientists to Mine the Data Explosion

  Wes Hunt, Chief Data Officer (CDO) at Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. on recruiting data scientists: Finding talent is my largest challenge. Someone who understands our business, who has quantitative skills, who has the technical skills to create the models, … Continue reading

Posted in Data Growth, Data Science, Data Science Careers | Leave a comment