Category Archives: Data Science

Data Science Skills: Domain Expertise, Programming, Statistics

Source: Business Over Broadway Based on a study of 620+ data professionals, we found that data science skills fall into three broad areas: domain expertise (in our case, business), technology/programming and math/statistics.

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Pressed Data: Best of 2016

  In Pressed Data, my column, I try to chronicle the evolution of digital technologies, their business impact, and the people behind the innovations, business models, and new ideas. In 2016, I covered artificial intelligence—the 60-year-old new new thing, … Continue reading

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Predicting the Presidential Election: What Went Wrong? (Part 2)

Wall Street Journal: When asked about what qualities matter most, about four in 10 people picked the ability to bring about change, and Mr. Trump won more than 80% of their votes. Mrs. Clinton was heavily favored by voters who … Continue reading

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Predicting the Presidential Election: What Went Wrong?

KDnuggets: …a good lesson for Data Scientists is to question their assumptions and to be especially skeptical when predicting a rare event with limited history using human behavior.

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Visually Linking AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data and Data Science

Source: Battle of the Data Science Venn Diagrams HT: KDnuggets What’s the Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning? Over the past few years AI has exploded, and especially since 2015. Much of that has to do with the … Continue reading

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A Career in Data Science: Bob Rogers, Chief Data Scientist, Intel

  “Business leaders want ‘the answer,’” says Bob Rogers, Chief Data Scientist for Big Data Solutions at Intel. But data scientists must understand what “the answer” means in the specific business context and communicate the expected impact in the language … Continue reading

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Top 10 Programming Languages 2016

IEEE Spectrum: After two years in second place, C has finally edged out Java for the top spot. Staying in the top five, Python has swapped places with C++ to take the No. 3 position, and C# has fallen out … Continue reading

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Tom Davenport on 4 Eras of Information

From Tom Davenport’s keynote at the MIT Chief Data Officer and Information Quality (#MITCDOIQ) Symposium. Here’s his interview at the conference with TheCube: [youtube]

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Data Scientists Spend Most of Their Time Cleaning Data

A new survey of data scientists found that they spend most of their time massaging rather than mining or modeling data. Still, most are happy with having the sexiest job of the 21st century. The survey of about 80 data … Continue reading

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Data Science Skills

Source: Bob Hayes

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