Category Archives: Data Science

Most In-Demand Data Science Skills

Source: CrowdFlower, based on “3500 relevant job openings from LinkedIn.” The folks at CrowdFlower excluded Excel from their list but noted that “that’s still something you see in myriad job listings. Old habits die hard.” Of course, data scientists don’t … Continue reading

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How to evaluate a data scientist

Jerry Overton: What’s commonly expected from a data scientist is a combination of subject matter expertise, mathematics, and computer science. This is a tall order and it makes sense that there would be a shortage of people who fit the … Continue reading

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The World’s #1 Data Scientist Talks about Data Science Skills and Tools

[youtube] Owen Zhang is ranked #1 on Kaggle, the online stadium for data science competitions. An engineer by training, Zhang says that data science is finding “practical solutions to not very well-defined problems,” similar to engineering. He believes that good data … Continue reading

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Data Science and Measuring Happiness

Is it possible to measure happiness? Can we compare countries on the basis of a universal yardstick for collective happiness similar to Gross National Product (GNP), the accepted measure for a country’s material well-being?  How could data science contribute to … Continue reading

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4 Myths of Big Data Analytics and Data Science: The Facebook Experience (Video)

[youtube] Ken Rudin, Facebook, at HP Big Data 2015 Four myths of Big Data Analytics: If you want to build a big data system you have to use Hadoop–way too narrow of a perspective Big data always provides better … Continue reading

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Tom Davenport on Managing Data Scientists (Video)


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2 New Surveys About the Market for Data Scientists

Two new surveys tell us a lot about both the supply and demand sides of the hot market for data scientists, “the sexiest job of the 21st Century.” On the demand side—the challenges of recruiting, training, and integrating data scientists—we have … Continue reading

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Data Science on Cloud Foundry (Video)

[youtube] Data Scientists frequently need to create applications that enable interactive data exploration, deliver predictive analytics APIs or simply publish results. Cloud Foundry provides an ideal platform for data scientists by making it easy to quickly deploy data driven … Continue reading

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3 Recent Books on Data Mining, Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Now that most of the hype around big data has died down, overtaken by the buzz over the Internet of Things, we are sometimes treated to serious discussions of the state-of-the-art (or science, for that matter) in data analysis. If … Continue reading

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What is Data Science? (Video)


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